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A property that specifies interception of key strokes that are normally handled by the container. When intercepted the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events will be called. This value can be a combined bit mask of esriKeyIntercept enum values.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property KeyIntercept As Integer
[C#] public int KeyIntercept {get; set;}
HRESULT get_KeyIntercept(
HRESULT put_KeyIntercept(
Returns or sets keys on the keyboard that will be intercepted by the SymbologyControl, triggering the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events when pressed. These keys are often hidden from the SymbologyControl by the development environment container. By default the KeyIntercept is set to esriKeyInterceptNone.
Many development environment containers use the up, down, left and right arrow keys to change control focus on a form. These keys can also be useful for navigating around the display. To intercept the arrow keys and the Tab key combine the enum values using a logical OR operation (esriKeyInterceptArrowKeys OR esriKeyInterceptTabKey, which is 1 OR 4=5).