In this topic
The following code creates a geodatabase (dbName) at the workspace path location (workspacePathname):
// Create a new geodatabase (dbName) at the workspacePathname location
IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new AccessWorkspaceFactory();
IWorkspaceName workspaceName = workspaceFactory.create(workspacePathname, dbName,
null, 0);
The following code example opens the Access database:
// Open the geodatabase
IName name = (IName)workspaceName;
IWorkspace workspace = new IWorkspaceProxy(; // Explicit Cast
The following code example creates a GdbImporter class:
IGdbXmlImport gdbXmlImport = new GdbImporter();
The following code example reads the schema section from the XML file. The enumNameMapping is initialized to nothing, and its value is set "by ref" with a call to the GenerateNameMapping method:
IEnumNameMapping[] enumNameMapping = new IEnumNameMapping[1];
gdbXmlImport.generateNameMapping(inXmlFile, workspace, enumNameMapping);
The following code example imports the workspace schema and loads the data by passing in the XML file (inXmlFile), enumNameMapping, workspace, and Boolean (schemaOnly).
The inXmlFile is a string that identifies the import XML file, where you must specify the file extension. For example, the inXmlFile can have the following extensions: foo.xml, foo.ZIP, or foo.Z.
If you set the schemaOnly property to true, the imported workspace contains the schema and not data. Otherwise, the imported workspace contains the schema and data. See the following code example:
gdbXmlImport.ImportWorkspace(inXmlFile, enumNameMapping, workspace, false);
The following code example is the complete function of how to use XML import workspace to import data or schema from a resulting XML document. To use the function, pass in the workspace path, database name, and input XML file:
static void importFromXml(String workspacePathname, String dbName, String inXmlFile)
throws Exception{
// Create a new access database (dbName) at the workspacePathname location
IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new AccessWorkspaceFactory();
IWorkspaceName workspaceName = workspaceFactory.create(workspacePathname, dbName,
null, 0);
// Open the geodatabase
IName name = (IName)workspaceName;
IWorkspace workspace = new IWorkspaceProxy(; // Explicit Cast
// Create a GdbImporter
IGdbXmlImport gdbXmlImport = new GdbImporter();
// Read schema section from the xml file
// Note: enumNameMapping is initialized to Nothing and it's value is set 'by ref' with a call to the GenerateNameMapping method
IEnumNameMapping[] enumNameMapping = new IEnumNameMapping[1];
gdbXmlImport.generateNameMapping(inXmlFile, workspace, enumNameMapping);
// Create the workspace schema and load the data
gdbXmlImport.importWorkspace(inXmlFile, enumNameMapping[0], workspace, false);
Development licensing | Deployment licensing |
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard | ArcGIS for Desktop Standard |
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced | ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced |
Engine Developer Kit | Engine: Geodatabase Update |