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ISpatialReferenceFactory2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IS > ISpatialReferenceFactory2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

ISpatialReferenceFactory2 Interface

Provides access to members that create different kinds of spatial reference components. Note: the ISpatialReferenceFactory2 interface has been superseded byISpatialReferenceFactory3. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


ISpatialReferenceFactory2 extends the ISpatialReferenceFactory interface and provides methods for accessing a variety of predefined geographic (datum) transformations and creating any kind of spatial reference (PCS or GCS) from its factory code.


Name Description
Method CreateDatum Creates a predefined datum.
Method CreateESRISpatialReference Creates a spatial reference system and defines it from the specified ESRISpatialReference buffer.
Method CreateESRISpatialReferenceFromPRJ Creates a spatial reference from a PRJ string.
Method CreateESRISpatialReferenceFromPRJFile Creates a spatial reference from a PRJ file.
Method CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem Creates a predefined geographic coordinate system.
Method CreateGeoTransformation Creates a predefined transformation between geographic coordinate systems.
Method CreateParameter Creates a predefined parameter.
Method CreatePredefinedAngularUnits Creates a list of predefined angular units.
Method CreatePredefinedDatums Creates a list of a list of predefined datums.
Method CreatePredefinedGeographicTransformations Creates a list of predefined geographic transformations.
Method CreatePredefinedLinearUnits Creates a list of predefined linear units.
Method CreatePredefinedPrimeMeridians Creates a list of predefined prime meridians.
Method CreatePredefinedProjections Creates a list of predefined projections.
Method CreatePredefinedSpheroids Creates a list of predefined spheroids.
Method CreatePrimeMeridian Creates a predefined prime meridian.
Method CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem Creates a predefined projected coordinate system.
Method CreateProjection Creates a predefined projection.
Method CreateSpatialReference Creates a predefined spatial reference from an srID.
Method CreateSpheroid Creates a predefined spheroid.
Method CreateUnit Creates a predefined unit of measure.
Method ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile Exports a spatial reference to a PRJ file.
Read-only property GeoTransformationDefaults Returns a list of default geographic transformations.
Method GetPredefinedGeographicTransformations Returns a list of predefined geographic transformations.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ISpatialReferenceFactory Provides access to members that create different kinds of spatial reference components.

CoClasses that implement ISpatialReferenceFactory2

CoClasses and Classes Description
SpatialReferenceEnvironment Creates various spatial reference objects.


The CreatePredefinedGeographicTransformations and the GetPredefinedGeographicTransformations methods both return an ISet of all the possible geotransformations that ArcObjects can create. The SpatialReferenceEnvironment maintains ownership of the set returned by GetPredefinedGeographicTransformations. Neither this set nor its elements should be modified.  The Set and transformation elements returned by CreatePredefinedGeographicTransformations can be modified.

.NET Snippets

Get Azimuth from Two Points | Get Distance from Two Points

.NET Samples

Create a raster catalog using the geoprocessor (Code Files: CreateRasterCatalog_GP) | Geoevents in a MapControl (Code Files: GeoEvents) | RSS weather layer (Code Files: AddWeatherItemTool)

.NET Related Topics

Geometry service | How to project a raster with a datum transformation | How to use the IGeoTransformationOperationSet methods | Writing .NET code using properties