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Rectangular shape that encloses the PageLayout.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property FullExtent As IEnvelope
[C#] public IEnvelope FullExtent {get; set;}
HRESULT get_FullExtent(
HRESULT put_FullExtent(
Returns or sets an envelope object which by default is the PageLayout's page size expanded by a factor of 1.9 and which is automatically set whenever the page size changes. Setting the FullExtent triggers the IPageLayoutControlEvents::OnFullExtentUpated event.
The FullExtent property is a shortcut to IActiveView::FullExtent which is in turn a shortcut to IDisplayTransformation::Bounds. Setting the FullExtent property will not affect the Extent property.
To set the Extent to view the whole of the PageLayout use one of the following:
//Set Extent to the whole Page expanded by a factor of 1.9
//Set Extent to the whole Page
To set the Extent to view the whole of the PageLayout use one of the following:
'Set Extent to the whole Page expanded by a factor of 1.9
'Set Extent to the whole Page