How to use
See How to use ArcGIS samples for help on running the sample.
How to execute this sample in ArcGIS Desktop?
- Verify that the ArcObjects Java SDK is installed on your computer.
- Navigate to this sample's lib folder ($AGSDEVKITJAVA/java/samples/arcobjects/geoprocessing/deletefeatures/lib) and copy DeleteFeaturesExt.jar into the <$AGSDESKTOPJAVA/java/lib/ext folder to deploy the custom extension. The extension functionality will become available to you when you restart ArcMap or ArcCatalog.
- Open ArcMap or ArcCatalog and expand Toolboxes.
- Create a new toolbox under My Toolboxes.
- Right click the newly created toolbox and select Add -> Tool.
- Select JavaDFFunctionFactory from the list of toolboxes. Optionally, you could expand toolbox node and view the toolset and tool embedded within. Click OK.
- Verify that the Java Delete Features Tool is added to your toolbox.
- Double-click the custom tool and provide values for all the parameters.
- Click OK to execute the tool.
- Examine results.
How to execute this sample using an ArcGIS Engine Java application?
- Verify that the ArcObjects Java SDK is installed on your computer.
- Navigate to this sample's lib folder ($AGSDEVKITJAVA/java/samples/arcobjects/geoprocessing/deletefeatures/lib) and copy DeleteFeaturesExt.jar into the <$AGSENGINEJAVA/java/lib/ext folder to deploy the custom extension. The extension functionality will become available to your ArcGIS Engine Java app when the app is executed and Engine in initialized.
- Navigate to this sample's bin folder ($AGSDEVKITJAVA/java/samples/arcobjects/geoprocessing/deletefeatures/bin) and execute the DeleteFeatures.jar to run the console based application (the Eclipse IDE can also be used). This application will execute the custom geoprocessing tool.
- Examine the output messages on the console window.
If you installed the samples feature, you will find the files associated with this sample in <Your Developer Kit install location>\DeveloperKit10.4\Java\Samples\ArcObjects.
geoprocessing/ | Main class |
geoprocessing/customtool/ | Geoprocessing tool class |
geoprocessing/customtool/ | Geoprocessing Function Factory class |
Development licensing | Deployment licensing |
Engine Developer Kit | Engine |