Class ContourWithBarriers
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- GPTool
public class ContourWithBarriers
- extends AbstractGPTool
Creates contours from a raster surface. The inclusion of barrier features will allow one to independently generate contours on either side of a barrier.
The Contour with Barriers tool is contained in the 3D Analyst Tools tool box.
Usage tips:
- The current version of Contour with Barriers only supports polyline output. If the polygon output option is used it will be ignored and polyline output will be created.
- If you have Spatial Analyst available, smoother but less accurate contours can be obtained by pre-processing the input raster with a operation with the MEAN option or the tool with the LOW option.
- Contours will extend into the raster's NoData cell by a distance of half the raster's cell size. This will mean that the contours will be generated over single NoData cells. However, a 3-cell-by-3-cell area of NoData will only have the contours extending into this area by half the cell size distance.
- The Type field in the output contour feature class has values: 1 for contours
2 for indexed contours
3 for explicit contours
- An indexed contour interval can be used to generate additional contours and their Type value will be coded as 2 in the output feature class.
- A base contour is used, for example, when you want to create contours every 15 meters, starting at 10 meters. Here, 10 would be used for the base contour, and 15 would be the contour interval. The values to be contoured would be 10, 25, 40, 55, and so on.
- Specifying a base contour does not prevent contours from being created above or below that value.
- A text file containing contour value specifications can include the following:For example, if a raster has a minimum value of 102 and a maximum of 500, then a text file with: # contour values and ranges
485 500 5 12
4 100 99will produce contours at: 122.75
104, 204, 304, 404
103, 202, 301, 400, 499
485, 490, 495, 500
- If there are cell values of the raster within a barrier polygon feature the contour lines will be split at the barrier. If the cell values within the polygon feature are to be ignored, change those cell values to NoData.
- If the input raster surface is very large or many output features are requested, a large number of temporary files will be created in the operating system's temporary file location. If any problems are encountered as a result of this do one of the following:
- The output contour features can be labeled by using the tool.
Constructor Summary |
Creates the Contour with Barriers tool with defaults. |
ContourWithBarriers(java.lang.Object inRaster,
java.lang.Object outContourFeatureClass)
Creates the Contour with Barriers tool with the required parameters. |
Method Summary |
java.lang.String |
Returns the Enter Explicit Contour Values Only parameter of this tool . |
java.lang.Object |
Returns the Input Barrier Features parameter of this tool . |
double |
Returns the Base Contour parameter of this tool . |
double |
Returns the Contour Interval parameter of this tool . |
java.lang.Object |
Returns the Explicit Contour Values parameter of this tool . |
java.lang.String |
Returns the Type of Contours parameter of this tool . |
java.lang.Object |
Returns the File Containing Contour Value Specifications parameter of this tool . |
double |
Returns the Indexed Contour Interval parameter of this tool . |
java.lang.Object |
Returns the Input Raster parameter of this tool . |
double |
Returns the Factor Applied to Raster Z-values parameter of this tool . |
java.lang.Object |
Returns the Output Contour Features parameter of this tool . |
java.lang.String |
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the name of this tool. |
void |
setExplicitOnly(java.lang.String explicitOnly)
Sets the Enter Explicit Contour Values Only parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInBarrierFeatures(java.lang.Object inBarrierFeatures)
Sets the Input Barrier Features parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInBaseContour(double inBaseContour)
Sets the Base Contour parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInContourInterval(double inContourInterval)
Sets the Contour Interval parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInContourList(java.lang.Object inContourList)
Sets the Explicit Contour Values parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInContourType(java.lang.String inContourType)
Sets the Type of Contours parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInContourValuesFile(java.lang.Object inContourValuesFile)
Sets the File Containing Contour Value Specifications parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInIndexedContourInterval(double inIndexedContourInterval)
Sets the Indexed Contour Interval parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInRaster(java.lang.Object inRaster)
Sets the Input Raster parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInZFactor(double inZFactor)
Sets the Factor Applied to Raster Z-values parameter of this tool . |
void |
setOutContourFeatureClass(java.lang.Object outContourFeatureClass)
Sets the Output Contour Features parameter of this tool . |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
public ContourWithBarriers()
- Creates the Contour with Barriers tool with defaults.
Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.
public ContourWithBarriers(java.lang.Object inRaster,
java.lang.Object outContourFeatureClass)
- Creates the Contour with Barriers tool with the required parameters.
Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.
- Parameters:
- the input surface raster.outContourFeatureClass
- output contour features.
public java.lang.Object getInRaster()
- Returns the Input Raster parameter of this tool .
This parameter is the input surface raster.
This is a required parameter.
- Returns:
- the Input Raster
public void setInRaster(java.lang.Object inRaster)
- Sets the Input Raster parameter of this tool .
This parameter is the input surface raster.
This is a required parameter.
- Parameters:
- the input surface raster.
public java.lang.Object getOutContourFeatureClass()
- Returns the Output Contour Features parameter of this tool .
This parameter is output contour features.
This is a required parameter.
- Returns:
- the Output Contour Features
public void setOutContourFeatureClass(java.lang.Object outContourFeatureClass)
- Sets the Output Contour Features parameter of this tool .
This parameter is output contour features.
This is a required parameter.
- Parameters:
- output contour features.
public java.lang.Object getInBarrierFeatures()
- Returns the Input Barrier Features parameter of this tool .
This parameter is input barrier features.
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the Input Barrier Features
public void setInBarrierFeatures(java.lang.Object inBarrierFeatures)
- Sets the Input Barrier Features parameter of this tool .
This parameter is input barrier features.
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- input barrier features.
public java.lang.String getInContourType()
- Returns the Type of Contours parameter of this tool .
This parameter is the type of contour to create. the current version of Contour with Barriers only supports polyline output. If the polygon output option is used it will be ignored and polyline output will be created.
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the Type of Contours
public void setInContourType(java.lang.String inContourType)
- Sets the Type of Contours parameter of this tool .
This parameter is the type of contour to create. the current version of Contour with Barriers only supports polyline output. If the polygon output option is used it will be ignored and polyline output will be created.
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- the type of contour to create. the current version of Contour with Barriers only supports polyline output. If the polygon output option is used it will be ignored and polyline output will be created.
public java.lang.Object getInContourValuesFile()
- Returns the File Containing Contour Value Specifications parameter of this tool .
This parameter is the base contour, contour interval, indexed contour interval, and explicit contour values can also be specified via a text file.
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the File Containing Contour Value Specifications
public void setInContourValuesFile(java.lang.Object inContourValuesFile)
- Sets the File Containing Contour Value Specifications parameter of this tool .
This parameter is the base contour, contour interval, indexed contour interval, and explicit contour values can also be specified via a text file.
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- the base contour, contour interval, indexed contour interval, and explicit contour values can also be specified via a text file.
public java.lang.String getExplicitOnly()
- Returns the Enter Explicit Contour Values Only parameter of this tool .
This parameter is only explicit contour values are used. Base contour, contour interval, and indexed contour intervals are not specified.
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the Enter Explicit Contour Values Only
public void setExplicitOnly(java.lang.String explicitOnly)
- Sets the Enter Explicit Contour Values Only parameter of this tool .
This parameter is only explicit contour values are used. Base contour, contour interval, and indexed contour intervals are not specified.
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- only explicit contour values are used. Base contour, contour interval, and indexed contour intervals are not specified.
public double getInBaseContour()
- Returns the Base Contour parameter of this tool .
This parameter is base contour value. contours are generated above and below this value as needed to cover the entire value range of the input raster. The default is zero.
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the Base Contour
public void setInBaseContour(double inBaseContour)
- Sets the Base Contour parameter of this tool .
This parameter is base contour value. contours are generated above and below this value as needed to cover the entire value range of the input raster. The default is zero.
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- base contour value. contours are generated above and below this value as needed to cover the entire value range of the input raster. The default is zero.
public double getInContourInterval()
- Returns the Contour Interval parameter of this tool .
This parameter is interval of contours. this can be any positive number.
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the Contour Interval
public void setInContourInterval(double inContourInterval)
- Sets the Contour Interval parameter of this tool .
This parameter is interval of contours. this can be any positive number.
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- interval of contours. this can be any positive number.
public double getInIndexedContourInterval()
- Returns the Indexed Contour Interval parameter of this tool .
This parameter is contours will also be generated for this interval and will be flagged accordingly in the output feature class.
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the Indexed Contour Interval
public void setInIndexedContourInterval(double inIndexedContourInterval)
- Sets the Indexed Contour Interval parameter of this tool .
This parameter is contours will also be generated for this interval and will be flagged accordingly in the output feature class.
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- contours will also be generated for this interval and will be flagged accordingly in the output feature class.
public java.lang.Object getInContourList()
- Returns the Explicit Contour Values parameter of this tool .
This parameter is explicit values at which to create contours.
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the Explicit Contour Values
public void setInContourList(java.lang.Object inContourList)
- Sets the Explicit Contour Values parameter of this tool .
This parameter is explicit values at which to create contours.
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- explicit values at which to create contours.
public double getInZFactor()
- Returns the Factor Applied to Raster Z-values parameter of this tool .
This parameter is multiplication factor. for example, if your z units are feet and your contours should be in meters, you would use a z-factor of 0.3048 to convert your z units from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meter).
This is an optional parameter.
- Returns:
- the Factor Applied to Raster Z-values
public void setInZFactor(double inZFactor)
- Sets the Factor Applied to Raster Z-values parameter of this tool .
This parameter is multiplication factor. for example, if your z units are feet and your contours should be in meters, you would use a z-factor of 0.3048 to convert your z units from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meter).
This is an optional parameter.
- Parameters:
- multiplication factor. for example, if your z units are feet and your contours should be in meters, you would use a z-factor of 0.3048 to convert your z units from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meter).
public java.lang.String getToolName()
- Returns the name of this tool.
- Returns:
- the tool name
public java.lang.String getToolboxName()
- Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
- Returns:
- the tool box name
public java.lang.String getToolboxAlias()
- Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
- Returns:
- the tool box alias