How to construct a high- or low-precision spatial reference

Constructing a high- or low-precision spatial reference

The following code example determines whether you are constructing a high- or low-precision spatial reference and sets the default resolution and default tolerance:
static void constructCoordinateSystem(boolean highPrecision)throws Exception{
    ISpatialReferenceFactory3 spatialReferenceFactory = new
    ISpatialReference3 spatialReference = (ISpatialReference3)
        "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Coordinate Systems\\Geographic Coordinate Systems\\World\\WGS 1984.prj");

    IControlPrecision2 controlPrecision = (IControlPrecision2)spatialReference;

    //Determines whether you are constructing a high or low.
    ISpatialReferenceResolution spatialReferenceResolution = 

    //These three methods are the keys, construct horizon, then set the default x,y resolution and tolerance.

    //Set the default x,y resolution value.

    //Set the default x,y tolerance value.
    ISpatialReferenceTolerance spatialReferenceTolerance = 

    double xMin[] = new double[1];
    double xMax[] = new double[1];
    double yMin[] = new double[1];
    double yMax[] = new double[1];
    spatialReference.getDomain(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax);

    System.out.println("Domain : " + xMin[0] + ", " + xMax[0] + ", " + yMin[0] + 
        ", " + yMax[0]);

See Also:

How to import or export a spatial reference

Additional Requirements
  • This article assumes your project includes references to the ESRI Geometry assembly.

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ArcGIS for Desktop StandardArcGIS for Desktop Standard
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