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esriSystemMouseCursor Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > SystemUI > ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI > Constants > E > esriSystemMouseCursor Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (SystemUI)  

esriSystemMouseCursor Constants

Mouse cursor options.

Constant Value Description
esriSystemMouseCursorDefault 0 Default pointer, same as arrow.
esriSystemMouseCursorArrow 1 Standard arrow.
esriSystemMouseCursorCrosshair 2 Crosshair.
esriSystemMouseCursorIBeam 3 I-Beam.
esriSystemMouseCursorIcon 4 Icon.
esriSystemMouseCursorSize 5 Size, four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east and west.
esriSystemMouseCursorSizeNESW 6 Size NE-SW, double arrow pointing north-east and south-west.
esriSystemMouseCursorSizeNS 7 Size N-S, double arrow pointing north and south.
esriSystemMouseCursorSizeNWSE 8 Size NW-SE, double arrow pointing north-west and south-east.
esriSystemMouseCursorSizeWE 9 Size W-E, double arrow pointing west and east.
esriSystemMouseCursorUpArrow 10 Arrow pointing vertically up.
esriSystemMouseCursorHourglass 11 Hourglass, wait cursor.
esriSystemMouseCursorNoDrop 12 Circle with slash through it or a no entry sign.
esriSystemMouseCursorArrowHourglass 13 Standard arrow and small hourglass.
esriSystemMouseCursorArrowQuestion 14 Arrow and question mark.
esriSystemMouseCursorSizeAll 15 Size all, a four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east and west.
esriSystemMouseCursorZoom 50 Zoom, a magnifying glass.
esriSystemMouseCursorZoomIn 51 Zoom in, a magnifying glass with a plus sign.
esriSystemMouseCursorZoomOut 52 Zoom out, a magnifying glass with a minus sign.
esriSystemMouseCursorPan 53 Pan, a hand.
esriSystemMouseCursorPanning 54 Panning, a clenched hand.
esriSystemMouseCursorIdentify 55 Identify, arrow with information symbol.
esriSystemMouseCursorLabel 56 Label, arrow with letter A.
esriSystemMouseCursorHotLink 57 Hot-Link, lightening strike.
esriSystemMouseCursorPencil 58 Pencil.
esriSystemMouseCursorHand 59 Hand, closed hand with index finger pointing vertically.
esriSystemMouseCursorPageZoomIn 60 Page zoom In, magnifying glass with plus sign and a small page.
esriSystemMouseCursorPageZoomOut 61 Page zoom out, magnifying glass with minus sign and a small page.
esriSystemMouseCursorPagePan 62 Page pan, open hand with page symbol.
esriSystemMouseCursorPagePanning 63 Page pan, closed hand with page symbol.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.