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IRasterFunctionArguments2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > DataSourcesRaster > ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster > Interfaces > IR > IRasterFunctionArguments2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IRasterFunctionArguments2 Interface

Provides access to members that control raster function arguments.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read-only property FileList The list of all files associated with the arguments.
Method FromJSON Loads raster function arguments from JSON.
Method GetValue Gets a named argument value.
Read-only property Names The list of all argument names.
Method PutValue Puts a named argument value.
Method Remove Removes a named argument value.
Method RemoveAll Removes all argument values.
Method Resolve Resolves function variables using a row and set of properties.
Method ToJSON Saves raster function arguments to JSON.
Method Update Updates function variables using a row and set of properties.
Read-only property Values The list of all arguments.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IRasterFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control raster function arguments.

CoClasses that implement IRasterFunctionArguments2

CoClasses and Classes Description
ArithmeticFunctionArguments A class for colormap raster function arguments.
BandArithmeticFunctionArguments A class for Band Arithmetic raster function arguments.
ClassifyFunctionArguments A class for classify raster function arguments.
ClipFunctionArguments The class for a raster clipping function arguments.
ColormapFunctionArguments A class for colormap raster function arguments.
ColorspaceConversionFunctionArguments The class for raster colorspace conversion arguments.
ContrastBrightnessFunctionArguments The Contrast/Brighntess arguments.
ConvolutionFunctionArguments A class for convolution raster function arguments.
ElevationVoidFillFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions)
ExtractBandFunctionArguments A class for band extraction/selection raster function arguments.
GeometricFunctionArguments A class for raster geometric function arguments.
GrayscaleFunctionArguments The greyscale conversion function arguments.
HillshadeFunctionArguments The Hillshade function arguments.
InterpolateIrregularDataFunctionArguments A class for the InterpolateIrregularData function arguments.
LasDatasetToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The LasDatasetToRasterFunction arguments.
LasToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The LasToRasterFunction arguments.
MaskFunctionArguments The raster mask function arguments.
MLClassifyFunctionArguments (esriGeoAnalyst) The ML classification function arguments.
MultidimensionalFilterFunctionArguments A class for multidimensional filter function arguments.
MultidimensionalRasterFunctionArguments A class for multidimensional raster function arguments.
NDVIFunctionArguments A class for NDVI raster function arguments.
PyramidFunctionArguments A class for a Pyramid raster function arguments.
RasterizeFeatureClassFunctionArguments A class for RasterizeFeatureClass raster function arguments.
ReflectanceFunctionArguments A class for Apparent Reflectance raster function arguments.
RegionGrowFunctionArguments A class for a RegionGrow raster function arguments.
RemapFunctionArguments A class for remap raster function arguments.
SegmentToIndexFunctionArguments A class for SegmentToIndex raster function arguments.
ShadedReliefFunctionArguments The Shaded Relief function arguments.
SlopeFunctionArguments The Slope function arguments.
StatisticsFunctionArguments A class for statistics raster function arguments.
StatisticsHistogramFunctionArguments A class for statistics and histogram raster function arguments.
StretchFunctionArguments A class for stretch raster function arguments.
SwathFunctionArguments A class for the swath function arguments.
ThresholdFunctionArguments A class for binary thresholding function arguments.
UnitConversionFunctionArguments A class for Unit Conversion raster function arguments.
VectorFieldFunctionArguments A class for vector field raster function arguments.
VectorFieldRendererFunctionArguments (esriCarto) A class for vector field renderer function arguments.
WeightedOverlayFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) The weighted overlay function arguments.
WeightedSumFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) The weighted sum function arguments.