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IReplicaDescription.Init Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IReplicaDescription.Init Method

Defines the datasets to replica or extract and the output geodatabase.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub Init ( _
    ByVal enumNames As IEnumName, _
    ByVal OutputWSName As IWorkspaceName, _
    ByVal ReuseSchema As Boolean, _
    ByVal deType As esriDataExtractionType _
public void Init (
    IEnumName enumNames,
    IWorkspaceName OutputWSName,
    bool ReuseSchema,
    esriDataExtractionType deType
  IEnumName* enumNames,
  IWorkspaceName* OutputWSName,
  VARIANT_BOOL ReuseSchema,
  esriDataExtractionType deType

Parameters enumNames [in]
enumNames is a parameter of type IEnumName* OutputWSName [in]
OutputWSName is a parameter of type IWorkspaceName* ReuseSchema [in]
ReuseSchema is a parameter of type bool deType [in]
deType is a parameter of type esriDataExtractionType

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


When defining a ReplicaDescription object to use in a check out or a data extraction, this method must be called before using any of the other properties and methods.

The Init method expands the enumNames list to include related datasets that may not already be in the enumNames list. For example, if the enumNames list includes a FeatureClass involved in a RelationshipClass, the Init method adds the related table to the check-out. This is done to maintain the integrity of the geodatabase. The FindTable method and the TableNameCount, TableName and TableExcluded properties apply to the expanded enumNames list.

The expanded list only contains objects that implement ITableName such as FeatureClasses, Tables and AttributedRelationshipClasses. Objects such as GeometricNetworks and FeatureDatasets are included in the checkout, but are not returned from this list. The properties of the objects returned can be used to get these objects if needed.

For the current release, all esriDataExtraction types are valid except esriDataReplication for the detype parameter. The OutputWSName parameter must be a workspacename for a personal or ArcSDE geodatabase.

Set ReuseSchema to True if you intend to check out or extract data to a workspace that already has a schema to match the data to be checked out or extracted. 

To add a FeatureClass from a FeatureDataset, you must first add the FeatureDataset to the enumNames and call Init. This expands the description to include all FeatureClasses from the FeatureDataset. You can then set the IReplicaDescripion::TableExcluded property to false for any feature classes that you don't want to inlcluce in the check-out.

See Also

IReplicaDescription Interface