
Class Summary
AddRepresentation Adds a feature class representation to a geodatabase feature class.
AggregatePoints Creates polygon features around clusters of proximate point features.
AggregatePolygons Combines polygons within a specified distance to each other into new polygons.
AlignMarkerToStrokeOrFill Align the representation marker symbols of a point feature class to the nearest stroke or fill representation symbols in a line or polygon feature class within a specified search distance.
CalculateAdjacentFields The most common use case for using this tool is to populate fields that can be used to label the adjacent pages in a map book.
CalculateCentralMeridianAndParallels Calculates the central meridian and optional standard parallels based on the center point of a feature's extent; stores this coordinate system as a spatial reference string in a specified text field and repeats this for a set, or subset, of features.
CalculateGeodesicAngle Calculates geodesic angles for the input features according to the defined coordinate system, and assigns the angle values to the specified field in the feature class that contains the input features.
CalculateGridConvergenceAngle Calculates the rotation angle for true north based on the center point of each feature in a feature class and populates this value in a specified field.
CalculateLineCaps Modifies the cap type (ending style) for representation stroke symbols and stores it as an override.
CalculatePolygonMainAngle Calculates the dominant angles of input polygon features and assigns the values to a specified field in the feature class.
CalculateRepresentationRule Applies existing representation rules to features in a feature class representation by calculating the RuleID field.
CalculateUTMZone Calculates a UTM zone of each feature based on the center point and stores this spatial reference string in a specified field.
CollapseDualLinesToCenterline Derives centerlines from dual-line (or double-line) features, such as road casings, based on specified width tolerances.
ContourAnnotation Creates annotation for contour features.
CreateOverpass Allows intersecting lines to be displayed as overpassing one another by creating bridge parapets and masks to cover the underlying road segment.
CreateUnderpass Allows intersecting lines to be displayed as under passing one another by creating bridge parapets and masks to cover the underlying road segment.
CulDeSacMasks Creates a feature class of polygon masks from a symbolized input line layer.
DeleteGridsAndGraticules Deletes all the features associated with one or more selected grid and graticule layers from a feature dataset.
DetectGraphicConflict Creates polygons where two or more symbolized features graphically conflict.
DisperseMarkers Finds representation markers that are overlapping or too close to one another and spreads them apart based on a minimum spacing and dispersal pattern.
DropRepresentation Deletes a feature class representation from a geodatabase feature class.
FeatureOutlineMasks Creates mask polygons at a specified distance and shape around the symbolized features in the input layer.
GridIndexFeatures Creates a grid of rectangular of polygon features that can be used as an index to specify pages for a map book using Data Driven Pages.
IntersectingLayersMasks Creates masking polygons at a specified shape and size at the intersections of symbolized input layers.
MakeGridsAndGraticulesLayer Creates a grouped layer of feature classes depicting grid, graticule, and border features using predefined cartographic specifications.
MapServerCacheTilingSchemeToPolygons Creates a new polygon feature class from an existing tiling scheme.
MergeDividedRoads Generates single line road features in place of matched pairs of divided road lanes.
PropagateDisplacement Propagates the displacement resulting from road adjustment in the Resolve Road Conflicts and Merge Divided Roads tools to adjacent features.
RemoveOverride Removes geometry and/or property representation overrides from features participating in a feature class representation.
ResolveBuildingConflicts Resolves symbol conflicts among buildings and with respect to linear barrier features by moving or hiding buildings.
ResolveRoadConflicts Resolves graphic conflicts among symbolized road features by adjusting portions of line segments.
SelectFeatureByOverride Selects features that have representation geometry and/or property overrides.
SetLayerRepresentation Sets a representation for a feature layer.
SetRepresentationControlPointAtIntersect This tool is commonly used to synchronize boundary symbology on adjacent polygons.
SetRepresentationControlPointByAngle Places a representation control point at vertices along a line or polygon boundary where the inner angle is less than or equal to a specified maximum angle.
SimplifyBuilding Simplifies the boundary or footprint of building polygons while maintaining their essential shape and size.
SimplifyLine Simplifies a line by removing small fluctuations or extraneous bends from it while preserving its essential shape.
SimplifyPolygon Simplifies a polygon by removing small fluctuations or extraneous bends from its boundary while preserving its essential shape.
SmoothLine Smooths a line to improve its aesthetic or cartographic quality.
SmoothPolygon Smooths a polygon to improve its aesthetic or cartographic quality.
StripMapIndexFeatures Creates a series of rectangular polygons, or index features, that follow a single linear feature or a group of linear features.
ThinRoadNetwork Generates a simplified road network that retains connectivity and general character to display at a smaller scale.
TiledLabelsToAnnotation Converts labels to annotation for layers in a map document based on a polygon index layer.
UpdateOverride Transfers feature representation overrides from the default override field to explicit fields as defined by the representation rules in the representation.