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IPermissionsAdmin2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Server > ESRI.ArcGIS.Server > Interfaces > IP > IPermissionsAdmin2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

IPermissionsAdmin2 Interface

Provides administrative access to the Permissions Store.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


IPermissionsAdmin2 provides methods to Allow and Deny operations on ArcGIS for Server resources and to retrieve all principals with access to resources.  Additionally, it provides a method to remove all permissions on all resources for a particular principal.

The IPermissionsAdmin2 interface can be obtained by a query interface with the IServerObjectAdmin interface.

When To Use

Use the IPermissionsAdmin2 interface when your application needs to clear all permissions on all resources for a specific principal.

If your application is connecting to the server only to retrieve information about the current state of permissions on ArcGIS for Server GIS resources, use the IPermissionsManager interface instead.


Name Description
Method AllowPermission Grants permission to the specified principal to perform the given operation on the indicated resource.
Method CleanPermissions Removes all permissions for a particular principal.
Method DenyPermission Revokes permission from the specified principal to perform the given operation on the indicated resource.
Method GetAllPrincipals Enumrates all princiapls in the Permissions Store.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IPermissionsAdmin Provides administrative access to the Permissions Store.

CoClasses that implement IPermissionsAdmin2

CoClasses and Classes Description
ServerObjectAdmin The ServerObjectAdmin object which administrates the GIS Server.


The following administration functionality of the ArcGIS Server is exposed by the methods of IPermissionsAdmin2:

Administer role-based ArcGIS Server security:

Get information about the ArcGIS Security mode: