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SpatialAnalyst Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (SpatialAnalyst)  

SpatialAnalyst Library Contents

The SpatialAnalyst library contains objects for performing spatial analyst on raster and vector data. A Spatial Analyst license is required to work with objects in this library.


Interface Description
IBitwiseOp Provides access to members that control the bitwise operations.
IConditionalFunctionArguments Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions.
IConditionalOp Provides access to members that control the conditional operations.
IConditionalOp2 Provides access to members that control the conditional operations.
IDensityOp Provides access to members that control the density operations.
IDistanceOp Provides access to members that control the distance operations.
IDistanceOp2 Provides access to members that control the distance operations.
IDistanceOp3 Provides access to members that control the distance operations.
IExtractionOp Provides access to members that control the extraction operations.
IExtractionOp2 Provides access to additional members that control the extraction operations.
IGeneralizeOp Provides access to members that control the generalization operations.
IGeoAnalysisFunctionArguments Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions.
IGPEvaluationScale Provides access to EvaluationScale control for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPEvaluationScaleType Provides access to IGPEvaluationScaleType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPRasterCalculatorExpression Provides access to the GPRasterCalculatorExpression object for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPRasterCalculatorExpressionType Provides access to GPRasterCalculatorExpression for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSACellSize Provides access to cellszie control for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSACellSizeType Provides access to IGPSACellSizeType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAExtractValues Provides access to the GPSAExtractValues object for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAExtractValuesType Provides access to IGPSAExtractValuesType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAFuzzyFunction Provides access to the fuzzy function object used for fuzzy function.
IGPSAFuzzyFunctionType Provides access to the fuzzy Function type object for fuzzy Function.
IGPSAHorizontalFactor Provides access to the horizontal factor object used for path distance.
IGPSAHorizontalFactorType Provides access to the horizontal factor type object for path distance.
IGPSAMapAlgebraExp Provides access to MapAlgebra control for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAMapAlgebraExpType Provides access to IGPSAMapAlgebraExpType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSANameDomain Provides access to The IGPSANameDomain Domain.
IGPSANeighborhood Provides access to IGPSANeighborhood interface.
IGPSANeighborhood2 Provides access to IGPSANeighborhood2 interface.
IGPSANeighborhoodDomain Provides access to The Neighborhood Domain.
IGPSANeighborhoodType Provides access to IGPSANeighborhoodType interface.
IGPSANumberRemap Provides access to NumberRemap control for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSANumberRemapType Provides access to IGPSANumberRemapType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSARadius Provides access to IGPSARadius interface.
IGPSARadiusType Provides access to IGPSARadiusType interface.
IGPSARemap Provides access to Remap control for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSARemapDomain Provides access to the Remap Domain.
IGPSARemapType Provides access to IGPSARemapType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSASemiVariogram Provides access to Interpolation semi-variogram control for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSASemiVariogramType Provides access to IGPSASemiVariogramType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAStringRemap Provides access to StringRemap control for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAStringRemapType Provides access to IGPSAStringRemapType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSATextTableNameDomain Provides access to The IGPSATextTableNameDomain Domain.
IGPSATimeConfiguration Provides access to the time configuration object used for solar radiation.
IGPSATimeConfigurationType Provides access to the time configuration type object for solar radiation.
IGPSATopoFeatures Provides access to TopoFeatures object for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSATopoFeaturesType Provides access to IGPSATopoFeaturesType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSATransformationFunction Provides access to the transformation function object used for transformation function.
IGPSATransformationFunctionType Provides access to the transformation Function type object for transformation function.
IGPSAUtil Provides access to IGPSAUtil interface.
IGPSAVerticalFactor Provides access to the vertical factor object for path distance.
IGPSAVerticalFactorType Provides access to the vertical factor type object for path distance.
IGPSAWeightedOverlayTable Provides access to WeightedOverlayTable control for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAWeightedOverlayTableType Provides access to IGPSAWeightedOverlayTableType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAWeightedSum Provides access to the WeightedSum object for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGPSAWeightedSumType Provides access to IGPSAWeightedSumType for GP Spatial Analyst.
IGroundwaterOp Provides access to members that perform groundwater analysis on raster data.
IHydrologyOp Provides access to members that control the hydrological operations.
IHydrologyOp2 Provides access to additional members that control the hydrological operations.
ILocalFunctionArguments Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions.
ILocalOp Provides access to members that control the local statistical analysis operations.
ILogicalOp Provides access to members that control the logical operations.
ILogicalOp2 Provides access to members that control the logical operations.
ILogicalOperatorOp Provides access to members that control the logical operator operations.
ILogicalOperatorOp2 Provides access to members that control the logical operator operations.
IMapAlgebraOp Provides access to members that control the MapAlgebra operations.
IMathFunctionArguments Provides access to members that specify arguments to local raster functions.
IMathOp Provides access to members that control the mathematical operations.
IMultivariateOp Provides access to members that perform multivariate analysis on raster data.
INeighborhoodOp Provides access to members that control the neighborhood operations.
IPathDistanceHorizontalFactor Provides access to members that control the horizontal facors used when performing path distance.
IPathDistanceVerticalFactor Provides access to members that control the vertical factors used when performing path distance.
ITrigOp Provides access to members that control the trigonometry operations.
IWeightedOverlayFunctionArguments Provides access to members that setup a weighted overlay raster reduction.
IWeightedSumFunctionArguments Provides access to members that setup a weighted sum raster reduction.
IZonalOp Provides access to members that control the zonal analysis operations.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
ConditionalFunction A class for a local conditional function.
ConditionalFunctionArguments A class for local conditional function arguments.
GPEvaluationScale GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst EvaluationScale object.
GPEvaluationScaleType GeoProcessor EvaluationScale Type object.
GPRasterCalculatorExpression GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression object.
GPRasterCalculatorExpressionType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression Type object.
GPSACellSize GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize object.
GPSACellSizeType GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize Type object.
GPSAExtractValues GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues object.
GPSAExtractValuesType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues Type object.
GPSAFuzzyFunction GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function object.
GPSAFuzzyFunctionType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function type object.
GPSAHorizontalFactor GeoProcessor path distance horizontal function object.
GPSAHorizontalFactorType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst HorizontalFactor type object.
GPSAMapAlgebraExp GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra object.
GPSAMapAlgebraExpType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra Type object.
GPSANameDomain GPSAName Domain in geo-processing.
GPSANeighborhood GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood object.
GPSANeighborhoodDomain Neighborhood Domain in geo-processing.
GPSANeighborhoodType GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood Type object.
GPSANumberRemap GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap object.
GPSANumberRemapType GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap Type object.
GPSARadius GeoProcessor Spatial Radius object.
GPSARadiusType GeoProcessor Spatial Radius Type object.
GPSARemapDomain Remap Domain in geo-processing.
GPSASemiVariogram GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram object.
GPSASemiVariogramType GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram Type object.
GPSAStringRemap GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap object.
GPSAStringRemapType GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap Type object.
GPSATextTableNameDomain GPSAName Domain in geo-processing.
GPSATimeConfiguration GeoProcessor solar-radiation time configuration object.
GPSATimeConfigurationType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TimeConfiguration type object.
GPSATopoFeatures GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures object.
GPSATopoFeaturesType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures Type object.
GPSATopoFeaturesTypeName GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures Type Name object.
GPSATransformationFunction GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst transformation function object.
GPSATransformationFunctionType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst transformation function type object.
GPSAUtil GeoProcessor Spatial SpatialUtil object.
GPSAVerticalFactor GeoProcessor path distance vertical function object.
GPSAVerticalFactorType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst VerticalFactor type object.
GPSAWeightedOverlayTable GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedOverlayTable object.
GPSAWeightedOverlayTableType GeoProcessor WeightedOverlayTable Type object.
GPSAWeightedSum GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum object.
GPSAWeightedSumType GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum Type object.
LocalFunction A class for a local raster function.
LocalFunctionArguments A class for local function arguments.
MathFunction A class for a local math function.
MathFunctionArguments A class for math function arguments.
PathDistanceHorizontalFactor Path distance horizontal function object.
PathDistanceVerticalFactor Path distance vertical function object.
RasterConditionalOp A mechanism for performing conditional operations on rasters.
RasterDensityOp A mechanism for performing density operations on rasters.
RasterDistanceOp A mechanism for performing distance operations on rasters.
RasterExtractionOp A mechanism for performing operations that extract cells from rasters.
RasterGeneralizeOp A mechanism for performing simplifying operations on rasters.
RasterGroundwaterOp A mechanism for performing groundwater operations on rasters.
RasterHydrologyOp A mechanism for performing hydrological operations on rasters.
RasterLocalOp A mechanism for performing local operations on rasters.
RasterMapAlgebraOp A mechanism for performing MapAlgebra operations on rasters.
RasterMathOps A mechanism for performing mathematical operations on rasters.
RasterMultivariateOp A mechanism for performing multivariate operations on rasters.
RasterNeighborhoodOp A mechanism for performing neighbourhood operations on rasters.
RasterZonalOp A mechanism for performing zonal operations on rasters.
WeightedOverlayFunction The weighted overlay function.
WeightedOverlayFunctionArguments The weighted overlay function arguments.
WeightedSumFunction The weighted sum raster function.
WeightedSumFunctionArguments The weighted sum function arguments.


Enumeration Description
esriGeoAnalysisAPrioriEnum A Priori Probability Types in Spatial Analyst.
esriGeoAnalysisAreaUnitsEnum Area Units Types in Spatial Analyst.
esriGeoAnalysisFunctionEnum The operations supported by the LocalFunction, MathFunction and ConditionalFunction classes
esriGeoAnalysisPathEnum Cost path types in Spatial Analyst.
esriGeoAnalysisSortEnum Zone sorting types in Spatial Analyst.
esriGeoAnalysisStreamOrderEnum Stream ordering method types in Spatial Analyst.
esriGeoAnalysisZonalGeometryEnum Zonal geometry types in Spatial Analyst.
esriGPSANeighborhoodTextEnum Text types of SetAsText/GetAsText for irregular and weight neighborhhods.
esriGPSARemapTypeEnum Remap types in geo-processing.
esriGPSATopoTypeEnum TopoFeature layer types in geo-processing.
esriPathDistanceHorizontalEnum Path Distance Horizontal Factor Types.
esriPathDistanceVerticalEnum Path Distance Vertical Factor Types.
esriRasterRadiusEnum Text types of Raster Radia.
esriSAFuzzyFunctionEnum Types of Fuzzy Function.
esriSAFuzzyHedgeEnum Types of Fuzzy Hedge.
esriSAFuzzyOverlayEnum Types of Fuzzy Overlay.
esriSATransformationFunctionEnum Types of Transformation Function.
esriSolarAnalysisAreaEnum AAAAA.
esriSolarDeffuseModelEnum AAAAA.
esriSolarDirectModelEnum AAAAA.
esriSolarSlopeAspectEnum AAAAA.
esriSolarTimeConfigEnum AAAAA.