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esriSpatialReferenceError Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Constants > E > esriSpatialReferenceError Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

esriSpatialReferenceError Constants

Describes why a parameter to a method is incorrect, or why a method could not be completed.

Constant Value Description
S_SPATIALREFERENCE_OK 0 The spatial reference was created successfully.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_NOPRECISION 514 The xy precision information for this spatial reference system has not been defined.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_INVALID_PARAMETER 515 This parameter is not appropriate for this projection.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_CANTDEFINESR 516 Not enough information has been supplied to construct this spatial reference.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_PRECISIONTOOHIGH 517 The domain extent with the specified precision doesn't contain the domain extent of the source spatial reference (ConstructHighPrecisionSpatialReference).
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_INSUFFICIENTPRECISION 518 A low precision spatial reference cannot cover the specified extent at the input precision (ConstructLowPrecisionSpatialreference)).
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_NOTAPRJFILE 519 The input to CreateESRISpatialReference(Info)FromPRJ(File) is not a workstation PRJ file.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_NOTAGCS 520 The specified WKID (factory code) or WKT (definition string) is not a Geographic Coordinate System.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_NOTAPCS 521 The specified WKID (factory code) or WKT (definition string) is not a Projected Coordinate System.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_NOTAUNIT 522 The specified WKID (factory code) or WKT (definition string) is not a linear or angular unit.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_EMPTYUNIT 523 A WKID or a WKT must be specified for a Unit.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_CANTDEFINEAUTH 524 Can't assign authority metadata to this spatial reference object because it is empty.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_BADVCSID 525 The specified WKID for a vertical coordinate system is not valid.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_NOMPRECISION 526 The m precision information for this spatial reference system has not been defined.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_NOZPRECISION 527 The z precision information for this spatial reference system has not been defined.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_CANTLOADXFORMFILE 528 The data file for this datum transformation cannot be loaded.
E_SPATIALREFERENCE_WRONG_UNIT_TYPE 530 Wrong unit type (expected linear unit, got angular unit, or vice versa)

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.