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INetworkLoader3 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > NetworkAnalysis > ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalysis > Interfaces > IN > INetworkLoader3 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalysis)  

INetworkLoader3 Interface

Provides access to members that specify parameters for creating a new geometric network.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The INetworkLoader3 interface contains methods and properties used for establishing and snapping features in your geometric network.  Most of these methods and properties have to do with establishing connecting based on z values, in addition to the traditional x,y values.  While snapping and connectivity with z values is supported during creation they are not maintained during editing.  In this case; you can think of creating goemtric networks based on z values as being read-only; once they are edited; the connectivity may no longer be valid.


Name Description
Method AddFeatureClass Adds a feature class to the new geometric network.
Method AddWeight Adds a weight to the new geometric network.
Method AddWeightAssociation Adds an association between a network weight and a feature class attribute.
Method CanUseFeatureClass Determines if the given feature class can participate in a network.
Read-only property CanUseZs Indicates if Z coordinates are used for snapping and connectivity.
Method CheckAncillaryRoleField Determines whether the given AncillaryRole field is valid.
Method CheckEnabledDisabledField Determines whether the given Enabled field is valid.
Write-only property ConfigurationKeyword Configuration keyword for the new geometric network.
Read-only property DefaultSnapTolerance Default nonzero XY cluster tolerance.
Read-only property DefaultZSnapTolerance Default nonzero Z cluster tolerance.
Read-only property ErrorTableName Name of the table containing errors encountered while building the new geometric network.
Write-only property FeatureDatasetName Feature dataset name to where the new geometric network is to be created.
Method LoadNetwork Creates the new geometric network inside the feature dataset.
Read-only property MaxSnapTolerance Maximum nonzero XY cluster tolerance.
Read-only property MaxZSnapTolerance Maximum nonzero Z cluster tolerance.
Read-only property MinSnapTolerance Minimum nonzero snap tolerance for creating a new geometric network.
Read-only property MinZSnapTolerance Minimum nonzero Z cluster tolerance.
Write-only property NetworkName Name of the new geometric network.
Write-only property NetworkType Network type of the new geometric network.
Read-only property NumInvalidFeatures Number of features with invalid geometry in the given feature class.
Write-only property PreserveEnabledValues Indicates if the Network Loader should preserve the values in the existing Enabled fields.
Method PutAncillaryRole Specifies the ancillary role attribute field for the specified feature class.
Method PutEnabledDisabledFieldName Specifies the enabled/disabled field for the specified feature class.
Write-only property SnapTolerance Snap tolerance to be used in creating the new geometric network.
Read-only property TotalNumInvalidFeatures Total number of features with invalid geometry.
Write-only property UseXYsForSnapping Indicates if the feature classes are snapped on XY plane.
Write-only property UseZs Indicates if Z coordinates are used for snapping and connectivity.
Write-only property ZSnapTolerance Snap tolerance for Z coordinates.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
INetworkLoader2 Provides access to members that specify parameters for creating a new geometric network.
INetworkLoader Provides access to members used to create a new geometric network.

CoClasses that implement INetworkLoader3

CoClasses and Classes Description
NetworkLoader A container for specifying the parameters for building a geometric network.