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IToolbarPalette Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Controls > ESRI ArcGIS Controls > Interfaces > IT > IToolbarPalette Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IToolbarPalette Interface

Provides access to members that control palette items.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


A ToolbarPalette supplies the implementation of a palette item that can host commands and tools. A ToolbarPalette cannot host ToolControl ToolbarMenu or MultiItem objects. A ToolbarPalette can either be hosted on the ToolbarControl or can appear as a popup palette.

A ToolbarPalette can be built in two ways. Firstly, an object implementing IPaletteDef can be passed to the IToolbarControl::AddItem method which creates a ToolbarPalette object and populates it from the palette definition. Secondly, the properties and methods on the IToolbarPalette interface can be used to build a palette.


Name Description
Read-only property ActiveItem The palette item currently displayed on the ToolbarControl.
Method AddItem Adds an item to the ToolbarPalette.
Read/write property AlignLeft Indicates if the ToolbarPalette displays aligned to the left or right.
Read/write property Caption The caption used by the ToolbarPalette.
Read/write property CommandPool The CommandPool used by the ToolbarPalette.
Read-only property Count The number of items on the ToolbarPalette.
Read/write property Customize Indicates if the ToolbarPalette is in customize mode.
Method Find Returns the index of the first item containing the given command. Returns -1 if it is not found.
Method GetItem Returns the item at the specified index from the ToolbarPalette.
Read-only property Hook The object that is passed as a hook to the OnCreate event of each item's command.
Read/write property IconSize Indicates the size in pixels of icons displayed on the ToolbarPalette.
Read/write property MouseIcon Custom mouse icon used if MousePointer is 99.
Read/write property MousePointer The mouse pointer displayed over the ToolbarPalette.
Method MoveItem Moves an item from one index to another.
Method PopupPalette Pops up the ToolbarPalette at the position specified.
Method Remove Removes the item at the specified index from the ToolbarPalette.
Method RemoveAll Removes all items from the ToolbarPalette.
Method SetHook Sets the object that is passed as a hook to the OnCreate event of each item's command.
Read/write property ThemedDrawing Indicates if the ToolbarPalette uses themed drawing.
Read/write property ToolTips Indicates if the items tooltips are shown.

CoClasses that implement IToolbarPalette

CoClasses and Classes Description
ToolbarPalette A palette containing commands that can be used from a ToolbarControl or as a popup palette.

.NET Snippets

Create PopUp ToolbarPalette

.NET Samples

Building a MapViewer application using the ArcGIS Engine controls (Code Files: MapViewer) | Add map surrounds using the SymbologyControl (Code Files: AddMapSurrounds)

.NET Related Topics

Building a map viewing application using the ArcGIS Engine controls | Using the ToolbarControl