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ISymbolLevels Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Carto > ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto > Interfaces > IS > ISymbolLevels Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

ISymbolLevels Interface

Provides access to members that control symbol level drawing.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Use this interface to enable/disable Symbol Level Drawing for a layer.

When To Use

Symbol Level Drawing is useful when creating large scale maps with intersecting and overlapping line features. For example, on a large scale reference map with intersecting highways and streets, Symbol Level Drawing helps you create high-quality representations of the street and highway street intersections.

To set up Symbol Level Drawing:

  1. Turn on Symbol Level Drawing using either for your layer using ISymbolLevels::UseSymbolLevels, or for your entire map using IMap::UseSymbolLevels.
  2. For each layer that you want to set up symbol levels for, access that layer's renderer using IGeoFeatureLayer::Renderer.
  3. Access your layer's symbol(s) through the renderer.
  4. Using IMapLevel, set symbol levels on your layer's symbols. Symbols with MapLevel=0 draw first, then symbols with MapLevel=1, continuing until the highest MapLevel is reached. If two symbols have the same MapLevel, then the features drawn with these symbols are drawn in the normal layer order. A MapLevel of -1 for a multilayer symbol (MultiLayerMarkerSymbol, MultiLayerLineSymbol, MultiLayerFillSymbol) indicates that each of the symbol's individual layers are drawn with their individual MapLevel.


Name Description
Read/write property UseSymbolLevels Indicates if symbol levels are used for drawing.

CoClasses that implement ISymbolLevels

CoClasses and Classes Description
CadastralFabricSubLayer Cadastral Fabric Feature Layer Object.
CadFeatureLayer Esri CAD Feature Layer class.
FeatureLayer A collection of features and their visual representation.
GdbRasterCatalogLayer Geodabase RasterCatalog source and display options.
GroupLayer A collection of layers that behaves like a single layer.
NALayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) The layer for defining, solving, and viewing network analysis results.
ProcessLayer (esriGeoprocessing) A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer.
SchematicLayer (esriSchematic) A Schematic layer object.

.NET Related Topics

How to use symbol level drawing