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IShapeConstructor Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Editor > ESRI.ArcGIS.Editor > Interfaces > IS > IShapeConstructor Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Editor)  

IShapeConstructor Interface

Provides access to a Shape Constructor to be hosted by tools that build sketches.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Name Description
Method Activate Prepares a shape constructor to begin receiving events.
Read-only property Active Indicates whether the constructor is currently active.
Method AddPoint Adds a point to the sketch.
Read-only property Anchor The anchor of the sketch.
Read/write property AngleConstraint The sketch's angular constraint.
Read/write property Constraint The sketch constraint.
Read-only property Cursor The mouse pointer for this constructor.
Method Deactivate Resets a shape constructor.
Read/write property DistanceConstraint The sketch's distance constraint.
Read-only property Enabled Indicates whether the constructor is enabled.
Read-only property ID Name string identifying this shape constructor.
Method Initialize Initializes a newly constructed shape constructor.
Read/write property IsStreaming Indicates whether stream mode digitizing is enabled.
Read-only property Location The current location of the mouse.
Method OnContextMenu Context menu event occured at the given xy location.
Method OnKeyDown Occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed when this constructor is active.
Method OnKeyUp Occurs when a key on the keyboard is released when this constructor is active.
Method OnMouseDown Occurs when a mouse button is pressed when this constructor is active.
Method OnMouseMove Occurs when the mouse is moved when this constructor is active.
Method OnMouseUp Occurs when a mouse button is released when this constructor is active.
Method Refresh Occurs when a screen display in the application is refreshed.
Method SketchModified Called when Sketch is modified.

CoClasses that implement IShapeConstructor

CoClasses and Classes Description
AngleDistanceConstructor Uses an angle and a distance to create a new point.
ArcConstructor Creates a circular arc segment.
BezierCurveConstructor Creates a bezier curve segment.
DistanceDistanceConstructor Creates a point from two distances.
EndPointArcConstructor Creates a circular arc segment.
IntersectionConstructor Intersects two line segments to create a new point.
MidpointConstructor Adds a point at the midpoint of a line.
PointConstructor Constructor for adding a point to a point/multipoint sketch geometry.
RightAngleConstructor Adds segments perpendicular to the sketch.
SketchConstructor Constructor for the Sketch Tool.
StraightConstructor Constructor for adding a straight line sketch to the end of a segmented sketch geometry.
TangentCurveConstructor Creates a circular arc segment, tangent to existing sketch.
TraceConstructor Adds segments by tracing existing features.

.NET Samples

Points along line construction tool (Code Files: PointsAlongLineTool) | ViperPin tool (Code Files: ViperPinTool)