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IServerObjectAdmin4.IsSecurityEnabled Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

IServerObjectAdmin4.IsSecurityEnabled Property

Indicates whether security is switched on or off.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property IsSecurityEnabled As Boolean
public bool IsSecurityEnabled {get; set;}
HRESULT get_IsSecurityEnabled(
  Boolean* pVal
HRESULT put_IsSecurityEnabled(

Parameters pVal [out, retval]
pVal is a parameter of type bool* pVal [in]
pVal is a parameter of type bool

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


IsSecurityEnabled has a Default value of OFF.


This switch does NOT affect

-          any methods called on IServerObjectAdmin, IServerObjectAdmin2 or IServerObjectAdmin3

-          any methods called on IServerObjectManager, IServerObjectManager2, IServerObjectManager3 or IServerObjectManager4 obtained from IGISServerConnection.ServerObjectManager..

This swtich DOES affect the following IServerObjectManager methods only when the interfaces are accessed through IGISServerConnection2.ServerObjectManager:





In the case that a user does not have permissions to access a particular resource (e.g configuration or folder ), each of the methods above will return ACCESSDENIED errors and produce the following error message:

"User X does not have sufficient permissions to access Y."

When a user obtains a list of configurations, configurationInfos or Folders it will NOT contain resources to which the user does not have access.


VERY IMPORTANT - If you disable security through the API with a call to IPermissionsAdmin.IsSecurityEnabled=false, you will have exposed all of your web services to the public internet and security will be defeated.  Disable security at your own risk!

See Also

IServerObjectAdmin4 Interface