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esriSpatialAnalystError Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GeoAnalyst > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoAnalyst > Constants > E > esriSpatialAnalystError Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoAnalyst)  

esriSpatialAnalystError Constants

Error codes for the Spatial Analyst.

Constant Value Description
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_UNKNOWN_ERROR -2147217408 Unknown error.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_FILE_NOT_FOUND -2147217407 File cannot be found.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_FILE_INVALID_EXTENSION -2147217406 Invalid file extension.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_RENDERER_INVALID_BAND_INDEX -2147217405 Specified band index is invalid.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_FILE_FAILED_TO_RENAME -2147217404 Failed to rename the specified file.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_FILE_FAILED_TO_COPY -2147217403 Failed to copy the specified file.
GRID_ERR_ARGTYPE -2147217402 Invalid argument type.
GRID_ERR_GRIDORNUMB -2147217401 Error.
GRID_ERR_OBJTYPE -2147217400 Invalid object type.
GRID_ERR_ZONEOBJ -2147217400 Invalid zone object.
GRID_ERR_SORTTYPE -2147217398 Invalid sorting type.
GRID_ERR_SHAPETYPE -2147217397 Invalid shape type.
GRID_ERR_SLICETYPE -2147217396 Invalid slice type.
GRID_ERR_FIELDTYPE -2147217395 Invalid field type.
GRID_ERR_NOTVALUEFD -2147217394 The input field is not a VALUE field.
GRID_ERR_NOVAT -2147217393 Unable to find grid VAT table.
GRID_ERR_BADSTA -2147217392 Bad grid STA table.
GRID_ERR_READTABLE -2147217391 Error in reading the table.
GRID_ERR_READSTA -2147217390 Error in reading grid STA table.
GRID_ERR_READVAT -2147217389 Error in reading VAT table.
GRID_ERR_READVTAB -2147217388 Error.
GRID_ERR_ALLOCMEM -2147217387 Unable to allocate memory.
GRID_ERR_ALLOCLUT -2147217386 Unable to allocate memory for a lookup table.
GRID_ERR_CELLSIZE -2147217385 Undefined or Invalid cell size.
GRID_ERR_CSIZETYPE -2147217384 Invalid cell-size environmental type.
GRID_ERR_LUTRANGE -2147217383 Invalid range for the input lookup table.
GRID_ERR_MAKEHASH -2147217382 Error in making hash table.
GRID_ERR_MAKEVTAB -2147217381 Error.
GRID_ERR_LISTELEM -2147217380 Error.
GRID_ERR_STRGRID -2147217379 Error.
GRID_ERR_LEGCLASS -2147217378 Error.
GRID_ERR_INFODIR -2147217377 Unable to create INFo directory.
GRID_ERR_SEMIVARIO -2147217376 Error in making semivariogram.
GRID_ERR_CONTINUE -2147217375 Error.
GRID_ERR_TIMEOUT -2147217374 Error.
GRID_ERR_HASERR -2147217373 The grid has error.
GRID_ERR_LOADFAIL -2147217372 Error.
GRID_ERR_NOLIBINIT -2147217371 Error.
GRID_ERR_NOLIBEXIT -2147217370 Error.
GRID_ERR_NOIRREGNBR -2147217369 Irregular neighborhood is not supported.
GRID_ERR_MISMATCHSPREF -2147217368 Spatial References do not match.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TREND_FIELD -2147217367 Invalid field values for Logistic Trend.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_CONVERSION -2147217366 Conversion error.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_OPEN_WORKSPACE -2147217365 Could not open workspace.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_FEATURE_CLASS -2147217364 Could not get feature class.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_FIELD_NAME -2147217363 Could not get field name.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_EVAL_TYPE -2147217362 Wrong type of evaluation.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_POINTS -2147217361 No points for selection.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_RECLASS_FIELD -2147217360 Invalid field type for reclass.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_FILE_FAILED_TO_WRITE -2147217359 Failed to open the specified file for write.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_READ_INDEX -2147217358 Record has invalid index for read.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_DELETE_INDEX -2147217357 Record has invalid index for deletion.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TABLE_NOT_CREATED -2147217356 Unable to create output table.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_DUPLICATES -2147217355 Unable to add duplicate record.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_CONVERTTOCOVERAGE -2147217354 Unable to convert to coverage.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NOT_FEATURE_CLASS -2147217353 Not feature class data.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NULL_OBJECT -2147217352 Null object.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_RECLASS_BY_SELECT -2147217351 Could not reclass on selection set.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_FEAT_SEARCH_CURSOR -2147217350 Could not get search cursor on feature.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_EXTRACT_VARARR -2147217349 Could not convert variant array to long.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_UNBIND_RASTER -2147217348 Unable to unbind raster.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_UNARY_OPERATION -2147217347 Unary operation failed.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_BINARY_OPERATION -2147217346 Binary operation failed.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_FILTER_TYPE -2147217345 Invalid filter type.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_STRING_FIELD_NOT_ALLOWED -2147217344 String field not allowed.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_BAD_FIELD_INDEX -2147217343 The field index is invalid.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_GEOMETRY -2147217342 Not supported geometry.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_OPEN_RDS_FAIL -2147217341 Unable to open raster dataset.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REFERENCE_FAILED -2147217340 Could not reference grid.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_CREATE_WORKSPACENAME -2147217339 Could not create workspace name.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_STRING_FIELD -2147217338 No string field.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_MIXED_FILE -2147217337 Mixed remap records.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_BAD_SVALUE -2147217336 Invalid single value remap record.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_FILL_SREMAP -2147217335 Could not populate string remap.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_NEED_STYPE -2147217334 String remap type needed.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_NEED_NTYPE -2147217333 Number remap type needed.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_INVALID_FIND_INDEX -2147217332 Unable to find record by index.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_RECORD_NOT_FOUND -2147217331 Unable to find record.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_SIMPLE_CONFLICT -2147217329 Simple conflict (different output classes for same input).
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_DUPLICATE_RECORD -2147217328 Duplicate remap record.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_FREE_RECORDS -2147217327 Unable to free remap objects.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_NAME_FROM_PATH -2147217326 Invalid name obtained from path.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_OUTPUT_EXISTS -2147217325 Output file exists.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_SAVEAS -2147217324 Could not save dataset as specified.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_SPREF -2147217323 Could not get spatial reference.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_EXTENT -2147217322 Could not get extent.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_EVALEXP -2147217321 No valid evaluation expression.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NOT_EVALUATED -2147217320 No valid evaluation expression.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_ADDITEM_FAILED -2147217319 Unable to add item to table.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_DATASET -2147217318 Could not get dataset.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_SAVEAS_FAILED -2147217317 Error while performing a SaveAs.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NOT_INTEGER -2147217316 Input dataset is not integer.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_POINT_FILE -2147217315 Unable to open point file.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_CREATE_GRID -2147217314 Unable to create grid.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_ANALYSIS_WINDOW -2147217313 Could not set analysis window.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INIT_SAMPLE_LIST -2147217312 Unable to initialize sample list.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_ESTIMATE_SEMIVAR -2147217311 Unable to estimate semi-variogram.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_WRITE_UNABLE -2147217310 Unable to write output.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_FIELD -2147217309 Invalid field name.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_SEMIVAR_TYPE -2147217308 Invalid semi-variogram type.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_COMPOSE_EXPR -2147217307 Could not compose grid expression.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_FIELD_NOT_ADDED -2147217306 Unable to add field.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_HIST_FREQUENCY -2147217305 Unable to compute frequency.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_LICENSENOTAVAILABLE -2147217304 Spatial Analyst License not available.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_WASNOTACTIVATED -2147217303 Spatial Analyst Extension wasn't activated.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_SHAREDLICENSENOTAVAILABLE -2147217302 Nor Spatial Analyst nor 3D Analyst Licenses are available.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_SHAREDWASNOTACTIVATED -2147217301 Nor Spatial Analyst nor 3D Analyst Extensions was activated.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_EMPTY_RASTER -2147217300 Empty Raster - No RasterBand in it.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_BIND_SYMBOL_MISMATCH -2147217299 Unable to match string for binding.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NULL_FEATURE_COUNT -2147217298 No features found.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_CANCEL_OP -2147217297 Operation cancelled.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NODATA_RASTER -2147217296 Raster has only nodata.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_STATSTYPE -2147217295 Invalid statistics type for the method.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_JOINEDFIELD -2147217294 Unable to support a joined field.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_SUPPORT -2147217293 Operation not supported.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_OUTRFORMAT -2147217292 Unsupported output raster format.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_GEODATASET -2147217291 Invalid input geodataset (Layer, Tin, etc.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_NAMEFORGRIDENG -2147217290 Invalid output name for grid, stack or shapefile (space in the base name).
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_BASETABLE -2147217289 Could not get base table.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_RECS_WITH_QFILTER -2147217288 No records found with specified query filter.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_COMMAND -2147217287 Invalid grid command or expression.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_UNSUPPORTED_FEAT_INPUT -2147217286 Feature inputs not supported.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_PRJS_FOR_CURVATURE -2147217285 Incompatible projections for curvature.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_BAND_COUNT -2147217284 Invalid band count.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_FILE_NAME -2147217283 File name not provided.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_OUT_FILE_EXISTS -2147217282 Output file exists.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_REJECT_FRACTION -2147217281 Invalid rejection fraction.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_COMPONENT_COUNT -2147217280 Invalid principal component count.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_SREMAP_NO_STRING_FIELD -2147217279 String remap has no string field.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NREMAP_HAS_STRING_FIELD -2147217278 Number remap has string field.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_REMAP_UNSORTED -2147217277 Unsorted remap values.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_NOT_POSITIVE -2147217276 Not a positive value.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_NOT_NONNEGATIVE -2147217275 Not a non-negative value.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_BAD_CONTOUR_OPTION -2147217273 Bad contour option.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_NO_ELEVDATA -2147217272 Not a point elevation data.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_MISS_VALUE -2147217271 Missing a value.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NOT_GRID -2147217269 Not an Esri Grid.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_OBSV_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY -2147217268 This geometry is not supported for the 'observers' option.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_OBSV_EXCESS_POINTS -2147217267 Too many points. Maximum number allowed is 16.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_FIELD_EXISTS -2147217266 Field already exists.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_NO_COVERAGE_SUPPORT -2147217265 Coverage inputs/outputs are not supported.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_RESERVED_FIELD_EXISTS -2147217264 Reserved field name found in attribute table.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_SIMPLE_POLY_SUPPORT -2147217263 Only simple polygon geometry is supported.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_HDR_FILE_NOT_FOUND -2147217262 Associated header file not found.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_READ_ERROR -2147217261 Error encountered during read.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_CONTOUR_TOOMANY_POINTS -2147217260 Too many points in a contour polyline.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_STREAM_TOOMANY_POINTS -2147217259 Too many points in a stream polyline.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_BOUND_TOOMANY_POINTS -2147217258 Too many points in a boundary polygon.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOPO_LAKE_TOOMANY_POINTS -2147217257 Too many points in a lake polygon.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_OUTPUT_EXTENT -2147217250 Empty output extent, or extent cannot be projected to output sr.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_EXPRESSION_TOO_LONG -2147217249 Evaluation expression is longer than 4096 characters. Output will not be created.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_INVALID_NUMERIC_FIELD_LEN -2147217248 Numeric field lengths must be less than or equal to 19.
E_SPATIAL_LOCALFUNCTION_ARGUMENTS_OVERSPECIFIED -2147217247 The rasters and raster(2) properties were both specified.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_CANNOT_OBTAIN_STATS -2147217246 cannot obtain statistics for raster.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_CANNOT_SAVE_REMAP -2147217245 cannot save remap table.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_DISTRIBUTED_ZONALSTATS_PARTIALSTATS_FAILURE -2147217244 Failure when computing partial zonal statistics on server cluster.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_DISTRIBUTED_ZONALSTATS_DISTRIBUTEDWRITE_FAILURE -2147217243 Failure when issuing distributed write request to serevr cluster.
S_SPATIAL_ANALYST_TOO_MANY_UNIQUE_VALUES 266406 Too many unique values for raster attribute tables.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_DISTANCE_MAPPING_INTERNAL_ERROR -2147217241 Internal error in cost/path distance mapping operation.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_COST_PATH_INTERNAL_ERROR -2147217240 Internal error in cost path operation.
E_SPATIAL_ANALYST_UNEXPECTED_NULL_FIELD_VALUE -2147217239 unexpected null field value.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.