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esriServerStatEvent Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Server > ESRI.ArcGIS.Server > Constants > E > esriServerStatEvent Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

esriServerStatEvent Constants

An enumeration through ArcGIS server statistics events.

Constant Value Description
esriSSEContextCreated 0 A server context was successfully created using CreateServerContext.
esriSSEContextCreationFailed 1 The creation of a server context using CreateServerContext failed.
esriSSEContextCreationTimeout 2 The creation of a server context using CreateServerContext timed out.
esriSSEContextReleased 3 A server context was released using ReleaseContext and a time interval between when the context was created and the context was released was recorded in statistics.
esriSSEContextUsageTimeout 4 A server context was in use by a client longer than its maximum usage time and has timed out.
esriSSEServerObjectCreated 5 A server object was successfully created.
esriSSEServerObjectCreationFailed 6 The creation of a server object failed.
esriSSELogError 7 An error message was sent to the logger.
esriSSELogWarning 8 A warning message was sent to the logger.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


esriServerStatEvent specifies a particular event that you want to query the GIS server's statisitcs about. Use esriServerSatEvent to specify the event when using the GetSpecificStatisticForTimeIntervals and GetAllStatisticsForTimeInterval methods on IServerStatistics.

See Also

IServerStatistics Interface | IStatisticsResults Interface