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ISceneControlDefault Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Controls > ESRI ArcGIS Controls > Interfaces > IS > ISceneControlDefault Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

ISceneControlDefault Interface

Provides access to members that control the SceneControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


The ISceneControlDefault interface is the default dispatch interface that most development environments will automatically expose. For example, placing the SceneControl in a container will typically generate an object called SceneControl1. The properties and methods available directly on this object correspond to this interface, together with container specific properties and methods.

The ISceneControlDefault interface is a 'pure' dispatch interface, so can be extended with new properties and methods at future releases of ArcGIS. The methods and properties are identical to the highest numbered main interface on the SceneControl. For example, ISceneControlDefault is equivalent to ISceneControl, but at future releases this could become ISceneControl2. By using the ISceneControlDefault interface you are guaranteed to always have access to the latest SceneControl. 

There is a small performance overhead in making calls through to a pure dispatch interface, but to avoid this you can QI to a specific interface. In some development environments it is not possible to QI directly on the control to other COM interfaces, because the control is contained within a wrapper object. Use the Object property to get the real control before performing the QI.


Name Description
Method AboutBox Displays a dialog of information about the SceneControl.
Read/write property Appearance The appearance of the SceneControl.
Read/write property BackColor Background color of the SceneControl.
Read/write property BorderStyle The border style of the SceneControl.
Read/write property Camera The Camera object associated with the SceneControl.
Method CheckSxFile Checks if a filename is a scene document.
Read/write property CurrentTool Current active tool for the SceneControl. Set to nothing to clear the tool.
Read/write property CustomProperty A property to associate data with a control.
Read/write property DocumentFilename The filename of the last scene document loaded into the control.
Read/write property Enabled Indicates whether the SceneControl can respond to user generated events.
Read-only property hWnd Handle to the window associated with the SceneControl.
Read/write property KeyIntercept A property that specifies interception of key strokes that are normally handled by the container. When intercepted the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events will be called. This value can be a combined bit mask of esriKeyIntercept enum values.
Method LoadSxFile Loads a scene document into the SceneControl.
Read/write property MouseIcon Custom mouse icon used if MousePointer is 99.
Read/write property MousePointer The mouse pointer displayed over the SceneControl.
Read/write property Navigate Indicates if the SceneControl performs default scene navigation in response to mouse events.
Read-only property Object A property that returns the underlying control. This can be used when the control is inside a wrapper object that has been added by a development environment.
Read/write property OverrideBackColor Indicates whether to override the background color of the scene document.
Read-only property Scene The Scene object associated with the SceneControl.
Read/write property SceneGraph The SceneGraph object associated with the SceneControl.
Read-only property SceneViewer The SceneViewer associated with the SceneControl.
Read/write property ShowSceneTips Indicates if scene tips are shown.
Read/write property TipDelay The delay before scene tips are shown.
Read/write property TipStyle The style of scene tips.

CoClasses that implement ISceneControlDefault

CoClasses and Classes Description
SceneControl Esri SceneControl

When querying interface to ISceneControlDefault in Visual Basic .NET or Visual C# .NET the Object property or container specific code must be used. This is because .NET contains the real control inside a wrapper object known as an host.

ISceneControlDefault sceneControl=axSceneControl1.Object as ISceneControlDefault;

[Visual Basic .NET]

When querying interface to ISceneControlDefault in Visual Basic .NET or Visual C# .NET the Object property or container specific code must be used. This is because .NET contains the real control inside a wrapper object known as an host.

Dim sceneControl As ISceneControlDefault=AxSceneControl1.Object