Interface |
Description |
IBitwiseOp |
Provides access to members that control the bitwise operations. |
IConditionalFunctionArguments |
Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions. |
IConditionalOp |
Provides access to members that control the conditional operations. |
IConditionalOp2 |
Provides access to members that control the conditional operations. |
IDensityOp |
Provides access to members that control the density operations. |
IDistanceOp |
Provides access to members that control the distance operations. |
IDistanceOp2 |
Provides access to members that control the distance operations. |
IDistanceOp3 |
Provides access to members that control the distance operations. |
IExtractionOp |
Provides access to members that control the extraction operations. |
IExtractionOp2 |
Provides access to additional members that control the extraction operations. |
IGeneralizeOp |
Provides access to members that control the generalization operations. |
IGeoAnalysisFunctionArguments |
Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions. |
IGPEvaluationScale |
Provides access to EvaluationScale control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPEvaluationScaleType |
Provides access to IGPEvaluationScaleType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPRasterCalculatorExpression |
Provides access to the GPRasterCalculatorExpression object for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPRasterCalculatorExpressionType |
Provides access to GPRasterCalculatorExpression for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSACellSize |
Provides access to cellszie control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSACellSizeType |
Provides access to IGPSACellSizeType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAExtractValues |
Provides access to the GPSAExtractValues object for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAExtractValuesType |
Provides access to IGPSAExtractValuesType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAFuzzyFunction |
Provides access to the fuzzy function object used for fuzzy function. |
IGPSAFuzzyFunctionType |
Provides access to the fuzzy Function type object for fuzzy Function. |
IGPSAHorizontalFactor |
Provides access to the horizontal factor object used for path distance. |
IGPSAHorizontalFactorType |
Provides access to the horizontal factor type object for path distance. |
IGPSAMapAlgebraExp |
Provides access to MapAlgebra control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAMapAlgebraExpType |
Provides access to IGPSAMapAlgebraExpType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSANameDomain |
Provides access to The IGPSANameDomain Domain. |
IGPSANeighborhood |
Provides access to IGPSANeighborhood interface. |
IGPSANeighborhood2 |
Provides access to IGPSANeighborhood2 interface. |
IGPSANeighborhoodDomain |
Provides access to The Neighborhood Domain. |
IGPSANeighborhoodType |
Provides access to IGPSANeighborhoodType interface. |
IGPSANumberRemap |
Provides access to NumberRemap control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSANumberRemapType |
Provides access to IGPSANumberRemapType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSARadius |
Provides access to IGPSARadius interface. |
IGPSARadiusType |
Provides access to IGPSARadiusType interface. |
IGPSARemap |
Provides access to Remap control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSARemapDomain |
Provides access to the Remap Domain. |
IGPSARemapType |
Provides access to IGPSARemapType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSASemiVariogram |
Provides access to Interpolation semi-variogram control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSASemiVariogramType |
Provides access to IGPSASemiVariogramType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAStringRemap |
Provides access to StringRemap control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAStringRemapType |
Provides access to IGPSAStringRemapType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSATextTableNameDomain |
Provides access to The IGPSATextTableNameDomain Domain. |
IGPSATimeConfiguration |
Provides access to the time configuration object used for solar radiation. |
IGPSATimeConfigurationType |
Provides access to the time configuration type object for solar radiation. |
IGPSATopoFeatures |
Provides access to TopoFeatures object for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSATopoFeaturesType |
Provides access to IGPSATopoFeaturesType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSATransformationFunction |
Provides access to the transformation function object used for transformation function. |
IGPSATransformationFunctionType |
Provides access to the transformation Function type object for transformation function. |
Provides access to IGPSAUtil interface. |
IGPSAVerticalFactor |
Provides access to the vertical factor object for path distance. |
IGPSAVerticalFactorType |
Provides access to the vertical factor type object for path distance. |
IGPSAWeightedOverlayTable |
Provides access to WeightedOverlayTable control for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAWeightedOverlayTableType |
Provides access to IGPSAWeightedOverlayTableType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAWeightedSum |
Provides access to the WeightedSum object for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGPSAWeightedSumType |
Provides access to IGPSAWeightedSumType for GP Spatial Analyst. |
IGroundwaterOp |
Provides access to members that perform groundwater analysis on raster data. |
IHydrologyOp |
Provides access to members that control the hydrological operations. |
IHydrologyOp2 |
Provides access to additional members that control the hydrological operations. |
ILocalFunctionArguments |
Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions. |
ILocalOp |
Provides access to members that control the local statistical analysis operations. |
ILogicalOp |
Provides access to members that control the logical operations. |
ILogicalOp2 |
Provides access to members that control the logical operations. |
ILogicalOperatorOp |
Provides access to members that control the logical operator operations. |
ILogicalOperatorOp2 |
Provides access to members that control the logical operator operations. |
IMapAlgebraOp |
Provides access to members that control the MapAlgebra operations. |
IMathFunctionArguments |
Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions. |
IMathOp |
Provides access to members that control the mathematical operations. |
IMultivariateOp |
Provides access to members that perform multivariate analysis on raster data. |
INeighborhoodOp |
Provides access to members that control the neighborhood operations. |
IPathDistanceHorizontalFactor |
Provides access to members that control the horizontal facors used when performing path distance. |
IPathDistanceVerticalFactor |
Provides access to members that control the vertical factors used when performing path distance. |
ITrigOp |
Provides access to members that control the trigonometry operations. |
IWeightedOverlayFunctionArguments |
Provides access to members that setup a weighted overlay raster reduction. |
IWeightedSumFunctionArguments |
Provides access to members that setup a weighted sum raster reduction. |
IZonalOp |
Provides access to members that control the zonal analysis operations. |