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This document is archived and information here might be outdated. Recommended version. |
LasDataset's error codes.
Constant | Value | Description |
E_LAS_BAD_Z_SOURCE | -2147201024 | The specified Z source is not supported for this operation. |
E_LAS_DATASET_EXISTS | -2147201023 | The specified dataset already exists. |
E_LAS_FAILED_TO_OVER_WRITE | -2147201022 | Failed to over write the dataset. |
E_LAS_FAILED_TO_SAVE | -2147201021 | Failed to save the dataset. |
E_LAS_FAILED_TO_OPEN | -2147201020 | Failed to open the dataset. |
E_LAS_NO_STATISTICS | -2147201019 | No statistics available for the operation. |
E_LAS_FAILED_TO_COPY_FILE | -2147201018 | Failed to copy file(s). |
E_LAS_IN_MEMORY_DATASET | -2147201017 | Operation not supported with in-memory datasets. |
E_LAS_CLASS_FLAG_NOT_SUPPORTED | -2147201016 | Classification flag not supported in this version. |
E_LAS_BAD_CLASS_CODE | -2147201015 | Invalid classification code. |
E_LAS_INVALID_VERSION | -2147201014 | Invalid version. |
E_LAS_UNABLE_TO_EDIT_ZIP_FILE | -2147201013 | Unable to edit compressed file. |
E_LAS_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_ZIP_FILE | -2147201012 | Unable to edit compressed file. |
E_LAS_OVERLAP_FLAG_NOT_SUPPORTED | -2147201011 | Overlap flag not supported in this point-record format. |
E_LAS_TOO_MANY_POINTS | -2147201010 | The number of points in the file exceeds limit. |
E_LAS_NOT_ENOUGH_GROUND_POINTS | -2147201009 | The number of ground points is less than 3. |
E_LAS_BAD_SAMPLE_DISTANCE | -2147201008 | The specified sample distance is less than 10 meters. |
E_LAS_BAD_DEM_RESOLUTION | -2147201007 | The specified DEM resolution is less than 0.3 meters. |
E_LAS_BAD_LAS_VERSION | -2147201006 | Invalid or unsupported LAS version. |
E_LAS_BAD_LAS_POINT_FORMAT | -2147201005 | Invalid or unsupported LAS point format. |
E_LAS_NEED_SPATIAL_REF | -2147201004 | Spatial reference is required for the process. |
E_LAS_NEED_LAS_VERSION | -2147201003 | Output LAS version and/or point format ID not specified. |
E_LAS_INVALID_FORMAT_CHANGE | -2147201002 | Changing from formats 6 and above to formats 5 and below not supported. |
E_LAS_DIFFERENT_GPS_TIME | -2147201001 | Different types of GPS times. |
E_LAS_WRITER_INITIALIZED | -2147201000 | The LAS builder object already initialized. |
E_LAS_WRITER_NOT_INITIALIZED | -2147200999 | The LAS builder object is not initialized. |
E_LAS_WRITER_WRONG_ORDER | -2147200998 | Data are added in a wrong order (e.g., adding a VLR after point records have been added). |
E_WRONG_EXTRABYTE_COUNT | -2147200997 | Incorrect extra byte count. |
E_LAS_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH | -2147200996 | The spacified arrays do not have the same size. |
E_LAS_WRONG_EXTRABYTE_TYPE | -2147200995 | Data type for extra bytes must be char or unsigned char. |
E_LAS_EVLR_NOT_SUPPORTED | -2147200994 | Extended variable length records not supported in this version. |