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This document is archived and information here might be outdated. Recommended version. |
Terrain's error codes.
Constant | Value | Description |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_DATA_SOURCE | -2147205120 | Unable to add data source (e.g., it's versioned, is not a valid feature class, or its geometry type is not appropriate). |
E_TERRAIN_DATA_SOURCE_EXISTS | -2147205119 | The input data source already exists. |
E_TERRAIN_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE | -2147205118 | The specified index is out of range. |
E_TERRAIN_NOT_INITIALIZED | -2147205117 | The terrain object has not been initialized. |
E_TERRAIN_CANCELLED | -2147205116 | Process is cancelled by the user. |
E_TERRAIN_EDIT_SESSION_REQUIRED | -2147205115 | The specified operation requires an edit session. |
E_TERRAIN_MUST_BE_ZLESS | -2147205114 | The operation requires Z-less input. |
E_TERRAIN_FILE_EXISTS | -2147205113 | The specified file or dataset already exists. |
E_TERRAIN_FILE_NOT_EXISTS | -2147205112 | The specified file or folder does not exist. |
E_TERRAIN_FILE_OPEN_ERROR | -2147205111 | Failed to open file. |
E_TERRAIN_FILE_READ_ERROR | -2147205110 | Failed to read file. |
E_TERRAIN_NOT_MATCH | -2147205109 | The inputs do not match the existing feature class. |
E_TERRAIN_WRONG_FORMAT | -2147205108 | One or more specified properties are not supported in this point data format. |
E_TERRAIN_NO_RETURN | -2147205107 | Need at least one return number. |
E_TERRAIN_BAD_SHAPE_SIZE | -2147205106 | The specified shape size is out of bound. |
E_TERRAIN_NOT_MULTIPOINT | -2147205105 | Only multipoint feature classes can be embedded. |
E_TERRAIN_UNKNOWN_FIELD | -2147205104 | One (or more) specified field is unknown to Terrain. |
E_TERRAIN_FC_OUTSIDE | -2147205103 | The feature class is not in the same feature dataset as the Terrain. |
E_TERRAIN_ZTOLERANCE_EXISTS | -2147205102 | The input zTolerance already exists. |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_TERRAIN | -2147205101 | An invalid Terrain does not support the specified operation. |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_DEFINITION | -2147205100 | The Terrain definition is incomplete or invalid. |
E_TERRAIN_IN_EDIT_SESSION | -2147205099 | The specified operation is not supported in an edit session. |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_BOUNDS | -2147205098 | Invalid Z tolerance bounds. |
E_TERRAIN_BOUNDS_OVERLAP | -2147205097 | Z tolerance bounds overlap with other data sources in the group, or with other Clip data sources. |
E_TERRAIN_INCONSIST | -2147205096 | One or more properties of the input data source is inconsistent with the rest in the group. |
E_TERRAIN_WRONG_GEOMETRY_TYPE | -2147205095 | The geometry type of the input data source (or feature class) is inadequate. |
E_TERRAIN_MIXING_2D_AND_3D | -2147205094 | Members must all be either 2D or 3D. Mixing 2D and 3D is not allowed. |
E_TERRAIN_TOO_MANY_BASE | -2147205093 | Only one member in a group can be applied to the overview. |
E_TERRAIN_MUST_NOT_BE_GROUPED | -2147205092 | 3D data sources added as mass-point must not be grouped. |
E_TERRAIN_WRONG_SF_TYPE | -2147205091 | Incorrect Surface-Feature type. |
E_TERRAIN_INCONSIST_LOR | -2147205090 | The zTolerance/MaxScale pair does not match the others in the definition. |
E_TERRAIN_CHANGE_CLASS_ID | -2147205089 | The feature class ID of an embedded data source must not be changed. |
E_TERRAIN_NOT_EMBEDDED | -2147205088 | The operation can only be applied to an embedded data source. |
E_TERRAIN_NULL_FIELD_VALUE | -2147205087 | One or more fields contains NULL value. |
E_TERRAIN_FIELD_NULLABLE | -2147205086 | Attribute fields must not be nullable. |
E_TERRAIN_TERRAIN_NOT_FOUND | -2147205085 | The terrain was not found. |
E_TERRAIN_TERRAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE | -2147205084 | Terrains not supported in this release of the GeoDatabase. |
E_TERRAIN_TERRAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS | -2147205083 | The terrain with the specified name already exists. |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FOR_TERRAIN | -2147205082 | The feature class has an invalid geometry type. |
E_TERRAIN_CANNOT_ADD_REGISTERED_CLASS_TO_TERRAIN | -2147205081 | Cannot add a registered as versioned class to the terrain. |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_TERRAIN_NAME | -2147205080 | The Terrain name is invalid. |
E_TERRAIN_WRONG_DATASET_TYPE | -2147205079 | Wrong data set type. |
E_TERRAIN_WRONG_PYRAMID_TYPE | -2147205078 | Wrong Terrain pyramid type. |
E_TERRAIN_CANNOT_CHANGE_SCHEMA | -2147205077 | Changing the definition, or running a full rebuild, of a versioned Terrain is not allowed. |
E_TERRAIN_NOT_MULTIPOINT_Z | -2147205076 | Must be a Z-Aware multipoint feature class. |
E_TERRAIN_UNKNOWN_BLOB | -2147205075 | No blob is specified or the specified blob is unknown. |
E_TERRAIN_NEED_UPDATE | -2147205074 | The Terrain needs update before the specified operation can be performed. |
E_TERRAIN_OLD_VERSION | -2147205073 | The specified operation cannot be performed on old version Terrains. |
E_TERRAIN_CANNOT_PERFORM_SIMPLIFY_OVERVIEW | -2147205072 | Cannot perform 'Simplify Overview' on an invalid, dirty, or versioned Terrain. |
E_TERRAIN_NO_DATA | -2147205071 | Base data sources do not contain any data. |
E_TERRAIN_EDIT_OPERATION_REQUIRED | -2147205070 | The specified operation requires an edit operation. |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_EMBEDDED_FC_NAME | -2147205069 | The embedded feature class name is invalid. |
E_TERRAIN_TOO_MANY_CLIPPING_SOURCES | -2147205068 | Only one data source can be used for clipping the overview terrain. |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_Z | -2147205067 | Invalid Z value. |
E_TERRAIN_BAD_WINDOWSIZE | -2147205066 | The specified window size is either too small, or too big. |
E_TERRAIN_NO_SPATIALREF_INFO | -2147205065 | Spatial reference information is missing, or insufficient, for the operation. |
E_TERRAIN_NOT_PROJECTED_SYSTEM | -2147219400 | A projected coordinate system is required. |
E_TERRAIN_WRONG_TOPOLOGY | -2147219399 | Incorrect boundary tiles topology. |
E_TERRAIN_VALUE_OVERFLOW | -2147219398 | The input value is too big (or too small) to store. |
E_TERRAIN_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH | -2147219397 | The input field data type does not match the one in the embedded data source. |
E_TERRAIN_DIRTY_TERRAIN | -2147219396 | The specified operation cannot be performed on dirty Terrains. |
E_TERRAIN_WINSIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED | -2147205059 | Window size pyramid not supported in this release of the GeoDatabase. |
E_TERRAIN_FIELD_TYPE_MISMATCH | -2147219394 | Output contains a field with the same name as the input but has a different field type. |
E_TERRAIN_CANNOT_BE_ANCHORED | -2147219393 | Only point data sources can be anchored. |
E_TERRAIN_ANCHOR_POINTS_NOT_SUPPORTED | -2147219392 | Anchor-points data sources not supported in this release of the GeoDatabase. |
E_TERRAIN_MUST_APPLY_TO_OVERVIEW | -2147219391 | Point data sources must participate in the overview. |
E_TERRAIN_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED | -2147219390 | Version not supported. |
E_TERRAIN_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED | -2147219389 | Format not supported. |
E_TERRAIN_FILE_WRITE_ERROR | -2147205052 | Failed to write to file. |
E_TERRAIN_INVALID_FILE | -2147205051 | Invalid file. |
E_TERRAIN_WKT_NOT_SUPPORTED | -2147205050 | WKT projection is not supported in this release. |
E_TERRAIN_FILE_CREATE_ERROR | -2147205049 | Failed to create file. |
E_TERRAIN_FILE_DELETE_ERROR | -2147205048 | Failed to delete/overwrite file. |
E_TERRAIN_BAD_INPUT_FILE | -2147205047 | The input file contains bad data. |