ArcObjects Library Reference (Schematic) |
ISchematicDiagram Interface
Provides access to members that control the schematic diagram.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Schematics Extension.
A schematic diagram is a set of schematic features (nodes, links, nodes on links, and sublinks) that has been generated using the Generate New Diagram command in ArcMap, the Create Diagram GP tool, or the ArcGIS Schematics API. It is displayed in a schematic layer, which is a composite layer composed of feature layers based on the schematic feature classes associated with the schematic diagram template. The content, symbology, and the way the schematic diagram is generated and displayed is configured in its schematic diagram class. A schematic diagram is stored in a geodatabase in a schematic diagram container; that is, a schematic dataset or a schematic folder of the schematic dataset.
Name |
Description |
AlterBuilderPropertySet |
Changes the builder PropertySet related to the schematic diagram with the new specified builder PropertySet. |
AlterPropertySet |
Changes the Schematic diagram PropertySet with the new specified diagram PropertySet. |
BuilderPropertySet |
Builder PropertySet related to the schematic diagram. |
Class |
The Object Class for the row. |
CreationDate |
Creation date of the schematic diagram. |
Creator |
Name of the schematic diagram creator. |
Delete |
Deletes the row. |
Fields |
The fields Collection for this row buffer. |
HasOID |
Indicates if the row has an OID. |
LastModificationDate |
Last modification date of the schematic diagram. |
LastUpdateDate |
Last updating date of the schematic diagram. |
ModifiedBy |
Name of the user that modified the schematic diagram. |
Name |
Name of the schematic diagram. |
The OID for the row. |
PropertySet |
PropertySet of the schematic diagram. |
SchematicDiagramClass |
Schematic diagram class related to the schematic diagram. |
SchematicDiagramContainer |
Schematic diagram container related to the schematic diagram. That is, the schematic folder or the schematic dataset for the schematic diagram storage. |
Store |
Stores the row. |
Table |
The Table for the row. |
UpdatedBy |
Name of the last user that updated the schematic diagram. |
Value |
The value of the field with the specified index. |
Version |
Version of the database used to create the schematic diagram. |
Inherited Interfaces
Interfaces |
Description |
IObject |
Provides access to the class the row belongs to. |
IRow |
Provides access to members that return information about the row, the table the row belongs to and storing and deleting the row. |
IRowBuffer |
Provides access to members used for getting and modifying a rows values and for getting the fields in the row. |
CoClasses that implement ISchematicDiagram
.NET Snippets
Get A SchematicDiagram In A Schematic Dataset From The SchematicDiagram Name |
Loop On The Schematic Diagrams In A Schematic Folder |
Get A Schematic Diagram In A Schematic Folder From The SchematicDiagram ID |
Generate A Diagram From A Map Selection |
Get A SchematicDiagram In A Schematic Dataset From The SchematicDiagram ID |
Get A Schematic Diagram In A Schematic Folder From The SchematicDiagram Name |
Loop On The Schematic Diagrams In A Schematic Dataset