
Class Summary
AddCADFields Adds reserved CAD fields recognized by the Export To CAD tool.
ASCIIToRaster Converts an ASCII file representing raster data to a raster dataset.
CadToGeodatabase Reads a CAD dataset and creates feature classes of the drawing.
CreateCADXData Creates an attribute field called 'XDList' in the Input Table.
DEMToRaster Converts a digital elevation model (DEM) in a United States Geological Survey (USGS) format to a raster dataset.
ESRITranslator Uses the ArcGIS metadata translation engine to export metadata content from ArcGIS to a stand-alone metadata XML file.
ExportCAD Creates one or more CAD drawings based on the values contained in one or more input feature classes or feature layers and supporting tables.
ExportMetadata Updates metadata to contain the most current properties of the ArcGIS item before processing the metadata and finally exporting it to an XML file that conforms to a standard metadata format.
ExportMetadataMultiple Exports metadata for many ArcGIS items to a designated folder.
FeatureclassToCoverage Creates a single ArcInfo coverage from one or more input feature classes or layers.
FeatureClassToFeatureClass Converts a shapefile, coverage feature class, or geodatabase feature class to a shapefile or geodatabase feature class.
FeatureClassToGeodatabase Converts one or more feature classes or feature layers to geodatabase feature classes.
FeatureClassToShapefile Copies the features from one or more feature classes or layers to a folder of shapefiles.
FeatureToRaster Converts features to a raster dataset.
FloatToRaster Converts a file of binary floating-point values representing raster data to a raster dataset.
ImportCAD Converts a collection of CAD files into feature classes and data tables using a predefined and highly normalized schema for the purpose of further translation into GIS data.
ImportCADAnnotation Converts a collection of CAD annotation features to geodatabase annotation.
ImportCoverageAnnotation Converts a collection of coverage annotation features to geodatabase annotation.
ImportFromE00 Imports an ArcInfo interchange file (.e00).
ImportMetadata Imports metadata to the target item after converting the source item's metadata to ArcGIS metadata, if appropriate.
KMLToLayer This tool converts a KML or KMZ file into a feature class along with a layer file dervived from the source render information inside the KML/KMZ.
LayerToKML This tool converts an in-memory or file-based feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of ESRI geometries and symbology.
MapToKML This tool converts a map document into a KML file containing a translation of ESRI geometries and symbology.
MDPublisher Publishes metadata to a metadata catalog such as an ArcIMS Metadata Service.
MetadataImporter Copies metadata from the source item to the target item.
MultipatchToCollada Converts one or more multipatch features into a collection of COLLADA files and referenced texture image files in an output folder.
PointToRaster Converts point features to a raster dataset.
PolygonToRaster Converts polygon features to a raster dataset.
PolylineToRaster Converts polyline features to a raster dataset.
RasterToASCII Converts a raster dataset to an ASCII text file representing raster data.
RasterToFloat Converts a raster dataset to a file of binary floating-point values representing raster data.
RasterToGeodatabase Loads multiple raster datasets into a geodatabase or raster catalog.
RasterToOtherFormat Converts one or more raster dataset formats supported by ArcGIS to a BIL, BIP, BMP, BSQ, ENVI DAT, GIF, GRID, ERDAS IMAGINE, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG TIFF, or to a geodatabase raster dataset format.
RasterToPoint Converts a raster dataset to point features.
RasterToPolygon Converts a raster dataset to polygon features.
RasterToPolyline Converts a raster to polyline features.
RasterToVideo Creates a video file from a set of images.
SetCADAlias Renames one or more existing field name aliases by matching columns from the input table with a list of CAD-specific fields with the appropriate name recognized by the Export To CAD tool.
SynchronizeMetadata Automatically updates an ArcGIS item's metadata with the current properties of the item.
TableToDBASE Converts one or more tables to dBASE tables in an output folder.
TableToGeodatabase Converts one or more tables to geodatabase tables in an output personal, file, or SDE geodatabase.
TableToTable Converts an input table to a dBASE or geodatabase table.
UpgradeMetadata Updates an ArcGIS item's metadata or a stand-alone XML file to the current ArcGIS metadata format.
USGSMPTranslator Uses the USGS metadata parser utility, known as mp, to export or validate FGDC metadata content.
ValidateMetadata Exports metadata to a standard metadata format then validates the exported file.
ValidateMetadataMultiple Exports metadata for many ArcGIS items to a designated folder, then validates the exported files.
WFSToFeatureClass Imports a feature type from a web feature service (WFS) to a feature class in a geodatabase.
XMLSchemaValidator Uses the .NET 3.5 Framework's XML software to validate an ArcGIS item's metadata or any XML file.
XSLTransform Uses the .NET 3.5 XML software to transform an ArcGIS item's metadata or any XML file using an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet and save the result to an XML file.