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IServerObjectConfiguration.Properties Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

IServerObjectConfiguration.Properties Property

Initialization parameters and properties for the server objects created by the server object configuration.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property Properties As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet Properties {get; set;}
HRESULT get_Properties(
  IPropertySet** props
HRESULT putref_Properties(
  IPropertySet* props

Parameters props [out, retval]
props is a parameter of type IPropertySet** props [in]
props is a parameter of type IPropertySet*

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Server objects that are defined by server object configurations have a collection of initialization parameters and properties associated with them. An example of an initialization parameter is the map document associated with a MapServer object. An example of a property is the batch geocode size for a GeocodeServer object.

You can get these properties and change them using the Properties property on the server object configuration. The Properties property returns an IPropertySet. Use GetProperty, SetProperty on IPropertySet to get and set these properties. If you change these properties, you must call UpdateConfiguration to change them in the server object configuration.

You also use the Properties property to get a reference on the PropertySet for a new server object configuration to set its properties before adding it to the server by calling AddConfiguration.



The following are the properties for a MapServer object:

FilePath - the path to the map document that the MapServer will serve. This is a required property.

Example: \\machine\data\usa.mxd

OutputDir - the location to which the MapServer will write its output. The OutputDir is typically a server directory. This is an optional property.

Example: \\machine\serveroutput

VirtualOutputDir - the virtual directory that corresponds to the OutputDir location. This is a required property if the OutputDir is specified.

Example: http://webserver/serveroutput

MaxRecordCount - the maximum number of records returned by the QueryFeatureData, Find and Identify methods on the MapServer. This is an optional property.

Example: 500

MaxBufferCount - the maximum number of features per layer that can be buffered at draw time when using the ExportMapImage on MapServer. This is an optional property.

Example: 100

MaxImageWidth- the maximum width of images (in pixels) that can be produced by ExportMapImage. This is an optional property.

Example: 2048

MaxImageHeight - the maximum height of images (in pixels) that can be produced by ExportMapImage. This is an optional property.

Example: 2048



The following are the properties for a GeocodeServer object:

Locator - the name of the locator that the GeocodeServer will serve. This is a required property.

Example: California

LocatorWorkspacePath - If the locator is a .loc or .mxs file, this is the path to the locator. This is a required property for locator files.

Example: \\machine\data\locators\

LocatorWorkspaceConnectionString - If the locator is an SDE locator, then this is the SDE connection string. This is a required property for SDE locators.


SuggestedBatchSize - the number of records that the GeocodeServer object will process at one time when performing batch geocoding.

Example: 500

MaxBatchSize - the maximum number of records that can be input into the GeocodeAddresses method. This is an optional property.

Example: 10000

MaxResultSize - the maximum number of candidates resturned by the FindAddressCandidates method. This is an optional property.

Example: 500

See Also

IServerObjectConfiguration Interface | IPropertySet Interface | PropertySet Class | IPropertySet.IsEqual Method | IPropertySet.RemoveProperty Method | IPropertySet.Count Property