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Arcmap commands (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > Developing with ArcGIS > Learning ArcObjects > General ArcObjects references > Names and IDs > Arcmap commands

Arcmap commands

The information in this topic is useful if you're trying to programmatically find a built-in command, menu, or toolbar. The ICommandBars.Find and ICommandBar.Find methods can be used to get a reference to a specific toolbar, menu, or command. Both of these methods require the unique identifier (UID) of the object you're trying to find.

This table contains the following information:

  • Caption, name, and GUID of all the built-in toolbars in Arcmap.
  • Caption, name, GUID, and parent of all the built-in menus in Arcmap.
  • Caption, name, command category (category in the Customize dialog), GUID, SubType, parent, and description of all the built-in commands that appear on the toolbars and menus in Arcmap.
Type Caption Name Command Category GUID(CLSID / ProgID) Sub Type Parent Description
Toolbar COGO COGOToolbar none {0101CB95-495A-4ECD-B6F1-C32BFFF17DF9}
none none none
Command Traverse Editor_TraverseWindowCommand Advanced Edit Tools {957F26DD-9798-47BC-AA9E-1C6B10328175}
none COGOToolbar Create new line or polygon features by specifying courses in a traverse. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Construct 2-Point Line Editor_ConstructTwoPointLineCommand Advanced Edit Tools {E58659BA-5A77-4C2F-9AE6-0B2700475F03}
none COGOToolbar Create a COGO line by entering a start point, distances, and other parameters. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Offset Line Editor_OffsetLineCommand Advanced Edit Tools {CBC22CCF-F251-437C-A2BB-3F3DC3335352}
none COGOToolbar Create features by specifying distances that are offset relative to a selected line. Right-click the list of courses for options. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Construct a cul-de-sac CulDeSacCommand Advanced Edit Tools {70DDBB82-919D-4E68-BABA-B1BFB6C02874}
none COGOToolbar Create a cul-de-sac for a selected street centerline. A cul-de-sac is the end of a street that widens as a circular turnaround for vehicles. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Proportion Editor_ProportionCommand Advanced Edit Tools {F0351581-29B7-46A6-A3C2-E601B66691B0}
none COGOToolbar Split a selected line feature based on specified distance values. Any difference in length is proportioned among the new segments. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Ground to Grid Correction GroundToGridCorrectionCommand Advanced Edit Tools {7851E9DD-9FF8-4670-9CBB-914780603920}
none COGOToolbar Set a ground to grid correction so you can correct for differences between the current GIS coordinate system and distances and directions measured on the ground. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command COGO Report COGOReportCommand Advanced Edit Tools {400CFDBF-7F40-4514-94BD-F32052A2E7FA}
none COGOToolbar Measure directions and distances for features and between points you click on the map. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command COGO Area COGOAreaCommand Advanced Edit Tools {4DC0720C-A283-4455-81F7-BBDC3B3349B5}
none COGOToolbar Calculate the area for selected line features using a traverse of COGO attributes. The lines must have valid COGO values, be completely straight or circular, and form a closed polygon shape. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Curve Calculator CurveCalculatorCommand Advanced Edit Tools {349610FB-3C6B-426F-9DBE-8197F992013D}
none COGOToolbar Calculate and report the complete measurements of a curve from two known parameters. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Split into COGO lines SplitIntoCOGOLinesCommand Advanced Edit Tools {406C12C0-D9C8-4349-8D58-86C2107F6585}
none COGOToolbar Split selected line features at each vertex, creating a new feature for every segment. If the output target is different from the input layer, the selected features are copied first, then split. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Toolbar Data TopologyLayerData_Menu none {015CDDFC-07C4-4F16-8957-F6AD90848868}
none none none
Command Repair Data Source Layer_ContextDataSource Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
7 TopologyLayerData_Menu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Context menu Reports Find_TableContextMenuReports none {0281CF32-359D-482E-873E-D9397D53F836}
none none none
Toolbar SketchTool Context Menu SketchTool_Menu none {02D578D0-42AB-11D2-84D6-0000F875B9C6}
none none none
Menu Snap To Feature SnapFeatureMenu none {4A57AC6B-F3CA-4A7F-A369-165DE205A0E0}
none SketchTool_Menu none
Command Endpoint Editor_SnapEndpointCommand Advanced Edit Tools {46971F4A-A891-4928-AB19-F58AC326F780}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest endpoint of the segment you right-click.
Command Vertex Editor_SnapVertexCommand Advanced Edit Tools {3FE59EC7-401E-4D32-BDC3-25D9B7091B45}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest vertex of the segment you right-click.
Command Midpoint Editor_SnapMidpointCommand Advanced Edit Tools {9A61F368-D9CD-4094-B651-BA3BAFFC98D0}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest midpoint of the segment you right-click.
Command Direction SketchTool_Angle Editor {02D578D1-42AB-11D2-84D6-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a point or vertex at a precise angle or direction.
Command Deflection SketchTool_Deflection Editor {AF74B361-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Constrain the direction of the segment relative to the previous segment.
Command Length SketchTool_Distance Editor {02D578D2-42AB-11D2-84D6-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a segment by an exact length or distance value from the last point in the sketch.
Command Change Length SketchTool_ChangeDistance Editor {AF74B362-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Remove the last vertex and preserve the direction of the segment.
Command Absolute X, Y SketchTool_XY Editor {AF74B363-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a point or vertex using an exact x,y measurement.
Command Delta X, Y SketchTool_DeltaXY Editor {AF74B364-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a point or vertex at an exact x,y measurement offset from the last point in the sketch.
Command Direction/Length SketchTool_AngleDistance Editor {AF74B365-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a point or vertex using an exact angle and length measurement.
Command Parallel SketchTool_Parallel Editor {AF74B366-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a segment in the sketch parallel to the segment you right-click.
Command Perpendicular SketchTool_Perpendicular Editor {AF74B367-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a segment in the sketch perpendicular to the segment you right-click.
Command Segment Deflection SketchTool_SegmentDeflection Editor {AF74B368-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a segment by an exact angle measurement offset from the segment you right-click.
Command Replace Sketch SketchTool_Replace Editor {A9A929F1-F7B4-4D7E-9A68-1545D83F1835}
none SketchTool_Menu Replace the shape of the edit sketch with the geometry of the topmost visible feature where you right-click.
Command Tangent Curve SketchTool_TangentCurve Editor {7FB343C2-B56A-11D2-9F1A-00C04F6BC979}
none SketchTool_Menu Create a circular arc segment tangent to the previous segment.
Command Find Text Find_Annotation_Construction_Text_Command Advanced Edit Tools {441937E1-802A-419D-A866-FB2DC2BA1A39}
none SketchTool_Menu Populate annotation text from the label expression of the layer with the first visible and selectable feature. Feature-linked annotation derives only from the origin feature class.
Command Streaming SketchTool_Streaming Editor {88007090-E210-11D2-9F27-00C04F6BC979}
none SketchTool_Menu Turn on stream mode editing so vertex is placed automatically at an interval, which is set on the Editing Options > General tab. Click the map to stop streaming temporarily, then click again to start creating vertices.
Command Delete Sketch Tools_DeleteSketch Editor {FD799455-472C-11D2-84D8-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Delete the entire edit sketch.
Command Finish Sketch Tools_FinishSketch Editor {FD799456-472C-11D2-84D8-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Complete the current editing operation by finishing the sketch. Shortcut: Double-click or press F2.
Command Square and Finish SketchTool_FinishSquare Editor {AF74B369-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none SketchTool_Menu Finish a polygon or line by adding two new segments at 90-degree angles.
Toolbar Rulers PageLayout_RulerMenu none {03EC5303-AA41-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Rulers PageLayout_HideShowRulers Page Layout {92D490B9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RulerMenu Toggle the rulers in Layout view on or off.
Toolbar Guides PageLayout_GuideMenu none {03EC5304-AA41-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Guides PageLayout_HideShowSnapGuides Page Layout {92D490BB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GuideMenu Toggle the guides in Layout view on or off.
Toolbar Grid PageLayout_GridMenu none {03EC5305-AA41-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Grid PageLayout_HideShowSnapGrid Page Layout {92D490BD-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GridMenu Toggle the grid in Layout view on or off.
Toolbar Margins PageLayout_MarginMenu none {03EC5306-AA41-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Margins PageLayout_HideShowMargins Page Layout {92D490BE-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MarginMenu Toggle the margins in Layout view on or off.
Context menu Table Record Marker Context Menu. Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker none {04BB864B-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
none none none
Command Flash Table_RecordMarkerFlash {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
1 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Flash current feature on map.
Command Zoom To Table_RecordMarkerZoomTo {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
2 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Zoom to current feature.
Command Pan To Table_RecordMarkerPanTo {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
3 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Pan to current feature.
Command Go To Page (Ctrl+D) Table_RecordMarkerDDPGoToPage {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
4 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Change data driven page to current feature. Disabled when layer is not the data driven pages index layer.
Command Identify Table_RecordMarkerIdentify {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
5 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Identify current record.
Command Select/Unselect Table_RecordMarkerUnselect {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
6 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Select or unselect the current record.
Command Open Attachment Manager Table_RecordMarkerOpenAttachmentManager {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
7 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Manage the attachments for this feature. Attachments can be opened or saved directly from the Manager, but can only be added or removed while in an edit session.Disabled if the feature has no attachments.
Command Zoom To Selected Table_RecordMarkerZoomToSelected {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
8 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Zoom to selected features.
Command Clear Selected Table_RecordMarkerUnselectSelected {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
9 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Unselect all the currently selected records.
Command Copy Selected Table_RecordMarkerCopySelected {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
10 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Copy selected records.
Command Delete Selected Table_RecordMarkerDeleteSelected {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
11 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Delete selected records (in an edit session).
Command Zoom To Highlighted Table_RecordMarkerZoomToHighlighted {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
12 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Zoom to highlighted features.
Command Unselect Highlighted Table_RecordMarkerUnselectHighlighted {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
13 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Remove highlighted features from the selection.
Command Reselect Highlighted Table_RecordMarkerReselectHighlighted {04BB864C-0021-11D4-A692-0008C7D3AE8D}
14 Find_TableContextMenuRecordMarker Reselect highlighted features.
Toolbar Trace Constructor Context Menu TraceConstructor_Menu none {066022E8-A0FD-48E5-AF5D-F5C77E88DD42}
none none none
Menu Trace Options TraceConstructorOptions_MenuItem none {5E819644-3976-4387-A747-AD387ABFC70A}
none TraceConstructor_Menu none
Menu Snap To Feature SnapFeatureMenu none {4A57AC6B-F3CA-4A7F-A369-165DE205A0E0}
none TraceConstructor_Menu none
Command Endpoint Editor_SnapEndpointCommand Advanced Edit Tools {46971F4A-A891-4928-AB19-F58AC326F780}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest endpoint of the segment you right-click.
Command Vertex Editor_SnapVertexCommand Advanced Edit Tools {3FE59EC7-401E-4D32-BDC3-25D9B7091B45}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest vertex of the segment you right-click.
Command Midpoint Editor_SnapMidpointCommand Advanced Edit Tools {9A61F368-D9CD-4094-B651-BA3BAFFC98D0}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest midpoint of the segment you right-click.
Command Absolute X, Y SketchTool_XY Editor {AF74B363-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none TraceConstructor_Menu Create a point or vertex using an exact x,y measurement.
Command Delta X, Y SketchTool_DeltaXY Editor {AF74B364-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none TraceConstructor_Menu Create a point or vertex at an exact x,y measurement offset from the last point in the sketch.
Command Direction/Length SketchTool_AngleDistance Editor {AF74B365-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none TraceConstructor_Menu Create a point or vertex using an exact angle and length measurement.
Command Delete Sketch Tools_DeleteSketch Editor {FD799455-472C-11D2-84D8-0000F875B9C6}
none TraceConstructor_Menu Delete the entire edit sketch.
Command Finish Sketch Tools_FinishSketch Editor {FD799456-472C-11D2-84D8-0000F875B9C6}
none TraceConstructor_Menu Complete the current editing operation by finishing the sketch. Shortcut: Double-click or press F2.
Command Square and Finish SketchTool_FinishSquare Editor {AF74B369-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none TraceConstructor_Menu Finish a polygon or line by adding two new segments at 90-degree angles.
Toolbar Geocoding Geocoding none {090E404C-77EB-44D3-8C49-E27D7A9D996E}
none none none
Command Select Address Locator Text_SingleLineSearch Geocoding {E1421FFD-256A-4B81-84F0-3908F6755457}
none Geocoding Select an address locator from the list or choose the Manage Address Locators option to add or remove an address locator.
Command Use Map Extent Use_Extent Geocoding {AF69B282-7608-44ED-9C15-5A6134AC5B7D}
none Geocoding Use the current map extent when finding locations.
Command Geocode Address Text_SingleLineSearch Geocoding {038D578C-92EE-4562-B59A-4E2B604796EF}
none Geocoding Enter an address to geocode. When a match is found, right-click the matched address to choose an action such as Zoom to or Add Labeled Point on the context menu.
Command Address Inspector Untitled Geocoding {EF0384D8-A1B0-4D14-BB4D-4E1A217E5567}
none Geocoding Hold down mouse button and move over locations to see addresses
Command Geocode Addresses GeocodeAddresses_Command Geocoding {5495175F-1C83-11D4-9F7D-00C04F8ED1C4}
none Geocoding Geocode a table of addresses.
Toolbar Resize Tool Menu Representation_ResizeToolMenu none {0BA4BFD9-4FDA-4039-AD14-FE1F38C96637}
none none none
Command Use Individual Anchors Representation_ResizeIndivAnchor Representation {A0E763FA-562C-47DB-8054-5AD13D249047}
none Representation_ResizeToolMenu Resize representations using individual anchors.
Command Ratio Representation_ResizeDialog Representation {B769C9DE-DD21-4254-BA22-DFEF32144821}
none Representation_ResizeToolMenu Resize representations using a ratio defined by typing it in.
Command Erase Representation Representation_EraseRepresentation Representation {25CE14E4-9A81-4C34-8D94-FC60FFD091B8}
none Representation_ResizeToolMenu Erase a representation so that it doesn't show.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_ResizeToolMenu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 Representation_ResizeToolMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_ResizeToolMenu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Context menu Edit Vertices Context Menu PageLayout_EditVerticesContextMenu none {0C0909F1-78D2-11D2-A2D3-080009B6F22B}
none none none
Command Delete Vertex PageLayout_DeleteVertex Page Layout {0C0909F2-78D2-11D2-A2D3-080009B6F22B}
1 PageLayout_EditVerticesContextMenu Deletes the current vertex from the shape.
Toolbar Geocoding Geocode_Menu none {0EE3DF3A-8361-4435-9BD8-A3249563FC27}
none none none
Command Geocode Addresses GeocodeAddresses_Command Geocoding {5495175F-1C83-11D4-9F7D-00C04F8ED1C4}
none Geocode_Menu Geocode a table of addresses.
Menu Review/Rematch Addresses Mx_RematchAddressesMenu none {DADF1866-415E-49CD-B80F-B14FBFD2E5C8}
none Geocode_Menu none
Toolbar Administration DataServer_Menu none {0EF7F993-F6E8-445E-A288-4D0E00BA14DA}
none none none
Context menu Network Analyst Window Table Category Group Context Menu NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu none {0F19BE7D-55F5-4884-B88E-552564C2A31A}
none none none
Command Cut NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {5DC72115-A44C-4CA0-AE41-2159C6749C0A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Cut network locations
Command Copy NACopyLocation Command Network Analyst {D5B8E479-C69F-4208-81D0-9F5F13E0485E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Copy network locations
Command Paste NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {C602B356-F476-4B0C-A437-28DA34D085BB}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Paste network locations
Command Delete NADeleteLocation Command Network Analyst {CE4289D1-F467-4AAB-AD9C-E8D518EF24C0}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Delete Selected Network Locations
Command Delete All NADeleteAllLocation Command Network Analyst {65CE6C3B-DD3F-4A50-9D1B-18842FA2ADDC}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Delete All Network Objects
Toolbar Propagate Layer Properties SchematicLayer_PropagatePropertiesMenu none {0FA68C87-8860-42F4-936A-EBFF425ADCD2}
none none none
Command To All Diagrams SchematicLayer_PropagateProperties Schematics {953F4AFC-9A4E-46FA-94F0-842EE8F129D4}
none SchematicLayer_PropagatePropertiesMenu Propagate all the layer properties related to the current schematic layer to all the opened schematic diagrams of the same diagram template.
Toolbar Align Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu none {1003C8F0-E427-4049-AA19-433A412AA037}
none none none
Command Align Left Representation_AlignLeft Representation {4EFC0678-408D-48D1-80A2-EB995733BB61}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the left.
Command Align Horizontal Center Representation_AlignHorizontal Representation {880D830B-7691-4F9D-8613-B724262731F8}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right Representation_AlignRight Representation {AAAB8C7F-AFEF-4F4C-91FA-65A4642B408F}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the right.
Command Align Top Representation_AlignTop Representation {CAA246D4-0AA8-4327-8D06-0AB0210CECDE}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center Representation_AlignVertical Representation {E7835C9D-67EE-434B-8723-0162D767D241}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the vertical center.
Toolbar Styles StyleOptions_Menu none {10F9032D-EBDE-11D2-AB0D-000000000000}
none none none
Command Style References Tools_StyleReferences Tools {10F9032E-EBDE-11D2-AB0D-000000000000}
1 StyleOptions_Menu Choose which styles will be available for use in this map.
Command Style Manager Tools_StyleManager Tools {10F9032E-EBDE-11D2-AB0D-000000000000}
2 StyleOptions_Menu Browse and manage the contents of styles.
Toolbar Edit Edit_Menu none {119591BE-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command Undo Edit_Undo Edit {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
1 Edit_Menu Undo the last action.
Command Redo Edit_Redo Edit {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
2 Edit_Menu Redo the previously undone action.
Command Cut Edit_Cut Edit {A33D9406-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Edit_Menu Cut the selected element(s).
Command Copy Edit_Copy Edit {A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Edit_Menu Copy the selected element(s).
Command Paste Edit_Paste Edit {A33D9407-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Edit_Menu Paste the clipboard contents into the map.
Command Paste Special PageLayout_EditPasteSpecial Edit {D4416555-9920-11D2-AD03-0000F87808EE}
none Edit_Menu Paste the clipboard contents using the format you specify
Command Delete Edit_Clear Edit {16CD71E5-98C3-11D1-873B-0000F8751720}
none Edit_Menu Delete the selected element(s).
Command Copy Map To Clipboard PageLayout_EditCopyMap Edit {57610896-4F78-11D2-AAAB-000000000000}
none Edit_Menu Copy the map to the clipboard
Command Select All Elements Edit_SelectAll Edit {161496AD-AC99-11D2-87F8-0000F8751720}
none Edit_Menu Selects all text, graphics and other objects placed on the map
Command Unselect All Elements Edit_UnselectAll Edit {B3350335-1FAC-4B53-B689-A750502B0F55}
none Edit_Menu Unselect any graphics or page elements that are currently selected
Toolbar View View_Menu none {119591C1-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command Data View View_Geographic View {65702489-A258-11D1-8740-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Switches to Data view, which shows the data in your map and hides the map layout. If your map contains more than one data frame, you will see the contents of the active data frame.
Command Layout View View_LayoutView View {6570248A-A258-11D1-8740-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Switches to Layout view, which lets you work with the elements on your map layout in addition to the data it contains.
Menu Graphs DataGraphOptions_Menu none {4C6E6A2B-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
none View_Menu none
Command Create Graph DataGraph_Create DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
1 DataGraphOptions_Menu Create a new graph. The dialog that appears lets you choose the layer or table containing the data you want to graph. After creating a graph, right-click inside the window it appears in to get more options, such as adding it to the map layout or saving it to a file.
Command Create Scatterplot Matrix Graph DataGraph_CreateScatterplotMatrix DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
4 DataGraphOptions_Menu Create a new scatterplot matrix graph. A scatterplot matrix graph is a data exploration tool that allows you to compare several datasets to look for patterns and relationships.
Command Manage Graphs DataGraph_Manage DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
2 DataGraphOptions_Menu Open the Graph Manager window. This dockable window makes it easy to work with your graphs. In the window you can right-click a graph to get more options.
Command Load Graph DataGraph_Load DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
3 DataGraphOptions_Menu Load graph that has been previously saved out as a graph file (.grf).
Menu Reports Reports_Menu none {C545B528-4216-4A5A-B7E5-4FC17DA4C3C9}
none View_Menu none
Command Create Report ReportWriter_CreateReportCommand Reports {CDC6F22A-7DD1-490F-8FDE-4357C621BBDF}
none Reports_Menu Create a report for a table or layer in your map. You can add the report to your map or export it in various formats.
Command Load Report ReportWriter_LoadReportCommand Reports {089ACA9C-4A55-411C-89B2-F84DA0FA96B3}
none Reports_Menu Load an existing report from a Report Layout File (.rlf) which can then be modified, or a Report Definition File (.rdf) which can only be viewed.
Command Scroll Bars PageLayout_HideShowScrollbars Page Layout {92D490BA-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Toggle the scroll bars in the current view on or off. For example you can turn them off in Data view while leaving them on in Layout view.
Command Status Bar View_StatusBar View {FBF8C40A-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
1 View_Menu Toggle the status bar at the bottom of the ArcMap window on or off.
Command Rulers PageLayout_HideShowRulers Page Layout {92D490B9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Toggle the rulers in Layout view on or off.
Command Guides PageLayout_HideShowSnapGuides Page Layout {92D490BB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Toggle the guides in Layout view on or off.
Command Grid PageLayout_HideShowSnapGrid Page Layout {92D490BD-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Toggle the grid in Layout view on or off.
Command Data Frame Properties View_Properties View {FBF8C40A-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
3 View_Menu Change the properties of the active data frame in your map, such as coordinate system.
Command Refresh Tools_RefreshView Tools {0D6B0B06-23BB-11D4-9FF2-00C04F6BC78E}
none View_Menu Redraw the map.
Command Pause Drawing PanZoom_PauseDrawing Pan/Zoom {DEB3380E-55A6-4135-B319-4F217E21F648}
none View_Menu Temporarily suspends drawing so you can work without map redrawing
Toolbar Insert Insert_Menu none {119591C4-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command Data Frame PageLayout_NewMap Page Layout {C22579D5-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Create a new, empty data frame in the map. A data frame represents a geographic location and contains layers of data.
Command Title PageLayout_InsertTitle Page Layout {EB70D0B3-0FA4-11D3-9F82-00C04F6BC78E}
none Insert_Menu Insert a map title in Layout view. You are prompted to enter the title if no title has already been specifed in the File > Map Document Properties dialog.
Command Text PageLayout_InsertText Page Layout {EB70D0B2-0FA4-11D3-9F82-00C04F6BC78E}
none Insert_Menu Insert a text string into the map.
Menu Dynamic Text PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu none {1F58CC73-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none Insert_Menu none
Command Current Date PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226B-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current date.
Command Current Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226C-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current time.
Command User Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226A-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the current user.
Command Author PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC3-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document author.
Command Date Saved PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC6-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the date the document was last saved.
Command Document Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC6-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document name.
Command Document Path PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC7-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document path.
Command Service Layer Credits PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC9-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays credits for all visible service layers.
Command Coordinate System PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B8-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame coordinate system.
Command Data Frame Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B4-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame name.
Command Reference Scale PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B5-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame reference scale.
Command Data Frame Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {A57498AD-D52E-402C-8810-CBA14877C3B1}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's current time.
Command Data Driven Page Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38A-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the current data driven page.
Command Data Driven Page Number PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38B-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the page number of the current data driven page.
Command Data Driven Page with Count PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38C-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the page number of the current page along with the total number of data driven pages.
Command Data Driven Page Display Expression PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38E-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the display expression of the current data driven page. (See index layer 'Display' properties.)
Command Neatline PageLayout_Neatline Page Layout {F0877F6E-4B93-4544-95AD-5C4F021B171E}
none Insert_Menu Add a neatline to the layout
Command Legend PageLayout_NewLegend Page Layout {99D21D79-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Insert a legend in Layout view.
Command North Arrow PageLayout_NewNorthArrow Page Layout {99D21D7A-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Insert a north arrow in Layout view
Command Scale Bar PageLayout_NewScaleBar Page Layout {99D21D77-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Insert a scale bar in Layout view.
Command Scale Text PageLayout_NewScaleText Page Layout {99D21D78-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Insert a text description of the scale in Layout view.
Command Picture Picture Page Layout {5F933B51-C053-11D2-9F22-00C04F6BC8DD}
none Insert_Menu Insert a picture
Toolbar Tools Tools_Menu none {119591CB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command Editor Toolbar Tools_EditingToolbar Tools {E1F29C74-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none Tools_Menu Open the Editor toolbar so you can edit the map's data.
Menu Graphs DataGraphOptions_Menu none {4C6E6A2B-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
none Tools_Menu none
Command Create Graph DataGraph_Create DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
1 DataGraphOptions_Menu Create a new graph. The dialog that appears lets you choose the layer or table containing the data you want to graph. After creating a graph, right-click inside the window it appears in to get more options, such as adding it to the map layout or saving it to a file.
Command Create Scatterplot Matrix Graph DataGraph_CreateScatterplotMatrix DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
4 DataGraphOptions_Menu Create a new scatterplot matrix graph. A scatterplot matrix graph is a data exploration tool that allows you to compare several datasets to look for patterns and relationships.
Command Manage Graphs DataGraph_Manage DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
2 DataGraphOptions_Menu Open the Graph Manager window. This dockable window makes it easy to work with your graphs. In the window you can right-click a graph to get more options.
Command Load Graph DataGraph_Load DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
3 DataGraphOptions_Menu Load graph that has been previously saved out as a graph file (.grf).
Menu Reports Reports_Menu none {C545B528-4216-4A5A-B7E5-4FC17DA4C3C9}
none Tools_Menu none
Command Create Report ReportWriter_CreateReportCommand Reports {CDC6F22A-7DD1-490F-8FDE-4357C621BBDF}
none Reports_Menu Create a report for a table or layer in your map. You can add the report to your map or export it in various formats.
Command Load Report ReportWriter_LoadReportCommand Reports {089ACA9C-4A55-411C-89B2-F84DA0FA96B3}
none Reports_Menu Load an existing report from a Report Layout File (.rlf) which can then be modified, or a Report Definition File (.rdf) which can only be viewed.
Menu Geocoding Geocode_Menu none {0EE3DF3A-8361-4435-9BD8-A3249563FC27}
none Tools_Menu none
Command Geocode Addresses GeocodeAddresses_Command Geocoding {5495175F-1C83-11D4-9F7D-00C04F8ED1C4}
none Geocode_Menu Geocode a table of addresses.
Menu Review/Rematch Addresses Mx_RematchAddressesMenu none {DADF1866-415E-49CD-B80F-B14FBFD2E5C8}
none Geocode_Menu none
Command Add XY Data Tools_AddXYData Tools {55425B75-2CE4-4909-B40A-CFE50FAD1896}
none Tools_Menu Adds a new map layer based on XY events from a table.
Command Add Route Events Lr_AddRouteEvents Linear Referencing {6E6364B6-9ED5-4C0C-BEF1-F489F20597BE}
none Tools_Menu Adds a new map layer based on route events from a table.
Command ArcCatalog Tools_Catalog Tools {E1F29C71-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none Tools_Menu Launch ArcCatalog.
Command My Places ControlToolsGeneric_MyPlaces Generic {138C5B5B-439C-4DA0-8EF8-78B61F94A70A}
none Tools_Menu Create and work with a list of your frequently used addresses, locations, features, and extents.
Menu VBA Macros Macros_Menu none {119591D5-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none Tools_Menu none
Command Macros Tools_Macros Tools {12FA7CAF-07AA-11D2-8D22-080009EE4E51}
1 Macros_Menu Create, edit or execute a VBA macro.
Command Customize Mode Untitled Tools {8807BD31-6947-11D2-8D4C-080009EE4E51}
none Tools_Menu Customize the user interface. While the Customize dialog is open, you can drag and drop controls between menus and toolbars to rearrange them. You can also find commands in the Customize dialog and drag them into menus and toolbars.
Command Extensions ExtensionsCommand Tools {F647BE13-ECCF-4D32-8B04-72CB28CEAE7C}
none Tools_Menu Select the ArcGIS Desktop extensions you want to use. Extensions provide extended capabilities and usually require that you have a license to use them. The dialog lists the extensions that are currently installed on your system and which work with the application you are currently using.
Menu Styles StyleOptions_Menu none {10F9032D-EBDE-11D2-AB0D-000000000000}
none Tools_Menu none
Command Style References Tools_StyleReferences Tools {10F9032E-EBDE-11D2-AB0D-000000000000}
1 StyleOptions_Menu Choose which styles will be available for use in this map.
Command Style Manager Tools_StyleManager Tools {10F9032E-EBDE-11D2-AB0D-000000000000}
2 StyleOptions_Menu Browse and manage the contents of styles.
Toolbar Windows Windows_Menu none {119591CF-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command { New } { Window_NewWindowItems } {A01B0EA3-0A06-11D2-8D22-080009EE4E51}
none Windows_Menu none
Command Table Of Contents View_Contents View {E1F29C6D-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none Windows_Menu Open the Table of Contents window to work with your map's contents.
Command Catalog File_CatalogWindow File {79D6A9E5-C3C3-4F47-9E7F-4ABE329EAA67}
none Windows_Menu Open the Catalog window to access and manage your data.
Command Search File_ArcGISSearchCommand File {3E206C92-5576-46F2-9C96-209B81D229C2}
none Windows_Menu Open the Search window to search for data, maps, tools, etc.
Toolbar Help Help_Menu none {119591D1-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command ArcGIS Desktop Help Help_Contents Help {DFD4A705-B83F-45FB-820B-2C633AF6F325}
none Help_Menu Launch the help system for ArcGIS Desktop. This help system is installed with the product and doesn't require an Internet connection.
Command ArcGIS Desktop Web Help Help_ArcGISResourceCenter Help {4B6B8DA1-19B0-4289-AF9D-16FB23647D5D}
7 Help_Menu Launch the ArcGIS Desktop Web Help website on the Internet. This website features online help, blogs, forums and other useful resources about ArcGIS.
Toolbar VBA Macros Macros_Menu none {119591D5-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command Macros Tools_Macros Tools {12FA7CAF-07AA-11D2-8D22-080009EE4E51}
1 Macros_Menu Create, edit or execute a VBA macro.
Toolbar Add Layer Layer_Menu none {119591D8-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Toolbar Snapping Snapping_Menu none {1273340D-37D8-4D38-9673-5370EB12676D}
none none none
Command Use Snapping UseSnapping_Command Snapping {805415A1-3FF2-4134-A81C-9E3796D22D60}
none Snapping_Menu Enable or disable snapping for the map. Snapping is used when editing, georeferencing, and working with these tools: Measure, Select By Polygon, Select By Circle, Select By Line. Set options on the Snapping > Options dialog box. This setting applies to all your ArcMap sessions. If you are using editing classic snapping, editing tools use that environment and non-editing tools use the Snapping toolbar. Graphics tools on the Draw toolbar do not use snapping at all.
Command Intersection Snapping IntersectionSnapping_Command Snapping {F5BE823B-4BEB-4E40-9840-E638E63D25F9}
none Snapping_Menu Snap to the intersection of two or more line or polygon features when editing, georeferencing, and working with these tools: Measure, Select By Polygon, Select By Circle, Select By Line. Set options on the Snapping > Options dialog box. This setting applies to all your ArcMap sessions.
Command Midpoint Snapping MidpointSnapping_Command Snapping {432DC1C7-9DFB-43A7-832F-25DDBC67EBB9}
none Snapping_Menu Snap to the midpoint of line or polygon segments when editing, georeferencing, and working with these tools: Measure, Select By Polygon, Select By Circle, Select By Line. Set options on the Snapping > Options dialog box. This setting applies to all your ArcMap sessions.
Command Tangent Snapping TangentSnapping_Command Snapping {89889911-BDE3-4E3F-B2B1-A11481F8129B}
none Snapping_Menu Snap to the point of tangency on curved line or polygon segments when editing, georeferencing, and working with these tools: Measure, Select By Polygon, Select By Circle, Select By Line. Set options on the Snapping > Options dialog box. This setting applies to all your ArcMap sessions.
Command Snap To Sketch SnapToSketch_Command Advanced Edit Tools {6C006860-032E-4821-A4E5-4F8F736FB9C0}
none Snapping_Menu Snap to elements in an edit sketch while creating and editing features. When vertex and edge snapping are enabled, you can snap to sketch vertices and edges, as well as features. Disabled if you are not currently in an edit session.
Command Snap To Topology Nodes SnapToTopologyNodes_Command Topology {BA511ECD-3ECC-4867-A716-DB50565C510E}
none Snapping_Menu Snap to topology nodes during an edit session. Point snapping must be enabled for snapping to topology nodes to occur.
Context menu Selection NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu none {15AB1F56-24BB-428F-B049-74A188A30045}
none none none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu Make unselected features selected
Toolbar Adjustment Methods Transformations_Menu none {168028EF-9057-49DA-A29C-D72ABE71A34C}
none none none
Context menu Edit Vertices Context Menu Editor_EditVerticesContextMenu none {1A3133FA-A91B-4CC4-86A7-C1F0BD924083}
none none none
Command Delete Vertex Editor_Anno_DeleteVertex Advanced Edit Tools {D618DA98-5005-4392-99A3-EACB4DC0BCC6}
1 Editor_EditVerticesContextMenu Delete the current vertex from the curved annotation's baseline shape.
Command Insert Vertex Editor_Anno_AddVertex Advanced Edit Tools {D618DA98-5005-4392-99A3-EACB4DC0BCC6}
2 Editor_EditVerticesContextMenu Add a vertex to the curved annotation's baseline shape.
Toolbar Part SketchPart_Menu none {1DD48818-DF79-4CDF-879A-410CDB307659}
none none none
Command Select All Vertices Tools_SelectAllVerticesInPart Editor {A5C578C1-A809-42C2-A9CA-4BE08B719E82}
none SketchPart_Menu Select all vertices in the part near your pointer so you can perform edits on just those vertices. Selected vertices appear as white boxes on the map and are checked in the Edit Sketch Properties window.
Toolbar Data TinLayerData_Menu none {1E66D5EA-B0E6-44EA-BC72-61C7630388C8}
none none none
Command Repair Data Source Untitled TIN {2F61A926-3AFB-11D4-A385-00C04F6BC619}
none TinLayerData_Menu Locate this TIN layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it.
Toolbar Main Menu Main Menu none {1E739F59-E45F-11D1-9496-080009EEBECB}
none none none
Menu File File_Menu none {56599DD3-E464-11D1-9496-080009EEBECB}
none Main Menu none
Command New File_New File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
1 File_Menu Create a new map document.
Command Open File_Open File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
2 File_Menu Open an existing map document.
Command Save File_Save File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
3 File_Menu Save the current map document.
Command Save As File_SaveAs File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
4 File_Menu Save the current map with a new name or to a different location.
Command Save A Copy File_SaveCopyAs File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
12 File_Menu Save a copy of the current map document. You can use this to save a copy of your current document so that it can be opened with an earlier version of ArcGIS. In the dialog that appears, choose the desired target version from the 'Save as type' dropdown.
Menu Share As ShareAs_Menu none {2485E365-6206-4407-B934-0E8DFF6C5768}
none File_Menu none
Menu Add Data AddData_Menu none {C401F530-2CA4-41C6-B608-00A9FCDDE968}
none File_Menu none
Command Add Data File_AddData File {E1F29C6B-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none AddData_Menu Add new data to the map’s active data frame.Tip: You can also drag data into your map from the Catalog window.
Command Add Basemap ESRI_BaseMap_BasemapCommand ArcGIS Online {76B26001-63CF-4CAC-A7E0-91CEE8686FAC}
none AddData_Menu Choose a basemap from ArcGIS Online. These basemaps are map services that require an Internet connection for them to draw in your map.
Command Add Data From ArcGIS Online ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterButton ArcGIS Online {DD82F2F1-B277-513D-5788-F89E518B126C}
none AddData_Menu Add data from ArcGIS Online into your map. The dialog that appears only shows data which can be added into your map as a layer. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data you've uploaded and data in groups you belong to.
Command Add XY Data Tools_AddXYData Tools {55425B75-2CE4-4909-B40A-CFE50FAD1896}
none AddData_Menu Adds a new map layer based on XY events from a table.
Menu Geocoding Geocode_Menu none {0EE3DF3A-8361-4435-9BD8-A3249563FC27}
none AddData_Menu none
Command Geocode Addresses GeocodeAddresses_Command Geocoding {5495175F-1C83-11D4-9F7D-00C04F8ED1C4}
none Geocode_Menu Geocode a table of addresses.
Menu Review/Rematch Addresses Mx_RematchAddressesMenu none {DADF1866-415E-49CD-B80F-B14FBFD2E5C8}
none Geocode_Menu none
Command Add Route Events Lr_AddRouteEvents Linear Referencing {6E6364B6-9ED5-4C0C-BEF1-F489F20597BE}
none AddData_Menu Adds a new map layer based on route events from a table.
Command { Sign in } { File_AGOLSignin } {C74C0031-9224-4EBB-9CA8-4D1D51986955}
none File_Menu none
Command ArcGIS Online ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterManageButton ArcGIS Online {47519610-33B8-8518-FB39-2A9A6CB4079A}
none File_Menu Launch the ArcGIS Online dialog so you can access data and open maps. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data and maps you've uploaded, as well as data and maps in groups you belong to
Command Page and Print Setup File_PageSetup File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
5 File_Menu Specify the page size and orientation for this map document. You can also specify that the map will be printed out as a map series by setting up data-driven pages.
Command Print Preview File_PrintPreview File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
6 File_Menu Preview how this map document will look when printed out.
Command Print File_Print File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
7 File_Menu Print the current map document.
Command Export Map File_Export File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
9 File_Menu Export this map to a file, such as a PNG, EPS, JPEG or PDF file. If you are in Data view, only your current map display extent will be exported. If you are in Layout view, your entire page layout will be exported.
Command Analyze Map PublishUI_Prepare Map Service Publishing {CAA544E6-415B-44C3-B504-FBA408F75ADD}
none File_Menu Optimize this map's drawing speed and find any other issues such as broken layers.
Command Map Document Properties File_Properties File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
8 File_Menu Display or edit the properties of this map document, such as description, author, credits, and specify whether disk-based data it uses will be referenced by relative pathnames.
Command { Recent files } { File_RecentFiles } {BF4121B8-175C-11D2-8D23-080009EE4E51}
none File_Menu none
Menu Edit Edit_Menu none {119591BE-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none Main Menu none
Command Undo Edit_Undo Edit {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
1 Edit_Menu Undo the last action.
Command Redo Edit_Redo Edit {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
2 Edit_Menu Redo the previously undone action.
Command Cut Edit_Cut Edit {A33D9406-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Edit_Menu Cut the selected element(s).
Command Copy Edit_Copy Edit {A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Edit_Menu Copy the selected element(s).
Command Paste Edit_Paste Edit {A33D9407-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Edit_Menu Paste the clipboard contents into the map.
Command Paste Special PageLayout_EditPasteSpecial Edit {D4416555-9920-11D2-AD03-0000F87808EE}
none Edit_Menu Paste the clipboard contents using the format you specify
Command Delete Edit_Clear Edit {16CD71E5-98C3-11D1-873B-0000F8751720}
none Edit_Menu Delete the selected element(s).
Command Copy Map To Clipboard PageLayout_EditCopyMap Edit {57610896-4F78-11D2-AAAB-000000000000}
none Edit_Menu Copy the map to the clipboard
Command Select All Elements Edit_SelectAll Edit {161496AD-AC99-11D2-87F8-0000F8751720}
none Edit_Menu Selects all text, graphics and other objects placed on the map
Command Unselect All Elements Edit_UnselectAll Edit {B3350335-1FAC-4B53-B689-A750502B0F55}
none Edit_Menu Unselect any graphics or page elements that are currently selected
Menu View View_Menu none {119591C1-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none Main Menu none
Command Data View View_Geographic View {65702489-A258-11D1-8740-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Switches to Data view, which shows the data in your map and hides the map layout. If your map contains more than one data frame, you will see the contents of the active data frame.
Command Layout View View_LayoutView View {6570248A-A258-11D1-8740-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Switches to Layout view, which lets you work with the elements on your map layout in addition to the data it contains.
Menu Graphs DataGraphOptions_Menu none {4C6E6A2B-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
none View_Menu none
Command Create Graph DataGraph_Create DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
1 DataGraphOptions_Menu Create a new graph. The dialog that appears lets you choose the layer or table containing the data you want to graph. After creating a graph, right-click inside the window it appears in to get more options, such as adding it to the map layout or saving it to a file.
Command Create Scatterplot Matrix Graph DataGraph_CreateScatterplotMatrix DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
4 DataGraphOptions_Menu Create a new scatterplot matrix graph. A scatterplot matrix graph is a data exploration tool that allows you to compare several datasets to look for patterns and relationships.
Command Manage Graphs DataGraph_Manage DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
2 DataGraphOptions_Menu Open the Graph Manager window. This dockable window makes it easy to work with your graphs. In the window you can right-click a graph to get more options.
Command Load Graph DataGraph_Load DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
3 DataGraphOptions_Menu Load graph that has been previously saved out as a graph file (.grf).
Menu Reports Reports_Menu none {C545B528-4216-4A5A-B7E5-4FC17DA4C3C9}
none View_Menu none
Command Create Report ReportWriter_CreateReportCommand Reports {CDC6F22A-7DD1-490F-8FDE-4357C621BBDF}
none Reports_Menu Create a report for a table or layer in your map. You can add the report to your map or export it in various formats.
Command Load Report ReportWriter_LoadReportCommand Reports {089ACA9C-4A55-411C-89B2-F84DA0FA96B3}
none Reports_Menu Load an existing report from a Report Layout File (.rlf) which can then be modified, or a Report Definition File (.rdf) which can only be viewed.
Command Scroll Bars PageLayout_HideShowScrollbars Page Layout {92D490BA-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Toggle the scroll bars in the current view on or off. For example you can turn them off in Data view while leaving them on in Layout view.
Command Status Bar View_StatusBar View {FBF8C40A-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
1 View_Menu Toggle the status bar at the bottom of the ArcMap window on or off.
Command Rulers PageLayout_HideShowRulers Page Layout {92D490B9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Toggle the rulers in Layout view on or off.
Command Guides PageLayout_HideShowSnapGuides Page Layout {92D490BB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Toggle the guides in Layout view on or off.
Command Grid PageLayout_HideShowSnapGrid Page Layout {92D490BD-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none View_Menu Toggle the grid in Layout view on or off.
Command Data Frame Properties View_Properties View {FBF8C40A-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
3 View_Menu Change the properties of the active data frame in your map, such as coordinate system.
Command Refresh Tools_RefreshView Tools {0D6B0B06-23BB-11D4-9FF2-00C04F6BC78E}
none View_Menu Redraw the map.
Command Pause Drawing PanZoom_PauseDrawing Pan/Zoom {DEB3380E-55A6-4135-B319-4F217E21F648}
none View_Menu Temporarily suspends drawing so you can work without map redrawing
Menu Bookmarks BookMarks_Menu none {E370A1CD-4CD6-11D2-AAA8-000000000000}
none Main Menu none
Command Create Bookmark Bookmarks_InsertSpatialBookmark Bookmarks {E370A1CE-4CD6-11D2-AAA8-000000000000}
1 BookMarks_Menu Create a spatial bookmark. Your new bookmark captures the current extent of your map and makes it easy to get back to that extent after navigating away. Bookmarks are listed in the Bookmarks menu and are stored in your map document.
Command Manage Bookmarks Bookmarks_EditBookmark Bookmarks {E370A1CE-4CD6-11D2-AAA8-000000000000}
2 BookMarks_Menu Open the Bookmarks Manager so you can delete spatial bookmarks, reorder them, save them to a file so they can be loaded into a different map document, etc. You can also right-click a bookmark in the dialog to get more options, such as updating the extent of the bookmark to match your map's current extent.
Menu Insert Insert_Menu none {119591C4-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none Main Menu none
Command Data Frame PageLayout_NewMap Page Layout {C22579D5-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Create a new, empty data frame in the map. A data frame represents a geographic location and contains layers of data.
Command Title PageLayout_InsertTitle Page Layout {EB70D0B3-0FA4-11D3-9F82-00C04F6BC78E}
none Insert_Menu Insert a map title in Layout view. You are prompted to enter the title if no title has already been specifed in the File > Map Document Properties dialog.
Command Text PageLayout_InsertText Page Layout {EB70D0B2-0FA4-11D3-9F82-00C04F6BC78E}
none Insert_Menu Insert a text string into the map.
Menu Dynamic Text PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu none {1F58CC73-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none Insert_Menu none
Command Current Date PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226B-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current date.
Command Current Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226C-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current time.
Command User Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226A-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the current user.
Command Author PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC3-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document author.
Command Date Saved PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC6-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the date the document was last saved.
Command Document Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC6-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document name.
Command Document Path PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC7-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document path.
Command Service Layer Credits PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC9-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays credits for all visible service layers.
Command Coordinate System PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B8-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame coordinate system.
Command Data Frame Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B4-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame name.
Command Reference Scale PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B5-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame reference scale.
Command Data Frame Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {A57498AD-D52E-402C-8810-CBA14877C3B1}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's current time.
Command Data Driven Page Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38A-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the current data driven page.
Command Data Driven Page Number PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38B-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the page number of the current data driven page.
Command Data Driven Page with Count PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38C-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the page number of the current page along with the total number of data driven pages.
Command Data Driven Page Display Expression PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38E-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the display expression of the current data driven page. (See index layer 'Display' properties.)
Command Neatline PageLayout_Neatline Page Layout {F0877F6E-4B93-4544-95AD-5C4F021B171E}
none Insert_Menu Add a neatline to the layout
Command Legend PageLayout_NewLegend Page Layout {99D21D79-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Insert a legend in Layout view.
Command North Arrow PageLayout_NewNorthArrow Page Layout {99D21D7A-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Insert a north arrow in Layout view
Command Scale Bar PageLayout_NewScaleBar Page Layout {99D21D77-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Insert a scale bar in Layout view.
Command Scale Text PageLayout_NewScaleText Page Layout {99D21D78-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none Insert_Menu Insert a text description of the scale in Layout view.
Command Picture Picture Page Layout {5F933B51-C053-11D2-9F22-00C04F6BC8DD}
none Insert_Menu Insert a picture
Menu Selection Selection_Menu none {EB70D0AF-0FA4-11D3-9F82-00C04F6BC78E}
none Main Menu none
Command Select By Attributes Query_AttributeSelect Selection {54EBEEE6-DC82-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none Selection_Menu Selects features by their attribute values
Command Select By Location Query_SelectByLayer Selection {82B9951B-DD63-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none Selection_Menu Selects features using the location of features in another layer.
Command Select By Graphics Query_SelectByGraphics Selection {57610895-4F78-11D2-AAAB-000000000000}
none Selection_Menu Select features from selectable layers that are intersected by graphics drawn on the map. First draw the graphic(s) using the Draw toolbar and then select the graphic you want to use and choose this command. Choose Selection > Interactive Selection Method to control the behavior.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none Selection_Menu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 Selection_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Statistics Query_SelectionStatistics Selection {3E58D6D0-DF7A-11D1-ADD9-080009EC732A}
none Selection_Menu Display statistics for the selected features.
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none Selection_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Menu Interactive Selection Method SelectionType_Menu none {8841A0D9-4F49-11D2-AE2D-080009EC732A}
none Selection_Menu none
Command Create New Selection Query_SelectFeatures Selection {8841A0DA-4F49-11D2-AE2D-080009EC732A}
1 SelectionType_Menu When you use the interactive selection tools like the Select Features tool, a new set of selected features will be created.
Command Add to Current Selection Query_AddToCurrentSelection Selection {8841A0DA-4F49-11D2-AE2D-080009EC732A}
2 SelectionType_Menu When you use the interactive selection tools like the Select Features tool, the features you select will be added to the current set of selected features. Shortcut: Hold down SHIFT when you use the tools.
Command Remove From Current Selection Query_RemoveFromCurrentSelection Selection {8841A0DA-4F49-11D2-AE2D-080009EC732A}
3 SelectionType_Menu When you use the interactive selection tools like the Select Features tool, the features you select will be removed from the current set of selected features.
Menu Geoprocessing Geoprocessing_Menu none {F830D42D-806D-4A30-B560-67469B9FF3AB}
none Main Menu none
Command Buffer Analysis Tools_Buffer Analysis Tools {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6}
84 Geoprocessing_Menu Geoprocessing tool that creates buffer polygons around input features to a specified distance.
Command Clip Analysis Tools_Clip Analysis Tools {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6}
85 Geoprocessing_Menu Geoprocessing tool that extracts input features that overlay the clip features.
Command Intersect Analysis Tools_Intersect Analysis Tools {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6}
88 Geoprocessing_Menu Geoprocessing tool that computes a geometric intersection of the input features. Features or portions of features which overlap in all layers and/or feature classes will be written to the output feature class.
Command Union Analysis Tools_Union Analysis Tools {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6}
90 Geoprocessing_Menu Geoprocessing tool computes a geometric union of the input features.
Command Merge Data Management Tools_Merge Data Management Tools {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6}
262 Geoprocessing_Menu Geoprocessing tool that combines multiple input datasets into a single, new output dataset.
Command Dissolve Data Management Tools_Dissolve Data Management Tools {80F581B8-FF06-44EE-B6C5-4AC6E5727AC6}
168 Geoprocessing_Menu Geoprocessing tool used to aggregate features based on specified attributes.
Command Search For Tools GP Search Window Geoprocessing {A395E075-78EE-4D01-847C-773667634BF6}
none Geoprocessing_Menu Open the Search window so you can search for geoprocessing tools.
Command ArcToolbox ArcToolbox_ShowToolbox ArcToolbox {85980C3A-652A-47ED-8CD2-1B99DD060AAB}
none Geoprocessing_Menu Open the ArcToolbox window so you can access geoprocessing tools and toolboxes.
Command Environments GP Environments Window Geoprocessing {67EFF682-3AAB-4301-B7F6-46A4178FC923}
none Geoprocessing_Menu Open the Geoprocessing Environments Dialog
Command Results GP Search Window Geoprocessing {9899A86C-A077-4DF4-A178-77B64AE50690}
none Geoprocessing_Menu Open the Results window so you can track and review the geoprocessing steps you have performed. In this window you can also share your geoprocessing results with others as packages or services.
Command ModelBuilder ArcToolbox_ShowModelBuilder ArcToolbox {F6F97AA5-40F2-4C96-8A52-09CF68B30C06}
none Geoprocessing_Menu Open the ModelBuilder window so you can make a geoprocessing model.
Command Python ArcToolbox_ShowCommandLine ArcToolbox {1A7E7146-BDFB-4755-93DE-100171382BFF}
none Geoprocessing_Menu Open the Python window so you can execute geoprocessing commands and scripts.
Menu Customize Cutomize_Menu none {ECA79206-50B1-43E2-8242-B19EEB7BDC00}
none Main Menu none
CommandBar Toolbars none {10BAA9F9-1C2F-11D2-94B6-080009EEBECB}
none Cutomize_Menu none
Command Customize Mode Untitled Tools {8807BD31-6947-11D2-8D4C-080009EE4E51}
none none Customize the user interface. While the Customize dialog is open, you can drag and drop controls between menus and toolbars to rearrange them. You can also find commands in the Customize dialog and drag them into menus and toolbars.
Command Extensions ExtensionsCommand Tools {F647BE13-ECCF-4D32-8B04-72CB28CEAE7C}
none Cutomize_Menu Select the ArcGIS Desktop extensions you want to use. Extensions provide extended capabilities and usually require that you have a license to use them. The dialog lists the extensions that are currently installed on your system and which work with the application you are currently using.
Command Add-In Manager AddInManager Tools {EC9C5C3E-A5B5-4EE5-A7C0-D029044F89C4}
none Cutomize_Menu Review and manage the ArcGIS Desktop add-ins currently installed on your system. Add-ins make it easy to develop, distribute and use additional functionality. To install an add-in, choose Customize > Customize Mode, click Add From File, then drag and drop the commands from the add-in into your menus or toolbars.
Menu VBA Macros Macros_Menu none {119591D5-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none Cutomize_Menu none
Command Macros Tools_Macros Tools {12FA7CAF-07AA-11D2-8D22-080009EE4E51}
1 Macros_Menu Create, edit or execute a VBA macro.
Command Customize Mode Untitled Tools {8807BD31-6947-11D2-8D4C-080009EE4E51}
none Cutomize_Menu Customize the user interface. While the Customize dialog is open, you can drag and drop controls between menus and toolbars to rearrange them. You can also find commands in the Customize dialog and drag them into menus and toolbars.
Command Style Manager Tools_StyleManager Tools {10F9032E-EBDE-11D2-AB0D-000000000000}
2 Cutomize_Menu Browse and manage the contents of styles.
Menu Windows Windows_Menu none {119591CF-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
none Main Menu none
Command { New } { Window_NewWindowItems } {A01B0EA3-0A06-11D2-8D22-080009EE4E51}
none Windows_Menu none
Command Table Of Contents View_Contents View {E1F29C6D-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none Windows_Menu Open the Table of Contents window to work with your map's contents.
Command Catalog File_CatalogWindow File {79D6A9E5-C3C3-4F47-9E7F-4ABE329EAA67}
none Windows_Menu Open the Catalog window to access and manage your data.
Command Search File_ArcGISSearchCommand File {3E206C92-5576-46F2-9C96-209B81D229C2}
none Windows_Menu Open the Search window to search for data, maps, tools, etc.
Toolbar Dynamic Text PageLayout_DynamicTextFullMenu none {1F58CC72-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none none none
Menu System PageLayout_DynamicTextSystemMenu none {1F58CC74-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextFullMenu none
Command Computer Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B2269-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextSystemMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the computer.
Command Current Date PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226B-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextSystemMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current date.
Command Current Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226C-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextSystemMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current time.
Menu Document PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu none {1F58CC75-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextFullMenu none
Command Author PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC3-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document author.
Command Document Credits PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC5-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document credits.
Command Date Saved PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC6-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the date the document was last saved.
Command Document Description PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC5-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document description.
Command Document Folder PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC8-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document folder.
Command Hyperlink Path PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC4-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document hyperlink path.
Command Document Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC6-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document name.
Command Document Path PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC7-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document path.
Command Summary PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC9-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document summary
Command Tags PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC8-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document tags.
Menu Data Frame PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu none {1F58CC76-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextFullMenu none
Menu Coordinates PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu none {5193E19C-E8A0-4C39-8320-DEBDB3AADC43}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu none
Command Center Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0885-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's center coordinate.
Command Lower Left Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0883-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's lower left coordinate.
Command Lower Right Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0884-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's lower right coordinate.
Command Upper Left Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0881-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's upper left coordinate.
Command Coordinate System PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B8-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame coordinate system.
Command Data Frame Credits PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B0-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame credits.
Command Data Frame Description PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B1-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame description.
Command Display Units PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B2-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame display units.
Command Map Units PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B3-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame map units.
Command Data Frame Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B4-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame name.
Command Reference Scale PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B5-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame reference scale.
Command Rotation PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B6-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame rotation.
Command Scale PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B7-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame scale.
Command Data Frame Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {A57498AD-D52E-402C-8810-CBA14877C3B1}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's current time.
Command Data Frame Start Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {A57498AE-D52E-402C-8810-CBA14877C3B1}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's start time.
Toolbar Dynamic Text PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu none {1F58CC73-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none none none
Command Current Date PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226B-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current date.
Command Current Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226C-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current time.
Command User Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226A-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the current user.
Command Author PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC3-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document author.
Command Date Saved PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC6-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the date the document was last saved.
Command Document Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC6-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document name.
Command Document Path PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC7-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document path.
Command Service Layer Credits PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC9-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays credits for all visible service layers.
Command Coordinate System PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B8-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame coordinate system.
Command Data Frame Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B4-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame name.
Command Reference Scale PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B5-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame reference scale.
Command Data Frame Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {A57498AD-D52E-402C-8810-CBA14877C3B1}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's current time.
Command Data Driven Page Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38A-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the current data driven page.
Command Data Driven Page Number PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38B-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the page number of the current data driven page.
Command Data Driven Page with Count PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38C-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the page number of the current page along with the total number of data driven pages.
Command Data Driven Page Display Expression PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38E-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the display expression of the current data driven page. (See index layer 'Display' properties.)
Toolbar System PageLayout_DynamicTextSystemMenu none {1F58CC74-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none none none
Command Computer Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B2269-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextSystemMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the computer.
Command Current Date PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226B-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextSystemMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current date.
Command Current Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {4C1B226C-E68A-4622-B877-5AA556D2A2AC}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextSystemMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the current time.
Toolbar Document PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu none {1F58CC75-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none none none
Command Author PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC3-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document author.
Command Document Credits PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC5-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document credits.
Command Date Saved PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC6-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the date the document was last saved.
Command Document Description PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC5-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document description.
Command Document Folder PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC8-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document folder.
Command Hyperlink Path PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC4-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document hyperlink path.
Command Document Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC6-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document name.
Command Document Path PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {0A0FCFC7-B187-4CAE-B3B3-69001724898E}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document path.
Command Summary PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC9-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document summary
Command Tags PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C5F69FC8-0B0A-40A6-BCD1-38430106E7AE}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextDocumentMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the document tags.
Toolbar Data Frame PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu none {1F58CC76-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none none none
Menu Coordinates PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu none {5193E19C-E8A0-4C39-8320-DEBDB3AADC43}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu none
Command Center Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0885-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's center coordinate.
Command Lower Left Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0883-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's lower left coordinate.
Command Lower Right Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0884-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's lower right coordinate.
Command Upper Left Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0881-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's upper left coordinate.
Command Coordinate System PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B8-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame coordinate system.
Command Data Frame Credits PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B0-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame credits.
Command Data Frame Description PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B1-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame description.
Command Display Units PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B2-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame display units.
Command Map Units PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B3-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame map units.
Command Data Frame Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B4-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame name.
Command Reference Scale PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B5-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame reference scale.
Command Rotation PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B6-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame rotation.
Command Scale PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {32BD39B7-5899-486C-BBF6-DCF86B02F930}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame scale.
Command Data Frame Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {A57498AD-D52E-402C-8810-CBA14877C3B1}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's current time.
Command Data Frame Start Time PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {A57498AE-D52E-402C-8810-CBA14877C3B1}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's start time.
Toolbar Page Text PageLayout_DynamicTextPageIndexMenu none {1F58CC78-EAD1-4CC0-9A23-8946204CC590}
none none none
Command Data Driven Page Name PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38A-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextPageIndexMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the name of the current data driven page.
Command Data Driven Page Number PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38B-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextPageIndexMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the page number of the current data driven page.
Command Data Driven Page with Count PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38C-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextPageIndexMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the page number of the current page along with the total number of data driven pages.
Command Data Driven Page Display Expression PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {316BE38E-419E-4B73-A300-E4635D560D1F}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextPageIndexMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the display expression of the current data driven page. (See index layer 'Display' properties.)
Toolbar Reference Scale SchematicLayerReferenceScale_Menu none {1F861E7D-3B39-402B-ADB3-AF230229C95E}
none none none
Command Set Diagram Reference Scale SchematicLayer_SetDiagramReferenceScale Schematics {9300412F-FD8A-48BF-90CC-0BBA0DE9323D}
none SchematicLayerReferenceScale_Menu Use the current scale as the reference scale for symbols and texts in the schematic diagram.Disabled when the Coordinate System specified for the schematic diagram is unknown.
Command Clear Diagram Reference Scale SchematicLayer_ClearReferenceScale Schematics {0F35A4A0-7AD2-4301-9511-3C1DB49CE3E4}
none SchematicLayerReferenceScale_Menu Clear the schematic diagram's reference scale.
Toolbar Labeling Labeling_Options_Menu none {1FBD5C2B-FEBB-4CF7-B7BC-3380066AC58F}
none none none
Command Abbreviation Dictionaries Maplex_LabelDictionary Label {883C1E59-39E1-4BAA-85C7-29BC3970E61C}
none Labeling_Options_Menu Create abbreviation dictionaries.Disabled if the current data frame is not using the Maplex Label Engine.
Command Key Numbering Maplex_KeyNumberGroup Label {F4548E3B-67B1-8C00-3FE1-B3DFF206C2BB}
none Labeling_Options_Menu Create key numbering groups.Disabled if the current data frame is not using the Maplex Label Engine.
Command Use Maplex Label Engine Maplex Label Engine Label {5C034EED-7881-4E07-8E1E-2051A1EE46ED}
none Labeling_Options_Menu Switch between the Maplex Label Engine and the Standard Label Engine for the current data frame.
Toolbar Geometric Network Editing Editor_NetworkEditingToolbar none {20E728C2-4B32-444A-9AA6-747DE08BFF23}
none none none
Command Connect Editor_Connect Editor {111ACB08-D71E-11D2-9F3E-00C04F6BDD84}
none Editor_NetworkEditingToolbar Connect the selected feature or features to a geometric network. The end of the feature must snap to an existing edge in the network for it to be connected. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Disconnect Editor_Disconnect Editor {448E1796-168B-11D2-AEF7-0000F80372B4}
none Editor_NetworkEditingToolbar Disconnect the selected feature from a geometric network. Disconnecting a connected junction leaves an orphan junction in its place. A disconnected edge will have orphan junctions at its end points. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Rebuild Connectivity Editor_ConnectivityRebuild Editor {A2C9163D-697F-11D4-A0B1-00C04F6BDD84}
none Editor_NetworkEditingToolbar Rebuild the connectivity between edges and junctions in the logical network. Click a layer in the table of contents that participates in the geometric network whose feature’s connectivity you want to rebuild, click this tool, and drag a box on the map. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Repair Connectivity Editor_RepairConnectivity Editor {A5A65A20-5061-47E9-B988-843AB5F8FF24}
none Editor_NetworkEditingToolbar Repair geometric network connectivity errors in the logical network. Click a layer in the table of contents that participates in the geometric network whose connectivity you want to repair and click this command. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Verify Connectivity Command Editor_ConnectivityVerification Editor {5E6D6C79-98A4-11D4-A0D8-00C04F6BDD84}
none Editor_NetworkEditingToolbar Verify the connectivity among edges and junctions in the logical network and show features with inconsistent connectivity. Click a layer in the table of contents that participates in the geometric network whose connectivity you want to verify and click this command. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Verify Network Feature Geometry Tool Editor_GeometryVerification Editor {5E6D6C7A-98A4-11D4-A0D8-00C04F6BDD84}
none Editor_NetworkEditingToolbar Verify that the features in the geometric network have valid shapes. Click a layer in the table of contents that participates in the geometric network whose feature’s geometry you want to verify, click this tool, and drag a box on the map. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Verify Network Feature Geometry Command Editor_GeometryVerification Editor {5E6D6C7B-98A4-11D4-A0D8-00C04F6BDD84}
none Editor_NetworkEditingToolbar Verify that all features or selected features in the geometric network have valid shapes. Click a layer in the table of contents that participates in the geometric network whose feature’s geometry you want to verify and click this command. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Toolbar ArcGIS Online MxAGOL_Menu none {22057E40-880D-4AE2-A6C8-BBED750CDBDB}
none none none
Command Add Data From ArcGIS Online ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterButton ArcGIS Online {DD82F2F1-B277-513D-5788-F89E518B126C}
none MxAGOL_Menu Add data from ArcGIS Online into your map. The dialog that appears only shows data which can be added into your map as a layer. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data you've uploaded and data in groups you belong to.
Command ArcGIS Online ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterManageButton ArcGIS Online {47519610-33B8-8518-FB39-2A9A6CB4079A}
none MxAGOL_Menu Launch the ArcGIS Online dialog so you can access data and open maps. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data and maps you've uploaded, as well as data and maps in groups you belong to
Toolbar Schematic SchematicMain_Toolbar none {231CA833-25FA-4C07-89AD-6474D0F649E0}
none none none
Menu Schematic Schematic_SchematicMainMenu none {BB5FF291-B5EC-46C8-878C-E37A41254B91}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar none
Command Schematic Editor Toolbar Schematic_ToggleEditorToolbar Schematics {0F5F4223-3A71-4064-88E3-B5B1C3FA73D7}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Show or hide the Schematic Editor toolbar.The commands and tools in this toolbar are enabled only if an edit session has been started on the active schematic diagram.
Command Schematic Network Analyst Toolbar Schematic_ToggleNetworkAnalystToolbar Schematics {5DE89CD0-1FEC-4A73-9A05-C975397937FE}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Show or hide the Schematic Network Analyst toolbar.
Command Find Diagrams Schematic_FindRelatedDiagrams Schematics {217F3E22-AEFC-4DEF-82D1-2B83B87D7936}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Search for all the schematic diagrams that contain schematic features associated with the same selected features or that last update has added or removed schematic features.
Command Clear All Diagram Selections Schematic_ClearAllDiagrams Schematics {4CE409DB-EBF7-44DF-9926-0653FB69A457}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Unselect the currently selected schematic features in all schematic layers.
Command Update Diagram Schematic_UpdateDiagram Schematics {0C2D8293-D8D5-463C-9969-0B09C7688959}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Update the active schematic diagram.
Command Save Diagram As Schematic_SaveAsDiagram Schematics {7BD0E136-E4B9-4C5C-BA07-3E893CA3FBF3}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Save the active schematic diagram with a new name.If schematic features are currently selected in the active diagram when the command is launched, only that selection set will be saved in the new diagram. In that particular case, if there are schematic links that are selected without their origin and/or extremity nodes, these missing nodes are automatically added in the resulting saved diagram.Disabled when the active schematic diagram is entirely built from custom queries.
Command Open Schematic Diagrams Schematic_OpenDiagram Schematics {72F714E8-8B2D-4581-ADF2-BACB2FB3EF00}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar Open existing schematic diagrams.
Command Generate New Schematic Diagram Schematic_CreateDiagram Schematics {04B9D624-A04A-4103-8D34-74A36E52FC42}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar Generate a new schematic diagram.This command works in a different way depending on the schematic builder on which the generated schematic diagram is based.
Command Active Diagram Schematic_SchematicEditTargetControl Schematics {3FF5B888-9C5D-41FB-BBD4-DF38288F2D17}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar Select the schematic diagram you want to analyze.
Command Decrease Symbol Sizes Schematic_SymbolSizeDecrease Schematics {9B9FC0B5-BE2C-4962-9892-2E5941280214}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar Decrease the symbol sizes for all schematic nodes in the active schematic diagram according to the ratio specified on the General tab in the Schematic Options dialog box.
Command Increase Symbol Sizes Schematic_SymbolSizeIncrease Schematics {A3986130-53E1-4C6F-A541-05EEB7808175}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar Increase the symbol sizes for all schematic nodes in the active schematic diagram according to the ratio specified on the General tab in the Schematic Options dialog box.
Command Decrease Label Sizes Schematic_TextSizeDecrease Schematics {A3451E5E-8136-4A72-A0FD-02C7B1941D5E}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar Decrease the size of the labels attached to the schematic features contained in the active schematic diagram according to the ratio specified on the General tab in the Schematic Options dialog box.
Command Increase Label Sizes Schematic_TextSizeIncrease Schematics {EFE87070-12E9-4E26-BE5C-1C09F5DB1FB2}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar Increase the size of the labels attached to the schematic features contained in the active schematic diagram according to the ratio specified on the General tab in the Schematic Options dialog box.
Command Propagate Schematic Selection To Map Schematic_SelectFromSchematic Schematics {8DB5AED6-FC30-4822-8141-1C17D86B09BD}
none SchematicMain_Toolbar Propagate the active schematic feature selection set to the map.Use this tool to find all the geographic features associated with the schematic features currently selected in the active schematic diagram and select them accordingly in the map.The propagation operates according to the Propagate tab's parameters in the Schematic Options dialog box.
Context menu Identify Network Layer Tool Context Menu NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu none {23C7DE70-E3FB-4A4B-9145-7FBB678438AF}
none none none
Command Full Extent PanZoom_FullExtent Pan/Zoom {0830FB35-7EE6-11D0-87EC-080009EC732A}
none NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu Zoom to the full extent of the map. By default, this is the extent of all the data in the active data frame. To customize where Full Extent takes you, choose View > Data Frame Properties.
Command Go Back To Previous Extent PanZoom_ZoomToLastExtentBack Pan/Zoom {3A372DD1-3ECB-11D2-A2A3-080009B6F22B}
none NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu Go back to the previous extent of the map after navigating.Shortcut: Press the &< key.
Command Go To Next Extent PanZoom_ZoomToLastExtentForward Pan/Zoom {8FD414A2-403F-11D2-A2A9-080009B6F22B}
none NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu Go forward again through the sequence of extents you have been viewing on the map.Shortcut: Press the &> key.
Command Fixed Zoom In DataViewCommands_FixedZoomInAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
4 NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu Zooms in and centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Fixed Zoom Out DataViewCommands_FixedZoomOutAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
5 NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu Zooms out and centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Center DataViewCommands_PanToCenterAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
1 NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu Centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Identify DataViewCommands_IdentifyPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
3 NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu Identifies features at the location you right-clicked
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 NetworkAnalystIdentifyTool_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Toolbar Share As ShareAs_Menu none {2485E365-6206-4407-B934-0E8DFF6C5768}
none none none
Context menu CAD Layer Context menu CadLayer_ContextMenu none {261FDE5D-3626-11D3-9B38-00C04FA33299}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 CadLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 CadLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 CadLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 CadLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none CadLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Repair Data Source Untitled CAD {8F01B7A7-CC57-11D4-A262-444553547777}
none CadLayer_ContextMenu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 CadLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none CadLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Context menu Raster Basemap Layer Context Menu RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu none {2824C5D5-EE06-41D9-8E5D-C7380E371CFC}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Unaccelerate Unaccelerate Raster {D484CAC2-C851-43FD-8F2A-38F5829E1A2D}
2 RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Unaccelerate
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Command Zoom To Raster Resolution Z&oom To Raster Resolution Raster {17D2A30C-629C-11D4-B273-00508BCDC7C8}
2 RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Zooms to 1:1 resolution of screen pixels to raster cells. This will zoom so that 1 pixel in the raster is displayed by 1 pixel on your display screen.
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Command Properties Layer_Properties Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
9 RasterBasemapLayer_ContextMenu Display the properties of this layer
Toolbar Surface Analysis 3DAnalyst_Surface_Menu none {28BADA15-8DAC-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none none none
Toolbar Convert 3DAnalyst_Conversion_Menu none {28BADA16-8DAC-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none none none
Command Features to 3D 3DAnalyst_FeaturesTo3D 3D Analyst {2AD7EAEF-98A5-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Conversion_Menu Convert features into 3D.
Command Raster to TIN 3DAnalyst_RasterToTin 3D Analyst {2AD7EAF0-98A5-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Conversion_Menu Convert a raster to a TIN.
Command TIN to Raster 3DAnalyst_TinToRaster 3D Analyst {2AD7EAF1-98A5-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Conversion_Menu Convert a TIN to a raster.
Toolbar Interpolate to Raster 3DAnalyst_Interpolate_Menu none {28BADA18-8DAC-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none none none
Toolbar Feature Cache ArcMapUI_MapCacheToolBar none {2ADD083E-CC5B-40E5-A433-83544529D6B3}
none none none
Command Build Feature Cache ArcMapUI_BuildMapCacheCommand MapCache {FD2362EC-4833-4B09-A57E-687A6846052E}
none ArcMapUI_MapCacheToolBar Builds a cache of the features in the current map extent.
Command Empty Feature Cache ArcMapUI_EmptyMapCacheCommand MapCache {CF03FCC1-BAA8-4436-A255-B1533C36F8E8}
none ArcMapUI_MapCacheToolBar Empties the feature cache.
Command Toggle Auto-Cache ArcMapUI_AutoMapCacheToggle MapCache {EE9CF9A8-8C35-44A9-8125-FE0969241678}
none ArcMapUI_MapCacheToolBar Toggles the automatic creation of the map's feature cache.
Command Set Auto-Cache Scale ArcMapUI_SetMaxMapCacheScaleCommand MapCache {279664EF-9F37-4A4C-8B34-0425A253022E}
none ArcMapUI_MapCacheToolBar Set the maximum scale for automatically creating the feature cache.
Command Clear Auto-Cache Scale ArcMapUI_ClearMaxMapCacheScaleCommand MapCache {AB00B89B-A3B0-4FD3-A421-8624A69E956D}
none ArcMapUI_MapCacheToolBar Clear the automatic cache maximum scale.
Command Show Feature Cache ArcMapUI_ShowMapCacheCommand MapCache {25543F24-034C-4C04-8CFF-3C5760C3DBB2}
none ArcMapUI_MapCacheToolBar Display the extent of the feature cache.
Toolbar Data FeatureLayerData_Menu none {2CB757F7-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none none none
Command Repair Data Source Layer_ContextDataSource Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
7 FeatureLayerData_Menu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Command Export Data Layer_ContextExportData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
8 FeatureLayerData_Menu Save this layer's data as a shapefile or geodatabase feature class
Command Export To CAD Layer_ExportCAD Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
19 FeatureLayerData_Menu Export this layer to a CAD file. Disabled if the layer represents an annotation feature class or dimension feature class.
Command Make Permanent Layer_MakePermanent Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
15 FeatureLayerData_Menu Makes a temporary layer created by a geoprocessing operation permanent
Command View Item Description Layer_ContextViewMetadata Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
21 FeatureLayerData_Menu View the item description of the selected layer or table's data source.
Toolbar Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none none none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Toolbar Selection FeatureLayerSelection_Menu none {2CB757F9-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none none none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Make unselected features selected
Command Select All Query_SelectAll Selection {54EBEEE5-DC82-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Selects all the features in this layer
Command Make This The Only Selectable Layer Layer_MakeThisTheOnlySelectableLayer Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
17 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Makes all feature layers non-selectable except for this one
Command Copy Records For Selected Features Layer_CopySelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
1 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Copies the attributes of selected features to the clipboard
Command Annotate Selected Features Layer_AnnotateFeatures Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
13 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Add labels for the selected features into feature-linked annotation layer.
Command Create Layer From Selected Features Layer_CreateSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
2 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Create a new layer containing the selected features
Context menu Context Menus ContextMenus_Toolbar none {2D663341-07A0-11D2-94A8-080009EEBECB}
none none none
Toolbar Delete All Representation_WhiteToolDeleteAllMenu none {2F9C202D-0822-4BC3-845D-F177CC5CAE76}
none none none
Command Vertices Representation_DeleteAllVertices Representation {E6594EA7-9ED6-4FEB-9674-566698CEDB86}
none Representation_WhiteToolDeleteAllMenu Deletes all the selected vertices
Command Bezier Points Representation_DeleteAllBeziers Representation {1C598A0D-D536-413D-B9E4-9CF2CA7D92C3}
none Representation_WhiteToolDeleteAllMenu Converts all bezier vertices to regular vertices
Context menu Toolbox Context Menu ToolboxContextMenu none {30B2F02D-9EA0-4C27-9B2D-275B1BB59F73}
none none none
Command Copy Toolbox_Copy ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
1 ToolboxContextMenu Copies the selected item to the clipboard
Command Paste Toolbox_Paste ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
2 ToolboxContextMenu Paste the clipboard contents into the selected item.
Command Remove Toolbox_Remove ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
3 ToolboxContextMenu Removes the selected toolbox from the ArcToolbox window
Command Rename Toolbox_Rename ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
4 ToolboxContextMenu Renames the currently selected item
Command Refresh Toolbox_Refresh ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
17 ToolboxContextMenu Refresh
Command Edit Toolbox_Edit ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
18 ToolboxContextMenu Edit
Command Check Syntax Toolbox_CheckSyntax ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
19 ToolboxContextMenu Check Syntax
Menu New ToolboxNewMenu none {EDDA6BAF-9796-446D-8040-302958B48590}
none ToolboxContextMenu none
Command Toolset Toolbox_NewToolset ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
5 ToolboxNewMenu Creates a new toolset
Command Model Toolbox_NewModelTool ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
6 ToolboxNewMenu Creates a new model tool
Menu Add ToolboxAddMenu none {52A08BC9-0E24-4C28-9D49-7035EC1DCBAB}
none ToolboxContextMenu none
Command Script Toolbox_AddScript ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
8 ToolboxAddMenu Adds a new script tool
Menu Save As ToolboxSaveAsMenu none {9C379FFC-9E28-4B45-8DCC-4CD5528A7C92}
none ToolboxContextMenu none
Command 10.1/10.2 Toolbox Toolbox_SaveAs101 ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
20 ToolboxSaveAsMenu Save this toolbox in ArcGIS 10.1/10.2 format.
Command 10.0 Toolbox Toolbox_SaveAs10 ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
16 ToolboxSaveAsMenu Save this toolbox in ArcGIS 10.0 format.
Command 9.3 Toolbox Toolbox_SaveAs93 ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
15 ToolboxSaveAsMenu Save this toolbox in ArcGIS 9.3 format.
Command 9.2 Toolbox Toolbox_SaveAs92 ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
14 ToolboxSaveAsMenu Save this toolbox in ArcGIS 9.2 format.
Command Item Description Toolbox_EditDocumentation ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
10 ToolboxContextMenu View or edit the item description documentation for this toolbox, script, model or tool.
Toolbar Classification Classification_Menu none {328D3668-6370-4866-BF6E-97159BB0AE98}
none none none
Command Interactive Supervised Classification {2F15E9C7-2843-4844-951C-628FDB72DBD6} Spatial Analyst {0F30E199-A5BF-4723-8D09-91054021DFE8}
none Classification_Menu Execute maximum likelihood classification using sample set.
Command Maximum Likelihood Classification {6112F5EB-861E-4253-98E3-E7D83016F6CC} Spatial Analyst {085A35A7-36BD-4864-B0BE-984D0EC1C6AC}
none Classification_Menu Perform maximum likelihood classification on an input image using a signature file.
Command Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification {6112F5EB-861E-4253-98E3-E7D83016F6CC} Spatial Analyst {6112F5EB-861E-4253-98E3-E7D83016F6CC}
none Classification_Menu Perform iso cluster unsupervised classification on an input image.
Command Class Probability {2F15E9C7-2843-4844-951C-628FDB72DBD6} Spatial Analyst {B10B21D0-95B2-45BF-9B8D-07AD5F29A28F}
none Classification_Menu Perform class probability analysis on an input image.
Toolbar New ToolsetNewMenu none {346A320B-F040-4AC2-9D4E-848B18D7D763}
none none none
Command Toolset Toolset_NewToolset ArcToolbox {C66B1BBB-4AE4-4BC3-B645-B740A8CA73DD}
4 ToolsetNewMenu Creates a new toolset
Command Model Toolset_NewModelTool ArcToolbox {C66B1BBB-4AE4-4BC3-B645-B740A8CA73DD}
5 ToolsetNewMenu Creates a new model tool
Toolbar Feature Layer Context Menu Item Feature Layer none {3500C6AE-E171-4111-B497-185E66BFEE86}
none none none
Toolbar Effects Effects_Toolbar none {377ABA1D-2019-11D3-9F97-00C04F6BC78E}
none none none
Command Effects Layer Layer_LayerEffectsListControl Layer {377ABA21-2019-11D3-9F97-00C04F6BC78E}
none Effects_Toolbar Choose the layer drawing effects will operate on.
Command Contrast Layer_LayerEffectsContrastCommand Layer {377ABA1E-2019-11D3-9F97-00C04F6BC78E}
none Effects_Toolbar Adjust the contrast of the chosen layer.
Command Brightness Layer_LayerEffectsBrightnessCommand Layer {377ABA1F-2019-11D3-9F97-00C04F6BC78E}
none Effects_Toolbar Adjust the brightness of the chosen layer.Enabled if chosen layer is a raster layer or a layer based on a CAD drawing.
Command Transparency Layer_LayerEffectsTransparencyCommand Layer {377ABA20-2019-11D3-9F97-00C04F6BC78E}
none Effects_Toolbar Adjust the transparency of the chosen layer.
Command Dim Level Layer_LayerEffectsDimCommand Layer {1632B6A4-C8FE-494B-87CD-6272C9E66268}
none Effects_Toolbar Adjust the dim level of the chosen layer. Enabled if chosen layer is a basemap layer.
Command Swipe ControlToolsMapInquiry_Swipe Map Inquiry {867C6BDC-DB38-485C-B56C-BD912D0CAD74}
none Effects_Toolbar Click and drag to reveal what is beneath the chosen layer. Shortcut: CTRL + click to swipe the entire display. This tool is disabled in Layout view.
Command Flicker ControlToolsMapInquiry_Flicker Map Inquiry {0275091D-3820-4B18-A646-BCFE890735CE}
none Effects_Toolbar Flicker the chosen layer on/off at the specified rate to reveal the layers beneath it.Disabled in layout view.
Context menu Data View Context Menu DataView_ContextMenu none {3846A5B5-D3F8-44CB-BFA3-A5C30F4E535F}
none none none
Command Full Extent PanZoom_FullExtent Pan/Zoom {0830FB35-7EE6-11D0-87EC-080009EC732A}
none DataView_ContextMenu Zoom to the full extent of the map. By default, this is the extent of all the data in the active data frame. To customize where Full Extent takes you, choose View > Data Frame Properties.
Command Go Back To Previous Extent PanZoom_ZoomToLastExtentBack Pan/Zoom {3A372DD1-3ECB-11D2-A2A3-080009B6F22B}
none DataView_ContextMenu Go back to the previous extent of the map after navigating.Shortcut: Press the &< key.
Command Go To Next Extent PanZoom_ZoomToLastExtentForward Pan/Zoom {8FD414A2-403F-11D2-A2A9-080009B6F22B}
none DataView_ContextMenu Go forward again through the sequence of extents you have been viewing on the map.Shortcut: Press the &> key.
Command Fixed Zoom In DataViewCommands_FixedZoomInAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
4 DataView_ContextMenu Zooms in and centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Fixed Zoom Out DataViewCommands_FixedZoomOutAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
5 DataView_ContextMenu Zooms out and centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Center DataViewCommands_PanToCenterAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
1 DataView_ContextMenu Centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Select Features DataViewCommands_SelectFeaturesAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
2 DataView_ContextMenu Selects features at the location you right-clicked
Command Identify DataViewCommands_IdentifyPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
3 DataView_ContextMenu Identifies features at the location you right-clicked
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none DataView_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 DataView_ContextMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none DataView_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Command Paste Edit_Paste Edit {A33D9407-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none DataView_ContextMenu Paste the clipboard contents into the map.
Toolbar Network Analyst NetworkSolvers_Menu none {388AC978-AB0B-48A3-A905-86FC44A3A341}
none none none
Command { Create Standard NALayer Commands } { NAX_NEW_NALAYER_MULTI_ITEM } {301857E8-C2F9-4CEB-83ED-F5AF5402D6D2}
none NetworkSolvers_Menu none
Command { Create Custom NALayer Commands } { NAX_NEW_CUSTOM_NALAYER_MULTI_ITEM } {59CF176D-49E4-4F43-B998-86516DAE831B}
none NetworkSolvers_Menu none
Context menu Network Layer Context Menu NetworkLayerContextMenu none {39C473B4-3E5A-496A-8A6A-D535235D3E95}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 NetworkLayerContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 NetworkLayerContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 NetworkLayerContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 NetworkLayerContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none NetworkLayerContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Data NetworkLayerData_Menu none {D70D1944-D5CC-4C69-83A0-A5BBB3E1C2C4}
none NetworkLayerContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Layer_ContextDataSource Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
7 NetworkLayerData_Menu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 NetworkLayerContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none NetworkLayerContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Editing Windows Editing_WindowsMenu none {39C5CC76-4252-4CF2-AD03-5822505CB119}
none none none
Command Create Features CreateFeatureDockWinCommand Advanced Edit Tools {B18ED544-C8B1-49F3-9F7A-F83CBE793CDB}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Create Features window so you can add new features. Click a feature template to set up the editing environment with those properties, then click a construction tool on the window to digitize features.
Command Attributes Editor_Attribution Editor {44276914-98C1-11D1-8464-0000F875B9C6}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Attributes window so you can modify the attribute values of selected features in the layers you are editing. You can also edit relationships among features in this window.
Command Sketch Properties Editor_SketchProperties Editor {50F9A8E5-A820-4D00-8369-E35832141356}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Edit Sketch Properties window so you can view and modify the properties of the sketch geometry that makes up a feature. To populate this window, use the Edit tool to double-click a feature.
Command Shared Features Topology_SharedFeaturesCommand Topology {EA19EC67-4F7B-4EA6-B94E-75D23AC28149}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Shared Features window to see a list of features sharing a selected topology edge or node. Click a feature to flash it or uncheck a feature to exclude it temporarily from topology edits.
Command Error Inspector Topology_ErrorWindowCommand Topology {E9C1F049-CB39-4BB0-B726-3BCEF21A87C8}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Error Inspector window to find, sort, and fix geodatabase topology errors. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Unplaced Annotation UnplacedAnnoWindowCommand Advanced Edit Tools {40965749-B024-41E4-895C-4B3872B7356E}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Unplaced Annotation window to find, sort, and place unplaced annotation.
Command Adjustment Preview Adjust_PreviewWindow Adjustment {6CA9196B-B31C-495A-ADD4-FB14224BC588}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Preview the adjustment before you perform it and modify the links as needed to achieve the result you want. Navigate using the Tools toolbar and by right-clicking. Click Spatial Adjustment > Adjust to perform the adjustment.
Command Control Points Adjust_ViewControlPointsCommand Adjustment {1AD3FCE8-D6A7-4F5F-8D7F-7FF2E429ADB4}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Control Points window listing displacement link destinations. Create destination points by double-clicking a record; manually place the source point by clicking the map.
Command Parcel Details ShowParcelPropertiesCmd Parcel {D7A996F0-2084-4699-9240-5206ABEF5DB1}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Parcel Details dialog box to view and edit the attributes of the selected parcel. View and edit parcel attributes under Properties tab. View and edit parcel traverse dimensions under the Lines tab.
Command Parcel Explorer Cadastral_ParcelExplorer_Show Parcel {F97DF83D-D2B4-4776-9EA3-EF5E4A9BF528}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Parcel Explorer window to list selected parcels by their plan. Constructions and all unjoined parcels are also listed.
Toolbar Publisher Publisher_PublisherToolbar none {39F93294-E4A7-412B-A318-971506EC2AF9}
none none none
Menu Publisher Publish_PublishMenu none {4912E7AB-AFD3-4A66-A2AF-F39385D73D43}
none Publisher_PublisherToolbar none
Command Publisher Map Title Publisher_Dynamic Title Publisher {9AD38AB2-F1BD-4546-940B-B84CD50866DC}
none Publish_PublishMenu Add a title which can be changed when printing/viewing in ArcReader
Command Import ArcReader Markup Publisher_Import Markup Publisher {B497C711-DF2E-4F72-ADB8-0CB7D5D9CB5D}
none Publish_PublishMenu Import one or more ArcReader markup files (.pmfinkx files) into ArcMap as markup graphics. If the markup was created in ArcReader in Layout view, you have to be in Layout view in ArcMap in order to import it.
Command Create Data Package Publisher_Data Packaging Publisher {B3791413-3D17-4307-A240-DE44E69C3407}
none Publish_PublishMenu Create a data package for the selected PMF file(s).
Command Map Contents Summary Publisher_Data Analysis Publisher {97AE9120-EA9F-4C18-AD18-8877D0811CCB}
none Publish_PublishMenu Analyze the contents of the the map and report findings
Command Publish Map Publisher_Publish Map Publisher {CEFED3B7-5F2E-45E2-BC3F-3EDEB4587E69}
none Publish_PublishMenu Publish current Map for use with ArcReader
Command Publish Map Publisher_Publish Map Publisher {CEFED3B7-5F2E-45E2-BC3F-3EDEB4587E69}
none Publisher_PublisherToolbar Publish current Map for use with ArcReader
Command Create Data Package Publisher_Data Packaging Publisher {B3791413-3D17-4307-A240-DE44E69C3407}
none Publisher_PublisherToolbar Create a data package for the selected PMF file(s).
Command Import ArcReader Markup Publisher_Import Markup Publisher {B497C711-DF2E-4F72-ADB8-0CB7D5D9CB5D}
none Publisher_PublisherToolbar Import one or more ArcReader markup files (.pmfinkx files) into ArcMap as markup graphics. If the markup was created in ArcReader in Layout view, you have to be in Layout view in ArcMap in order to import it.
Command ArcReader Markup Tag Publisher_TagToolControl Publisher {0CF15106-499F-43EA-8794-9C88045CC299}
none Publisher_PublisherToolbar Select current ArcReader markup tag
Command Previous ArcReader Markup Publisher_PrevInkGraphic Publisher {D0030EE1-C7BA-479A-B5E7-5A883C53D80E}
none Publisher_PublisherToolbar Find previous ArcReader markup
Command Next ArcReader Markup Publisher_NextInkGraphic Publisher {945D713A-CE60-4004-9BF6-46CA893F9F49}
none Publisher_PublisherToolbar Find next ArcReader markup
Toolbar Geostatistical Analyst GeostatisticalAnalyst_Toolbar none {3D1AF406-63BC-11D2-AAB9-00C04FA375FB}
none none none
Menu Geostatistical Analyst GeostatisticalAnalyst_Menu none {42DB70B8-652A-11D2-AABA-00C04FA375FB}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_Toolbar none
Menu Explore Data GeostatisticalAnalyst_ESDAMenu none {BB1FF4B0-54E8-11D3-8D39-00C04F5B87B2}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_Menu none
Command Histogram &Histogram {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
10 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ESDAMenu Create histogram of data values.
Command Normal QQPlot &Normal QQPlot {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
11 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ESDAMenu Compare data against the normal distribution.
Command Voronoi Map &Voronoi Map {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
12 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ESDAMenu Compute local statistics using Thiessen polygons.
Command Trend Analysis &Trend Analysis {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
13 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ESDAMenu View data in three dimensions to view directional trends.
Command Semivariogram/Covariance Cloud &Semivariogram/Covariance Cloud {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
14 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ESDAMenu Visualize autocorrelation between pairs of points.
Command General QQPlot &General QQPlot {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
15 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ESDAMenu Compare the distributions of two datasets.
Command Geostatistical Wizard Geostatistical &Wizard... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
0 GeostatisticalAnalyst_Menu Launch Geostatistical Wizard
Command Subset Features &Subset Features... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
1 GeostatisticalAnalyst_Menu Creates a validation model by subsetting the data
Command Geostatistical Analyst Help Geostatistical &Analyst Help {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
2 GeostatisticalAnalyst_Menu Open the Geostatistical Analyst section in the ArcGIS Desktop Help
Toolbar Raster Painting ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar none {3D224EED-3150-4C3E-9D46-586D288279B4}
none none none
Command Brush ArcScan_Brush ArcScan {CD31B26E-EEE9-4AF4-9796-7079379E33B9}
none ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar Draw freehand with a brush by clicking the map. Cells are drawn with the foreground color. The size of the brush is set on the Brush Size menu. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Select Brush Size ArcScan_BrushSizePalette ArcScan {9EAD2D65-88AE-4899-B689-65BAB22133BA}
none ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar Set the size of the Brush tool. The smallest size is one pixel. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Fill ArcScan_Fill ArcScan {45DDD0BE-4AB1-469C-AE9C-E64F66A252CB}
none ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar Fill an area or object with the foreground color. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
CommandBar Draw Tools ArcScan_DrawTools ArcScan {B087AB73-531D-4CA2-A3FF-1C06770D2EDE}
none ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar none
Command Line ArcScan_DrawLine ArcScan {CBB0F17A-B2FE-4E27-A9F7-296B270672DD}
none ArcScan_DrawTools Draw a straight line. Click, move to a new location, and click to add a vertex or double-click to finish the line. Lines are drawn with the foreground color. The line width is set on the Line Width menu. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Rectangle ArcScan_DrawRectangle ArcScan {70E7561E-E570-4265-9C95-DB08F85A9073}
none ArcScan_DrawTools Draw a rectangle by dragging a box. The rectangle is filled with the foreground color. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Polygon ArcScan_DrawPolygon ArcScan {3D9354F8-7390-4987-91A3-0AE3A1657816}
none ArcScan_DrawTools Draw a polygon. Click, move to a new location, and click to add a vertex or double-click to finish the polygon. Polygons are filled with the foreground color. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Select Line Width ArcScan_LineWidthPalette ArcScan {F54C205D-0855-4029-9A30-DC2DDE5D66B1}
none ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar Set the size of the Line tool. The smallest width is one pixel. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Erase ArcScan_Erase ArcScan {8093D506-CC18-465B-984E-B1FD4950CB94}
none ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar Erase raster cells by dragging over the area to erase. This paints cells with the background color. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Select Erase Size ArcScan_EraseSizePalette ArcScan {D3CDFB42-3024-4623-9C8C-499C7F6502E7}
none ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar Set the size of the Erase tool. The smallest size is one pixel. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Swap Foreground/Background Colors ArcScan_SwapFGBGColor ArcScan {53CAF642-0FA5-4053-8FFD-0D2C135F504B}
none ArcScan_RasterPaintingToolBar Switch the foreground and background colors. Most of the raster cleanup tools work with the foreground color. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Toolbar Labeling Labeling_Menu none {3D3BF7CC-6EC2-4EBF-97FE-86AC942B54F4}
none none none
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 Labeling_Menu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none Labeling_Menu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Toolbar Connection NewConnectionMenu none {3DAAC235-3F86-4090-A2D9-EFFCE856418F}
none none none
Toolbar Representation Representation none {3E042332-3671-4C90-AE89-8BBD4F399E96}
none none none
Menu Representation Representation_RepresentationMenu none {544231D0-FB25-4DB8-8BC7-748E9E327DC8}
none Representation none
Command Make Invisible Representation_MakeInvisible Representation {D2916EF6-9EC7-4C4A-8676-25014F32EE96}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu Turn off the visibility attribute of the selected representation (s). Features are not deleted and still have a representation rule.
Command Make Visible Representation_MakeVisible Representation {960487FC-43E3-4E3B-941B-5A995A36FF7F}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu Turn on the visibility attribute of the selected representation(s). Display invisible representations from Layer Properties > Symbology > Display Properties > Display Options.
Command Clear Shape Overrides Representation_ClearShapeOverrides Representation {A76178D7-688A-4584-A8CF-772AD7BF5A66}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu Remove any shape overrides present on selected representation(s).
Command Clear Property Overrides Representation_ClearAttributesOverrides Representation {2E0F268B-548C-4DF3-979B-52C536EC6D1D}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu Remove any property overrides present on selected representation(s). Only overrides mapped to the default Override field will be removed.
Menu Free Representation Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu none {492C344F-33E7-4495-B8B8-9D954A4DADF3}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu none
Command Convert to Free Representation Representation_ConvertToFreeRepresentation Representation {1ED8AD85-FA1E-4F68-AC40-83449238E0E4}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Convert the selected representation to a free representation. Command is disabled unless one representation is selected.
Command Convert Effect to Geometry Representation_ConvertToEffect Representation {1991745E-B98E-40C3-892D-685DFFC525FA}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Replace free representation geometry with the result of the first geometric effect or marker placement.
Command Ungroup Elements Representation_UnshareSymbol Representation {0D5BDAC8-CDD4-4FFB-B2BB-D69C2CE6DFEA}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Ungroup multi-part geometry in free representation after effects have been converted to geometry.
Command Separate Symbol Layers Representation_SeparateLayers Representation {A0EF6FE6-DF62-4620-BF42-9602E5D99756}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Disconnect layers of a free representation rule so that each can be modified independently.
Command Delete Element Representation_DeleteComponent Representation {E90F5A46-59D5-4BBE-92E3-A894B063813C}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Delete a single element from a free representation. Command is disabled unless one ungrouped element is selected.
Command Select Representation_Select Representation {43E58C82-FEDF-4E1A-9137-DE91D32A6E10}
none Representation Select one or more whole feature representations and free representations for editing with the representation editing tools.
Command Direct Select Representation_DirectSelect Representation {DF93E6F6-20A5-4D6A-BCB5-EE48FAC7B4E9}
none Representation Select segments and vertices of one or more feature representations and free representations for editing with the representation editing tools.
Command Lasso Select Representation_LassoSelect Representation {F8EEC4C9-B15C-4C7A-9EF6-3193EF68A146}
none Representation Click-drag to selec one or more whole feature representations and free representations by drawing a freeform line.
Command Lasso Direct Select Representation_LassoDirectSelect Representation {E1CB1876-FD7E-499E-901E-48F3C6DB79DA}
none Representation Click-drag to select segments and vertices of one or more whole feature representations and free representations by drawing a freeform line.
CommandBar Vertex Tools Representation_ToolVertexPalette Representation {B9340A2F-5895-4B5F-97DF-74F6AB70DC4A}
none Representation none
Command Insert Vertex Representation_InsertVertex Representation {EFDA38C0-CA77-45DB-A834-D1CC17D56C5A}
none Representation_ToolVertexPalette Click to add a vertex to the selected feature representation.
Command Insert Bezier Representation_InsertBezier Representation {19653453-4422-4D08-BBED-26588C56ADDE}
none Representation_ToolVertexPalette Click to add a vertex with Bezier capability to the selected feature representation.
Command Insert Control Point Representation_InsertControl Representation {E63C54EE-444F-42CF-B736-CC2FB8851AA9}
none Representation_ToolVertexPalette Click to add a vertex with representation control point behavior to the selected feature representation.
Command Delete Vertex Representation_DeleteVertex Representation {4FD0CFC6-1C62-493D-BA29-36479603F63B}
none Representation_ToolVertexPalette Click to remove a vertex to the selected feature representation.
Command Delete Bezier Representation_DeleteBezier Representation {220290CA-0E27-47C7-BBEE-4122F40B9E69}
none Representation_ToolVertexPalette Click to remove a vertex with Bezier capability to the selected feature representation.
Command Warp Representation_Warp Representation {08E51511-04D5-4A21-9217-2AD119CE8289}
none Representation Click-drag to smoothly reshape selected portions of feature representations. Representations with all vertices selected cannot be warped.
Command Move Parallel Representation_MoveParallel Representation {5535CCC0-7497-4173-88E1-06DD25D23068}
none Representation Click-drag to move selected portions of feature representations parallel to their current position. Selected vertices must be adjacent.
CommandBar Erase Tools Representation_ToolErasePalette Representation {635A76DE-08AD-4E11-89E6-84A0834F19C5}
none Representation none
Command Erase Representation_Erase Representation {DCE8FAC9-848A-4E89-AA94-889F8E816189}
none Representation_ToolErasePalette Click-drag to erase some or all of selected representation geometry.
CommandBar Rotate/Orient Tools Representation_ToolRotatePalette Representation {569F6BB8-07D0-4B75-8558-27194AF0A66A}
none Representation none
Command Rotate Representation_Rotate Representation {8887B4FD-A1B1-4DEE-B418-642510809A89}
none Representation_ToolRotatePalette Rotate selected feature representation geometry and/or representation properties interactively using the mouse, or by a specified angle.
Command Resize Representation_Resize Representation {CC557543-AB98-4E47-B1D3-EB88A4E0FF91}
none Representation Resize selected feature representation geometry and/or representation properties interactively using the mouse, or by a specified ratio.
CommandBar Move/Offset Tools Representation_ToolOffsetPalette Representation {DF71E076-B15E-437A-B274-866993D495B2}
none Representation none
Command Move Representation_Move Representation {0EA4BD12-9C8C-4CD7-8487-B32350D3E2F0}
none Representation_ToolOffsetPalette Move selected feature representation geometry and/or representation properties interactively using the mouse, or by a specified distance.
Context menu Layer Context Menu Layer_ContextMenu none {3ED585D1-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 Layer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 Layer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Expand All Sub-Layers Layer_ExpandAllLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
19 Layer_ContextMenu Expands all the sub-layers in the selected layer.
Command Collapse All Sub-Layers Layer_CollapseAllLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
20 Layer_ContextMenu Collapses all the sub-layers in the selected layer.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 Layer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 Layer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none Layer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 Layer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none Layer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Command View Item Description Layer_ContextViewMetadata Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
21 Layer_ContextMenu View the item description of the selected layer or table's data source.
Toolbar Move Parallel Tool Menu Representation_MoveParallelToolMenu none {3F9FDABC-BB24-4417-B5A2-A764722C847C}
none none none
Command Offset Representation_MoveParallelDialog Representation {35CB0447-A8E6-4DEB-B23F-37BE48C3AF63}
none Representation_MoveParallelToolMenu Move parallel representations using an offset defined by a dialog.
Command Erase Representation Representation_EraseRepresentation Representation {25CE14E4-9A81-4C34-8D94-FC60FFD091B8}
none Representation_MoveParallelToolMenu Erase a representation so that it doesn't show.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_MoveParallelToolMenu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 Representation_MoveParallelToolMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_MoveParallelToolMenu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Toolbar 3D Analyst 3DAnalyst_Toolbar none {3FA6313B-7EB4-11D4-A10D-00508BD60CB9}
none none none
Menu 3D Analyst 3DAnalyst_Menu none {DD4BB1D3-7F5C-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar none
Command 3D Analyst Layer List Control 3DAnalyst_LayerListControl 3D Analyst {2D73B144-8F1C-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar Choose the surface layer you want the 3D Analyst tools to operate on.
Command Contour Tool 3DAnalyst_Contour 3D Analyst {28BADA1A-8DAC-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar Create contours or isolines for particular locations on the surface layer you select. Click on the location for which you wish to draw a contour.To delete a contour, click the Select Elements tool on the Tools toolbar, click the contour line you wish to delete to select it, then right-click the contour line and click Delete.
Command Steepest Path Tool 3DAnalyst_SteepPath 3D Analyst {2D73B141-8F1C-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar Generate a steepest path from a query point.
Command Line of Sight Tool 3DAnalyst_LineofSight 3D Analyst {2D73B145-8F1C-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar Create a line of sight from an observer query point to a target query point.
Command Interpolate Point Tool 3DAnalyst_InterpolatePoint 3D Analyst {2D73B146-8F1C-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar Create a 3D point by interpolating the height from the selected functional surface.
Command Interpolate Line Tool 3DAnalyst_InterpolateLine 3D Analyst {2D73B147-8F1C-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar Create a 3D line by interpolating heights from the selected functional surface.
Command Interpolate Polygon Tool 3DAnalyst_InterpolatePolygon 3D Analyst {2D73B148-8F1C-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar Create a 3D polygon (boundary) by interpolating heights from the selected functional surface.
CommandBar Profile Graph 3DAnalyst_Profiles 3D Analyst {208303C6-44EA-4300-9535-E57C7E3964D8}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar none
Command Profile Graph 3DAnalyst_ProfileGraph 3D Analyst {E765E905-9310-11D4-A10F-00508BD60CB9}
none 3DAnalyst_Profiles Make a profile graph of the selected 3D line.
Command Point Profile 3DAnalyst_PointProfile 3D Analyst {EFB2A6EC-68EA-4CD0-812B-690405F8EF69}
none 3DAnalyst_Profiles Create a profile graph from selected 3D points. Click a location to set a start point, and then click a location to set an end point. Once an end point has been set, use the selection box to set a desired profile width.
Command ArcScene 3DView_Scene 3D View {BD98B4B3-DA9C-11D3-9F71-00C04F6BC619}
none 3DAnalyst_Toolbar Launch ArcScene.
Context menu Arrange Tables Find_TableContextMenuArrange none {4214670A-582A-4843-8594-A1D20A7F7198}
none none none
Command New Horizontal Tab Group TableArrange_NewHorzGroup {EA0A5880-D696-4FDE-AAE3-A0B76B186598}
1 Find_TableContextMenuArrange Move the active table window to a new horizontal tab group.
Command New Vertical Tab Group TableArrange_NewVertGroup {EA0A5880-D696-4FDE-AAE3-A0B76B186598}
2 Find_TableContextMenuArrange Move the active table window to a new vertical tab group.
Command Move to Previous Tab Group TableArrange_PrevGroup {EA0A5880-D696-4FDE-AAE3-A0B76B186598}
3 Find_TableContextMenuArrange Move the active table window to the previous tab group.
Context menu Network Analyst Window Item Context Menu NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu none {425465F0-970A-4B3D-AAFF-7AD58E19B3C2}
none none none
Command Cut NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {5DC72115-A44C-4CA0-AE41-2159C6749C0A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu Cut network locations
Command Copy NACopyLocation Command Network Analyst {D5B8E479-C69F-4208-81D0-9F5F13E0485E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu Copy network locations
Command Paste NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {C602B356-F476-4B0C-A437-28DA34D085BB}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu Paste network locations
Command Delete NADeleteLocation Command Network Analyst {CE4289D1-F467-4AAB-AD9C-E8D518EF24C0}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu Delete Selected Network Locations
Command Zoom To Selected Features NAZoomToSel Command Network Analyst {9EBE7191-737C-4581-9BB7-1F98B88C7E5A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features
Command Pan To Selected Features NAPanToSel Command Network Analyst {22D3D137-6E13-4A7E-B1C7-CDAE1E14347E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu Pan to the location of the selected features.
Command Clear Selected Features NAClearSelection Command Network Analyst {67C3A1B6-2D05-4FB0-BE71-1F0F09F25016}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected active features.
Command { NAWindow Items Commands } { NAX_ITEMS_CONTEXT_MULTI_ITEM_MESSAGE } {D2DE808F-81ED-4EE5-AE1B-74E101755652}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Item_ContextMenu none
Toolbar Schematic Editor SchematicEditor_Toolbar none {437FD330-6BEA-4D6C-ADD6-3380143AF1B2}
none none none
Menu Schematic Editor Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu none {DD783699-BD54-4601-8861-4BC6D17E483D}
none SchematicEditor_Toolbar none
Command Start Editing Diagram ControlToolsSchematic_StartEditing Schematics {76B8C404-949D-4FC0-861B-B2AFA83E8F4A}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Open an edit session on the active schematic diagram so you can start editing it. This enables all the Schematics editing commands and refining tools added in your custom toolbar.
Command Stop Editing Diagram ControlToolsSchematic_StopEditing Schematics {2ECA5699-20D1-43EC-A72B-B384098A340C}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Close the edit session on the active schematic diagram. If there are any unsaved edits, you will be prompted to save or discard edits prior to closing.
Command Save Diagram Edits ControlToolsSchematic_SaveEdits Schematics {B8ECAE3F-0308-4897-8F55-94CD978C7A80}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Save all edits made in the active schematic diagram since the last save. Disabled for diagrams generated with a Schematics version prior to ArcGIS 10, diagrams for which you have no write rights, or diagrams that were already edited by another user at the editing session opening.
Menu Align Nodes Schematic_SchematicAlignNodesMenu none {79CF627E-89AA-470F-9193-EA12F1160EBC}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu none
Command Align Horizontal Center Schematic_AlignNodesHorizontal Schematics {D9EEDCFE-97B8-497A-B838-43CB4A891D92}
none Schematic_SchematicAlignNodesMenu Align the selected set of schematic nodes by moving them horizontally so they display along the same vertical axis.The vertical axis will be based on the current X-coordinate of the reference point.The reference point is highlighted in red among the selected schematic features. This point can be either one of the selected schematic nodes or a vertex on a selected schematic link.
Command Align Vertical Center Schematic_AlignNodesVertical Schematics {4310F310-F488-4065-A36E-7CD4555718E3}
none Schematic_SchematicAlignNodesMenu Align the selected set of schematic nodes by moving them vertically so they display along the same horizontal axis.The horizontal axis will be based on the current Y-coordinate of the reference point.The reference point is highlighted in red among the selected schematic features. This point can be either one of the selected schematic nodes or a vertex on a selected schematic link.
Command Bypass Nodes Schematic_BypassNodes Schematics {8B0DC417-8CED-415A-AF83-8F0549234CDC}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Redraw the selected set of schematic links to avoid node crossings.Schematic links that go through one or more schematic nodes are repositioned (if possible) so the nodes can be bypassed. Vertices are inserted on the schematic link paths. If no selected set has been defined in the active schematic diagram, then the command applies to all schematic features in the diagram.
Command Mark Crossings Schematic_MarkCrossings Schematics {748AA54F-9368-4E99-99A7-2AFF5436ACFD}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Mark or unmark the intersections between horizontal and vertical segments.The marking process operates according to the Mark Crossing tab's parameters in the Schematic Editing Properties dialog box.
Command Reduce Nodes Schematic_ReduceNode Schematics {33B2E88A-0DDC-4F91-8464-B709C3F8166B}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Reduce each currently selected schematic node in the active schematic diagram.Schematic nodes are treated in the order they are selected. For each reduced node, its shortest connected link is graphically removed. The other end of this shortest link becomes the node where the other connected links are reconnected.
Command Remove Schematic Features Schematic_DeleteElements Schematics {7652B418-0F98-48B5-8A7E-9A52A3A54F4D}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Remove the selected schematic features in the active diagram.
Command Remove Schematic Vertices Schematic_RemoveLinkPoints Schematics {9C6F401F-9FE3-48B5-89C1-6BA1B86497ED}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Remove all the vertices from the schematic links selected in the active schematic diagram.When no link is selected, it removes all the vertices from all the links in the diagram.
Command Rotate Tree Schematic_RotateTree Schematics {FD409EE9-1393-470B-B588-D2FBC889D1A4}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Rotate the tree associated with the schematic node currently selected in the active schematic diagram according to the parameters specified on the Rotate Tree tab of the Schematic Editing Properties dialog box.Enabled when there is a single node selected in the active schematic diagram.
Command Square Links Schematic_SquareLinks Schematics {8B68A493-3DDA-441F-BA3B-B6121963BA62}
none Schematic_SchematicEditorMenu Insert vertices or use existing vertices to square selected schematic feature links in the active schematic diagram. If no schematic links are selected, the command applies to all links in the schematic diagram.The command operates according to the Square Links tab's parameters in the Schematic Editing Properties dialog box.
Command Edit/Move Schematic Features Schematic_EditElement Schematics {077A7180-B12E-4691-B547-4B67F36F7C5C}
none SchematicEditor_Toolbar Select and move schematic features in the active schematic diagram after clicking them or dragging a box around them.Tips:- Hold down the SHIFT key and drag a box around new selected schematic features to add these newly selected features to the current selection.- Hold down the SHIFT key and use the number pad keys (8, 2, 4, 6) to slowly move the selected schematic features up/down/left/right.- Hold down the CTRL key and use the number pad keys (8, 2, 4, 6) to move the selected schematic features up/down/left/right.
CommandBar Edit Tools Schematic_ToolsEditCommands Schematics {E46053A1-0EFB-4F84-A724-3B50599F77A2}
none SchematicEditor_Toolbar none
Command Add Vertex Schematic_AddVertex Schematics {601E6616-B96D-4413-9031-17CCEC011A76}
none Schematic_ToolsEditCommands Add a new vertex on a schematic feature link by clicking and dragging a point on this link.
Command Move Vertex Schematic_MoveVertex Schematics {3A62B40E-04C3-4195-8CDA-6152A03BA73B}
none Schematic_ToolsEditCommands Move a vertex on a schematic link by clicking and dragging it to the desired location.When this tool is activate, holding the ALT key down and clicking a vertex removes it. Holding the CTRL key down and dragging and dropping any segment between two highlighted vertices, moves that segment.
Command Remove Vertex Schematic_RemoveVertex Schematics {30614E4E-B67C-4069-8A2B-0CB89CC5A59E}
none Schematic_ToolsEditCommands Remove a vertex on a schematic feature link by clicking it.
Command Layout Task Dropdown List Schematic_SchematicLayoutControl Schematics {E54A1C6C-2C60-4F07-A721-9831E6E238C9}
none SchematicEditor_Toolbar Choose the layout task you want to perform. This lists all the layout tasks that can be applied to the active schematic diagram.
Command Apply Layout Task Schematic_LayoutExecute Schematics {B2FA7EF6-85DD-4BD3-90F4-467EF68878AE}
none SchematicEditor_Toolbar Apply the selected schematic layout algorithm task to the active schematic diagram.Disabled if the conditions for the layout execution in the active diagram are not satisfied.
Command Set Schematic Root Schematic_SelectRoot Schematics {3BF8666A-1630-4DC2-A450-ABC56403B8CF}
none SchematicEditor_Toolbar Define the schematic node you want as a root node by clicking it. The clicked node automatically appears with a blue square symbol.Tips:- To define multiple schematic root nodes, hold down the SHIFT key and click the desired nodes.- To remove one or more schematic root nodes, hold down the SHIFT key, and click them.- To remove all set schematic root nodes, click the schematic diagram background.
Command Set Schematic End Schematic_SelectEnd Schematics {71FB45E7-4854-4855-8877-B7866B2BB0E6}
none SchematicEditor_Toolbar Define an end schematic feature node by clicking it. The clicked node automatically appears with a green circle symbol.Tips:- To define multiple schematic end nodes, hold down the SHIFT key and click the desired nodes.- To remove one or more schematic end nodes, hold down the SHIFT key, and click them.- To remove all set schematic end nodes, click the schematic diagram background.
Context menu Terrain Layer Context Menu TerrainLayer_ContextMenu none {44DFB3F4-9C33-437A-B1D1-E1FBD6B1C54F}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 TerrainLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 TerrainLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 TerrainLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Analysis Resolution Untitled Terrain {ED223EF2-9C80-4944-8471-60FC513F9C06}
none TerrainLayer_ContextMenu Zoom the map to a scale at which the interactive tools on the 3D Analyst toolbar become enabled for this terrain. By default, this zooms to the full resolution of the terrain but you can customize this using the setting on the Analysis tab of the terrain's Layer Properties dialog.
Command Reset Legend Elevation Range Untitled TIN {1C7E7468-6808-4574-A70A-C3F9A0D2152B}
none TerrainLayer_ContextMenu Reset the elevation symbology range classes for this layer based on the current display extent. You can redefine the class breaks using this option so that you get the full range of colors for that area of interest.
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none TerrainLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Data TerrainLayerData_Menu none {EED24CCF-7105-48D5-B1AF-191DE390D7D3}
none TerrainLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Untitled Terrain {B2FFD216-5216-49D7-9F20-92D6D2802D91}
none TerrainLayerData_Menu Locate this terrain layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 TerrainLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none TerrainLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Filters LasDataset_FiltersMenu none {45A19992-1BC9-482D-8582-DF424678F712}
none none none
Command All 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetFilterAll 3D Analyst {F5310A14-1A2C-4ED9-968A-32EF7AB74725}
none LasDataset_FiltersMenu Display all points.
Command Ground 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetFilterBareEarth 3D Analyst {49208744-31C4-4BD7-BC10-7D104EACC13A}
none LasDataset_FiltersMenu Display the points from the ground filter.
Command Non Ground 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetFilterNonBareEarth 3D Analyst {9701764F-3B00-4C6D-A184-F02A6E52A678}
none LasDataset_FiltersMenu Display the points from the non ground filter.
Toolbar Georeferencing Georeferencing_ToolBar none {46B1C24B-DEE2-11D3-A642-0008C7D3AF72}
none none none
Menu Georeferencing Georeferencing_Menu none {669C68D0-D11E-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar none
Command Update Georeferencing Georeferencing_SaveItem Georeferencing {669C68D3-D11E-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_Menu Save the current warp to the dataset.
Command Rectify Georeferencing_SaveAsItem Georeferencing {669C68D4-D11E-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_Menu Save the current warp to a new dataset.
Command Fit To Display Georeferencing_FitToDisplayItem Georeferencing {726AD821-1F94-11D4-B9F4-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_Menu Fit source layer to current display extent.
Command Update Display Georeferencing_UpdateItem Georeferencing {998C9091-D4E7-11D3-B9B5-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_Menu Update the display based on current links.
Command Auto Adjust Georeferencing_AutoAdjustItem Georeferencing {669C68D7-D11E-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_Menu Toggle the automatic adjustment on or off.
CommandBar Flip or Rotate Flip or &Rotate {81751E84-1F79-11D4-B9F4-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_Menu none
Command Rotate Right Georeferencing_RotateRightItem Georeferencing {79AE8435-D4DE-11D3-B9B5-00C0F0567A4A}
none Flip or &Rotate Rotate the layer 90 degrees clockwise.
Command Rotate Left Georeferencing_RotateLeftItem Georeferencing {79AE8433-D4DE-11D3-B9B5-00C0F0567A4A}
none Flip or &Rotate Rotate the layer 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Command Flip Horizontal Georeferencing_FlipHorizontalItem Georeferencing {79AE8431-D4DE-11D3-B9B5-00C0F0567A4A}
none Flip or &Rotate Flip the layer 90 degrees clockwise.
CommandBar Transformation &Transformation {31E21EB1-D47A-11D3-B9B4-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_Menu none
Command Zero Order Polynomial (Only shift) Georeferencing_TransformZeroOrderItem Georeferencing {9EC72FA6-987B-476D-B772-FA00518E60C0}
none &Transformation Transform the layer using a zero order polynomial. This requires at least 1 control point.
Command Similarity Polynomial Georeferencing_TransformFirstOrderSimilarityItem Georeferencing {1FB40A80-0EEC-4C82-8E6E-D79D8114A4B6}
none &Transformation Transform the layer using similarity polynomial. This requires at least 3 control points.
Command 1st Order Polynomial (Affine) Georeferencing_TransformFirstOrderItem Georeferencing {31E21EB2-D47A-11D3-B9B4-00C0F0567A4A}
none &Transformation Transform the layer using a first order polynomial. This requires at least 3 control points.
Command 2nd Order Polynomial Georeferencing_TransformSecondOrderItem Georeferencing {31E21EB4-D47A-11D3-B9B4-00C0F0567A4A}
none &Transformation Transform the layer using a second order polynomial. This requires at least 6 control points.
Command 3rd Order Polynomial Georeferencing_TransformThirdOrderItem Georeferencing {31E21EB5-D47A-11D3-B9B4-00C0F0567A4A}
none &Transformation Transform the layer using a third order polynomial. This requires at least 10 control points.
Command Adjust Georeferencing_TransformRubberSheetingItem Georeferencing {13E0A77B-DFD3-4DD2-94C6-68536E7CBA67}
none &Transformation Transform the layer using an adjust transformation. This requires at least 3 control points.
Command Projective Transformation Georeferencing_TransformProjectiveItem Georeferencing {F8A45E6A-E049-48B8-BFFD-3B9CB6658091}
none &Transformation Transform the layer using the Projective transformation. This requires at least 4 control points.
Command Delete Links Georeferencing_ResetItem Georeferencing {669C68D8-D11E-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_Menu Eliminate existing control points without changing the transformation.
Command Reset Transformation Georeferencing_ResetTransformItem Georeferencing {A8D4FC4C-1A17-11D4-A66D-0008C7DF88A8}
none Georeferencing_Menu Reset the layer to its original position.
Command Layers Georeferencing_LayersListControl Georeferencing {46B1C24C-DEE2-11D3-A642-0008C7D3AF72}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar Choose the layer that all georeferencing operations will apply to. Only raster layers that are not projected on the fly can be georeferenced.
Command Add Control Points Georeferencing_AddControlPointsTool Georeferencing {C50D33D2-DBED-11D3-B9BD-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar Select control points from the source (ungeoreferenced) layer to the referenced map coordinate layer. To enter target coordinates manually, select the point on the source dataset first, then right-click and select 'Input X and Y' and enter the x and y target locations into the dialog
Command Automatically create links Georeferencing_AutoRectifyCommand Georeferencing {7B5822A0-771E-4411-BFBB-48588226D9E2}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar Automatically create links
Command Select a link Georeferencing_SelectTool Georeferencing {458FECFE-4A68-4A98-A2DE-93A539D56317}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar Select a link
Command Zoom To Selected Link Georeferencing_ZoomToCPCommand Georeferencing {F51A6D0B-2518-4B2E-9071-B5678AAF0B3F}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar Zoom to the selected link.
Command Delete Link Georeferencing_DeleteControlPoint Georeferencing {76157AE8-E6EF-4B7E-B2E0-A8CCB14CF60C}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar Delete the selected link.
Command Viewer Georeferencing_ViewWindow Georeferencing {E42B0179-A2A3-4207-A8EE-5D44162872CB}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar View raster layer to be georeferenced.
Command View Link Table Georeferencing_LinkTableItem Georeferencing {669C68D5-D11E-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar Open the Link Table to examine and edit the links.
CommandBar Palette Georeferencing_TransformTools Georeferencing {C8428DF1-D2A2-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_ToolBar none
Command Rotate Georeferencing_RotateTool Georeferencing {C8428DF2-D2A2-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_TransformTools Rotate the layer by clicking and dragging.
Command Shift Georeferencing_ShiftTool Georeferencing {C8428DF3-D2A2-11D3-B9B1-00C0F0567A4A}
none Georeferencing_TransformTools Shift the layer by clicking and dragging.
Toolbar Route Editing RouteEditingToolbar none {4733FE06-1DBE-4516-AAAA-5CEF479C52D8}
none none none
Command Line Sub-portion Tool. SubSketch_2Pts Route Editing Commands {F4C0338C-BA18-478D-BCC3-3E945ED69D66}
none RouteEditingToolbar Define portion of the selected line feature to modify.
Command Make Route MakeRouteCommand Route Editing Commands {2D63BBEF-94EF-41A1-9DB3-878BC9062551}
none RouteEditingToolbar Makes a route from the selected line features
Toolbar Circle Tool CircleTool_Menu none {481B05C0-82D4-434A-B18A-074AB38AE08B}
none none none
Command Absolute X, Y CircleTool_XY Advanced Edit Tools {FE4EB308-61D8-4878-BEC4-0D22E341728E}
none CircleTool_Menu Enter x,y coordinates for the center point of the circle.
Toolbar Publisher Publish_PublishMenu none {4912E7AB-AFD3-4A66-A2AF-F39385D73D43}
none none none
Command Publisher Map Title Publisher_Dynamic Title Publisher {9AD38AB2-F1BD-4546-940B-B84CD50866DC}
none Publish_PublishMenu Add a title which can be changed when printing/viewing in ArcReader
Command Import ArcReader Markup Publisher_Import Markup Publisher {B497C711-DF2E-4F72-ADB8-0CB7D5D9CB5D}
none Publish_PublishMenu Import one or more ArcReader markup files (.pmfinkx files) into ArcMap as markup graphics. If the markup was created in ArcReader in Layout view, you have to be in Layout view in ArcMap in order to import it.
Command Create Data Package Publisher_Data Packaging Publisher {B3791413-3D17-4307-A240-DE44E69C3407}
none Publish_PublishMenu Create a data package for the selected PMF file(s).
Command Map Contents Summary Publisher_Data Analysis Publisher {97AE9120-EA9F-4C18-AD18-8877D0811CCB}
none Publish_PublishMenu Analyze the contents of the the map and report findings
Command Publish Map Publisher_Publish Map Publisher {CEFED3B7-5F2E-45E2-BC3F-3EDEB4587E69}
none Publish_PublishMenu Publish current Map for use with ArcReader
Toolbar Free Representation Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu none {492C344F-33E7-4495-B8B8-9D954A4DADF3}
none none none
Command Convert to Free Representation Representation_ConvertToFreeRepresentation Representation {1ED8AD85-FA1E-4F68-AC40-83449238E0E4}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Convert the selected representation to a free representation. Command is disabled unless one representation is selected.
Command Convert Effect to Geometry Representation_ConvertToEffect Representation {1991745E-B98E-40C3-892D-685DFFC525FA}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Replace free representation geometry with the result of the first geometric effect or marker placement.
Command Ungroup Elements Representation_UnshareSymbol Representation {0D5BDAC8-CDD4-4FFB-B2BB-D69C2CE6DFEA}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Ungroup multi-part geometry in free representation after effects have been converted to geometry.
Command Separate Symbol Layers Representation_SeparateLayers Representation {A0EF6FE6-DF62-4620-BF42-9602E5D99756}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Disconnect layers of a free representation rule so that each can be modified independently.
Command Delete Element Representation_DeleteComponent Representation {E90F5A46-59D5-4BBE-92E3-A894B063813C}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Delete a single element from a free representation. Command is disabled unless one ungrouped element is selected.
Toolbar Select Tool Menu Representation_BlackToolMenu none {4A5EC8FA-3E26-4F63-887A-A1015ACAA212}
none none none
Menu Nudge Representation_BlackToolNudgeMenu none {97F50409-FEFF-4BDE-B6BD-996DD81EB098}
none Representation_BlackToolMenu none
Command Nudge Up Representation_NudgeUp Representation {A2BB8171-0EC8-44F0-9F64-9C6E73479D64}
none Representation_BlackToolNudgeMenu Move the selected representations up.
Command Nudge Down Representation_NudgeDown Representation {543DC39B-DE49-4912-AC80-9E09BA7D5EF2}
none Representation_BlackToolNudgeMenu Move the selected representations down.
Command Nudge Left Representation_NudgeLeft Representation {1A0FD10B-DDBD-42EC-A300-246AE6E3AC4F}
none Representation_BlackToolNudgeMenu Move the selected representations left.
Menu Align Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu none {1003C8F0-E427-4049-AA19-433A412AA037}
none Representation_BlackToolMenu none
Command Align Left Representation_AlignLeft Representation {4EFC0678-408D-48D1-80A2-EB995733BB61}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the left.
Command Align Horizontal Center Representation_AlignHorizontal Representation {880D830B-7691-4F9D-8613-B724262731F8}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right Representation_AlignRight Representation {AAAB8C7F-AFEF-4F4C-91FA-65A4642B408F}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the right.
Command Align Top Representation_AlignTop Representation {CAA246D4-0AA8-4327-8D06-0AB0210CECDE}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center Representation_AlignVertical Representation {E7835C9D-67EE-434B-8723-0162D767D241}
none Representation_BlackToolAlignMenu Align selected representations to the vertical center.
Menu Distribute Representation_BlackToolDistributeMenu none {710F9C38-6403-4E27-9145-7A2DA759F086}
none Representation_BlackToolMenu none
Command Distribute Horizontally Representation_DistributeHorizontal Representation {A0526B92-6D78-4C74-8AAF-7A7B73958734}
none Representation_BlackToolDistributeMenu Distribute selected representations evenly in the horizontal direction.
Command Erase Representation Representation_EraseRepresentation Representation {25CE14E4-9A81-4C34-8D94-FC60FFD091B8}
none Representation_BlackToolMenu Erase a representation so that it doesn't show.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_BlackToolMenu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 Representation_BlackToolMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_BlackToolMenu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Toolbar Data Frame Tools Tools_DataFrameToolbar none {4A8E6349-065E-11D4-9FE9-00C04F6BC78E}
none none none
Command Rotate Data Frame PanZoom_Rotate Pan/Zoom {0830FB36-7EE6-11D0-87EC-080009EC732A}
none Tools_DataFrameToolbar Rotate the data frame interactively.Disabled if Magnifier or Viewer window is open.
Command Clear Rotation PanZoom_ClearMapRotation Pan/Zoom {20E5982F-2BC9-47ED-9A39-73375DE3DF31}
none Tools_DataFrameToolbar Set the data frame's rotation to zero.
Command Rotate Data Frame PanZoom_MapRotation Pan/Zoom {B7913579-5A3B-4ECE-A12B-92530CE90C60}
none Tools_DataFrameToolbar Specify or select an angle for rotation. Rotation is measured counter-clockwise from North.
Toolbar Graphs DataGraphOptions_Menu none {4C6E6A2B-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
none none none
Command Create Graph DataGraph_Create DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
1 DataGraphOptions_Menu Create a new graph. The dialog that appears lets you choose the layer or table containing the data you want to graph. After creating a graph, right-click inside the window it appears in to get more options, such as adding it to the map layout or saving it to a file.
Command Create Scatterplot Matrix Graph DataGraph_CreateScatterplotMatrix DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
4 DataGraphOptions_Menu Create a new scatterplot matrix graph. A scatterplot matrix graph is a data exploration tool that allows you to compare several datasets to look for patterns and relationships.
Command Manage Graphs DataGraph_Manage DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
2 DataGraphOptions_Menu Open the Graph Manager window. This dockable window makes it easy to work with your graphs. In the window you can right-click a graph to get more options.
Command Load Graph DataGraph_Load DataGraph {4C6E6A2C-DD8A-11D3-A661-0008C7DF88DB}
3 DataGraphOptions_Menu Load graph that has been previously saved out as a graph file (.grf).
Toolbar Orient Tool Menu Representation_OrientToolMenu none {4CCB8F89-4E1B-41DF-BC44-F2F5B971F702}
none none none
Command Parallel Representation_OrientParallel Representation {7C752885-911E-447A-8DA2-E6A84E18D32C}
none Representation_OrientToolMenu Set the mode for the orient tool to parallel.
Command Perpendicular Representation_OrientPerpendicular Representation {BB400E12-6CAE-4C8B-9628-8FE97B7518B7}
none Representation_OrientToolMenu Set the mode for the orient tool to perpendicular.
Command Angle Representation_OrientDialog Representation {F6154156-BBD6-459A-8B82-F9B5B5432737}
none Representation_OrientToolMenu Orient representations using an angle defined by typing it in.
Command Erase Representation Representation_EraseRepresentation Representation {25CE14E4-9A81-4C34-8D94-FC60FFD091B8}
none Representation_OrientToolMenu Erase a representation so that it doesn't show.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_OrientToolMenu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 Representation_OrientToolMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_OrientToolMenu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Toolbar Selection ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu none {4E2BB141-DB10-47A4-9785-4DA49FA482C6}
none none none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Make unselected features selected
Command Select All Query_SelectAll Selection {54EBEEE5-DC82-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Selects all the features in this layer
Command Make This The Only Selectable Layer Layer_MakeThisTheOnlySelectableLayer Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
17 ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Makes all feature layers non-selectable except for this one
Command Copy Records For Selected Features Layer_CopySelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
1 ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Copies the attributes of selected features to the clipboard
Command Create Layer From Selected Features Layer_CreateSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
2 ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Create a new layer containing the selected features
Command Open Table Showing Selected Features Layer_TableShowSelectedOnly Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
18 ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Open this layer's attribute table in Show Selected records mode.
Command Select Visible Rasters Select &Visible Rasters Image Server {345A7B61-5DCE-4A95-AA76-6FD5F10DE5F9}
none ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Select rasters in this dataset based on footprints in your current area of interest at the current scale.
Command Reselect Only Primary Rasters Reselect Only &Primary Rasters Image Server {59EF6426-1362-4309-9378-E23C86963817}
none ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Reselect only the primary rasters from the currently selected set of footprints in this dataset.
Command Lock To Selected Rasters &Lock To Selected Rasters Image Server {E8310889-66D5-4B90-83F1-6C190273B0B9}
none ImageServerLayerSelection_Menu Click this command to lock the currently selected items. When chosen, only the locked rasters will be displayed.
Toolbar Image Classification Image Classification none {4F7CA436-BBA2-4E1E-96DE-5C39B6747B44}
none none none
Menu Classification Classification_Menu none {328D3668-6370-4866-BF6E-97159BB0AE98}
none Image Classification none
Command Interactive Supervised Classification ControlToolsMapInquiry_Flicker Spatial Analyst {0F30E199-A5BF-4723-8D09-91054021DFE8}
none Classification_Menu Execute maximum likelihood classification using sample set.
Command Maximum Likelihood Classification Spatial Analyst {085A35A7-36BD-4864-B0BE-984D0EC1C6AC}
none Classification_Menu Perform maximum likelihood classification on an input image using a signature file.
Command Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification Spatial Analyst {6112F5EB-861E-4253-98E3-E7D83016F6CC}
none Classification_Menu Perform iso cluster unsupervised classification on an input image.
Command Class Probability ControlToolsMapInquiry_Flicker Spatial Analyst {B10B21D0-95B2-45BF-9B8D-07AD5F29A28F}
none Classification_Menu Perform class probability analysis on an input image.
Command Layer list Select the image layer to be used in the classification analysis. Spatial Analyst {5DD22D69-33C3-4D1F-BCE5-79912E9DCF26}
none Image Classification Select the image layer to be used in the classification analysis.
Command Training Sample Manager Open the Training Sample Manager window so you can view and change properties for training samples. Spatial Analyst {731A1256-176A-4077-A5C0-F1C63D05390B}
none Image Classification Open the Training Sample Manager window so you can view and change properties for training samples.
Command Clear Training Samples Clear all the current training samples. Spatial Analyst {BD68B866-B737-4658-855F-06A64EF3572F}
none Image Classification Clear all the current training samples.
CommandBar Draw training sample ImageClassification_DrawingTools Image Classification {DF2D18C1-F026-4A43-B32C-9A52BC09CBD5}
none Image Classification none
Command Draw Polygon Create training sample by drawing a polygon. Spatial Analyst {864FE6F6-38E4-4105-9101-351F9409B96F}
none ImageClassification_DrawingTools Create training sample by drawing a polygon.
Command Draw Rectangle {5C1D439D-A306-4300-A5B2-EA3098F9B1A4} Spatial Analyst {5C1D439D-A306-4300-A5B2-EA3098F9B1A4}
none ImageClassification_DrawingTools Create training sample by drawing a rectangle.
Command Draw Circle Open the Training Sample Manager window so you can view and change properties for training samples. Spatial Analyst {7D00DE44-93EB-46E5-8C0B-DA426AB4CADB}
none ImageClassification_DrawingTools Create training sample by drawing a circle.
Context menu Multiple Layers Context Menu MultipleLayers_ContextMenu none {4F85D4A7-A73E-4959-9230-93C18EB56755}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 MultipleLayers_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 MultipleLayers_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Group Layer_Group Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
11 MultipleLayers_ContextMenu Create a new group containing the currently selected layers
Command Turn On Layer_ContextTurnOn Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
14 MultipleLayers_ContextMenu Turns the selected layer on. Shortcut: Hold down CTRL and click the unchecked box next to any selected layer that is currently not being drawn.
Command Turn Off Layer_ContextTurnOff Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
15 MultipleLayers_ContextMenu Turns the selected layers off. Shortcut: Hold down CTRL and click the checked box next to any selected layer that is currently being drawn.
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none MultipleLayers_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Command Zoom To Layers Layer_ContextZoomToLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
13 MultipleLayers_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layers.
Toolbar Snap PageLayout_SnapMenu none {507B1B8F-AA39-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Snap to Rulers PageLayout_SnapToRulers Page Layout {0A6CCB93-A9A3-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_SnapMenu Snap new elements to the rulers
Command Snap to Guides PageLayout_SnapToGuides Page Layout {0A6CCB95-A9A3-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_SnapMenu Snap new elements to the guides
Command Snap to Grid PageLayout_SnapToGrid Page Layout {0A6CCB94-A9A3-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_SnapMenu Snap new elements to the grid
Command Snap to Margins PageLayout_SnapToMargins Page Layout {0A6CCB96-A9A3-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_SnapMenu &Snap to Margins
Toolbar Coordinates PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu none {5193E19C-E8A0-4C39-8320-DEBDB3AADC43}
none none none
Command Center Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0885-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's center coordinate.
Command Lower Left Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0883-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's lower left coordinate.
Command Lower Right Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0884-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's lower right coordinate.
Command Upper Left Coordinate PageLayout_InsertDynamicText Dynamic Text {C23B0881-673A-47DC-9348-B712FA6B7A2C}
none PageLayout_DynamicTextMapCoordinateMenu Insert a dynamic text element that displays the data frame's upper left coordinate.
Toolbar Add ToolboxAddMenu none {52A08BC9-0E24-4C28-9D49-7035EC1DCBAB}
none none none
Command Script Toolbox_AddScript ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
8 ToolboxAddMenu Adds a new script tool
Context menu WMS Group Layer Context Menu WMSLayer_ContextMenu none {536B4144-BA98-4CF3-B6DC-C01903E9D92D}
none none none
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Command Expand All Sub-Layers Layer_ExpandAllLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
19 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Expands all the sub-layers in the selected layer.
Command Collapse All Sub-Layers Layer_CollapseAllLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
20 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Collapses all the sub-layers in the selected layer.
Command Change Coordinate System Layer_WMSSelectCoordinateSystem WMS Layers {3010141E-49D0-4968-A852-66926F3AD8A4}
none WMSLayer_ContextMenu Change data frame's coordinate system to match WMS layer(s)
Toolbar Representation Representation_RepresentationMenu none {544231D0-FB25-4DB8-8BC7-748E9E327DC8}
none none none
Command Make Invisible Representation_MakeInvisible Representation {D2916EF6-9EC7-4C4A-8676-25014F32EE96}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu Turn off the visibility attribute of the selected representation (s). Features are not deleted and still have a representation rule.
Command Make Visible Representation_MakeVisible Representation {960487FC-43E3-4E3B-941B-5A995A36FF7F}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu Turn on the visibility attribute of the selected representation(s). Display invisible representations from Layer Properties > Symbology > Display Properties > Display Options.
Command Clear Shape Overrides Representation_ClearShapeOverrides Representation {A76178D7-688A-4584-A8CF-772AD7BF5A66}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu Remove any shape overrides present on selected representation(s).
Command Clear Property Overrides Representation_ClearAttributesOverrides Representation {2E0F268B-548C-4DF3-979B-52C536EC6D1D}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu Remove any property overrides present on selected representation(s). Only overrides mapped to the default Override field will be removed.
Menu Free Representation Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu none {492C344F-33E7-4495-B8B8-9D954A4DADF3}
none Representation_RepresentationMenu none
Command Convert to Free Representation Representation_ConvertToFreeRepresentation Representation {1ED8AD85-FA1E-4F68-AC40-83449238E0E4}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Convert the selected representation to a free representation. Command is disabled unless one representation is selected.
Command Convert Effect to Geometry Representation_ConvertToEffect Representation {1991745E-B98E-40C3-892D-685DFFC525FA}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Replace free representation geometry with the result of the first geometric effect or marker placement.
Command Ungroup Elements Representation_UnshareSymbol Representation {0D5BDAC8-CDD4-4FFB-B2BB-D69C2CE6DFEA}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Ungroup multi-part geometry in free representation after effects have been converted to geometry.
Command Separate Symbol Layers Representation_SeparateLayers Representation {A0EF6FE6-DF62-4620-BF42-9602E5D99756}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Disconnect layers of a free representation rule so that each can be modified independently.
Command Delete Element Representation_DeleteComponent Representation {E90F5A46-59D5-4BBE-92E3-A894B063813C}
none Representation_FreeRepresentationMenu Delete a single element from a free representation. Command is disabled unless one ungrouped element is selected.
Toolbar Database Server DataServer_Menu none {54B8A72E-E299-4DA0-AA99-57430E3E0FC7}
none none none
Toolbar File File_Menu none {56599DD3-E464-11D1-9496-080009EEBECB}
none none none
Command New File_New File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
1 File_Menu Create a new map document.
Command Open File_Open File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
2 File_Menu Open an existing map document.
Command Save File_Save File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
3 File_Menu Save the current map document.
Command Save As File_SaveAs File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
4 File_Menu Save the current map with a new name or to a different location.
Command Save A Copy File_SaveCopyAs File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
12 File_Menu Save a copy of the current map document. You can use this to save a copy of your current document so that it can be opened with an earlier version of ArcGIS. In the dialog that appears, choose the desired target version from the 'Save as type' dropdown.
Menu Share As ShareAs_Menu none {2485E365-6206-4407-B934-0E8DFF6C5768}
none File_Menu none
Menu Add Data AddData_Menu none {C401F530-2CA4-41C6-B608-00A9FCDDE968}
none File_Menu none
Command Add Data File_AddData File {E1F29C6B-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none AddData_Menu Add new data to the map’s active data frame.Tip: You can also drag data into your map from the Catalog window.
Command Add Basemap ESRI_BaseMap_BasemapCommand ArcGIS Online {76B26001-63CF-4CAC-A7E0-91CEE8686FAC}
none AddData_Menu Choose a basemap from ArcGIS Online. These basemaps are map services that require an Internet connection for them to draw in your map.
Command Add Data From ArcGIS Online ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterButton ArcGIS Online {DD82F2F1-B277-513D-5788-F89E518B126C}
none AddData_Menu Add data from ArcGIS Online into your map. The dialog that appears only shows data which can be added into your map as a layer. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data you've uploaded and data in groups you belong to.
Command Add XY Data Tools_AddXYData Tools {55425B75-2CE4-4909-B40A-CFE50FAD1896}
none AddData_Menu Adds a new map layer based on XY events from a table.
Menu Geocoding Geocode_Menu none {0EE3DF3A-8361-4435-9BD8-A3249563FC27}
none AddData_Menu none
Command Geocode Addresses GeocodeAddresses_Command Geocoding {5495175F-1C83-11D4-9F7D-00C04F8ED1C4}
none Geocode_Menu Geocode a table of addresses.
Menu Review/Rematch Addresses Mx_RematchAddressesMenu none {DADF1866-415E-49CD-B80F-B14FBFD2E5C8}
none Geocode_Menu none
Command Add Route Events Lr_AddRouteEvents Linear Referencing {6E6364B6-9ED5-4C0C-BEF1-F489F20597BE}
none AddData_Menu Adds a new map layer based on route events from a table.
Command { Sign in } { File_AGOLSignin } {C74C0031-9224-4EBB-9CA8-4D1D51986955}
none File_Menu none
Command ArcGIS Online ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterManageButton ArcGIS Online {47519610-33B8-8518-FB39-2A9A6CB4079A}
none File_Menu Launch the ArcGIS Online dialog so you can access data and open maps. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data and maps you've uploaded, as well as data and maps in groups you belong to
Command Page and Print Setup File_PageSetup File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
5 File_Menu Specify the page size and orientation for this map document. You can also specify that the map will be printed out as a map series by setting up data-driven pages.
Command Print Preview File_PrintPreview File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
6 File_Menu Preview how this map document will look when printed out.
Command Print File_Print File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
7 File_Menu Print the current map document.
Command Export Map File_Export File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
9 File_Menu Export this map to a file, such as a PNG, EPS, JPEG or PDF file. If you are in Data view, only your current map display extent will be exported. If you are in Layout view, your entire page layout will be exported.
Command Analyze Map PublishUI_Prepare Map Service Publishing {CAA544E6-415B-44C3-B504-FBA408F75ADD}
none File_Menu Optimize this map's drawing speed and find any other issues such as broken layers.
Command Map Document Properties File_Properties File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
8 File_Menu Display or edit the properties of this map document, such as description, author, credits, and specify whether disk-based data it uses will be referenced by relative pathnames.
Command { Recent files } { File_RecentFiles } {BF4121B8-175C-11D2-8D23-080009EE4E51}
none File_Menu none
Context menu Load Settings ArcToolboxLoadSettingsContextMenu none {5A228983-4434-45A6-BAFE-EC9146495259}
none none none
Command From File ArcToolbox_LoadSettings ArcToolbox {C3A98A65-E879-4FA5-B3C7-D3DB08BD1EE7}
5 ArcToolboxLoadSettingsContextMenu Load ArcToolbox settings from a file.
Toolbar Tablet TabletPC_TabletToolbar none {5AC33189-928C-4488-B9AC-19D8CBCCD852}
none none none
Command Pen Tool TabletPCSup_HighlighterDropDownPalette Ink {6F3098B3-686A-4118-9DDB-29573362D42A}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Draw ink graphics on the map. You apply ink on the map as a collection of strokes. Each stroke can then be combined to create a single graphic element or recognized to create a text element.To finish collecting ink use either the Finish Ink Sketch command or commit gesture, or use the Recognize command or recognize gesture to convert the collected ink directly into a new text element, or use the Auto Finish option in the Ink Settings dialog to automatically commit ink as text or ink graphics.
Command Highlight Tool TabletPCSup_HighlighterDropDownPalette Ink {275C581E-165E-4BD6-83CC-C9082019DAA6}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Highlight things on the map. Highlighter ink is semi-transparent so that you can see the features that you highlight.To finish collecting highlighter ink either use the Finish Ink Sketch command or the commit gesture.
Command Eraser Tool TabletPCSup_EraserDropDownPalette Ink {48612961-1308-4F95-A69D-CC3699C8B39B}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Erase strokes of ink. Brush the eraser across the ink you want to erase. Choose Stroke Erase to quickly erase connected strokes of ink by brushing the eraser across the ink stroke you want to erase. Disabled if no ink has been drawn on the map.Shortcut: When drawing with the Pen Tool or the Highlighter Tool, you can erase connected strokes of ink using the scratch-out gesture.
Command Finish Ink Sketch ControlToolsInk_FinishInkSketch Ink {9314F912-1720-45C8-BF82-FD0C179463CA}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Commit ink that you are currently collecting to a graphic element. Shortcut: Use the commit gesture when using the Pen or Highlighter tool to finish the ink sketch.
Command Clear Ink Sketch ControlToolsInk_ClearInk Ink {53FA1F96-07F6-494B-81A0-F766BE648008}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Clear the current Ink strokes from the Ink sketch.Shortcut: Press Backspace to clear the ink.
Command Add Ink to Sketch ControlToolsInk_AddInkToSketch Ink {73D69062-9AF7-43D4-A795-7A52AB10C037}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Create features in the layer you are currently editing using ink you have drawn. If you are creating polygons and the strokes do not form a closed polygon, the stroke will close itself at each end.
Command Recognize Ink As Text ControlToolsInk_Recognize Ink {FE900761-DDAF-40FC-858D-EA79F468A397}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Convert the selected ink graphics to text elements. Text is automatically converted if the match probability is high. If the probability is medium or low, a list of alternatives will appear.
Command Reactivate ControlToolsInk_Reactivate Ink {7C07663A-D51D-4D04-83D0-DE0355CCC2C2}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Reactivate the ink in a selected ink element so that you can change it using the Pen Tool.
Command Find Ink ControlToolsInk_FindInk Ink {419ACB7A-A75B-4AFD-8C31-3D1EDF1B0244}
none TabletPC_TabletToolbar Search for ink graphics in the active graphics layer.
Toolbar Edit Vertices Vertex Editing Toolbar none {5C0700E9-DAD7-4B66-AB42-166C4B45D3FF}
none none none
Command Modify Sketch Vertices EditToolNormalCommand Advanced Edit Tools {A4AF2F51-8365-4122-8B04-638413E6510E}
none Vertex Editing Toolbar Select vertices and modify segments. Drag vertices and segments to move and edit them. Right-click to show a menu containing commands to edit vertices and segments.
Command Add Vertex EditToolAddVertexCommand Advanced Edit Tools {51815B0B-A275-40D3-8E8E-75EAEA51C2E7}
none Vertex Editing Toolbar Add a vertex to a segment at the location you click.
Command Delete Vertex EditToolDeleteVertexCommand Advanced Edit Tools {8CCA9751-BD40-4D93-B30E-78515C9695C1}
none Vertex Editing Toolbar Delete a vertex. Click a vertex to delete it or drag a box to delete multiple vertices at once.
Command Continue Feature Editor_ContinueFeatureTool Editor {2B303C18-4441-47B0-A9C6-605F110744DB}
none Vertex Editing Toolbar Resume digitizing an existing line, polygon, or multipoint feature so you can continue sketching its shape. For example, you can add new parts to a multipart feature or extend a line by drawing segments from its last vertex.
Command Stretch Proportionately StretchProportional_Command Editor {302D3E0E-827C-4D2A-9244-74EFE1CE2CEE}
none Vertex Editing Toolbar Keep the general shape of a feature when moving a vertex. Other vertices move to preserve the segment proportions. When this option is off, a vertex moves independently when dragged.
Command Finish Sketch Tools_FinishSketch Editor {FD799456-472C-11D2-84D8-0000F875B9C6}
none Vertex Editing Toolbar Complete the current editing operation by finishing the sketch. Shortcut: Double-click or press F2.
Toolbar Schematic Network Analyst SchematicUtilityNetworkAnalyst_Toolbar none {5CFA69C8-8344-4B12-BBD2-67F2C7F431FC}
none none none
Command Schematic Trace Task Dropdown List Schematic_SchematicNetworkAnalystControl Schematics {CA5BCF29-7CCE-4CC1-8C71-C0108F3DF08D}
none SchematicUtilityNetworkAnalyst_Toolbar Select the schematic network analyst trace task you want to apply.
Command Apply Trace Task Schematic_NetworkAnalystExecute Schematics {A1635BCA-7AEF-410F-BA88-AAA67C5F9DF1}
none SchematicUtilityNetworkAnalyst_Toolbar Apply the selected schematic network analyst trace task.Disabled if the conditions for the trace execution in the active schematic diagram are not satisfied. For example, for the Find Path trace task, two schematic nodes must be selected in the active schematic diagram for this command to be enabled.
Toolbar Layout PageLayout_LayoutToolbar none {5DEB1DB3-C2A9-11D1-B9A2-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command Zoom In PageLayout_PageZoomIn Page Layout {E920D9E7-9CB1-11D1-873C-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Zoom in on the map layout by clicking once or dragging a box on the layout.Shortcut: Hold down the Z key, or hold down CTRL and drag with the middle mouse button held down.
Command Zoom Out PageLayout_PageZoomOut Page Layout {E920D9E8-9CB1-11D1-873C-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Zoom out on the map layout by clicking once or dragging a box on the layout.Shortcut: Hold down the X key.
Command Pan PageLayout_PagePan Page Layout {E920D9E9-9CB1-11D1-873C-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Pan the map layout by dragging it.Shortcut: Hold down the C key, or drag with the middle mouse button held down.
Command Zoom Whole Page LayoutTools_ZoomWholePage Page Layout {C22579D3-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Zoom to the full extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press INSERT while in layout view.
Command Zoom to 100% LayoutTools_Zoom100Percent Page Layout {C22579D4-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Zoom the map layout to 100% (1:1).
Command Fixed Zoom In PageLayout_PageZoomInFixed Page Layout {E920D9EA-9CB1-11D1-873C-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Zoom in on the center of the map layout.Shortcut: Press + key while in layout view.
Command Fixed Zoom Out PageLayout_PageZoomOutFixed Page Layout {E920D9EB-9CB1-11D1-873C-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Zoom out on the center of the map layout.Shortcut: Press - key while in layout view.
Command Go Back To Extent LayoutTools_ZoomPageToLastExtentBack Page Layout {0C56F301-410B-11D2-A2AA-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Go back to previous extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press the &< Key while in layout view.
Command Go Forward To Extent LayoutTools_ZoomPageToLastExtentForward Page Layout {0C56F302-410B-11D2-A2AA-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Go forward to the next extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press > while in layout view.
Command Zoom Control PageLayout_Zoom Page Layout {A235CDB1-C7E2-11D0-8380-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Zoom the map layout by a particular percentage. Choose from the list or type in a percentage.
Command Toggle Draft Mode PageLayout_TogleDraftModeOfFrames Page Layout {5821236E-6C14-46E2-9B2C-56CC35E0A5E5}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Toggle draft mode of frame graphics.
Command Focus Data Frame PageLayout_FocusDataFrameDrawing Page Layout {F752FFCA-F2A6-45B6-9C84-5BD4B4DFA770}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Put this frame into focus, making it the target for graphics and text you draw on top of it while you are in layout view.Shortcut: Double-click data frame on the layout.
Command Change Layout ChangeLayout Page Layout {29223B07-D8FC-11D3-9305-00600802E603}
none PageLayout_LayoutToolbar Change the layout by selecting a predefined template.
Toolbar Draw PageLayout_DrawToolbar none {5DEB1DB4-C2A9-11D1-B9A2-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Menu Drawing PageLayout_DrawingMenu none {CF3A35DE-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar none
Command New Annotation Group Map_NewGraphicsLayer Data Frames {BC58C7A0-C68E-11D2-9F32-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Create a new annotation group in which to store text and graphics.
Menu Active Annotation Target PageLayout_ActiveGraphicsLayersMenu none {BC58C79F-C68E-11D2-9F32-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Overflow Annotation Window_OverFlowLabels View {444EDA0F-4778-4BD3-9F47-5762ADA07F87}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Open Overflow Annotation window. Right-click on the label in the window to access the overflow handling commands.
Command Group PageLayout_Group Page Layout {4B96A443-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Group the selected elements.
Command Ungroup LayoutTools_Ungroup Page Layout {4B96A444-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Ungroup the selected element(s).
Menu Graphic Operations PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu none {CC0DCD29-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Union PageLayout_GeometryElementUnion Page Layout {CC0DCD2B-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Combine the selected graphics into a single polygon.
Command Intersect PageLayout_GeometryElementIntersect Page Layout {CC0DCD2E-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Create a single intersected polygon from the selected graphics.
Command Remove Overlap PageLayout_GeometryElementSymmetricDifference Page Layout {CC0DCD2D-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Create a single polygon from the nonoverlapping areas of two graphics.
Menu Order PageLayout_OrderMenu none {CF3A35E2-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Bring to Front PageLayout_BringToFront Page Layout {92D490B2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) to the front.
Command Send to Back PageLayout_SendToBack Page Layout {92D490B3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Send the selected element(s) to the back.
Command Bring Forward PageLayout_BringForward Page Layout {92D490B4-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) forward.
Menu Nudge PageLayout_NudgeMenu none {CF3A35DF-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Nudge Left PageLayout_NudgeLeft Page Layout {92D490AE-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) left.
Command Nudge Right PageLayout_NudgeRight Page Layout {92D490AF-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) right.
Command Nudge Up PageLayout_NudgeUp Page Layout {92D490B0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) up.
Menu Align PageLayout_AlignMenu none {CF3A35E0-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Align to Margins PageLayout_AlignToMargins Page Layout {92D4909E-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Toggle whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.Disabled in data view. In data view all alignment is relative to the extent of the selected elements.
Command Align Left PageLayout_AlignLeft Page Layout {92D4909F-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the left.
Command Align Center PageLayout_AlignCenter Page Layout {92D490A0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right PageLayout_AlignRight Page Layout {92D490A1-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the right.
Command Align Top PageLayout_AlignTop Page Layout {92D490A2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center PageLayout_AlignMiddle Page Layout {92D490A3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the vertical center.
Menu Distribute PageLayout_DistributeMenu none {CF3A35E5-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Distribute Horizontally PageLayout_DistributeHorizontally Page Layout {92D490A5-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
Command Distribute Vertically PageLayout_DistributeVertically Page Layout {92D490A6-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
Command Make Same Size PageLayout_MakeSameSize Page Layout {92D490A7-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height and width.
Command Make Same Width PageLayout_MakeSameWidth Page Layout {92D490A8-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same width.
Command Make Same Height PageLayout_MakeSameHeight Page Layout {92D490A9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height.
Command Fit to Margins PageLayout_FitToMargin Page Layout {B7E9C434-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same size as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Command Fit Width to Margins PageLayout_FitToMarginWidth Page Layout {B7E9C435-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same width as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Menu Rotate or Flip PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu none {CF3A35E1-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Rotate Right PageLayout_RotateLeft Page Layout {92D490AA-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Rotate Left PageLayout_RotateRight Page Layout {92D490AB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counter-clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Flip Horizontally PageLayout_FlipHorizontal Page Layout {92D490AC-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Flip the selected graphic(s) horizontally.Disabled for text, marker symbols and objects on the map layout.
Command Convert Graphics To Features Map_ConvertGraphicsToFeatures Data Frames {CF539DBA-3533-4CE9-92CE-65248A30E60D}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Convert point, line, polygon or text graphics into features in a new shapefile or feature class.Disabled in layout view.
Command Select Elements PageLayout_SelectTool Page Layout {C22579D1-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Select, resize and move text, graphics and other elements placed on the map.
Command Rotate PageLayout_RotateElement Page Layout {66770314-FBC0-11D1-A24E-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Rotate the selected text or graphic(s). Map elements can't be rotated with the Rotate tool.Shortcut: Press the A key to specify an angle to rotate by.
Command Zoom To Selected Elements PageLayout_ZoomToSelectedGraphics Page Layout {5D3E617C-13B6-4C7F-AB10-423DE02A2411}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Zoom to the currently selected text, graphic(s)s or map element(s).
CommandBar Drawing Tools PageLayout_DrawingTools Page Layout {5AAD204F-D030-11D2-9F35-00C04F6BC61A}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar none
Command Rectangle PageLayout_NewRectangle Page Layout {3A9767C3-F253-11D0-83A4-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_DrawingTools Draw a graphic rectangle. Hold down SHIFT as you drag to make a square.
Command Polygon PageLayout_NewPolygon Page Layout {12957C21-F327-11D0-83A5-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_DrawingTools Draw a graphic polygon. Click each vertex along the polygon's boundary.
Command Circle PageLayout_NewCircle Page Layout {F514A1F1-C5CB-11D2-9F28-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_DrawingTools Draw a graphic circle.Shortcut: Press A or R when creating a circle to specify its area or radius.
Command Ellipse PageLayout_NewEllipse Page Layout {06A40B04-C603-11D2-9F28-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_DrawingTools Draw a graphic ellipse.
Command Line PageLayout_NewLine Page Layout {35FD9573-D79A-11D0-8388-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_DrawingTools Draw a graphic line. Click each vertex along the line and double-click to end.
Command Curve PageLayout_NewCurve Page Layout {7BB9DFD4-CCF4-11D2-9F30-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_DrawingTools Draw a curved graphic line. Click each point along the curved line and ArcMap will connect them. Double-click to end.
Command FreeHand PageLayout_NewFreeHand Page Layout {57E77868-D015-11D2-9F31-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_DrawingTools Draw a freehand graphic line. Hold down the mouse button and use the cursor like a pen.
CommandBar Text tools PageLayout_TextTools Page Layout {507DD1C3-E921-11D2-9F58-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar none
Command Text PageLayout_NewText Page Layout {204034D4-F6EA-11D0-83AD-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_TextTools Add text by typing it in.
Command Splined Text PageLayout_NewTextCurve Page Layout {3407D7C3-D74C-11D2-9F41-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_TextTools Add curved text by typing it in.
Command Label PageLayout_Label Label {A13C5AD5-C207-11D2-9F30-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_TextTools Label features with their attributes by clicking on them.Disabled in layout view.
Command Callout PageLayout_CalloutTool Page Layout {7EA8F0C0-D0DC-11D2-98A2-0080C7E04196}
none PageLayout_TextTools Add text with a callout box or leader line.
Command Polygon Text PageLayout_NewPolygon Page Layout {00A0163B-390D-44E3-8BC4-4C306FAD8CA2}
none PageLayout_TextTools Add new paragraph text within an irregular polygon.
Command Rectangle Text PageLayout_NewRectangle Page Layout {9F30D6E8-77A6-446A-97B1-4DB07500F02B}
none PageLayout_TextTools Add new paragraph text within a rectangle.
Command Edit Vertices PageLayout_EditVertices Page Layout {D5109671-75B9-11D2-A2D3-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Edit vertices of selected line, polygon, or curve.
Command Font Text_Font Text {BDBDC3D1-D56D-11D1-A219-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Change the font.
Command Font Size Text_FontSize Text {BDBDC3D2-D56D-11D1-A219-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Change the font size.
Command Bold Text_Bold Text {BDBDC3D3-D56D-11D1-A219-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Toggle bold font.
Command Italic Text_Italic Text {BDBDC3D4-D56D-11D1-A219-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Toggle italic font.
Command Underline Text_Underline Text {BDBDC3D5-D56D-11D1-A219-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Toggle underlined font.
Command Font Color Font_Color Text {08C6EA8D-E7BC-11D2-9F57-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Change the font color.
Command Fill Color Fill_Color Text {7A041B2A-E85E-11D2-9F57-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Change the fill color.
Command Line Color Line_Color Text {7A041B2B-E85E-11D2-9F57-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_DrawToolbar Change the line color.
Toolbar Standard Standard_Toolbar none {5DEB1DB8-C2A9-11D1-B9A2-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Command New File_New File {A33D9401-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Standard_Toolbar Create a new map document.
Command Open File_Open File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
2 Standard_Toolbar Open an existing map document.
Command Save File_Save File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
3 Standard_Toolbar Save the current map document.
Command Print File_Print File {119591DB-0255-11D2-8D20-080009EE4E51}
7 Standard_Toolbar Print the current map document.
Command Cut Edit_Cut Edit {A33D9406-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Standard_Toolbar Cut the selected element(s).
Command Copy Edit_Copy Edit {A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Standard_Toolbar Copy the selected element(s).
Command Paste Edit_Paste Edit {A33D9407-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none Standard_Toolbar Paste the clipboard contents into the map.
Command Delete Edit_Clear Edit {16CD71E5-98C3-11D1-873B-0000F8751720}
none Standard_Toolbar Delete the selected element(s).
Command Undo Edit_Undo Edit {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
1 Standard_Toolbar Undo the last action.
Command Redo Edit_Redo Edit {FBF8C3FB-0480-11D2-8D21-080009EE4E51}
2 Standard_Toolbar Redo the previously undone action.
CommandBar Add Data AddData_Palette File {4B8503DA-1423-4C3F-8E07-3CFFCAB3908D}
none Standard_Toolbar none
Command Add Data File_AddData File {E1F29C6B-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none AddData_Palette Add new data to the map’s active data frame.Tip: You can also drag data into your map from the Catalog window.
Command Add Basemap ESRI_BaseMap_BasemapCommand ArcGIS Online {76B26001-63CF-4CAC-A7E0-91CEE8686FAC}
none AddData_Palette Choose a basemap from ArcGIS Online. These basemaps are map services that require an Internet connection for them to draw in your map.
Command Map Scale PanZoom_Scale Pan/Zoom {8D43F663-DA0B-11D0-87FC-080009EC732A}
none Standard_Toolbar Display and set the map scale. Disabled if data frame is using fixed extent or scale.
Command Editor Toolbar Tools_EditingToolbar Tools {E1F29C74-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none Standard_Toolbar Open the Editor toolbar so you can edit the map's data.
Command Table Of Contents View_Contents View {E1F29C6D-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none Standard_Toolbar Open the Table of Contents window to work with your map's contents.
Command Catalog File_CatalogWindow File {79D6A9E5-C3C3-4F47-9E7F-4ABE329EAA67}
none Standard_Toolbar Open the Catalog window to access and manage your data.
Command Search File_ArcGISSearchCommand File {3E206C92-5576-46F2-9C96-209B81D229C2}
none Standard_Toolbar Open the Search window to search for data, maps, tools, etc.
Command ArcToolbox ArcToolbox_ShowToolbox ArcToolbox {85980C3A-652A-47ED-8CD2-1B99DD060AAB}
none Standard_Toolbar Open the ArcToolbox window so you can access geoprocessing tools and toolboxes.
Command Python ArcToolbox_ShowCommandLine ArcToolbox {1A7E7146-BDFB-4755-93DE-100171382BFF}
none Standard_Toolbar Open the Python window so you can execute geoprocessing commands and scripts.
Command ModelBuilder ArcToolbox_ShowModelBuilder ArcToolbox {F6F97AA5-40F2-4C96-8A52-09CF68B30C06}
none Standard_Toolbar Open the ModelBuilder window so you can make a geoprocessing model.
Toolbar Editor EditingToolbarNew none {605F0528-1B64-4862-93B1-484A2C534EA3}
none none none
Menu Editor Editor_EditorMenu none {9EBF3A20-D0C0-11D0-802D-0000F8037368}
none EditingToolbarNew none
Command Start Editing Editor_StartEditing Editor {59D2AFD0-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97}
none Editor_EditorMenu Start an edit session so you can edit features or attributes.
Command Stop Editing Editor_StopEditing Editor {59D2AFD1-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97}
none Editor_EditorMenu Stop the edit session. If you have any unsaved edits, you are prompted to save them.
Command Save Edits Editor_SaveEdits Editor {59D2AFD2-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97}
none Editor_EditorMenu Save all edits made since the last save. After saving, you cannot undo previous editing operations.
Command Move Editor_Move Editor {39ABBF40-C355-11D1-847B-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Move the selected features a specified distance. A positive delta x moves features right; a positive delta y value moves features up. Negative values move down and to the left.
Command Split Editor_SplitCommand Editor {8F85D79C-2A81-11D3-9F37-00C04F6BC979}
none Editor_EditorMenu Split a selected line feature using a specified distance value, a percentage of total length, or a measure value from either the start or end point of the feature.
Command Construct Points Editor_ConstructPoints Editor {02DE1B8A-6C74-40B2-9C1B-AFA176E8CAB0}
none Editor_EditorMenu Create new point features at an interval along a selected line. You can create a specific number of points that are evenly spaced or at an interval based on distances or m-values.
Command Copy Parallel Editor_CopyParallel Editor {26032FF0-0F84-11D2-84A6-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Create new line features at an offset from selected lines.
Command Merge Editor_Merge Editor {DB56FE71-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Merge two or more selected features from the same layer into one feature.
Command Buffer Editor_Buffer Editor {DB56FE70-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Create a new feature at a buffered distance from selected point, line, or polygon features.
Command Union Editor_Union Editor {DB56FE73-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Create a new feature from two or more selected features of the same shape type.
Command Clip Editor_ClipCommand Editor {CD63FD48-CF69-4FC4-907D-761E3D6179A3}
none Editor_EditorMenu Clip all editable and visible polygon features that touch or are within a buffered distance from a selected feature.
Command Validate Features Editor_ValidateSelection Editor {ABDEE4E8-B0C8-11D2-AAE2-00C04FA37B82}
none Editor_EditorMenu Validate the selected geodatabase features for subtypes, attribute domains, geometric network connectivity rules, relationship rules, and custom rules.
Menu Snapping Editing_SnappingMenu none {9DAB011D-8989-460C-B797-6969439DE98F}
none Editor_EditorMenu none
CommandBar More Editing Tools MoreEditorTools {EDAE47C2-4CA6-46B5-9D81-3450FC5A667A}
none Editor_EditorMenu none
Command Advanced Editing Editor_AdvancedEditingToolbarCommand Advanced Edit Tools {6CAA9131-F696-4A0C-ACEF-F8ACF21EE76A}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Advanced Editing toolbar.
Command COGO Editor_COGOToolbarCommand Advanced Edit Tools {1241A324-003C-4F49-AD26-C725518CDDED}
none MoreEditorTools Open the COGO toolbar.
Command Geometric Network Editing Editor_NetworkEditingToolbarCommand Editor {7A82233B-F529-46F9-9A02-61F83A5034FC}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Geometric Network Editing toolbar.
Command Parcel Editor CadastralEditorToolBarCommand Parcel {7D90A192-A896-411C-ABF2-F7FA5C2DE02D}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Parcel Editor toolbar.
Command Representation Representation_RepresentationToolbar Representation {BBDA8EFC-8E8D-453D-8689-1AB0824E19F3}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Representation toolbar.
Command Route Editing RouteEditingToolbarCommand Route Editing Commands {73A1B990-F579-452B-B199-73796B02A499}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Route Editing toolbar. Routes are linear features with measures, such as highways with mileages measured from the start of each highway. Routes are used for the linear referencing of route events.
Command Spatial Adjustment Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBarCommand Adjustment {AC96A3DB-4E74-4709-BE28-8AB9A91D3B52}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Spatial Adjustment toolbar.
Command Topology Topology_TitusToolbarCommand Topology {08E59412-DC96-4BE5-9699-B13E8CAE5A5A}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Topology toolbar.
Menu Editing Windows Editing_WindowsMenu none {39C5CC76-4252-4CF2-AD03-5822505CB119}
none Editor_EditorMenu none
Command Create Features CreateFeatureDockWinCommand Advanced Edit Tools {B18ED544-C8B1-49F3-9F7A-F83CBE793CDB}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Create Features window so you can add new features. Click a feature template to set up the editing environment with those properties, then click a construction tool on the window to digitize features.
Command Attributes Editor_Attribution Editor {44276914-98C1-11D1-8464-0000F875B9C6}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Attributes window so you can modify the attribute values of selected features in the layers you are editing. You can also edit relationships among features in this window.
Command Sketch Properties Editor_SketchProperties Editor {50F9A8E5-A820-4D00-8369-E35832141356}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Edit Sketch Properties window so you can view and modify the properties of the sketch geometry that makes up a feature. To populate this window, use the Edit tool to double-click a feature.
Command Shared Features Topology_SharedFeaturesCommand Topology {EA19EC67-4F7B-4EA6-B94E-75D23AC28149}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Shared Features window to see a list of features sharing a selected topology edge or node. Click a feature to flash it or uncheck a feature to exclude it temporarily from topology edits.
Command Error Inspector Topology_ErrorWindowCommand Topology {E9C1F049-CB39-4BB0-B726-3BCEF21A87C8}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Error Inspector window to find, sort, and fix geodatabase topology errors. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Unplaced Annotation UnplacedAnnoWindowCommand Advanced Edit Tools {40965749-B024-41E4-895C-4B3872B7356E}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Unplaced Annotation window to find, sort, and place unplaced annotation.
Command Adjustment Preview Adjust_PreviewWindow Adjustment {6CA9196B-B31C-495A-ADD4-FB14224BC588}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Preview the adjustment before you perform it and modify the links as needed to achieve the result you want. Navigate using the Tools toolbar and by right-clicking. Click Spatial Adjustment > Adjust to perform the adjustment.
Command Control Points Adjust_ViewControlPointsCommand Adjustment {1AD3FCE8-D6A7-4F5F-8D7F-7FF2E429ADB4}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Control Points window listing displacement link destinations. Create destination points by double-clicking a record; manually place the source point by clicking the map.
Command Parcel Details ShowParcelPropertiesCmd Parcel {D7A996F0-2084-4699-9240-5206ABEF5DB1}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Parcel Details dialog box to view and edit the attributes of the selected parcel. View and edit parcel attributes under Properties tab. View and edit parcel traverse dimensions under the Lines tab.
Command Parcel Explorer Cadastral_ParcelExplorer_Show Parcel {F97DF83D-D2B4-4776-9EA3-EF5E4A9BF528}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Parcel Explorer window to list selected parcels by their plan. Constructions and all unjoined parcels are also listed.
Command Edit Tool Editor_EditTool Editor {9EBF3A1E-D0C0-11D0-802D-0000F8037368}
none EditingToolbarNew Select and edit features in an edit session. This tool selects from any selectable layers, including ones you are not editing. If there is more than one selectable feature where you click, you can refine the selection by clicking the selection icon that appears on the map.
Command Edit Annotation Tool Editor_AnnoEditTool Advanced Edit Tools {3B883F4A-D150-4BD6-900B-FD43C8ABF5C4}
none EditingToolbarNew Select and edit geodatabase annotation features. Disabled if there is not at least one geodatabase annotation layer set as selectable while editing.
Command Straight Segment SketchStraight_Command Editor {69DAD63E-3B9B-401D-84AE-27A84F720BB2}
none EditingToolbarNew Create a vertex each time you click. The segments between vertices are straight lines. Right-click or use keyboard shortcuts to place vertices using exact measurements.
Command End Point Arc Segment SketchEndpointArc_Command Editor {3FC9A697-11BA-4739-BE6A-31F30EE28123}
none EditingToolbarNew Create a circular arc segment by placing the start and end points of the curve and defining a radius. Press R to enter a radius.
CommandBar Sketch Constructors Editor_SketchConstructors Editor {F6E0FFCC-866E-4D5E-90BD-C855031B67D9}
none EditingToolbarNew none
Command Trace SketchTrace_Command Editor {787D771D-AC3E-4CA5-8855-B14F298BE5C5}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create segments by tracing existing features. Right-click or press O to access tracing options, including setting an offset.
Command Right Angle SketchRightAngle_Command Editor {99DE13F8-6B85-47CE-85B7-056EDF688648}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a segment at a 90-degree, right angle to the previous segment.
Command Midpoint SketchMidpoint_Command Editor {2076F45A-D01F-4F14-B2C3-E2E62C536013}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a point or vertex at the midpoint of a line segment.
Command Distance-Distance SketchDistanceDistance_Command Editor {B711A20C-94C4-46D8-AD2B-771AE65FA35D}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a point or vertex at the intersection of two distances from two other points. Press D to enter a distance and TAB to cycle through locations.
Command Direction-Distance Tool SketchAngleDistance_Command Editor {86BF0063-915D-4E61-8E39-01BC00E13A85}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a point or vertex at the intersection of a direction from one point and a distance from another point. Press D to enter a direction or distance and TAB to cycle through locations.
Command Intersection SketchIntersection_Command Editor {B1C602D6-0DB3-453C-B516-7BCEBF7A82AD}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a point or vertex at the implied intersection of two segments. Click two segments to find the virtual intersection and add the point.
Command Arc Segment SketchArc_Command Editor {C92C154C-43DC-438C-9DE0-A9766DE35301}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a circular arc by setting the start point, the location where the curve passes, and the end point. Press R to enter a radius.
Command Tangent Curve Segment SketchTangentArc_Command Editor {E443DE0C-4F6E-45EC-8953-3B29678E1E74}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a circular arc tangent to the previous segment.
Command Point SketchPoint_Command Editor {67E44603-D2D6-46A5-A941-F311C71690B1}
none EditingToolbarNew Add points to the edit sketch.
Command Edit Vertices FeatureEditVertices_Command Advanced Edit Tools {D0F62794-98C4-447A-A0B2-4ECDB6554FC9}
none EditingToolbarNew View, select, and modify the vertices and segments that make up the shape of an editable feature. Use the tools on the Edit Vertices toolbar to edit the geometry. Shortcut: Double-click a feature with the Edit tool.
Command Reshape Editor_ReshapeFeatureTool Editor {1FABA815-4BAE-4EB6-8535-9415D912B833}
none EditingToolbarNew Reshape a line or polygon by constructing a sketch over a selected feature. The feature takes the shape of the sketch from the first place the sketch intersects the feature to the last.
Command Cut Polygons Editor_CutPolygonsTool Editor {4E58D1FE-DC40-4770-A081-4D99335941ED}
none EditingToolbarNew Split one or more selected polygons based on a line you draw.
Command Split Tool Editor_SplitTool Editor {5609B740-112F-11D2-84A9-0000F875B9C6}
none EditingToolbarNew Split a selected line feature into two features at a location you click. When you click, the pointer must be within the snapping tolerance.
Command Rotate Tool Editor_Rotate Editor {ACBB2618-DE0C-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA374BD}
none EditingToolbarNew Rotate selected features interactively or by an angular measurement. Press A to rotate by a value.
Command Attributes Editor_Attribution Editor {44276914-98C1-11D1-8464-0000F875B9C6}
none EditingToolbarNew Open the Attributes window so you can modify the attribute values of selected features in the layers you are editing. You can also edit relationships among features in this window.
Command Sketch Properties Editor_SketchProperties Editor {50F9A8E5-A820-4D00-8369-E35832141356}
none EditingToolbarNew Open the Edit Sketch Properties window so you can view and modify the properties of the sketch geometry that makes up a feature. To populate this window, use the Edit tool to double-click a feature.
Context menu Network Analyst Window Category Group Context Menu NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu none {60D6C852-7A72-419E-8A34-16FC642BFDF7}
none none none
Command Cut NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {5DC72115-A44C-4CA0-AE41-2159C6749C0A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Cut network locations
Command Copy NACopyLocation Command Network Analyst {D5B8E479-C69F-4208-81D0-9F5F13E0485E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Copy network locations
Command Paste NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {C602B356-F476-4B0C-A437-28DA34D085BB}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Paste network locations
Command Delete NADeleteLocation Command Network Analyst {CE4289D1-F467-4AAB-AD9C-E8D518EF24C0}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Delete Selected Network Locations
Command Delete All NADeleteAllLocation Command Network Analyst {65CE6C3B-DD3F-4A50-9D1B-18842FA2ADDC}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Delete All Network Objects
Menu Selection NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu none {ABEBF38B-20BE-4202-8697-9C4481AC968B}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu none
Command Zoom To Selected Features NAZoomToSel Command Network Analyst {9EBE7191-737C-4581-9BB7-1F98B88C7E5A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features
Command Pan To Selected Features NAPanToSel Command Network Analyst {22D3D137-6E13-4A7E-B1C7-CDAE1E14347E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu Pan to the location of the selected features.
Command Clear Selected Features NAClearSelection Command Network Analyst {67C3A1B6-2D05-4FB0-BE71-1F0F09F25016}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected active features.
Command Switch Selection NASwitchSelection Command Network Analyst {7FE2A7ED-1E77-4E7B-9FE3-03C4BFB7BDE3}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu Make unselected active features selected
Command Zoom To Features NAZoomToGroup Command Network Analyst {DBD8DC1F-774D-4336-AE56-C38638E9D87A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the features.
Toolbar Direct Select Tool Menu WhiteTool_Menu none {63366D50-08D4-4680-B522-121D26E7E936}
none none none
Command Select Representation Representation_SelectRepresentation Representation {3BA57255-B8DB-4393-865B-C0AA5966E92B}
none WhiteTool_Menu Select Representation
Command Unselect Representation Representation_UnselectRepresentation Representation {AD2E9B95-FDA9-4A89-9E2A-2B0300F40367}
none WhiteTool_Menu Unselect Representation
Command Select Part Representation_SelectPart Representation {D5C17D10-CF67-474E-AE9D-EE90E3E6D0DC}
none WhiteTool_Menu Select Part
Command Unselect Part Representation_UnselectPart Representation {F6168723-688D-4C8E-86E2-7CC3155CAAD4}
none WhiteTool_Menu Unselect Part
Command Delete Part Representation_DeletePart Representation {94AAC532-C4E0-4BD3-AEE8-7BB989887947}
none WhiteTool_Menu Delete Part
Command Insert Vertex Representation_InsertVertex Representation {1D61CCB4-6779-45B3-BB56-B3775F5357BB}
none WhiteTool_Menu Click to add a vertex to the selected feature representation.
Command Delete Vertex Representation_DeleteVertex Representation {7C32FA1C-2ED2-47B6-AAC6-AFE00322E059}
none WhiteTool_Menu Click to remove a vertex to the selected feature representation.
Command Control Point Representation_ControlPoint Representation {298DF964-32D8-4318-9DA7-77845730AADD}
none WhiteTool_Menu Control Point
Menu Delete All Representation_WhiteToolDeleteAllMenu none {2F9C202D-0822-4BC3-845D-F177CC5CAE76}
none WhiteTool_Menu none
Command Vertices Representation_DeleteAllVertices Representation {E6594EA7-9ED6-4FEB-9674-566698CEDB86}
none Representation_WhiteToolDeleteAllMenu Deletes all the selected vertices
Command Bezier Points Representation_DeleteAllBeziers Representation {1C598A0D-D536-413D-B9E4-9CF2CA7D92C3}
none Representation_WhiteToolDeleteAllMenu Converts all bezier vertices to regular vertices
Command Erase Representation Representation_EraseRepresentation Representation {25CE14E4-9A81-4C34-8D94-FC60FFD091B8}
none WhiteTool_Menu Erase a representation so that it doesn't show.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none WhiteTool_Menu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 WhiteTool_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none WhiteTool_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Context menu Mosaic Layer Tools MosaicLayer_ContextMenu none {640CC241-D2C6-4C40-B6B8-72B635EDA368}
none none none
Menu Open OpenTable_SubMenu none {25B5E59B-CBE6-4866-84BE-439E30B6A3A2}
none MosaicLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Attribute Table &Attribute Table Mosaic {603A00F6-7770-4A6B-9D34-BD408628D194}
none OpenTable_SubMenu Open the attribute table of this mosaic dataset.
Command Raster Type Table &Raster Type Table Mosaic {D099C51C-8A5C-4DFF-8B39-17F95E8AAF9B}
none OpenTable_SubMenu Open the raster type table of this mosaic dataset.
Command Levels Table Le&vels Table Mosaic {277928D4-CB52-4163-885F-C3FCFCA73C47}
none OpenTable_SubMenu Opens the cell size levels table of this mosaic dataset.
Command Logs Table &Logs Table Mosaic {A9475D78-554D-4939-8B6A-968972A938E6}
none OpenTable_SubMenu Open the logs table of this mosaic dataset.
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 MosaicLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {6FE2284E-5A0F-453A-8D18-E3486D829EBC}
3 MosaicLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 MosaicLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Refresh &Refresh Mosaic {ACCE5DEE-4D4D-4551-9564-03D022375D38}
none MosaicLayer_ContextMenu Refresh this mosaic dataset layer's connection with it's data source.
Menu Data MosaicLayerData_SubMenu none {EA2DD5CD-2AED-4047-80A7-0390FF3EA883}
none MosaicLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Repair Data &Source... Image Server {A73589A0-8DE4-4D60-B6C7-1658F41026D6}
2 MosaicLayerData_SubMenu Locate and set the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Command Repair Mosaic Dataset Paths &Repair Mosaic Dataset Paths... Mosaic {8AB96C18-EAA3-49D9-ACCA-75169490A8FE}
none MosaicLayerData_SubMenu Repair the data paths used in this mosaic dataset.
Command Analyze Mosaic Dataset Analy&ze Mosaic Dataset... Mosaic {D5382739-4D16-406B-919C-8FDDB12DA424}
none MosaicLayerData_SubMenu Opens the Analyze Mosaic Dataset geoprocessing tool. This tool examines a mosaic dataset for errors and warnings.
Command View Analysis Results View &Analysis Results Mosaic {34AF6617-1236-4062-ABA3-3EDA679D589B}
none MosaicLayerData_SubMenu View the analysis results associated with this mosaic dataset.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 MosaicLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none MosaicLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Cell Selection ArcScan_CellSelectionMenu none {64525DC9-F6D3-48EA-98C4-F331033EC5E8}
none none none
Command Select Connected Cells ArcScan_SelectByGeometry ArcScan {05DC9882-C037-4F04-BDB7-958132F5F8C3}
none ArcScan_CellSelectionMenu Select raster features by querying cell size area or length. This is often used to select noise (such as text) or holes in raster features so they may be erased during a raster cleanup session. Selected cells may also be vectorized or saved to a new raster layer.
Menu Interactive Selection Target ArcScan_SelectionsMenu none {AACB49FD-85C9-4CFF-9719-8D9CD9845611}
none ArcScan_CellSelectionMenu none
Command Clear Selected Cells ArcScan_ClearSelectionCommand ArcScan {7EB10858-DC1E-486D-98FE-61E3F3A3E9B2}
none ArcScan_CellSelectionMenu Deselect all selected raster cells.
Toolbar Labeling Labeling_Menu none {6769E09D-F3A3-43B2-8BCE-27F7FF342490}
none none none
Command Label Manager File_LabelManager Label {D8AC02F6-00ED-4427-98D4-E8ADADBA0E6B}
none Labeling_Menu Display and set labeling properties for the current data frame. Also use the Label Manager to create and manage label classes.
Command Label Priority Ranking File_LabelPriorityRanking Label {ABB95DF3-EDBF-407B-96FC-017111D6AAFA}
none Labeling_Menu Display and set labeling priorities for the current data frame. Labels with a higher priority will generally be placed first.
Command Label Weight Ranking File_LabelWeightRanking Label {7304FF97-7200-4960-8CD5-D353AAC55F58}
none Labeling_Menu Display and set labeling weights for the current data frame. Label weights allow you control over how strongly features will act as barriers to label placement.
Command Lock Labels File_LabelCache Label {D5E987CA-6C3D-4E7C-BEE4-E9C7123C93FC}
none Labeling_Menu Hold the position of placed labels for the current map extent. Label positions remain constant as you pan and zoom within the original map extent.
Command Pause Labeling File_LabelPause Label {FED1A5BC-74BD-4E8D-FF30-ADEC3C1618A0}
none Labeling_Menu Suspend labeling in current data frame. You can continue to work, but the labels are not redrawn.
Toolbar Other Sketch Tools Context Menu OtherSketchTools_Menu none {68A337DF-751B-45DD-AA39-91194BE88D7C}
none none none
Menu Snap To Feature SnapFeatureMenu none {4A57AC6B-F3CA-4A7F-A369-165DE205A0E0}
none OtherSketchTools_Menu none
Command Endpoint Editor_SnapEndpointCommand Advanced Edit Tools {46971F4A-A891-4928-AB19-F58AC326F780}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest endpoint of the segment you right-click.
Command Vertex Editor_SnapVertexCommand Advanced Edit Tools {3FE59EC7-401E-4D32-BDC3-25D9B7091B45}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest vertex of the segment you right-click.
Command Midpoint Editor_SnapMidpointCommand Advanced Edit Tools {9A61F368-D9CD-4094-B651-BA3BAFFC98D0}
none SnapFeatureMenu Snap to the nearest midpoint of the segment you right-click.
Command Absolute X, Y SketchTool_XY Editor {AF74B363-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none OtherSketchTools_Menu Create a point or vertex using an exact x,y measurement.
Command Delta X, Y SketchTool_DeltaXY Editor {AF74B364-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none OtherSketchTools_Menu Create a point or vertex at an exact x,y measurement offset from the last point in the sketch.
Command Direction/Length SketchTool_AngleDistance Editor {AF74B365-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none OtherSketchTools_Menu Create a point or vertex using an exact angle and length measurement.
Command Delete Sketch Tools_DeleteSketch Editor {FD799455-472C-11D2-84D8-0000F875B9C6}
none OtherSketchTools_Menu Delete the entire edit sketch.
Command Finish Sketch Tools_FinishSketch Editor {FD799456-472C-11D2-84D8-0000F875B9C6}
none OtherSketchTools_Menu Complete the current editing operation by finishing the sketch. Shortcut: Double-click or press F2.
Command Square and Finish SketchTool_FinishSquare Editor {AF74B369-4344-11D2-84D7-0000F875B9C6}
none OtherSketchTools_Menu Finish a polygon or line by adding two new segments at 90-degree angles.
Context menu Network Analyst Layer Context Menu NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu none {6AF35384-2D75-4E09-B53F-468E08C1FDEA}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Data NetworkLayerData_Menu none {D70D1944-D5CC-4C69-83A0-A5BBB3E1C2C4}
none NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Layer_ContextDataSource Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
7 NetworkLayerData_Menu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Command Use Symbol Levels Layer_ContextSymbolLevels Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
18 NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Draw selected layer in symbol level drawing mode.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Command Reset Symbology NAChangeRenderers Command Network Analyst {B5CB4828-A864-4AC4-A6DE-3325807CCCCD}
none NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Reset the symbology of this network analysis layer to the default symbology based on a specified color or to the symbology of another network analysis layer.
Command Solve NASolve Command Network Analyst {F0FD65E0-4BBF-41E5-9190-B6F3C0DCE364}
none NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu Run the current analysis.
Menu Recalculate Location Fields NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu none {89DE8F4B-7B9F-4349-B25A-85D1EA4241C3}
none NetworkAnalystLayer_ContextMenu none
Command All NA_LocationRecalculateAll Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
1 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where all network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Command Selected NA_LocationRecalculateSelected Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
2 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where the selected network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Context menu Feature find context menu Find_FeatureFindContextMenu none {6E3B797B-528C-11D2-A079-0000F8775BF9}
none none none
Command Flash feature Layer_FlashCM {04072985-5276-11D2-A079-0000F8775BF9}
1 Find_FeatureFindContextMenu
Command Zoom to feature(s) Layer_ZoomCM {04072985-5276-11D2-A079-0000F8775BF9}
2 Find_FeatureFindContextMenu
Command Identify feature(s) Layer_IdentifyCM {04072985-5276-11D2-A079-0000F8775BF9}
3 Find_FeatureFindContextMenu
Command Set Bookmark Layer_SpatialBookMarkCM {04072985-5276-11D2-A079-0000F8775BF9}
4 Find_FeatureFindContextMenu
Command Select feature(s) Layer_SelectCM {04072985-5276-11D2-A079-0000F8775BF9}
5 Find_FeatureFindContextMenu
Context menu ArcToolbox Context Menu ArcToolboxContextMenu none {6F1FEC30-F0A3-46D4-8A2D-A63E05389E36}
none none none
Command Add Toolbox ArcToolbox_AddToolbox ArcToolbox {C3A98A65-E879-4FA5-B3C7-D3DB08BD1EE7}
2 ArcToolboxContextMenu Add a toolbox (a tbx file) to this window so you can easily access the tools it contains and create new tools in it.
Command Environments ArcToolbox_Environments ArcToolbox {C3A98A65-E879-4FA5-B3C7-D3DB08BD1EE7}
3 ArcToolboxContextMenu Display the environment settings that control how geoprocessing works.
Command Hide Locked Tools ArcToolbox_HideUnlicensedTools ArcToolbox {C3A98A65-E879-4FA5-B3C7-D3DB08BD1EE7}
6 ArcToolboxContextMenu Hides tools not licensed for the current ArcGIS Desktop product
Menu Save Settings ArcToolboxSaveSettingsContextMenu none {962F13B6-52F3-4127-B6B0-F01EA959C9F1}
none ArcToolboxContextMenu none
Command To File ArcToolbox_SaveSettings ArcToolbox {C3A98A65-E879-4FA5-B3C7-D3DB08BD1EE7}
4 ArcToolboxSaveSettingsContextMenu Saves the current ArcToolbox settings to a file
Context menu Network Analyst Window Context Menu NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu none {6F9865AD-739A-40F2-B3FD-9F6A5180B5D9}
none none none
Command Solve NASolve Command Network Analyst {F0FD65E0-4BBF-41E5-9190-B6F3C0DCE364}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu Run the current analysis.
Menu Recalculate Location Fields NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu none {89DE8F4B-7B9F-4349-B25A-85D1EA4241C3}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu none
Command All NA_LocationRecalculateAll Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
1 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where all network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Command Selected NA_LocationRecalculateSelected Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
2 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where the selected network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Clear Selected Features NAClearSelection Command Network Analyst {67C3A1B6-2D05-4FB0-BE71-1F0F09F25016}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected active features.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Selected Features NAZoomToSel Command Network Analyst {9EBE7191-737C-4581-9BB7-1F98B88C7E5A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features
Command Pan To Selected Features NAPanToSel Command Network Analyst {22D3D137-6E13-4A7E-B1C7-CDAE1E14347E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu Pan to the location of the selected features.
Command Reset Symbology NAChangeRenderers Command Network Analyst {B5CB4828-A864-4AC4-A6DE-3325807CCCCD}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_ContextMenu Reset the symbology of this network analysis layer to the default symbology based on a specified color or to the symbology of another network analysis layer.
Toolbar GPS Gps Menu none {6FD14416-09B7-4C07-B33C-0624D06E94CE}
none none none
Command GPS Connection Setup GPS_ConnectionProperties GPS {D90F8290-7CA1-4924-BE99-F09E40AB3D82}
none Gps Menu Displays the current GPS connection setting and enables to make changes
Command GPS Position GPS_PositionInfoWindow GPS {8FB3E767-A87B-4E92-8632-7120107EA592}
none Gps Menu Open the GPS Position window showing you information about the current GPS position.
Command Clear GPS Display GPS_ClearDisplay GPS {C4B9B8B0-36B7-45C8-994A-5A5DE6C89B58}
none Gps Menu Clears all GPS display items
Command Auto Pan GPS_AutoPanCommand GPS {57C47D0C-D279-4E2D-B091-DCC2C25441FC}
none Gps Menu Toggles auto pan on/off
Command Destination Properties GPS_DestinationProperties GPS {216D0780-D806-4EC9-9B58-78CC5A7A66D0}
none Gps Menu Specify the symbology and label for the destination point you can add to the map using the Add Destination tool.
Command Clear Destination GPS_ClearDestination GPS {F63D2C12-8CB8-439D-864D-FCE175E55798}
none Gps Menu Clears the current destination
Command Log Setup GPS_LogfileProperties GPS {B051A711-87E7-4E65-B9EA-FB9B196AA6FE}
none Gps Menu Display or set properties of the log
Toolbar Distribute Representation_BlackToolDistributeMenu none {710F9C38-6403-4E27-9145-7A2DA759F086}
none none none
Command Distribute Horizontally Representation_DistributeHorizontal Representation {A0526B92-6D78-4C74-8AAF-7A7B73958734}
none Representation_BlackToolDistributeMenu Distribute selected representations evenly in the horizontal direction.
Context menu Tool Context Menu ToolContextMenu none {72051393-6A46-46A7-A467-6DBEB8B937A4}
none none none
Command Open Tool_Open ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
1 ToolContextMenu Open the currently selected tool.
Command Batch Tool_Batch ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
9 ToolContextMenu Open the currently selected tool with the batch grid.
Command Edit Tool_Edit ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
2 ToolContextMenu Edits the definition of the selected tool
Command Debug Tool_Debug ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
10 ToolContextMenu Debugs the definition of the selected tool
Command Copy Tool_Copy ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
3 ToolContextMenu Copies the selected item to the clipboard
Command Delete Tool_Delete ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
4 ToolContextMenu Deletes the selected item
Command Rename Tool_Rename ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
5 ToolContextMenu Renames the currently selected item
Command Set Password Tool_Password ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
11 ToolContextMenu Set password on this script tool or model tool.
Command Export Script Tool_Export ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
12 ToolContextMenu Export the file of this script tool.
Command Import Script Tool_Import ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
13 ToolContextMenu Import the file of this script tool
Command Help Tool_ViewDocumentation ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
6 ToolContextMenu Displays the help for the selected tool
Command Item Description Tool_EditDocumentation ArcToolbox {876DC32C-DBA2-441B-AC50-6AFBD9596EAA}
7 ToolContextMenu View or edit the item description documentation for this toolbox, script, model or tool.
Toolbar Schematic Editor Schematic_SchematicRootToolMenu none {72856AC1-D0D9-43FD-BE01-E10A90FBBFCD}
none none none
Toolbar Utility Network Analyst Network_UtilityNetworkToolbar none {7289436B-BE32-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
none none none
Command Geometric Network Dropdown List Untitled Utility Network Analyst {9EF71963-D71A-11D2-9F4C-00C04F6BDF0E}
none Network_UtilityNetworkToolbar Choose the geometric network you want to analyze. Multiple geometric networks can be present in a map document at the same time, but only one can be analyzed at any time. This list contains all of the geometric networks that are currently present in the ArcMap document.
CommandBar Flow Network Flow {28278419-0193-11D3-9F7D-00C04F6BDF0E}
none Network_UtilityNetworkToolbar none
Menu Display Arrows For FlowLayers_Menu none {7E80212D-FF49-11D2-9F7B-00C04F6BDF0E}
none Network Flow none
Command Display Arrows UtilityNetworkAnalysis_ShowNetworkFlow Utility Network Analyst {D5C26F1F-BE1F-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
none Network Flow Turn flow direction arrows on or off
Command Set Flow Direction UtilityNetworkAnalysis_FlowDirectionByDefault Utility Network Analyst {621113B9-0FCD-11D3-9F8E-00C04F6BDF0E}
none Network_UtilityNetworkToolbar Set flow direction for the network
Menu Analysis UtilityNetworkMenu none {84FB30E1-C827-11D2-BAC0-00C04FA33C20}
none Network_UtilityNetworkToolbar none
Menu Disable Layers DisableLayers_Menu none {8E8F278B-D36A-11D2-9F49-00C04F6BDF0E}
none UtilityNetworkMenu none
Command Clear Flags UtilityNetworkAnalysis_DeleteFlags Utility Network Analyst {48EE0DEF-BF70-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
1 UtilityNetworkMenu Clears the flags from the current network
Command Clear Barriers UtilityNetworkAnalysis_DeleteBarriers Utility Network Analyst {48EE0DEF-BF70-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
2 UtilityNetworkMenu Clears the barriers from the current network
Command Clear Results UtilityNetworkAnalysis_DeleteResults Utility Network Analyst {48EE0DEF-BF70-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
3 UtilityNetworkMenu Clears the results from the current network
CommandBar Flag and Barrier Tools FlagAndBarrierTools_Test Utility Network Analyst {C86085FD-D8D9-11D2-9F4F-00C04F6BDF0E}
none Network_UtilityNetworkToolbar none
Command Add Junction Flag Tool UtilityNetworkAnalysis_JunctionFlag Utility Network Analyst {11B02B2F-D8E7-11D2-9F4F-00C04F6BDF0E}
none FlagAndBarrierTools_Test Add a junction flag to the network
Command Add Edge Flag Tool UtilityNetworkAnalysis_EdgeFlag Utility Network Analyst {0768070F-D8E7-11D2-9F4F-00C04F6BDF0E}
none FlagAndBarrierTools_Test Add an edge flag to the network
Command Add Junction Barrier Tool UtilityNetworkAnalysis_JunctionBarrier Utility Network Analyst {26C85979-D8E7-11D2-9F4F-00C04F6BDF0E}
none FlagAndBarrierTools_Test Add a junction barrier to the network
Command Trace Task Dropdown List UtilityNetworkAnalysis_Tasks Utility Network Analyst {DE03EE81-BE26-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
none Network_UtilityNetworkToolbar Select trace task
Context menu WMS Map Layer Context Menu WMSLayer_ContextMenu none {73FF8BBE-A031-48EF-9395-46CD6117AF6A}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Expand All Sub-Layers Layer_ExpandAllLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
19 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Expands all the sub-layers in the selected layer.
Command Collapse All Sub-Layers Layer_CollapseAllLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
20 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Collapses all the sub-layers in the selected layer.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none WMSLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 WMSLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none WMSLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Command Change Coordinate System Layer_WMSSelectCoordinateSystem WMS Layers {3010141E-49D0-4968-A852-66926F3AD8A4}
none WMSLayer_ContextMenu Change data frame's coordinate system to match WMS layer(s)
Toolbar Distributed Geodatabase Distributed Geodatabase none {74FEF2A6-0B53-4C37-A157-7930C08293E7}
none none none
CommandBar Distributed Geodatabase DistributedGeodatabase {F77F70B5-2758-4088-B5FD-8FB7655EA2FC}
none Distributed Geodatabase none
Command Export Replica Schema CreateCompositeAddressLocator Distributed Geodatabase {D7026198-3D07-4680-8FA1-CE94342E3D7F}
none DistributedGeodatabase Export the schema of the data in a replica to a replica schema file. The schema can be compared with the schema in the relative replica and the differences applied.
Command Create Replica Footprints Create Replica Layer Distributed Geodatabase {ACE89576-F621-419E-A742-410A7CB027A3}
none DistributedGeodatabase Create a replica footprints feature class. The feature class contains the boundary of each replica in the geodatabase and attributes for the replica properties.
Command Create Replica Create Replica Distributed Geodatabase {EA2F6CBD-7152-471E-8EC1-7F71D7BFEC9F}
none Distributed Geodatabase Create a child replica from an ArcSDE database to another database so it can be edited
Command Synchronize Changes Synchronize Replica Distributed Geodatabase {7D93758F-90F7-423B-B02D-CBFA9FD31289}
none Distributed Geodatabase Synchronize data between a child and a parent replica
Menu Export Acknowledgment Message Geometric Network Context Menu none {08D8A2D8-EB39-4832-9439-A409991F8FCA}
none Distributed Geodatabase none
Command Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages CreateCompositeAddressLocator Distributed Geodatabase {6798F85F-8912-45DF-B506-917825A3A404}
none Distributed Geodatabase Re-export unacknowledged messages to an XML file, so they can be imported into the other replica
Command Manage Replicas Replica Manager Distributed Geodatabase {25DF5FD9-8614-4962-8E64-CBFA7FCB3C4C}
none Distributed Geodatabase View replica properties, unregister replicas, or update database connection information
Toolbar Bookmarks Bookmark_Menu none {75872BE1-4277-11D2-AE1F-080009EC732A}
none none none
Toolbar Align Nodes Schematic_SchematicAlignNodesMenu none {79CF627E-89AA-470F-9193-EA12F1160EBC}
none none none
Command Align Horizontal Center Schematic_AlignNodesHorizontal Schematics {D9EEDCFE-97B8-497A-B838-43CB4A891D92}
none Schematic_SchematicAlignNodesMenu Align the selected set of schematic nodes by moving them horizontally so they display along the same vertical axis.The vertical axis will be based on the current X-coordinate of the reference point.The reference point is highlighted in red among the selected schematic features. This point can be either one of the selected schematic nodes or a vertex on a selected schematic link.
Command Align Vertical Center Schematic_AlignNodesVertical Schematics {4310F310-F488-4065-A36E-7CD4555718E3}
none Schematic_SchematicAlignNodesMenu Align the selected set of schematic nodes by moving them vertically so they display along the same horizontal axis.The horizontal axis will be based on the current Y-coordinate of the reference point.The reference point is highlighted in red among the selected schematic features. This point can be either one of the selected schematic nodes or a vertex on a selected schematic link.
Context menu Multiple Dataframe Context Menu MultipleDataFrames_ContextMenu none {7AE48457-6A2F-4995-AB64-6B9A31D3F872}
none none none
Command Copy DataFrameView_CopyDataFrame Data Frames {F42891B6-2C92-11D2-AE07-080009EC732A}
10 MultipleDataFrames_ContextMenu Copy dataframe(s) to clipboard.
Command Remove DataFrameView_RemoveDataFrame Data Frames {F42891B6-2C92-11D2-AE07-080009EC732A}
9 MultipleDataFrames_ContextMenu Removes and deletes this data frame from the map.Disabled if there is only one data frame in the map, because a map always has at least one data frame.
Command Turn All Layers On DataFrameView_TurnAllLayersOn Data Frames {F42891B6-2C92-11D2-AE07-080009EC732A}
11 MultipleDataFrames_ContextMenu Turn all the layers in this data frame on. Shortcut: Hold down CTRL and click the unchecked box next to any layer in this data frame that is currently not being drawn.
Command Turn All Layers Off DataFrameView_TurnAllLayersOff Data Frames {F42891B6-2C92-11D2-AE07-080009EC732A}
12 MultipleDataFrames_ContextMenu Turn all the layers in this data frame off. Shortcut: Hold down CTRL and click the checked box next to any layer in this data frame that is currently being drawn.
Command Expand All Layers DataFrameView_ExpandAllLayers Data Frames {F42891B6-2C92-11D2-AE07-080009EC732A}
14 MultipleDataFrames_ContextMenu Expands all the layers in the map.
Command Collapse All Layers DataFrameView_CollapseAllLayers Data Frames {F42891B6-2C92-11D2-AE07-080009EC732A}
15 MultipleDataFrames_ContextMenu Collapses all the layers in the map.
Toolbar Ellipse Tool EllipseTool_Menu none {7D5D19A4-5DA6-470E-8CD8-9FBBA572F9B3}
none none none
Command Absolute X, Y EllipseTool_XY Advanced Edit Tools {588087D1-8F3B-4FE2-A106-E060252858C8}
none EllipseTool_Menu Enter x,y coordinates for the center or end point of the ellipse radius.
Command Radius EllipseTool_Radii Advanced Edit Tools {9F001C45-D7E5-458A-AC2F-CE44CF6301DB}
none EllipseTool_Menu Enter a major or minor radius for the ellipse.
Command Direction EllipseTool_Angle Advanced Edit Tools {2EA4EBFA-A25E-4764-AF76-6F6B1729312D}
none EllipseTool_Menu Enter an angle direction for the ellipse after you set the first point.
Context menu Workspace View_WorkspaceContextMenu none {7D931EAE-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
none none none
Command Remove Workspace_Remove Data Frames {7D931EAF-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
1 View_WorkspaceContextMenu Remove this folder or database and all the layers based on it from the data frame.
Command Add Table Workspace_AddTable Data Frames {7D931EAF-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
2 View_WorkspaceContextMenu Adds a table to the map
Context menu Table View_TableContextMenu none {7D931EB0-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
none none none
Command Open Workspace_ChangeVersion Data Frames {7D931EB1-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
3 View_TableContextMenu Open this table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click table name OR CTRL + T.
Menu Joins and Relates FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none {DBCF2084-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none View_TableContextMenu none
Command Join Layer_ContextJoinData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
9 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Join data to this layer or standalone table based on a common attribute, spatial location or existing relationship class.
Menu Remove Join(s) FeatureLayerRemoveJoin_Menu none {DBCF2085-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none
Command Relate Layer_ContextRelate Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
14 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Associate data in a table to this layer or standalone table via a relationship. Unlike a join, a relate does not append the associated data to the layer or standalone table.
Command Remove Workspace_AddTable Data Frames {7D931EB1-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
2 View_TableContextMenu Remove this table from this map.
Menu Data View_TableDataContextMenu none {BBFF7497-487C-11D4-AE31-00C04FA33A15}
none View_TableContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Table_DataSource Data Frames {7D931EB1-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
6 View_TableDataContextMenu Locate the table's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it.
Command Export Table_Export Data Frames {7D931EB1-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
4 View_TableDataContextMenu Export records from this table to a new table.
Menu Edit Features TableEditMenu none {E57C8497-398E-4E2D-A24A-1974B4927D32}
none View_TableContextMenu none
Command Geocode Addresses GeocodeAddresses_Command Geocoding {5495175F-1C83-11D4-9F7D-00C04F8ED1C4}
none View_TableContextMenu Geocode a table of addresses.
Command Display Route Events Tools_DisplayRouteEvents Linear Referencing {6E6364B7-9ED5-4C0C-BEF1-F489F20597BE}
none View_TableContextMenu Adds a new map layer based on route events from a table.
Command Display XY Data Tools_DisplayXYData Tools {55425B76-2CE4-4909-B40A-CFE50FAD1896}
none View_TableContextMenu Adds a new map layer based on XY events from a table.
Context menu GeoStat Kriging Context Menu GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu none {7EC8B00A-B6FE-11D3-A63D-0008C7BF3347}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Compare C&ompare... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
9 GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu Compare the cross-validation results of two geostatistical layers.
Command Validation/Prediction V&alidation/Prediction... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
8 GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu Perform prediction and validation
Menu { GAKrigingExtraContextMenu } { GAKrigingExtraContextMenu } none {030131F8-B709-11D3-A63D-0008C7BF3347}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu none
Menu Data GeostatisticalAnalyst_ExportSubContextMenu none {7EF17160-D720-11D2-8CD7-00C04F5B951E}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source(s) &Repair Data Source(s)... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
4 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ExportSubContextMenu Locate the layer data source(s) manually
Command Export To Raster Export To &Raster... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
5 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ExportSubContextMenu Export this layer to raster.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Command Method Properties Mðod Properties... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
7 GeostatisticalAnalyst_KrigingLayerContextMenu Review or modify the geostatistical method used to generate this geostatistical layer
Toolbar Basemap SubLayer Map Server Layer Context Menu BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer none {80E8E6AF-5E1F-4396-B8F1-88663322648A}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Remove layer from data frame
Command Expand All Sub-Layers Layer_ExpandAllLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
19 BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Expands all the sub-layers in the selected layer.
Command Collapse All Sub-Layers Layer_CollapseAllLayers Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
20 BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Collapses all the sub-layers in the selected layer.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Zoom To Nearest Cache Resolution MapServerLayer_ZoomToNearestCache MapServerLayer {B91C6371-6BA5-42BC-93EC-863269204994}
none BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Zoom this cached map service layer to a scale at which the resolution matches one of the resolutions at which it was cached. The resolution that is closest to the current scale of your map is automatically chosen.Disabled if the map service referenced by this layer is not a cached map service.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none BasemapSubLayerMapServerLayer Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Data SchematicLayerData_Menu none {83DF0F46-6048-41A3-98D0-180D7CADB24A}
none none none
Command Repair Data Source SchematicLayer_SetDiagram Schematics {4E26CE15-86EE-49FE-9F48-F11D367A792A}
none SchematicLayerData_Menu Locate the schematic layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it. Shortcut: Click the red exclamation mark to run the command.
Context menu Internet tiled layer Context Menu InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu none {8477A537-A447-47F9-AC4B-0FAF5FB26111}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Zoom To Nearest Cache Resolution MapServerLayer_ZoomToNearestCache MapServerLayer {B91C6371-6BA5-42BC-93EC-863269204994}
none InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu Zoom this cached map service layer to a scale at which the resolution matches one of the resolutions at which it was cached. The resolution that is closest to the current scale of your map is automatically chosen.Disabled if the map service referenced by this layer is not a cached map service.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none InternetTiledLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Analysis UtilityNetworkMenu none {84FB30E1-C827-11D2-BAC0-00C04FA33C20}
none none none
Menu Disable Layers DisableLayers_Menu none {8E8F278B-D36A-11D2-9F49-00C04F6BDF0E}
none UtilityNetworkMenu none
Command Clear Flags UtilityNetworkAnalysis_DeleteFlags Utility Network Analyst {48EE0DEF-BF70-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
1 UtilityNetworkMenu Clears the flags from the current network
Command Clear Barriers UtilityNetworkAnalysis_DeleteBarriers Utility Network Analyst {48EE0DEF-BF70-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
2 UtilityNetworkMenu Clears the barriers from the current network
Command Clear Results UtilityNetworkAnalysis_DeleteResults Utility Network Analyst {48EE0DEF-BF70-11D2-BABE-00C04FA33C20}
3 UtilityNetworkMenu Clears the results from the current network
Context menu Network Analyst Tool Context Menu NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu none {85966DCA-776C-40D6-BFCF-D3EC3DF435E5}
none none none
Command Full Extent PanZoom_FullExtent Pan/Zoom {0830FB35-7EE6-11D0-87EC-080009EC732A}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Zoom to the full extent of the map. By default, this is the extent of all the data in the active data frame. To customize where Full Extent takes you, choose View > Data Frame Properties.
Command Go Back To Previous Extent PanZoom_ZoomToLastExtentBack Pan/Zoom {3A372DD1-3ECB-11D2-A2A3-080009B6F22B}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Go back to the previous extent of the map after navigating.Shortcut: Press the &< key.
Command Go To Next Extent PanZoom_ZoomToLastExtentForward Pan/Zoom {8FD414A2-403F-11D2-A2A9-080009B6F22B}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Go forward again through the sequence of extents you have been viewing on the map.Shortcut: Press the &> key.
Command Fixed Zoom In DataViewCommands_FixedZoomInAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
4 NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Zooms in and centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Fixed Zoom Out DataViewCommands_FixedZoomOutAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
5 NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Zooms out and centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Center DataViewCommands_PanToCenterAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
1 NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Network Identify NetworkIdentifyAtPoint Network Analyst {3652EF95-ADF0-4C49-92A3-83180BAFB176}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Identifies network elements at the location you right-clicked
Command Identify DataViewCommands_IdentifyPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
3 NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Identifies features at the location you right-clicked
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Selected Features NAZoomToSel Command Network Analyst {9EBE7191-737C-4581-9BB7-1F98B88C7E5A}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features
Command Pan To Selected Features NAPanToSel Command Network Analyst {22D3D137-6E13-4A7E-B1C7-CDAE1E14347E}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Pan to the location of the selected features.
Command Clear Selected Features NAClearSelection Command Network Analyst {67C3A1B6-2D05-4FB0-BE71-1F0F09F25016}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected active features.
Command Solve NASolve Command Network Analyst {F0FD65E0-4BBF-41E5-9190-B6F3C0DCE364}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu Run the current analysis.
Menu Recalculate Location Fields NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu none {89DE8F4B-7B9F-4349-B25A-85D1EA4241C3}
none NetworkAnalystTool_ContextMenu none
Command All NA_LocationRecalculateAll Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
1 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where all network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Command Selected NA_LocationRecalculateSelected Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
2 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where the selected network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Toolbar Symbolize LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu none {85E0AAF3-1E83-4051-B9F3-04F2B49A7E8F}
none none none
Command Elevation 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizePointByElevation 3D Analyst {8ABA7C31-3267-4CE7-BCBF-656C3189E625}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset points by elevation.
Command Intensity 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizePointByIntensity 3D Analyst {4AB0F5C0-1C0F-40A2-A959-7DA630E7D2A6}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset points by lidar return signal strength.
Command Class 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizePointByClass 3D Analyst {150377A1-5017-4E77-8281-5ACDAA4EC62F}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset points by the LAS classification code.
Command Return 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizePointByReturn 3D Analyst {952B303E-AB5D-432A-8361-7CEDDD1C9C8C}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset points by the lidar pulse return number.An emitted laser pulse can have up to five returns depending on the features it is reflected from and the capabilities of the laser scanner used to collect the data. The first return will be flagged as return number one, the second as return number two, and so on.
Command RGB 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizePointByRGB 3D Analyst {A8685AEC-6DF4-496D-A7AE-18BC96F3DE31}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset points by the RGB (red, green, and blue) values.Lidar data can be attributed with RGB values for each lidar point in the LAS files. This attribution often comes from imagery collected at the same time as the laser scan.
Command Scan Angle 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizePointByScanAngle 3D Analyst {866DD6D6-342C-458F-871F-7D6A4D1493EE}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset points by the scan angle stored in the LAS files.The scan angle is a value in degrees between -90 and +90. At 0 degrees the laser pulse is directly below the aircraft at nadir. At –90 degrees the laser pulse is to the left side of the aircraft, while at +90 the laser pulse is to the right side of the aircraft in the direction of flight.
Command Edge of Flight Line 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizePointByFlightLine 3D Analyst {A7AD2AEC-FEFD-44C8-9CBF-EEC01B6E8B93}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset points by with laser returns that are at the edge of the flight line.The points will be symbolized based on a value of 0 or 1. Points flagged at the edge of the flight line will be given a value of 1, and all other points will be given a value of 0.
Command Elevation 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizeTinByElevation 3D Analyst {388CDCD7-FECA-446F-8EC2-1FB43C0B6024}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset TIN faces by elevation.
Command Aspect 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizeTinByAspect 3D Analyst {74D9FFE6-7F34-472D-AC5C-72D92F204A51}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset TIN faces by aspect.
Command Slope 3DAnalyst_LasDatasetSymbolizeTinBySlope 3D Analyst {90AB7E21-B31B-4901-ADFD-DFF8CE907B88}
none LasDataset_SymbolizeMenu Symbolize the LAS dataset TIN faces by slope.
Context menu Group Layer Context Menu GroupLayer_ContextMenu none {863A0D98-73DC-4331-8658-ED0E22247E36}
none none none
Command Add Data File_AddData File {E1F29C6B-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none GroupLayer_ContextMenu Add new data to the map’s active data frame.Tip: You can also drag data into your map from the Catalog window.
Command New Group Layer GroupLayer_ContextNewGroupLayer GroupLayer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
16 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Add a new, empty group layer to the group layer
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Paste Layer(s) GroupLayer_ContextPasteLayers GroupLayer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
17 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Paste layers into the selected group layer
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Ungroup GroupLayer_Ungroup GroupLayer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
12 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Ungroups the layers and adds contained layers to the parent at the same position.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none GroupLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Use Symbol Levels Layer_ContextSymbolLevels Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
18 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Draw selected layer in symbol level drawing mode.
Menu Edit Features Layer_FeatureServiceEditMenu none {99AC404A-0910-4BA5-B66E-102E0B272628}
none GroupLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Create Local Copy for Editing Edit_CreateLocal Edit Feature Service {3E02F6F5-7E1E-4938-BD01-657022DC9B0E}
1 Layer_FeatureServiceEditMenu Create Local Copy for Editing
Command Synchronize Local Edits with Server Edit_Synchronize Edit Feature Service {3E02F6F5-7E1E-4938-BD01-657022DC9B0E}
2 Layer_FeatureServiceEditMenu Synchronize Local Edits with Server
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 GroupLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none GroupLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Cached Scales MapServerLayer_CachedScalesMenu none {870AE092-FD4F-4B83-A834-8A2D118623E6}
none none none
Toolbar Interactive Selection Method SelectionType_Menu none {8841A0D9-4F49-11D2-AE2D-080009EC732A}
none none none
Command Create New Selection Query_SelectFeatures Selection {8841A0DA-4F49-11D2-AE2D-080009EC732A}
1 SelectionType_Menu When you use the interactive selection tools like the Select Features tool, a new set of selected features will be created.
Command Add to Current Selection Query_AddToCurrentSelection Selection {8841A0DA-4F49-11D2-AE2D-080009EC732A}
2 SelectionType_Menu When you use the interactive selection tools like the Select Features tool, the features you select will be added to the current set of selected features. Shortcut: Hold down SHIFT when you use the tools.
Command Remove From Current Selection Query_RemoveFromCurrentSelection Selection {8841A0DA-4F49-11D2-AE2D-080009EC732A}
3 SelectionType_Menu When you use the interactive selection tools like the Select Features tool, the features you select will be removed from the current set of selected features.
Context menu Data Frame Context Menu PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu none {887D37EF-3ADD-4E1D-A89B-502513F9634E}
none none none
Command Add Data File_AddData File {E1F29C6B-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Add new data to the map’s active data frame.Tip: You can also drag data into your map from the Catalog window.
Command Full Extent PanZoom_FullExtent Pan/Zoom {0830FB35-7EE6-11D0-87EC-080009EC732A}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Zoom to the full extent of the map. By default, this is the extent of all the data in the active data frame. To customize where Full Extent takes you, choose View > Data Frame Properties.
Command Focus Data Frame PageLayout_FocusDataFrameDrawing Page Layout {F752FFCA-F2A6-45B6-9C84-5BD4B4DFA770}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Put this frame into focus, making it the target for graphics and text you draw on top of it while you are in layout view.Shortcut: Double-click data frame on the layout.
Command Zoom Whole Page LayoutTools_ZoomWholePage Page Layout {C22579D3-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Zoom to the full extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press INSERT while in layout view.
Command Zoom To Selected Elements PageLayout_ZoomToSelectedGraphics Page Layout {5D3E617C-13B6-4C7F-AB10-423DE02A2411}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Zoom to the currently selected text, graphic(s)s or map element(s).
Command Cut Edit_Cut Edit {A33D9406-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Cut the selected element(s).
Command Copy Edit_Copy Edit {A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Copy the selected element(s).
Command Delete Edit_Clear Edit {16CD71E5-98C3-11D1-873B-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Delete the selected element(s).
Command Group PageLayout_Group Page Layout {4B96A443-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Group the selected elements.
Command Ungroup LayoutTools_Ungroup Page Layout {4B96A444-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu Ungroup the selected element(s).
Menu Order PageLayout_OrderMenu none {CF3A35E2-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu none
Command Bring to Front PageLayout_BringToFront Page Layout {92D490B2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) to the front.
Command Send to Back PageLayout_SendToBack Page Layout {92D490B3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Send the selected element(s) to the back.
Command Bring Forward PageLayout_BringForward Page Layout {92D490B4-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) forward.
Menu Nudge PageLayout_NudgeMenu none {CF3A35DF-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu none
Command Nudge Left PageLayout_NudgeLeft Page Layout {92D490AE-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) left.
Command Nudge Right PageLayout_NudgeRight Page Layout {92D490AF-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) right.
Command Nudge Up PageLayout_NudgeUp Page Layout {92D490B0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) up.
Menu Align PageLayout_AlignMenu none {CF3A35E0-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu none
Command Align to Margins PageLayout_AlignToMargins Page Layout {92D4909E-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Toggle whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.Disabled in data view. In data view all alignment is relative to the extent of the selected elements.
Command Align Left PageLayout_AlignLeft Page Layout {92D4909F-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the left.
Command Align Center PageLayout_AlignCenter Page Layout {92D490A0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right PageLayout_AlignRight Page Layout {92D490A1-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the right.
Command Align Top PageLayout_AlignTop Page Layout {92D490A2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center PageLayout_AlignMiddle Page Layout {92D490A3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the vertical center.
Menu Distribute PageLayout_DistributeMenu none {CF3A35E5-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu none
Command Distribute Horizontally PageLayout_DistributeHorizontally Page Layout {92D490A5-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
Command Distribute Vertically PageLayout_DistributeVertically Page Layout {92D490A6-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
Command Make Same Size PageLayout_MakeSameSize Page Layout {92D490A7-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height and width.
Command Make Same Width PageLayout_MakeSameWidth Page Layout {92D490A8-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same width.
Command Make Same Height PageLayout_MakeSameHeight Page Layout {92D490A9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height.
Command Fit to Margins PageLayout_FitToMargin Page Layout {B7E9C434-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same size as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Command Fit Width to Margins PageLayout_FitToMarginWidth Page Layout {B7E9C435-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same width as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Menu Rotate or Flip PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu none {CF3A35E1-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MapFrameContextMenu none
Command Rotate Right PageLayout_RotateLeft Page Layout {92D490AA-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Rotate Left PageLayout_RotateRight Page Layout {92D490AB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counter-clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Flip Horizontally PageLayout_FlipHorizontal Page Layout {92D490AC-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Flip the selected graphic(s) horizontally.Disabled for text, marker symbols and objects on the map layout.
Context menu Recalculate Location Fields NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu none {89DE8F4B-7B9F-4349-B25A-85D1EA4241C3}
none none none
Command All NA_LocationRecalculateAll Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
1 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where all network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Command Selected NA_LocationRecalculateSelected Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
2 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where the selected network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Toolbar Spatial Analyst Spatial Analyst none {8B86EDFB-A6C3-11D2-9F39-00C04F8ED1D7}
none none none
Command Spatial Analysis Layer List Control Layer_LayerEffectsListControl Spatial Analyst {E5EA4DEB-82B7-4BE4-BA62-C50CEE451463}
none Spatial Analyst Choose the layer for the Spatial Analyst Create Contours and Histogram tools to operate on.
Command Contour Tool Analysis_ContourTool Spatial Analyst {D0603EE7-9C88-4AA3-99CA-FD1AFF487373}
none Spatial Analyst Create contours or isolines for particular locations on the raster layer you select. Click on the location for which you wish to draw a contour.To delete a contour, click the Select Elements tool on the Tools toolbar, click the contour line you wish to delete to select it, then right-click the contour line and click Delete.
Toolbar Application Windows AppWindows_Menu none {8B95B339-E92B-11D2-9F58-00C04F6BC78E}
none none none
Toolbar Versioning Versioning_VersionToolbar none {8E8F4C7D-ACA7-11D2-9F19-00C04F6BC979}
none none none
Command Version Manager Versioning_VersionManager Versioning {2818B7C1-E9D2-11D1-8490-0000F875B9C6}
none Versioning_VersionToolbar Open the Version Manager window to create new versions, rename existing versions, delete versions, and alter version properties. Requires a Standard or Advanced license and is read-only with a Basic license.
Command Create New Version Versioning_NewVersion Versioning {8E8F4C7F-ACA7-11D2-9F19-00C04F6BC979}
none Versioning_VersionToolbar Create a new child version of the database where the parent version is the current version. At the time the new version is created, it is identical to the version in which it is derived. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Refresh Versioning_Refresh Versioning {8E8F4C7E-ACA7-11D2-9F19-00C04F6BC979}
none Versioning_VersionToolbar Refresh the database connection for all versions and redraw the map so you can see any changes that may have been recently reconciled and posted.
Command Change Version Workspace_ChangeVersion Versioning {5ADB1DBC-DCBC-11D2-9F26-00C04F6BC979}
none Versioning_VersionToolbar Change to a different geodatabase version.
Command Reconcile Versioning_Reconcile Versioning {D90B1760-95FF-11D2-8526-0000F875B9C6}
none Versioning_VersionToolbar Pull changes from the parent version into the child version by merging all modified datasets, feature classes, and tables between the current version being edited and a target version. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Post Versioning_Post Versioning {BA47F54C-B4B0-11D2-9F1A-00C04F6BC979}
none Versioning_VersionToolbar Push changes from child version into its parent version by applying the current edit session to the reconciled target version. You need to use the Reconcile Version to choose a target version before you can post. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Conflicts Versioning_Conflicts Versioning {D90B1761-95FF-11D2-8526-0000F875B9C6}
none Versioning_VersionToolbar Identify and resolve conflicts between the current edit version and the target version it has been reconciled against. If a feature has been edited in both versions, the feature is in conflict. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Context menu OLE Element Context Menu PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu none {8E9E2C1D-2A85-433E-98A1-CF57CEEE238B}
none none none
Command Zoom Whole Page LayoutTools_ZoomWholePage Page Layout {C22579D3-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu Zoom to the full extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press INSERT while in layout view.
Command Zoom To Selected Elements PageLayout_ZoomToSelectedGraphics Page Layout {5D3E617C-13B6-4C7F-AB10-423DE02A2411}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu Zoom to the currently selected text, graphic(s)s or map element(s).
Command Cut Edit_Cut Edit {A33D9406-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu Cut the selected element(s).
Command Copy Edit_Copy Edit {A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu Copy the selected element(s).
Command Delete Edit_Clear Edit {16CD71E5-98C3-11D1-873B-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu Delete the selected element(s).
Command Convert To Graphics PageLayout_ConvertToGraphics Page Layout {AF7FEE3F-D814-11D3-9305-00600802E603}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu Convert the selected elements to simple graphics
Command Group PageLayout_Group Page Layout {4B96A443-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu Group the selected elements.
Command Ungroup LayoutTools_Ungroup Page Layout {4B96A444-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu Ungroup the selected element(s).
Menu Order PageLayout_OrderMenu none {CF3A35E2-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu none
Command Bring to Front PageLayout_BringToFront Page Layout {92D490B2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) to the front.
Command Send to Back PageLayout_SendToBack Page Layout {92D490B3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Send the selected element(s) to the back.
Command Bring Forward PageLayout_BringForward Page Layout {92D490B4-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) forward.
Menu Nudge PageLayout_NudgeMenu none {CF3A35DF-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu none
Command Nudge Left PageLayout_NudgeLeft Page Layout {92D490AE-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) left.
Command Nudge Right PageLayout_NudgeRight Page Layout {92D490AF-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) right.
Command Nudge Up PageLayout_NudgeUp Page Layout {92D490B0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) up.
Menu Align PageLayout_AlignMenu none {CF3A35E0-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu none
Command Align to Margins PageLayout_AlignToMargins Page Layout {92D4909E-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Toggle whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.Disabled in data view. In data view all alignment is relative to the extent of the selected elements.
Command Align Left PageLayout_AlignLeft Page Layout {92D4909F-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the left.
Command Align Center PageLayout_AlignCenter Page Layout {92D490A0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right PageLayout_AlignRight Page Layout {92D490A1-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the right.
Command Align Top PageLayout_AlignTop Page Layout {92D490A2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center PageLayout_AlignMiddle Page Layout {92D490A3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the vertical center.
Menu Distribute PageLayout_DistributeMenu none {CF3A35E5-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OleElementContextMenu none
Command Distribute Horizontally PageLayout_DistributeHorizontally Page Layout {92D490A5-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
Command Distribute Vertically PageLayout_DistributeVertically Page Layout {92D490A6-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
Command Make Same Size PageLayout_MakeSameSize Page Layout {92D490A7-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height and width.
Command Make Same Width PageLayout_MakeSameWidth Page Layout {92D490A8-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same width.
Command Make Same Height PageLayout_MakeSameHeight Page Layout {92D490A9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height.
Command Fit to Margins PageLayout_FitToMargin Page Layout {B7E9C434-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same size as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Command Fit Width to Margins PageLayout_FitToMarginWidth Page Layout {B7E9C435-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same width as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Toolbar Warp Tool Menu Representation_WarpToolMenu none {8EB91882-1AF4-4DA2-A4F7-93997A4828C8}
none none none
Command Erase Representation Representation_EraseRepresentation Representation {25CE14E4-9A81-4C34-8D94-FC60FFD091B8}
none Representation_WarpToolMenu Erase a representation so that it doesn't show.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_WarpToolMenu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 Representation_WarpToolMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_WarpToolMenu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Toolbar Add ToolsetAddMenu none {8EFF9CE6-AAB3-4A4A-8C02-86278F4C6FAD}
none none none
Command Script Toolset_AddScript ArcToolbox {C66B1BBB-4AE4-4BC3-B645-B740A8CA73DD}
7 ToolsetAddMenu Adds a new script tool
Context menu Tin Layer Context Menu TinLayer_ContextMenu none {902C4D78-2FF8-11D3-9F50-00C04F6BC619}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 TinLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 TinLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 TinLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 TinLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Command Reset Legend Elevation Range Untitled TIN {1C7E7468-6808-4574-A70A-C3F9A0D2152B}
none TinLayer_ContextMenu Reset the elevation symbology range classes for this layer based on the current display extent. You can redefine the class breaks using this option so that you get the full range of colors for that area of interest.
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none TinLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Data TinLayerData_Menu none {1E66D5EA-B0E6-44EA-BC72-61C7630388C8}
none TinLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Untitled TIN {2F61A926-3AFB-11D4-A385-00C04F6BC619}
none TinLayerData_Menu Locate this TIN layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 TinLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none TinLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Share As ShareLocator_Menu none {90A0279F-EE36-42D0-876F-4E5EDBA5991E}
none none none
Toolbar Reference Scale DataFrameView_ReferenceScaleMenu none {920EE209-0E19-4165-9B97-071C6D2376DD}
none none none
Command Set Reference Scale DataFrameView_SetReferenceScale Data Frames {F42891B6-2C92-11D2-AE07-080009EC732A}
2 DataFrameView_ReferenceScaleMenu Use current scale as reference scale for symbols
Command Clear Reference Scale DataFrameView_ClearReferenceScale Data Frames {F42891B6-2C92-11D2-AE07-080009EC732A}
3 DataFrameView_ReferenceScaleMenu Clear the data frame's reference scale
Toolbar Follow Editor_AnnoEditToolFollowMenu none {922AD76B-CD1C-4894-ABE1-650F2646EF59}
none none none
Command Zoom to Feature Editor_AnnoZoomFollowFeature Advanced Edit Tools {1F4062D4-E04A-46BB-8F99-CA457C75DF9E}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolFollowMenu Zoom to the feature the selected annotation follows.
Command Pan to Feature Editor_AnnoPanFollowFeature Advanced Edit Tools {90B19784-681C-4A80-B535-D5BC436BFB14}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolFollowMenu Pan to the feature the selected annotation follows.
Command Flash Feature Editor_AnnoFlashFollowFeature Advanced Edit Tools {6C6ED106-45CB-4A4D-8889-BA4DCE69B910}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolFollowMenu Flash the feature the annotation follows.
Context menu Save Settings ArcToolboxSaveSettingsContextMenu none {962F13B6-52F3-4127-B6B0-F01EA959C9F1}
none none none
Command To File ArcToolbox_SaveSettings ArcToolbox {C3A98A65-E879-4FA5-B3C7-D3DB08BD1EE7}
4 ArcToolboxSaveSettingsContextMenu Saves the current ArcToolbox settings to a file
Toolbar Spatial Adjustment Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar none {96CE2DBC-515C-42A5-8478-3C4FE92E8151}
none none none
Menu Spatial Adjustment Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu none {9B61DE5F-55E1-4FF1-A529-2C581A4E9083}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar none
Command Set Adjust Data Adjust_SetDataCommand Adjustment {9B3BBF56-AEC5-4821-85E4-7143B7A10618}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu Specify whether to adjust only selected features or all features in certain layers. By default, selected features are adjusted.
Menu Adjustment Methods Transformation_Menu none {ED09BC93-0497-45BF-9EFC-F514D69D2507}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu none
Command Adjust Adjust_Transform Adjustment {F4C85CD7-5E48-4A11-8EDF-F6F71DD52D8F}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu Perform the spatial adjustment once you create the required number of links. Features must be selected if you are adjusting only selected features. You can preview the adjustment before you perform it or undo it to modify the results.
Command Adjustment Preview Adjust_PreviewWindow Adjustment {6CA9196B-B31C-495A-ADD4-FB14224BC588}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu Preview the adjustment before you perform it and modify the links as needed to achieve the result you want. Navigate using the Tools toolbar and by right-clicking. Click Spatial Adjustment > Adjust to perform the adjustment.
Menu Links Adjustment_LinksMenu none {E93A1DFD-8658-4420-B2E3-00F63C06A988}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu none
Command Open Links File Adjust_OpenLinksCommand Adjustment {E774CA4B-1167-4462-A83A-1289EFE079BA}
none Adjustment_LinksMenu Create adjustment links from a text file of XY coordinates. The format is ID X Y X Y (space or TAB separated) with one line per displacement link.
Command Save Links File Adjust_SaveLinksCommand Adjustment {D1BC2D87-AAC9-4CA3-BF49-F6F43F583008}
none Adjustment_LinksMenu Save displacement links to a text file so you can reload the links.
Command View Link Table Adjust_LinkTable Adjustment {DC46F6FF-437B-49A4-9B4D-294EC117CD51}
none Adjustment_LinksMenu Open a table of displacement links so you can edit links and view transformation errors. Right-click the list for additional options.
Command Open Control Points File Adjust_OpenControlFileCommand Adjustment {6F4F7B5C-3E90-475B-B6A2-250D036B15E5}
none Adjustment_LinksMenu Add a text file of XY coordinate data to the Control Points window. Control points are displacement link destinations and may come from GPS or other known locations. The format is ID X Y (space or TAB separated) with one line per control point.
Command Attribute Transfer Mapping AttributeTransfer_FieldMapping Attribute transfer {105B2AA7-510C-455E-9F92-C01B7353C380}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu Open the Attribute Transfer Mapping dialog box to set properties for the Attribute Transfer tool. You can choose the source and target layers, match fields between layers, and specify to update the feature's shape during transfer.
Command Select Elements PageLayout_SelectTool Page Layout {C22579D1-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Select, resize and move text, graphics and other elements placed on the map.
Command New Displacement Link Tool Adjustment_DisplacementLink Adjustment {6DE5AB63-E4FD-4190-86C8-26959899CCB2}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Create a displacement link to define the source and destination coordinates for the spatial adjustment. You can use snapping and a magnifier window to ensure the links are created at the correct locations.
Command Modify Link Adjustment_ModifyLink Adjustment {00432E2F-8746-4D13-B9FC-29465E16F054}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Move the source or destination point of a displacement link. Select a displacement link, hover over an endpoint, and drag the point to a new location. This tool is only for displacement links; use the Select Elements tool to move identity links.
Command Multiple Displacement Links Tool Adjust_Multi_Disp_Link Adjustment {CA77849E-EA6B-460C-A0BB-71E58E65DEE7}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Create multiple displacement links between two selectable features. Click a source feature, click a destination feature, type the number of links to create, and press ENTER.
Command New Identity Link Tool Adjustment_IdentityLink Adjustment {E169D2F2-3670-4157-BB3C-220842C9FEFD}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Create an identity link to anchor features in place and prevent their movement during an adjustment. Identity links are only used with the Rubbersheet adjustment method.
Command New Limited Adjustment Area Tool Adjustment_LimitAdjust Adjustment {86640A41-2445-49D6-86E6-2494FEF8CB99}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Restrict the adjustment to an area you define. Links outside the area are not adjusted. Limited adjustment areas are only used with the Rubbersheet adjustment method.
Command Clear Limited Adjustment Area Adjust_ClearLimitedAdjustmentAreaCommand Adjustment {9AF60F78-C3A4-4EB2-AA01-A1B41254C9C9}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Remove the limited adjustment area so all links are adjusted. Limited adjustment areas are only used with the Rubbersheet adjustment method.
Command View Link Table Adjust_LinkTable Adjustment {DC46F6FF-437B-49A4-9B4D-294EC117CD51}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Open a table of displacement links so you can edit links and view transformation errors. Right-click the list for additional options.
Command Edge Match Tool Adjustment_EdgeMatchTool Adjustment {FF874FE8-8DDC-4DFF-ADF2-CCA6A7C28755}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBar Drag a box to create edgematch displacement links between features of the source and target layers within the current snapping tolerance. The layers and other edgematch settings are defined on the Spatial Adjustment > Options dialog box.
Toolbar Nudge Representation_BlackToolNudgeMenu none {97F50409-FEFF-4BDE-B6BD-996DD81EB098}
none none none
Command Nudge Up Representation_NudgeUp Representation {A2BB8171-0EC8-44F0-9F64-9C6E73479D64}
none Representation_BlackToolNudgeMenu Move the selected representations up.
Command Nudge Down Representation_NudgeDown Representation {543DC39B-DE49-4912-AC80-9E09BA7D5EF2}
none Representation_BlackToolNudgeMenu Move the selected representations down.
Command Nudge Left Representation_NudgeLeft Representation {1A0FD10B-DDBD-42EC-A300-246AE6E3AC4F}
none Representation_BlackToolNudgeMenu Move the selected representations left.
Toolbar Feature Construction Feature Construction Mini Toolbar none {984E7949-9622-4C75-B8E1-493A7E9D474E}
none none none
Command Straight Segment SketchStraight_Command Editor {69DAD63E-3B9B-401D-84AE-27A84F720BB2}
none Feature Construction Mini Toolbar Create a vertex each time you click. The segments between vertices are straight lines. Right-click or use keyboard shortcuts to place vertices using exact measurements.
Command End Point Arc Segment SketchEndpointArc_Command Editor {3FC9A697-11BA-4739-BE6A-31F30EE28123}
none Feature Construction Mini Toolbar Create a circular arc segment by placing the start and end points of the curve and defining a radius. Press R to enter a radius.
CommandBar Sketch Constructors Editor_SketchConstructors Editor {F6E0FFCC-866E-4D5E-90BD-C855031B67D9}
none Feature Construction Mini Toolbar none
Command Trace SketchTrace_Command Editor {787D771D-AC3E-4CA5-8855-B14F298BE5C5}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create segments by tracing existing features. Right-click or press O to access tracing options, including setting an offset.
Command Right Angle SketchRightAngle_Command Editor {99DE13F8-6B85-47CE-85B7-056EDF688648}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a segment at a 90-degree, right angle to the previous segment.
Command Midpoint SketchMidpoint_Command Editor {2076F45A-D01F-4F14-B2C3-E2E62C536013}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a point or vertex at the midpoint of a line segment.
Command Distance-Distance SketchDistanceDistance_Command Editor {B711A20C-94C4-46D8-AD2B-771AE65FA35D}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a point or vertex at the intersection of two distances from two other points. Press D to enter a distance and TAB to cycle through locations.
Command Direction-Distance Tool SketchAngleDistance_Command Editor {86BF0063-915D-4E61-8E39-01BC00E13A85}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a point or vertex at the intersection of a direction from one point and a distance from another point. Press D to enter a direction or distance and TAB to cycle through locations.
Command Intersection SketchIntersection_Command Editor {B1C602D6-0DB3-453C-B516-7BCEBF7A82AD}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a point or vertex at the implied intersection of two segments. Click two segments to find the virtual intersection and add the point.
Command Arc Segment SketchArc_Command Editor {C92C154C-43DC-438C-9DE0-A9766DE35301}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a circular arc by setting the start point, the location where the curve passes, and the end point. Press R to enter a radius.
Command Tangent Curve Segment SketchTangentArc_Command Editor {E443DE0C-4F6E-45EC-8953-3B29678E1E74}
none Editor_SketchConstructors Create a circular arc tangent to the previous segment.
Command Constrain Parallel Editor_ParallelConstraintTool Advanced Edit Tools {1D6011FE-CFB8-4223-8A0F-1D00BB4DAE38}
none Feature Construction Mini Toolbar Create a segment parallel to the segment you click.
Command Constrain Perpendicular Editor_PerpendicularConstraintTool Advanced Edit Tools {8F75C6D4-C323-4F7C-B04C-953FD1CBF6F6}
none Feature Construction Mini Toolbar Create a segment perpendicular to the segment you click.
Command Finish Sketch Tools_FinishSketch Editor {FD799456-472C-11D2-84D8-0000F875B9C6}
none Feature Construction Mini Toolbar Complete the current editing operation by finishing the sketch. Shortcut: Double-click or press F2.
Toolbar Advanced Editing AdvancedEditingToolbar none {98B0451D-2D7F-4893-9832-88C9D87C7026}
none none none
Command Copy Features Tool Editor_CopyFeaturesTool Advanced Edit Tools {CBD6B94D-653A-4C4E-9B01-218C1F782DE1}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Copy and paste selected features. Click where you want a copy of the feature to be pasted, or drag a box into which the features will be scaled and pasted.
Command Fillet Editor_FilletTool Advanced Edit Tools {D84AF5AA-1E86-441A-BEC3-A300A0484E71}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Create a tangent curve connecting two lines. Right-click or press O to set options and specify a fixed radius.
Command Extend Editor_ExtendTool Advanced Edit Tools {2D2B60F6-60C8-4AD6-8C38-1DD3E1A7F45C}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Extend a line to an intersection with another line. Select the feature that you want to extend lines to, then click the lines you want to extend to it.
Command Trim Editor_TrimTool Advanced Edit Tools {94129272-F504-4405-8243-E4148410AF7C}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Trim a line to an intersection with another line. Select the feature that you want to use as a cutting line, then click intersecting line segments to trim.
Command Line Intersection Editor_LineIntersectionTool Advanced Edit Tools {A1493DF8-E08D-44BC-A6FF-07C8619683AE}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Split line features where they intersect. Intesections can be specific locations or at implied intersections along extensions to one or both lines. Press O to set options and TAB to switch among possible intersections.
Command Explode Multipart Feature Editor_ExplodeCommand Advanced Edit Tools {D48CAA0D-2661-4303-A2DA-99C1C5D5FB94}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Separate a selected multipart feature into individual features. The parts become independent features and are assigned identical attribute values.
Command Construct Geodetic Editor_ConstructGeodeticCommand Advanced Edit Tools {334DFF69-857F-426F-9843-30CD58838D72}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Create lines or polygons with measurements that account for the inherent distortion of projected space and are densified appropriately to reflect the curvature of the earth.
Command Align To Shape Editor_AlignToShapeCommand Advanced Edit Tools {0B3471D7-AA94-41D7-9869-52AB0A98B961}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Align features to a path you trace along the shapes of existing features. The map shows a buffer representing the tolerance and a preview of the result. Click Align to adjust features within the chosen layers to match the traced path.
Command Replace Geometry Editor_ReplaceGeometry Editor {BA45D6A9-FDB5-4D3D-BFEE-BC82C73373E1}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Replace the entire shape of a selected point, line, or polygon while maintaining its attribute values. Snap or trace to align the new shape with other features. Press ESC to cancel.
Command Construct Polygons Topology_ConstructCommand Topology {05A81952-2C61-4D60-92C6-9D2737666D5C}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Create new polygons from the shapes of selected line or polygon features. The selected features cannot be from the same feature class as the output. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Split Polygons Topology_SplitPolygonsWithLinesCommand Topology {5FA17370-794E-4F23-9E80-C47040CFD915}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Split polygons by the shapes of selected overlapping features. New features are created for every location where the selection bisects an existing feature. The selected features cannot be from the same feature class as the one you choose to split. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Planarize Lines Topology_PlanarizeLinesCommand Topology {5E5761D0-A303-4A97-93AD-C42278AD73E0}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Split all selected line features where they intersect and remove any overlapping line segments. A cluster tolerance is used to search for points of intersection. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Generalize Editor_GeneralizeCommand Advanced Edit Tools {E820DFD0-02F4-4FF2-B8A3-4BDCD0D2BD64}
none AdvancedEditingToolbar Simplify the shape of selected line or polygon features. The degree of simplification depends on the maximum allowable offset, which limits how far the output geometry can be from the input geometry.
Toolbar Edit Features Layer_FeatureServiceEditMenu none {99AC404A-0910-4BA5-B66E-102E0B272628}
none none none
Command Create Local Copy for Editing Edit_CreateLocal Edit Feature Service {3E02F6F5-7E1E-4938-BD01-657022DC9B0E}
1 Layer_FeatureServiceEditMenu Create Local Copy for Editing
Command Synchronize Local Edits with Server Edit_Synchronize Edit Feature Service {3E02F6F5-7E1E-4938-BD01-657022DC9B0E}
2 Layer_FeatureServiceEditMenu Synchronize Local Edits with Server
Toolbar Animation Animation_ToolBar none {9A00FF78-85FA-47DA-A63B-ABEC2268627F}
none none none
Menu Animation Animation_Menu none {9D800203-79C0-4AA5-A5AB-50A42D26816E}
none Animation_ToolBar none
Command Clear Animation Animation_Delete Animation {57BC2C2D-5FE4-4DDF-8518-7E24A41C46F6}
none Animation_Menu Remove the animation tracks. This cannot be undone.
Command Create Keyframe Animation_CreateKeyframe Animation {950CC4B4-2865-4477-BC90-B47BEC787B1E}
none Animation_Menu Create a new animation keyframe.
Command Create Group Animation Animation_LayerGroup Animation {773AB9A8-41D1-48C2-9334-C6610D658696}
none Animation_Menu Create a group animation from selected layers.
Command Create Time Animation Animation_CreateTimeTrack Animation {EF68A828-5453-4133-8831-47CD216EA8F3}
none Animation_Menu Create a time animation track.
Command Create Flyby From Path Animation_CreateFromPath Animation {7C5325EC-B37F-4E7C-B9A3-740CF8A75F8A}
none Animation_Menu Create animation along a linear path defined by a selected line feature or line graphic.Enable by selecting a line feature or graphic.
Command Load Animation File Animation_Open Animation {70E7F641-1589-4D13-9FC2-C341FA8FF4C0}
none Animation_Menu Load a saved animation file so that you can play or edit it.
Command Save Animation File Animation_Save Animation {C1264170-89B1-48B2-B3AD-D7CF65E23D62}
none Animation_Menu Save the animation tracks to a file.
Command Export Animation Animation_ExportAnimation Animation {3B30EABC-B9A8-453C-9D43-E980C726196A}
none Animation_Menu Export the animation to a video file or as sequential images.
Command Capture View Animation_CaptureView Animation {4FCB51A6-22E2-4D1D-95C6-DC49BB27651C}
none Animation_ToolBar Capture the current view to an animation.
Toolbar Spatial Adjustment Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu none {9B61DE5F-55E1-4FF1-A529-2C581A4E9083}
none none none
Command Set Adjust Data Adjust_SetDataCommand Adjustment {9B3BBF56-AEC5-4821-85E4-7143B7A10618}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu Specify whether to adjust only selected features or all features in certain layers. By default, selected features are adjusted.
Menu Adjustment Methods Transformation_Menu none {ED09BC93-0497-45BF-9EFC-F514D69D2507}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu none
Command Adjust Adjust_Transform Adjustment {F4C85CD7-5E48-4A11-8EDF-F6F71DD52D8F}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu Perform the spatial adjustment once you create the required number of links. Features must be selected if you are adjusting only selected features. You can preview the adjustment before you perform it or undo it to modify the results.
Command Adjustment Preview Adjust_PreviewWindow Adjustment {6CA9196B-B31C-495A-ADD4-FB14224BC588}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu Preview the adjustment before you perform it and modify the links as needed to achieve the result you want. Navigate using the Tools toolbar and by right-clicking. Click Spatial Adjustment > Adjust to perform the adjustment.
Menu Links Adjustment_LinksMenu none {E93A1DFD-8658-4420-B2E3-00F63C06A988}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu none
Command Open Links File Adjust_OpenLinksCommand Adjustment {E774CA4B-1167-4462-A83A-1289EFE079BA}
none Adjustment_LinksMenu Create adjustment links from a text file of XY coordinates. The format is ID X Y X Y (space or TAB separated) with one line per displacement link.
Command Save Links File Adjust_SaveLinksCommand Adjustment {D1BC2D87-AAC9-4CA3-BF49-F6F43F583008}
none Adjustment_LinksMenu Save displacement links to a text file so you can reload the links.
Command View Link Table Adjust_LinkTable Adjustment {DC46F6FF-437B-49A4-9B4D-294EC117CD51}
none Adjustment_LinksMenu Open a table of displacement links so you can edit links and view transformation errors. Right-click the list for additional options.
Command Open Control Points File Adjust_OpenControlFileCommand Adjustment {6F4F7B5C-3E90-475B-B6A2-250D036B15E5}
none Adjustment_LinksMenu Add a text file of XY coordinate data to the Control Points window. Control points are displacement link destinations and may come from GPS or other known locations. The format is ID X Y (space or TAB separated) with one line per control point.
Command Attribute Transfer Mapping AttributeTransfer_FieldMapping Attribute transfer {105B2AA7-510C-455E-9F92-C01B7353C380}
none Adjustment_AdjustmentMenu Open the Attribute Transfer Mapping dialog box to set properties for the Attribute Transfer tool. You can choose the source and target layers, match fields between layers, and specify to update the feature's shape during transfer.
Toolbar Save As ToolboxSaveAsMenu none {9C379FFC-9E28-4B45-8DCC-4CD5528A7C92}
none none none
Command 10.1/10.2 Toolbox Toolbox_SaveAs101 ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
20 ToolboxSaveAsMenu Save this toolbox in ArcGIS 10.1/10.2 format.
Command 10.0 Toolbox Toolbox_SaveAs10 ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
16 ToolboxSaveAsMenu Save this toolbox in ArcGIS 10.0 format.
Command 9.3 Toolbox Toolbox_SaveAs93 ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
15 ToolboxSaveAsMenu Save this toolbox in ArcGIS 9.3 format.
Command 9.2 Toolbox Toolbox_SaveAs92 ArcToolbox {6584F2CB-FF0C-47F6-B2F3-21A28D3F7130}
14 ToolboxSaveAsMenu Save this toolbox in ArcGIS 9.2 format.
Toolbar Fillet Tool FilletTool_Menu none {9CCE8668-2958-4093-ADE9-CD3483E5B7B1}
none none none
Command Trim Existing Segments FilletTool_Trim Advanced Edit Tools {7B48FEBB-2CF4-4CAD-AD33-0B82BE7E6124}
none FilletTool_Menu Remove existing segments extending beyond the tangent points of the fillet curve.
Command Fixed Radius FilletTool_Radius Advanced Edit Tools {FEDCF063-2449-48AB-9AFD-87D4DA1478D5}
none FilletTool_Menu Set the current curve as the fixed radius value. Click this command again to turn off the fixed radius or set another value.
Toolbar Graphics PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar none {9D197EC8-F9FF-488F-BCBB-19F8E37D790F}
none none none
Command Group PageLayout_Group Page Layout {4B96A443-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Group the selected elements.
Command Ungroup LayoutTools_Ungroup Page Layout {4B96A444-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Ungroup the selected element(s).
Command Bring to Front PageLayout_BringToFront Page Layout {92D490B2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Bring the selected element(s) to the front.
Command Send to Back PageLayout_SendToBack Page Layout {92D490B3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Send the selected element(s) to the back.
Command Bring Forward PageLayout_BringForward Page Layout {92D490B4-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Bring the selected element(s) forward.
Command Send Backward PageLayout_SendBackward Page Layout {92D490B5-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Send the selected element(s) backward.
Command Align to Margins PageLayout_AlignToMargins Page Layout {92D4909E-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Toggle whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.Disabled in data view. In data view all alignment is relative to the extent of the selected elements.
Command Align Left PageLayout_AlignLeft Page Layout {92D4909F-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Align the selected element(s) to the left.
Command Align Center PageLayout_AlignCenter Page Layout {92D490A0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Align the selected element(s) to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right PageLayout_AlignRight Page Layout {92D490A1-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Align the selected element(s) to the right.
Command Align Top PageLayout_AlignTop Page Layout {92D490A2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Align the selected element(s) to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center PageLayout_AlignMiddle Page Layout {92D490A3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Align the selected element(s) to the vertical center.
Command Align Bottom PageLayout_AlignBottom Page Layout {92D490A4-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Align the selected element(s) to the bottom.
Command Distribute Horizontally PageLayout_DistributeHorizontally Page Layout {92D490A5-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Distribute the selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
Command Distribute Vertically PageLayout_DistributeVertically Page Layout {92D490A6-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Distribute the selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
Command Make Same Size PageLayout_MakeSameSize Page Layout {92D490A7-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Make the selected elements the same height and width.
Command Make Same Width PageLayout_MakeSameWidth Page Layout {92D490A8-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Make the selected elements the same width.
Command Make Same Height PageLayout_MakeSameHeight Page Layout {92D490A9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Make the selected elements the same height.
Command Rotate Right PageLayout_RotateLeft Page Layout {92D490AA-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Rotate Left PageLayout_RotateRight Page Layout {92D490AB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counter-clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Flip Horizontally PageLayout_FlipHorizontal Page Layout {92D490AC-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GraphicsToolbar Flip the selected graphic(s) horizontally.Disabled for text, marker symbols and objects on the map layout.
Toolbar Snapping Editing_SnappingMenu none {9DAB011D-8989-460C-B797-6969439DE98F}
none none none
Context menu IMS SubLayer Context Menu IMSSubLayerContext_Menu none {9E570847-8F7A-4DD1-8DB2-9C24602AED72}
none none none
Command Zoom To Layer IMSSubLayer_ContextZoomTo IMSSubLayer {3BF3698C-8316-4ACF-9201-85AF1F0AC7ED}
1 IMSSubLayerContext_Menu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer(s)
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 IMSSubLayerContext_Menu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Toolbar Editor Editor_EditorMenu none {9EBF3A20-D0C0-11D0-802D-0000F8037368}
none none none
Command Start Editing Editor_StartEditing Editor {59D2AFD0-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97}
none Editor_EditorMenu Start an edit session so you can edit features or attributes.
Command Stop Editing Editor_StopEditing Editor {59D2AFD1-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97}
none Editor_EditorMenu Stop the edit session. If you have any unsaved edits, you are prompted to save them.
Command Save Edits Editor_SaveEdits Editor {59D2AFD2-9EA2-11D1-9165-0080C718DF97}
none Editor_EditorMenu Save all edits made since the last save. After saving, you cannot undo previous editing operations.
Command Move Editor_Move Editor {39ABBF40-C355-11D1-847B-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Move the selected features a specified distance. A positive delta x moves features right; a positive delta y value moves features up. Negative values move down and to the left.
Command Split Editor_SplitCommand Editor {8F85D79C-2A81-11D3-9F37-00C04F6BC979}
none Editor_EditorMenu Split a selected line feature using a specified distance value, a percentage of total length, or a measure value from either the start or end point of the feature.
Command Construct Points Editor_ConstructPoints Editor {02DE1B8A-6C74-40B2-9C1B-AFA176E8CAB0}
none Editor_EditorMenu Create new point features at an interval along a selected line. You can create a specific number of points that are evenly spaced or at an interval based on distances or m-values.
Command Copy Parallel Editor_CopyParallel Editor {26032FF0-0F84-11D2-84A6-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Create new line features at an offset from selected lines.
Command Merge Editor_Merge Editor {DB56FE71-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Merge two or more selected features from the same layer into one feature.
Command Buffer Editor_Buffer Editor {DB56FE70-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Create a new feature at a buffered distance from selected point, line, or polygon features.
Command Union Editor_Union Editor {DB56FE73-F74D-11D1-849A-0000F875B9C6}
none Editor_EditorMenu Create a new feature from two or more selected features of the same shape type.
Command Clip Editor_ClipCommand Editor {CD63FD48-CF69-4FC4-907D-761E3D6179A3}
none Editor_EditorMenu Clip all editable and visible polygon features that touch or are within a buffered distance from a selected feature.
Command Validate Features Editor_ValidateSelection Editor {ABDEE4E8-B0C8-11D2-AAE2-00C04FA37B82}
none Editor_EditorMenu Validate the selected geodatabase features for subtypes, attribute domains, geometric network connectivity rules, relationship rules, and custom rules.
Menu Snapping Editing_SnappingMenu none {9DAB011D-8989-460C-B797-6969439DE98F}
none Editor_EditorMenu none
CommandBar More Editing Tools MoreEditorTools {EDAE47C2-4CA6-46B5-9D81-3450FC5A667A}
none Editor_EditorMenu none
Command Advanced Editing Editor_AdvancedEditingToolbarCommand Advanced Edit Tools {6CAA9131-F696-4A0C-ACEF-F8ACF21EE76A}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Advanced Editing toolbar.
Command COGO Editor_COGOToolbarCommand Advanced Edit Tools {1241A324-003C-4F49-AD26-C725518CDDED}
none MoreEditorTools Open the COGO toolbar.
Command Geometric Network Editing Editor_NetworkEditingToolbarCommand Editor {7A82233B-F529-46F9-9A02-61F83A5034FC}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Geometric Network Editing toolbar.
Command Parcel Editor CadastralEditorToolBarCommand Parcel {7D90A192-A896-411C-ABF2-F7FA5C2DE02D}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Parcel Editor toolbar.
Command Representation Representation_RepresentationToolbar Representation {BBDA8EFC-8E8D-453D-8689-1AB0824E19F3}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Representation toolbar.
Command Route Editing RouteEditingToolbarCommand Route Editing Commands {73A1B990-F579-452B-B199-73796B02A499}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Route Editing toolbar. Routes are linear features with measures, such as highways with mileages measured from the start of each highway. Routes are used for the linear referencing of route events.
Command Spatial Adjustment Adjustment_AdjustmentToolBarCommand Adjustment {AC96A3DB-4E74-4709-BE28-8AB9A91D3B52}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Spatial Adjustment toolbar.
Command Topology Topology_TitusToolbarCommand Topology {08E59412-DC96-4BE5-9699-B13E8CAE5A5A}
none MoreEditorTools Open the Topology toolbar.
Menu Editing Windows Editing_WindowsMenu none {39C5CC76-4252-4CF2-AD03-5822505CB119}
none Editor_EditorMenu none
Command Create Features CreateFeatureDockWinCommand Advanced Edit Tools {B18ED544-C8B1-49F3-9F7A-F83CBE793CDB}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Create Features window so you can add new features. Click a feature template to set up the editing environment with those properties, then click a construction tool on the window to digitize features.
Command Attributes Editor_Attribution Editor {44276914-98C1-11D1-8464-0000F875B9C6}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Attributes window so you can modify the attribute values of selected features in the layers you are editing. You can also edit relationships among features in this window.
Command Sketch Properties Editor_SketchProperties Editor {50F9A8E5-A820-4D00-8369-E35832141356}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Edit Sketch Properties window so you can view and modify the properties of the sketch geometry that makes up a feature. To populate this window, use the Edit tool to double-click a feature.
Command Shared Features Topology_SharedFeaturesCommand Topology {EA19EC67-4F7B-4EA6-B94E-75D23AC28149}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Shared Features window to see a list of features sharing a selected topology edge or node. Click a feature to flash it or uncheck a feature to exclude it temporarily from topology edits.
Command Error Inspector Topology_ErrorWindowCommand Topology {E9C1F049-CB39-4BB0-B726-3BCEF21A87C8}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Error Inspector window to find, sort, and fix geodatabase topology errors. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Unplaced Annotation UnplacedAnnoWindowCommand Advanced Edit Tools {40965749-B024-41E4-895C-4B3872B7356E}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Unplaced Annotation window to find, sort, and place unplaced annotation.
Command Adjustment Preview Adjust_PreviewWindow Adjustment {6CA9196B-B31C-495A-ADD4-FB14224BC588}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Preview the adjustment before you perform it and modify the links as needed to achieve the result you want. Navigate using the Tools toolbar and by right-clicking. Click Spatial Adjustment > Adjust to perform the adjustment.
Command Control Points Adjust_ViewControlPointsCommand Adjustment {1AD3FCE8-D6A7-4F5F-8D7F-7FF2E429ADB4}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Control Points window listing displacement link destinations. Create destination points by double-clicking a record; manually place the source point by clicking the map.
Command Parcel Details ShowParcelPropertiesCmd Parcel {D7A996F0-2084-4699-9240-5206ABEF5DB1}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Parcel Details dialog box to view and edit the attributes of the selected parcel. View and edit parcel attributes under Properties tab. View and edit parcel traverse dimensions under the Lines tab.
Command Parcel Explorer Cadastral_ParcelExplorer_Show Parcel {F97DF83D-D2B4-4776-9EA3-EF5E4A9BF528}
none Editing_WindowsMenu Open the Parcel Explorer window to list selected parcels by their plan. Constructions and all unjoined parcels are also listed.
Toolbar New NewWindow_Menu none {A01B0EA0-0A06-11D2-8D22-080009EE4E51}
none none none
Toolbar Topology Topology_TopologyToolbar none {A14E577C-500F-431D-90F5-615E6A08A331}
none none none
Command Select Topology Topology_IntegratedLayersCommand Topology {7953D111-120A-4CFA-86D5-4DD93F171B55}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar Create a map topology so you can edit coincident features in one or more layers or specify a geodatabase topology to use. When working with topology and shared geometry, make your edits with the tools on the Topology toolbar. Map topology is available for the Basic license; geodatabase topology requires a Standard or Advanced license.
CommandBar Topology Edit Tool Editor_TopologyEditTools Editor {49E9F695-3F51-48D7-8AC6-70D621A89ADA}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar none
Command Topology Edit Tool Topology_TopologyEditTool Topology {DC12D55A-EC2D-4F01-8C75-B407EC0959E5}
none Editor_TopologyEditTools Select and edit topology nodes and edges in a geodatabase or map topology. Click or drag a box to select elements. Hold down the mouse button and trace to select multiple topology edges that are connected.
Command Modify Edge EdgeEditVertices_Command Topology {91303C5D-8ADD-4811-ABFF-D945DAED1E9D}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar View, select, and modify the vertices and segments that make up the shape of a topology edge. Use the tools on the Edit Vertices toolbar to edit the geometry. Shortcut: Double-click a feature with the Topology Edit tool.
Command Reshape Topology Edge Editor_ReshapeEdgeTool Topology {465EE468-7E79-4DAC-AA28-D0E4A2DD98C4}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar Reshape an edge by constructing a sketch over a selected edge. The edge takes the shape of the sketch from the first place the sketch intersects the feature to the last. The new shape of the selected edge is applied to all the features that share that edge. You can select multiple edges that form a connected path and reshape them together.
Command Align Edge Tool Topology_AlignEdgeTool Topology {46493C3B-5D81-4E64-B1EF-C892DB59755D}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar Match one edge to another so they are coincident. Click the edge to be aligned, click the edge to align it to, and the first edge is updated to match the second edge.
Command Generalize Edge EditorExt_EdgeGeneralizeCommand Topology {6BABF29D-6A6E-473A-9D45-AA975F9FC999}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar Simplify the shape of a topology edge. The degree of simplification depends on the maximum deviation, which limits how far the output geometry can be from the input geometry. The new shape of the selected edge is applied to all the features that share that edge. You can select multiple edges and generalize them at the same time.
Command Shared Features Topology_SharedFeaturesCommand Topology {EA19EC67-4F7B-4EA6-B94E-75D23AC28149}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar Open the Shared Features window to see a list of features sharing a selected topology edge or node. Click a feature to flash it or uncheck a feature to exclude it temporarily from topology edits.
Command Validate Topology In Specified Area Topology_ValidateTopologyTool Topology {57938DD2-737C-44D9-BD53-3B7710357DB5}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar Validate the geodatabase topology in a given area by dragging a box on the map. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Command Validate Topology In Current Extent Topology_ValidateVisibleExtentCommand Topology {8FDE78D4-5160-4410-B611-C179F003680B}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar Validate the geodatabase topology in the current map extent. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with Basic.
Command Fix Topology Error Topology_FixErrorTool Topology {C6D3F257-EE68-4D43-8FE2-005BD5537160}
none Topology_TopologyToolbar Select and fix topology errors in the current geodatabase topology. Right-click an error to apply an automatic fix, if available. To view errors in a table format, open the Error Inspector window. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Context menu Raster Layer Context Menu RasterLayer_ContextMenu none {A34B58B0-7E60-11D2-AACE-00C04FA375FB}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 RasterLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 RasterLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Open Attribute Table Open Attribute &Table Raster {17D2A30C-629C-11D4-B273-00508BCDC7C8}
1 RasterLayer_ContextMenu Open this layer's attribute table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click layer name. Disabled if this raster does not have an attribute table because it represents continuous data, like aerial imagery, rather than discrete or thematic data, such as land use classification.
Menu Joins and Relates FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none {DBCF2084-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none RasterLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Join Layer_ContextJoinData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
9 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Join data to this layer or standalone table based on a common attribute, spatial location or existing relationship class.
Menu Remove Join(s) FeatureLayerRemoveJoin_Menu none {DBCF2085-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none
Command Relate Layer_ContextRelate Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
14 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Associate data in a table to this layer or standalone table via a relationship. Unlike a join, a relate does not append the associated data to the layer or standalone table.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 RasterLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 RasterLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Command Zoom To Raster Resolution Z&oom To Raster Resolution Raster {17D2A30C-629C-11D4-B273-00508BCDC7C8}
2 RasterLayer_ContextMenu Zooms to 1:1 resolution of screen pixels to raster cells. This will zoom so that 1 pixel in the raster is displayed by 1 pixel on your display screen.
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none RasterLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Data RasterLayer Data Sub Menu none {56C42093-197C-435E-AE2F-2E68B2B41453}
none RasterLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Repair Data &Source... Raster {17D2A30C-629C-11D4-B273-00508BCDC7C8}
3 RasterLayer Data Sub Menu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it.
Command Export Data &Export Data... Raster {3E641249-D8AC-42C4-8C2F-726010951ED2}
none RasterLayer Data Sub Menu Export raster data from this layer to the format of your choice. You can also choose other settings, such as the extent of data, the spatial reference, and cell size.
Command Add to Mosaic Dataset &Add to Mosaic Dataset Raster {15A059D8-F548-4544-8A20-BC4FDEA00380}
none RasterLayer Data Sub Menu Load this raster layer into a mosaic dataset.
Command Make Permanent &Make Permanent... Raster {17D2A30C-629C-11D4-B273-00508BCDC7C8}
15 RasterLayer Data Sub Menu Save this layer as a permanent dataset
Menu Edit Features TableEditMenu none {E57C8497-398E-4E2D-A24A-1974B4927D32}
none RasterLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 RasterLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none RasterLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Route Editing Sketch Menu Extension Sketch_Menu none {A5E64329-4FCA-481C-90E7-7EA8BB70F862}
none none none
Command Start Tools_GotoStart Route Editing Commands {CD1EB76D-16DD-43A7-B057-35F70D724E40}
none Sketch_Menu Define the point at the start of the polyline.
Command End Tools_GotoEnd Route Editing Commands {B6478F78-3A7E-42FE-A28A-0CC5A37A3BC5}
none Sketch_Menu Define the point at the end of the polyline
Command Part start Tools_GotoStartPart Route Editing Commands {128429DA-C5C9-47B8-B10B-19AEE7373238}
none Sketch_Menu Define the point at the start of the current part.
Command Part end Tools_GotoEndPart Route Editing Commands {EFAB665C-4644-483F-850C-430A6F87AE08}
none Sketch_Menu Define the point at the end of the current part
Command M Min Tools_GotoMMin Route Editing Commands {78E29AA0-EBDD-49BC-AE15-08C726C5A8F0}
none Sketch_Menu Define the point at the m min position along the polyline.
Command M Max Tools_GotoMMax Route Editing Commands {FAE10BC2-F350-45A7-9D11-BD86E8DE1B01}
none Sketch_Menu Define the point at the m max position along the polyline.
Command Distance Tools_GotoDistance Route Editing Commands {849095FD-446E-4604-9A52-474209873CEB}
none Sketch_Menu Define the point at a specific distance along the polyline.
Context menu Temporal Layer Context Menu Items Temporal Layer Context Menu none {A980887A-B137-11D6-B858-00010265ADC5}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 Temporal Layer Context Menu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 Temporal Layer Context Menu Remove layer from data frame
Command Open Attribute Table Layer_Table Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
4 Temporal Layer Context Menu Open this layer's attribute table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click layer name OR CTRL + T.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 Temporal Layer Context Menu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 Temporal Layer Context Menu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none Temporal Layer Context Menu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Selection FeatureLayerSelection_Menu none {2CB757F9-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none Temporal Layer Context Menu none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Make unselected features selected
Command Select All Query_SelectAll Selection {54EBEEE5-DC82-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Selects all the features in this layer
Command Make This The Only Selectable Layer Layer_MakeThisTheOnlySelectableLayer Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
17 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Makes all feature layers non-selectable except for this one
Command Copy Records For Selected Features Layer_CopySelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
1 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Copies the attributes of selected features to the clipboard
Command Annotate Selected Features Layer_AnnotateFeatures Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
13 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Add labels for the selected features into feature-linked annotation layer.
Command Create Layer From Selected Features Layer_CreateSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
2 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Create a new layer containing the selected features
Command Connect TrackingAnalyst_TemporalLayerProperties Tracking Analyst {33B42D00-00BA-11D7-B864-00010265ADC5}
2 Temporal Layer Context Menu Reconnect the tracking layer to the tracking service.
Command Export Data TrackingAnalyst_TemporalLayerExport Tracking Analyst {0C48D22A-9D90-4A03-B494-B21DCFF053AE}
1 Temporal Layer Context Menu Save this temporal layer's data as a shapefile or geodatabase feature class.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 Temporal Layer Context Menu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none Temporal Layer Context Menu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Edit Tool Menu EditTool_Menu none {A98C3D20-A9DA-42DB-921D-DC1A5CBAF81A}
none none none
Command Copy Edit_Copy Edit {A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none EditTool_Menu Copy the selected element(s).
Command Paste Edit_Paste Edit {A33D9407-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none EditTool_Menu Paste the clipboard contents into the map.
Command Delete Edit_Clear Edit {16CD71E5-98C3-11D1-873B-0000F8751720}
none EditTool_Menu Delete the selected element(s).
Command Identify DataViewCommands_IdentifyPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
3 EditTool_Menu Identifies features at the location you right-clicked
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none EditTool_Menu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 EditTool_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none EditTool_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Command Edit Vertices FeatureEditVertices_Command Advanced Edit Tools {D0F62794-98C4-447A-A0B2-4ECDB6554FC9}
none EditTool_Menu View, select, and modify the vertices and segments that make up the shape of an editable feature. Use the tools on the Edit Vertices toolbar to edit the geometry. Shortcut: Double-click a feature with the Edit tool.
Context menu Coverage annotation layer menu CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu none {A9EA93BA-5E03-4B85-89E9-1EAB2541FA78}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Open Attribute Table Layer_Table Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
4 CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu Open this layer's attribute table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click layer name OR CTRL + T.
Menu Joins and Relates FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none {DBCF2084-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu none
Command Join Layer_ContextJoinData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
9 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Join data to this layer or standalone table based on a common attribute, spatial location or existing relationship class.
Menu Remove Join(s) FeatureLayerRemoveJoin_Menu none {DBCF2085-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none
Command Relate Layer_ContextRelate Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
14 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Associate data in a table to this layer or standalone table via a relationship. Unlike a join, a relate does not append the associated data to the layer or standalone table.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Selection FeatureLayerSelection_Menu none {2CB757F9-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Make unselected features selected
Command Select All Query_SelectAll Selection {54EBEEE5-DC82-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Selects all the features in this layer
Command Make This The Only Selectable Layer Layer_MakeThisTheOnlySelectableLayer Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
17 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Makes all feature layers non-selectable except for this one
Command Copy Records For Selected Features Layer_CopySelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
1 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Copies the attributes of selected features to the clipboard
Command Annotate Selected Features Layer_AnnotateFeatures Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
13 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Add labels for the selected features into feature-linked annotation layer.
Command Create Layer From Selected Features Layer_CreateSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
2 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Create a new layer containing the selected features
Command Convert to Geodatabase Annotation Untitled CAD {94E87C5F-684D-4928-9A73-4932F5D02CF7}
none CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu Convert CAD annotation or coverage annotation to geodatabase annotation.
Menu Data FeatureLayerData_Menu none {2CB757F7-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Layer_ContextDataSource Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
7 FeatureLayerData_Menu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Command Export Data Layer_ContextExportData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
8 FeatureLayerData_Menu Save this layer's data as a shapefile or geodatabase feature class
Command Export To CAD Layer_ExportCAD Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
19 FeatureLayerData_Menu Export this layer to a CAD file. Disabled if the layer represents an annotation feature class or dimension feature class.
Command Make Permanent Layer_MakePermanent Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
15 FeatureLayerData_Menu Makes a temporary layer created by a geoprocessing operation permanent
Command View Item Description Layer_ContextViewMetadata Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
21 FeatureLayerData_Menu View the item description of the selected layer or table's data source.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none CoverageAnnoLayerContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Toolbar Schematic Layer Properties SchematicLayer_PropertiesMenu none {AA2E1F1A-C22D-4509-83F5-55B21D2834B6}
none none none
Command Restore Default Properties SchematicLayer_RestoreDefaultProperties Schematics {0E4A530A-A596-4D85-A3C5-41CE28438BBC}
none SchematicLayer_PropertiesMenu Restore all the layer properties related to the current schematic layer to the default layers properties.
Menu Propagate Layer Properties SchematicLayer_PropagatePropertiesMenu none {0FA68C87-8860-42F4-936A-EBFF425ADCD2}
none SchematicLayer_PropertiesMenu none
Command To All Diagrams SchematicLayer_PropagateProperties Schematics {953F4AFC-9A4E-46FA-94F0-842EE8F129D4}
none SchematicLayer_PropagatePropertiesMenu Propagate all the layer properties related to the current schematic layer to all the opened schematic diagrams of the same diagram template.
Toolbar Interactive Selection Target ArcScan_SelectionsMenu none {AACB49FD-85C9-4CFF-9719-8D9CD9845611}
none none none
Context menu Selection NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu none {ABEBF38B-20BE-4202-8697-9C4481AC968B}
none none none
Command Zoom To Selected Features NAZoomToSel Command Network Analyst {9EBE7191-737C-4581-9BB7-1F98B88C7E5A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features
Command Pan To Selected Features NAPanToSel Command Network Analyst {22D3D137-6E13-4A7E-B1C7-CDAE1E14347E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu Pan to the location of the selected features.
Command Clear Selected Features NAClearSelection Command Network Analyst {67C3A1B6-2D05-4FB0-BE71-1F0F09F25016}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected active features.
Command Switch Selection NASwitchSelection Command Network Analyst {7FE2A7ED-1E77-4E7B-9FE3-03C4BFB7BDE3}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_CategoryGroup_Selection_ContextMenu Make unselected active features selected
Toolbar Offset Tool Menu Representation_OffsetToolMenu none {AC5121DD-D05C-4AEA-9285-8249439E3539}
none none none
Command Offset Representation_OffsetDialog Representation {9517EE64-49ED-4365-8BC7-505CC00F6D2A}
none Representation_OffsetToolMenu Offset representations using a value defined by typing it in.
Command Erase Representation Representation_EraseRepresentation Representation {25CE14E4-9A81-4C34-8D94-FC60FFD091B8}
none Representation_OffsetToolMenu Erase a representation so that it doesn't show.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_OffsetToolMenu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 Representation_OffsetToolMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none Representation_OffsetToolMenu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Toolbar Package_Menu none {AC5F5C62-A1BC-406F-BE93-DA7F38CE212B}
none none none
Command Map Package Tools_PackageMap Tools {71CB784E-4F2D-4BE5-A20F-8C400F714B8B}
none Package_Menu Create a map package containing this map and all the data it references zipped up into one convenient file, and either upload it to ArcGIS Online or save it to disk.
Context menu Footprint Layer Tools FootprintLayer_ContextMenu none {AD1CCF87-E853-4CEC-8F0B-1178272E66C6}
none none none
Command Open Attribute Table Layer_Table Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
4 FootprintLayer_ContextMenu Open this layer's attribute table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click layer name OR CTRL + T.
Menu Joins and Relates FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none {DBCF2084-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FootprintLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Join Layer_ContextJoinData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
9 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Join data to this layer or standalone table based on a common attribute, spatial location or existing relationship class.
Menu Remove Join(s) FeatureLayerRemoveJoin_Menu none {DBCF2085-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none
Command Relate Layer_ContextRelate Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
14 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Associate data in a table to this layer or standalone table via a relationship. Unlike a join, a relate does not append the associated data to the layer or standalone table.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 FootprintLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 FootprintLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none FootprintLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Use Symbol Levels Layer_ContextSymbolLevels Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
18 FootprintLayer_ContextMenu Draw selected layer in symbol level drawing mode.
Menu Selection FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu none {2F31656B-3CEA-41EA-8179-DEDCBED68F7C}
none FootprintLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Make unselected features selected
Command Select All Query_SelectAll Selection {54EBEEE5-DC82-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Selects all the features in this layer
Command Make This The Only Selectable Layer Layer_MakeThisTheOnlySelectableLayer Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
17 FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Makes all feature layers non-selectable except for this one
Command Copy Records For Selected Features Layer_CopySelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
1 FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Copies the attributes of selected features to the clipboard
Command Create Layer From Selected Features Create La&yer From Selected Features Mosaic {E221E645-AA44-4C0A-B282-FC4B5657B105}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Create a new layer containing the selected rasters from this dataset.
Command Open Table Showing Selected Features Layer_TableShowSelectedOnly Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
18 FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Open this layer's attribute table in Show Selected records mode.
Command Select Visible Rasters Select &Visible Rasters Image Server {345A7B61-5DCE-4A95-AA76-6FD5F10DE5F9}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Select rasters in this dataset based on footprints in your current area of interest at the current scale.
Command Reselect Only Primary Rasters Reselect Only &Primary Rasters Image Server {59EF6426-1362-4309-9378-E23C86963817}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Reselect only the primary rasters from the currently selected set of footprints in this dataset.
Command Lock To Selected Rasters &Lock To Selected Rasters Image Server {E8310889-66D5-4B90-83F1-6C190273B0B9}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Click this command to lock the currently selected items. When chosen, only the locked rasters will be displayed.
Command Add Selected Rasters To Map Add Selected Rasters To &Map... Image Server {E3FB2AC3-05D3-4907-BF33-488AF0F1D52B}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Add the selected rasters as a group layer, to the current data frame. You will be able to name the group layer, and choose which field will be used to name each layer that will be added.
Command Merge Selected Items Mer&ge Selected Items Mosaic {2F26D1DF-E1F6-49B7-A85E-6BB85A9F7856}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Merges selected mosaic dataset items into a new item.
Command Split Merged Items S&plit Merged Items Mosaic {2E8ACCAA-317A-42DD-AE8D-776A67E3D04E}
none FootprintLayerSelection_SubMenu Splits items previously merged.
Command Label Features Layer_LabelFeatures Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
5 FootprintLayer_ContextMenu Label the layer's features
Command Convert Labels to Annotation Layer_ConvertLabels Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
6 FootprintLayer_ContextMenu Converts labels currently drawn on this data frame into annotation
Command Convert Features to Graphics Query_FeaturesToGraphics Selection {D9DEAFD9-C29B-11D2-9F31-00C04F6BC78E}
none FootprintLayer_ContextMenu Converts features from a layer into graphics
Menu Data FootprintLayerData_SubMenu none {C477C195-089E-4CCC-9637-731D0871851E}
none FootprintLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Export Data &Export Data... Mosaic {EC613EFD-B7BA-47BC-87C8-41CBE0926953}
none FootprintLayerData_SubMenu Opens the Copy Features geoprocessing tool. This tool exports the footprints of the dataset to a feature class.
Toolbar Esri Training Training_Menu none {AD716022-4F57-4B33-9B59-B925E5634708}
none none none
Command Esri Training Help_Training_InstructorLed Help {4B6B8DA1-19B0-4289-AF9D-16FB23647D5D}
4 Training_Menu Go to the Esri Training Web page
Context menu Network Analyst Window Category Context Menu NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu none {AD9EDA3E-4627-4C13-B328-E92F13E0C48B}
none none none
Command Cut NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {5DC72115-A44C-4CA0-AE41-2159C6749C0A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu Cut network locations
Command Copy NACopyLocation Command Network Analyst {D5B8E479-C69F-4208-81D0-9F5F13E0485E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu Copy network locations
Command Paste NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {C602B356-F476-4B0C-A437-28DA34D085BB}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu Paste network locations
Command Delete NADeleteLocation Command Network Analyst {CE4289D1-F467-4AAB-AD9C-E8D518EF24C0}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu Delete Selected Network Locations
Command Delete All NADeleteAllLocation Command Network Analyst {65CE6C3B-DD3F-4A50-9D1B-18842FA2ADDC}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu Delete All Network Objects
Menu Selection NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu none {15AB1F56-24BB-428F-B049-74A188A30045}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_Selection_ContextMenu Make unselected features selected
Command Open Attribute Table Layer_Table Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
4 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu Open this layer's attribute table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click layer name OR CTRL + T.
Command Export Data Layer_ContextExportData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
8 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu Save this layer's data as a shapefile or geodatabase feature class
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command { NAWindow Category Commands } { NAX_CATEGORY_CONTEXT_MULTI_ITEM_MESSAGE } {90F4F1A0-2369-4178-9F5A-C8AAFB0C52DF}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu none
Menu Recalculate Location Fields NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu none {89DE8F4B-7B9F-4349-B25A-85D1EA4241C3}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Category_ContextMenu none
Command All NA_LocationRecalculateAll Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
1 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where all network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Command Selected NA_LocationRecalculateSelected Network Analyst {DE650C43-D940-4421-AD63-09EDCD3643D7}
2 NetworkLocationRecalculate_ContextMenu Redefine where the selected network locations are by using the current snap and search tolerance settings.
Toolbar Erase Tool Menu Erase_Menu none {ADF44617-DBAF-44D0-AFC7-8DC602843A9B}
none none none
Command Options Representation_EraseOptions Representation {9F9343B8-9811-41DA-875D-29D85CA6C922}
none Erase_Menu Define eraser options.
Command Erase Representation Representation_EraseRepresentation Representation {25CE14E4-9A81-4C34-8D94-FC60FFD091B8}
none Erase_Menu Erase a representation so that it doesn't show.
Command Zoom To Selected Features Query_ZoomToSelected Selection {AB073B49-DE5E-11D1-AA80-00C04FA37860}
none Erase_Menu Zoom to the selected features in all layers
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 Erase_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Query_ClearSelection Selection {37C833F3-DBFD-11D1-AA7E-00C04FA37860}
none Erase_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in all layers.
Toolbar ArcScan ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar none {AE1120FB-0694-49EE-8241-B8B088EB679F}
none none none
Command ArcScan Raster Layer ArcScan_TargetLayerControl ArcScan {81112F1C-62EC-44CB-BAEC-F3F125D58197}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Choose the raster layer in your map to which all ArcScan functions, such as raster snapping, feature generation, and raster selection, will apply. Disabled if the ArcScan extension is not enabled, you are not in an edit session, or if there are no raster layers symbolized with two colors.
Command Raster Snapping Options ArcScan_Snapping_Options ArcScan {3013D403-B1E1-4549-88E8-317800632796}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Set options for snapping to raster features. You must enable classic snapping on the Editor > Editing Options dialog box to use raster snapping.
Menu Vectorization ArcScan_VectorizationMenu none {B2335572-8C05-4C59-8C53-A0D61E1FD94F}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar none
Command Vectorization Settings ArcScan_OptionsDialogCommand ArcScan {59681BD4-FE13-44D4-8F1E-DCE331F481A3}
none ArcScan_VectorizationMenu Set vectorization parameters, including tolerances, noise levels, maximums, and smoothing options. These settings, in conjunction with the Vectorization Options, determine how raster features are traced or extracted to create vector features.
Command Show Preview ArcScan_ShowPreview ArcScan {CB62CB4C-7311-4082-BE22-722C96A0CDD1}
none ArcScan_VectorizationMenu Preview the vectorization of the current ArcScan raster layer. Fine-tune the result with the Vectorization Settings and Vectorization Options dialog boxes. Change the preview symbology on the Vectorization Options dialog box.
Command Generate Features ArcScan_Vectorize ArcScan {B839739F-451F-4660-A608-96AAF0B708BA}
none ArcScan_VectorizationMenu Vectorize an entire raster layer using parameters in the Vectorization Settings and Vectorization Options dialog boxes. Disabled if the ArcScan extension is not enabled, you are not in an edit session, or if there are no raster layers symbolized with two colors.
Command Generate Features Inside Area ArcScan_VectorizeArea ArcScan {F4CDAED0-63E7-4E49-9308-46F043B4529B}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Vectorize features within an area you define. A dialog box appears so you can set the target layer and other options. Disabled if the ArcScan extension is not enabled, you are not in an edit session, or if there are no raster layers symbolized with two colors.
Command Vectorization Trace ArcScan_Trace ArcScan {AF5A55F5-F5BA-4CC6-901A-059DA7E2F2F3}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Trace and vectorize raster linear features using parameters in the Vectorization Settings and Vectorization Options dialog boxes. Click a feature template in the Create Features window, click a raster linear feature, and move the arrow to trace. Disabled if the ArcScan extension is not enabled, you are not in an edit session, or if there are no raster layers symbolized with two colors.
Command Vectorization Trace Between Points ArcScan_Trace ArcScan {23B0A943-F01D-40D7-B5F4-79ADEF23AFEE}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Trace and vectorize raster linear features using parameters in the Vectorization Settings and Vectorization Options dialog boxes. Click a feature template in the Create Features window, click a raster linear feature, and move the arrow to trace. Disabled if the ArcScan extension is not enabled, you are not in an edit session, or if there are no raster layers symbolized with two colors.
Command Shape Recognition ArcScan_ShapeRecognition ArcScan {ACDA6C39-738A-4AEB-818E-BE1A5E55685D}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Vectorize raster shapes such as circles, squares, rectangles, orthogonals, and ellipses. Click a line or polygon feature template in the Create Features window, then click to vectorize the shape. Disabled if the ArcScan extension is not enabled, you are not in an edit session, or if there are no raster layers symbolized with two colors.
Menu Raster Cleanup ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu none {BEC0D42D-3690-4372-845F-A620398979E6}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar none
Command Start Cleanup ArcScan_StartCleanup ArcScan {304D5758-8AAC-4053-912F-1BA6249EF8CF}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Start a raster cleanup session to prepare rasters for vectorization. You must be in an edit session and meet all the requirements for using ArcScan such as having a vector layer and having a raster layer symbolized in two colors. Use the Raster Painting toolbar to perform simple edits in your raster layer. Rasters in ArcSDE cannot be edited with the Raster Cleanup tools.
Command Stop Cleanup ArcScan_StopCleanup ArcScan {CC8C4E6F-29AC-4527-B5DE-62E302CE429B}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Stop the raster cleanup session when you are finished preparing the raster for vectorization. You can save your raster edits or discard them.
Command Raster Painting Toolbar ArcScan_CleanupToolbar ArcScan {8DBF6146-9057-40EA-82D7-58587933E0D9}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Open the Raster Painting toolbar.
Command Erase Selected Cells ArcScan_EraseSelectionCommand ArcScan {B37F474D-C4A4-4102-A798-E8BF61DB353B}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Erase selected cells by filling them with the current background color. This is often used to remove noise (such as text) after selecting raster features through the Select Connected Cells dialog box. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Fill Selected Cells ArcScan_FillSelectionCommand ArcScan {84CD46C4-6AF8-43F2-BAAF-0CD9B3C9DA6A}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Fill the selected cells with the foreground color. This is often used to fill holes after selecting raster cells with the Select Connected Cells dialog box. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Erosion ArcScan_MorphologicalCommand ArcScan {14AFF506-E6AF-4868-ABA4-1E4BAD14B024}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Decrease the thickness of all raster features in the raster layer. Features may be erased if this value is set too high. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Dilation ArcScan_MorphologicalCommand ArcScan {18C9C9EB-FBAA-4D52-9252-837FF784196D}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Increase the thickness of all raster features in the raster layer. This can give better definition to thin raster features before vectorization. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Opening ArcScan_MorphologicalCommand ArcScan {1A1D4B7E-FD01-4703-B4E0-BB711338BCE6}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Erode (decrease) and immediately dilate (increase) raster features. This is useful for removing features you do not want to capture, such as thin grid lines. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Closing ArcScan_MorphologicalCommand ArcScan {1B37AE4C-6580-43A4-AC63-4960E0F2377E}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Dilate (increase) and immediately erode (decrease) raster features. This is useful for smoothing rough linear features in the raster and filling in small gaps between raster foreground objects. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Save ArcScan_SaveCleanup ArcScan {413DCCA0-7619-4BAD-86D8-4FC3A0A31E18}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Save all raster cleanup operations since the last save. Once you save, you can no longer undo previous raster cleanup operations. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Menu Cell Selection ArcScan_CellSelectionMenu none {64525DC9-F6D3-48EA-98C4-F331033EC5E8}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar none
Command Select Connected Cells ArcScan_SelectByGeometry ArcScan {05DC9882-C037-4F04-BDB7-958132F5F8C3}
none ArcScan_CellSelectionMenu Select raster features by querying cell size area or length. This is often used to select noise (such as text) or holes in raster features so they may be erased during a raster cleanup session. Selected cells may also be vectorized or saved to a new raster layer.
Menu Interactive Selection Target ArcScan_SelectionsMenu none {AACB49FD-85C9-4CFF-9719-8D9CD9845611}
none ArcScan_CellSelectionMenu none
Command Clear Selected Cells ArcScan_ClearSelectionCommand ArcScan {7EB10858-DC1E-486D-98FE-61E3F3A3E9B2}
none ArcScan_CellSelectionMenu Deselect all selected raster cells.
Command Select Connected Cells ArcScan_Select ArcScan {A90B423C-9D7F-475D-81DB-627EB6C82194}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Select connected raster cells interactively for vectorization or raster cleanup. Click individual cells or drag a box around connected cells to select them. Selected cells may also be saved to a new raster layer.
Command Find Connected Cell Area ArcScan_Area ArcScan {77F9B641-A12F-4202-A4C2-7A96C924E1C5}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Display a message with the total number of connected cells under the current location. Click once to open the Select Connected Cells dialog box and apply the area to it.
Command Find Diagonal of the Envelope of Connected Cells ArcScan_Diagonal ArcScan {D9442B05-5DD2-4DA3-86FB-110EBB71A2F8}
none ArcScan_VectorizationToolBar Display a message with the diagonal pixel distance from one corner of the raster cells' extent to the other. Click once to open the Select Connected Cells dialog box and apply the distance to it.
Context menu Network Analyst Tool Item Context Menu NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu none {AE4C4ACC-E34F-4C22-AA9F-76C0B23E42EE}
none none none
Command Cut NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {5DC72115-A44C-4CA0-AE41-2159C6749C0A}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Cut network locations
Command Copy NACopyLocation Command Network Analyst {D5B8E479-C69F-4208-81D0-9F5F13E0485E}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Copy network locations
Command Paste NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {C602B356-F476-4B0C-A437-28DA34D085BB}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Paste network locations
Command Delete NADeleteLocation Command Network Analyst {CE4289D1-F467-4AAB-AD9C-E8D518EF24C0}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Delete Selected Network Locations
Command Center DataViewCommands_PanToCenterAtPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
1 NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Centers map at the location you right-clicked
Command Network Identify NetworkIdentifyAtPoint Network Analyst {3652EF95-ADF0-4C49-92A3-83180BAFB176}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Identifies network elements at the location you right-clicked
Command Identify DataViewCommands_IdentifyPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
3 NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Identifies features at the location you right-clicked
Command Zoom To Selected Features NAZoomToSel Command Network Analyst {9EBE7191-737C-4581-9BB7-1F98B88C7E5A}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Zoom to the selected features
Command Pan To Selected Features NAPanToSel Command Network Analyst {22D3D137-6E13-4A7E-B1C7-CDAE1E14347E}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Pan to the location of the selected features.
Command Clear Selected Features NAClearSelection Command Network Analyst {67C3A1B6-2D05-4FB0-BE71-1F0F09F25016}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu Unselect the currently selected active features.
Command { NAWindow Items Commands } { NAX_ITEMS_CONTEXT_MULTI_ITEM_MESSAGE } {D2DE808F-81ED-4EE5-AE1B-74E101755652}
none NetworkAnalystToolItem_ContextMenu none
Toolbar Schematic Selection SchematicLayerSelection_Menu none {AFB15DB4-D812-4171-BF49-160EA9308638}
none none none
Command Zoom To Selected Schematic Features Schematic_ZoomToSelected Schematics {FA252249-1FDD-4384-9C75-8E3D8C7AD4EA}
none SchematicLayerSelection_Menu Zoom to the extent of the selected schematic features in this schematic layer.Use this command when the data frame related to this schematic layer is the active data frame and you want to be sure that all the selected schematic features are displayed on screen.
Command Clear Selected Schematic_ClearSelected Schematics {395464B1-7FD7-4F6D-8CAA-03808420078A}
none SchematicLayerSelection_Menu Unselect the currently selected schematic features in this schematic layer.
Command Select All Schematic Features Schematic_SelectAll Schematics {5BB111C9-1BD9-4D31-A7A8-24B33066DB7B}
none SchematicLayerSelection_Menu Select all the schematic features contained in this schematic layer.
Context menu Network Analyst Window Table Item Context Menu NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Item_ContextMenu none {B07027EF-6176-4810-8424-0F4764239D38}
none none none
Command Cut NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {5DC72115-A44C-4CA0-AE41-2159C6749C0A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Item_ContextMenu Cut network locations
Command Copy NACopyLocation Command Network Analyst {D5B8E479-C69F-4208-81D0-9F5F13E0485E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Item_ContextMenu Copy network locations
Command Paste NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {C602B356-F476-4B0C-A437-28DA34D085BB}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Item_ContextMenu Paste network locations
Command Delete NADeleteLocation Command Network Analyst {CE4289D1-F467-4AAB-AD9C-E8D518EF24C0}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Item_ContextMenu Delete Selected Network Locations
Command { NAWindow Items Commands } { NAX_ITEMS_CONTEXT_MULTI_ITEM_MESSAGE } {D2DE808F-81ED-4EE5-AE1B-74E101755652}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Item_ContextMenu none
Toolbar Vectorization ArcScan_VectorizationMenu none {B2335572-8C05-4C59-8C53-A0D61E1FD94F}
none none none
Command Vectorization Settings ArcScan_OptionsDialogCommand ArcScan {59681BD4-FE13-44D4-8F1E-DCE331F481A3}
none ArcScan_VectorizationMenu Set vectorization parameters, including tolerances, noise levels, maximums, and smoothing options. These settings, in conjunction with the Vectorization Options, determine how raster features are traced or extracted to create vector features.
Command Show Preview ArcScan_ShowPreview ArcScan {CB62CB4C-7311-4082-BE22-722C96A0CDD1}
none ArcScan_VectorizationMenu Preview the vectorization of the current ArcScan raster layer. Fine-tune the result with the Vectorization Settings and Vectorization Options dialog boxes. Change the preview symbology on the Vectorization Options dialog box.
Command Generate Features ArcScan_Vectorize ArcScan {B839739F-451F-4660-A608-96AAF0B708BA}
none ArcScan_VectorizationMenu Vectorize an entire raster layer using parameters in the Vectorization Settings and Vectorization Options dialog boxes. Disabled if the ArcScan extension is not enabled, you are not in an edit session, or if there are no raster layers symbolized with two colors.
Toolbar Address Inspector AddressInspector_Menu none {B5CE568A-9D88-4D78-A089-E0B533FC1ED7}
none none none
Command Pick Address PickAddress_Command Geocoding {D8C6FF4E-840A-4BE1-BCB7-C1B80328F67C}
none AddressInspector_Menu Matches the selected address to the cursor location on the map (Enter or Space)
Command { Address Inspector Tool Search Options } { Mx_AddressInspectorOptionItems } {F7FF2902-1A9A-4629-925E-13008E7B4BFC}
none AddressInspector_Menu none
Command { Pick Address Result Options } { Mx_AddressInspectorOptionItems } {20D8C3AC-A368-457F-91CE-7147CDAB9323}
none AddressInspector_Menu none
Command { Address Inspector Tool Display Options } { Mx_AddressInspectorOptionItems } {9DD20B2E-3E72-4D5A-B323-005C4BE45697}
none AddressInspector_Menu none
Command { Sets the search distance } { Mx_AddressInspectorOptionItems } {193C0331-D77E-4365-911F-1E1F87400259}
none AddressInspector_Menu none
Command Identify DataViewCommands_IdentifyPoint Data View Context Menu {8D0CFE2D-9972-4E46-A404-4EC9EF81A472}
3 AddressInspector_Menu Identifies features at the location you right-clicked
Toolbar Data LasDatasetLayerData_Menu none {B5EE3E3B-E9B4-44AC-906C-D1CE5D9C19D8}
none none none
Command Repair Data Source Untitled LAS Dataset {25FC2C3F-5A0B-434B-B217-F108A1261CA3}
none LasDatasetLayerData_Menu Locate this LAS dataset layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it.
Context menu LAS Dataset Layer Context Menu LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu none {B61280AD-3F65-4952-954A-4A5D49F04A56}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Command Zoom To Full Resolution Untitled LAS Dataset {60B9297A-AA6B-4AF3-97E0-953FED570D5A}
none LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu Zoom the map to the maximum extent at which all points are displayed.
Command Reset Legend Elevation Range Untitled TIN {1C7E7468-6808-4574-A70A-C3F9A0D2152B}
none LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu Reset the elevation symbology range classes for this layer based on the current display extent. You can redefine the class breaks using this option so that you get the full range of colors for that area of interest.
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Data LasDatasetLayerData_Menu none {B5EE3E3B-E9B4-44AC-906C-D1CE5D9C19D8}
none LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Untitled LAS Dataset {25FC2C3F-5A0B-434B-B217-F108A1261CA3}
none LasDatasetLayerData_Menu Locate this LAS dataset layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none LasDatasetLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Context menu Basemap Raster Layer Context Menu BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu none {B90DFCF2-0073-407B-B907-8D38FD613736}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Command Zoom To Raster Resolution Z&oom To Raster Resolution Raster {065E1C19-B5E7-4144-AA50-1FE324109990}
2 BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu Zooms to 1:1 resolution of screen pixels to raster cells. This will zoom so that 1 pixel in the raster is displayed by 1 pixel on your display screen.
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Command Properties Layer_Properties Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
9 BasemapSubLayerRasterLayer_ContextMenu Display the properties of this layer
Context menu Table cell context menu. Find_TableContextMenuCell none {B9198C2C-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
none none none
Command Cut Table_CellCut {B9198C2D-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
1 Find_TableContextMenuCell Cut cell value.
Command Copy Table_CellCopy {B9198C2D-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
2 Find_TableContextMenuCell Copy cell value.
Command Paste Table_CellPaste {B9198C2D-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
3 Find_TableContextMenuCell Paste cell value.
Context menu Table option context menu. Find_TableContextMenuOption none {B9198C2E-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
none none none
Command Find and Replace Table_FindReplace {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
1 Find_TableContextMenuOption Find or replace particular attribute values in this table.
Command Select By Attributes Table_OptionsSQL {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
2 Find_TableContextMenuOption Select records by composing a query.
Command Clear Selection Table_OptionsUnselect {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
3 Find_TableContextMenuOption Unselect all the currently selected records.
Command Switch Selection Table_OptionsSwitchSelection {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
4 Find_TableContextMenuOption Toggles selected and unselected records.
Command Select All Table_OptionsSelectAll {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
5 Find_TableContextMenuOption Select all records.
Command Add Field Table_AddField {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
6 Find_TableContextMenuOption Adds a new field to the table.
Command Turn All Fields On Table_UnHideAllColumns {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
16 Find_TableContextMenuOption Turns all fields on so that they are available in the table window and in other dialogs.
Command Show Field Aliases Table_AliasNameToggle {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
18 Find_TableContextMenuOption T&oggle between (database) field name and alias.
Menu Arrange Tables Find_TableContextMenuArrange none {4214670A-582A-4843-8594-A1D20A7F7198}
none Find_TableContextMenuOption none
Command New Horizontal Tab Group TableArrange_NewHorzGroup {EA0A5880-D696-4FDE-AAE3-A0B76B186598}
1 Find_TableContextMenuArrange Move the active table window to a new horizontal tab group.
Command New Vertical Tab Group TableArrange_NewVertGroup {EA0A5880-D696-4FDE-AAE3-A0B76B186598}
2 Find_TableContextMenuArrange Move the active table window to a new vertical tab group.
Command Move to Previous Tab Group TableArrange_PrevGroup {EA0A5880-D696-4FDE-AAE3-A0B76B186598}
3 Find_TableContextMenuArrange Move the active table window to the previous tab group.
Command Restore Default Column Widths Table_AutoResizeColumns {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
15 Find_TableContextMenuOption Undo all changes made to column widths and unhide all hidden fields.
Command Restore Default Field Order Table_ResetFieldOrder {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
19 Find_TableContextMenuOption Restore the default field order.
Menu Joins and Relates FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none {DBCF2084-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none Find_TableContextMenuOption none
Command Join Layer_ContextJoinData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
9 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Join data to this layer or standalone table based on a common attribute, spatial location or existing relationship class.
Menu Remove Join(s) FeatureLayerRemoveJoin_Menu none {DBCF2085-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none
Command Relate Layer_ContextRelate Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
14 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Associate data in a table to this layer or standalone table via a relationship. Unlike a join, a relate does not append the associated data to the layer or standalone table.
Menu Related Tables Find_TableContextMenuRelationships none {CCB7FFA2-11F7-11D3-9F5A-00C04F6BC886}
none Find_TableContextMenuOption none
Command Create Graph Table_Graph {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
8 Find_TableContextMenuOption Creates a graph from the table.
Command Add Table to Layout Table_Layout {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
9 Find_TableContextMenuOption Places the table in the layout.
Command Reload Cache Table_ReloadCache {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
10 Find_TableContextMenuOption Reloads the cached records from the source table.
Command Print Table_Print {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
11 Find_TableContextMenuOption Print the table.
Menu Reports Find_TableContextMenuReports none {0281CF32-359D-482E-873E-D9397D53F836}
none Find_TableContextMenuOption none
Command Export Table_Export {B9198C2F-D264-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
13 Find_TableContextMenuOption Exports the table to a new table.
Toolbar Change Segment ChangeSegment_Menu none {BB0EAB4A-E1BF-4DE5-BFD3-A23F0044AC04}
none none none
Command Straight Tools_ChangeSegmentStraight Editor {170A8081-F5AF-46EA-8726-82317754AFEB}
none ChangeSegment_Menu Convert the segment to a straight line.
Command Circular Arc Tools_ChangeSegmentCircular Editor {FC56C6C8-9673-4474-81B6-B5C0BD9117CC}
none ChangeSegment_Menu Convert the segment to a circular arc.
Toolbar Schematic Schematic_SchematicMainMenu none {BB5FF291-B5EC-46C8-878C-E37A41254B91}
none none none
Command Schematic Editor Toolbar Schematic_ToggleEditorToolbar Schematics {0F5F4223-3A71-4064-88E3-B5B1C3FA73D7}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Show or hide the Schematic Editor toolbar.The commands and tools in this toolbar are enabled only if an edit session has been started on the active schematic diagram.
Command Schematic Network Analyst Toolbar Schematic_ToggleNetworkAnalystToolbar Schematics {5DE89CD0-1FEC-4A73-9A05-C975397937FE}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Show or hide the Schematic Network Analyst toolbar.
Command Find Diagrams Schematic_FindRelatedDiagrams Schematics {217F3E22-AEFC-4DEF-82D1-2B83B87D7936}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Search for all the schematic diagrams that contain schematic features associated with the same selected features or that last update has added or removed schematic features.
Command Clear All Diagram Selections Schematic_ClearAllDiagrams Schematics {4CE409DB-EBF7-44DF-9926-0653FB69A457}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Unselect the currently selected schematic features in all schematic layers.
Command Update Diagram Schematic_UpdateDiagram Schematics {0C2D8293-D8D5-463C-9969-0B09C7688959}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Update the active schematic diagram.
Command Save Diagram As Schematic_SaveAsDiagram Schematics {7BD0E136-E4B9-4C5C-BA07-3E893CA3FBF3}
none Schematic_SchematicMainMenu Save the active schematic diagram with a new name.If schematic features are currently selected in the active diagram when the command is launched, only that selection set will be saved in the new diagram. In that particular case, if there are schematic links that are selected without their origin and/or extremity nodes, these missing nodes are automatically added in the resulting saved diagram.Disabled when the active schematic diagram is entirely built from custom queries.
Context menu Data View_TableDataContextMenu none {BBFF7497-487C-11D4-AE31-00C04FA33A15}
none none none
Command Repair Data Source Table_DataSource Data Frames {7D931EB1-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
6 View_TableDataContextMenu Locate the table's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it.
Command Export Table_Export Data Frames {7D931EB1-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
4 View_TableDataContextMenu Export records from this table to a new table.
Toolbar Active Annotation Target PageLayout_ActiveGraphicsLayersMenu none {BC58C79F-C68E-11D2-9F32-00C04F6BC6A5}
none none none
Context menu Layout Context Menu PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu none {BD43551B-5313-11D2-87B8-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Zoom Whole Page LayoutTools_ZoomWholePage Page Layout {C22579D3-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Zoom to the full extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press INSERT while in layout view.
Command Go Back To Extent LayoutTools_ZoomPageToLastExtentBack Page Layout {0C56F301-410B-11D2-A2AA-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Go back to previous extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press the &< Key while in layout view.
Command Go Forward To Extent LayoutTools_ZoomPageToLastExtentForward Page Layout {0C56F302-410B-11D2-A2AA-080009B6F22B}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Go forward to the next extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press > while in layout view.
Command Page and Print Setup PageLayout_PageSetup Page Layout {92D490B8-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Specify page size and orientation
Command Toggle Draft Mode PageLayout_TogleDraftModeOfFrames Page Layout {5821236E-6C14-46E2-9B2C-56CC35E0A5E5}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Toggle draft mode of frame graphics.
Command Cut Edit_Cut Edit {A33D9406-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Cut the selected element(s).
Command Copy Edit_Copy Edit {A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Copy the selected element(s).
Command Paste Edit_Paste Edit {A33D9407-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Paste the clipboard contents into the map.
Command Delete Edit_Clear Edit {16CD71E5-98C3-11D1-873B-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Delete the selected element(s).
Command Select All Elements Edit_SelectAll Edit {161496AD-AC99-11D2-87F8-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Selects all text, graphics and other objects placed on the map
Command Unselect All Elements Edit_UnselectAll Edit {B3350335-1FAC-4B53-B689-A750502B0F55}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Unselect any graphics or page elements that are currently selected
Command Zoom To Selected Elements PageLayout_ZoomToSelectedGraphics Page Layout {5D3E617C-13B6-4C7F-AB10-423DE02A2411}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu Zoom to the currently selected text, graphic(s)s or map element(s).
Menu Rulers PageLayout_RulerMenu none {03EC5303-AA41-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu none
Command Rulers PageLayout_HideShowRulers Page Layout {92D490B9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RulerMenu Toggle the rulers in Layout view on or off.
Menu Guides PageLayout_GuideMenu none {03EC5304-AA41-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu none
Command Guides PageLayout_HideShowSnapGuides Page Layout {92D490BB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GuideMenu Toggle the guides in Layout view on or off.
Menu Grid PageLayout_GridMenu none {03EC5305-AA41-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu none
Command Grid PageLayout_HideShowSnapGrid Page Layout {92D490BD-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_GridMenu Toggle the grid in Layout view on or off.
Menu Margins PageLayout_MarginMenu none {03EC5306-AA41-11D2-87F2-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_LayoutContextMenu none
Command Margins PageLayout_HideShowMargins Page Layout {92D490BE-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_MarginMenu Toggle the margins in Layout view on or off.
Context menu Element Context Menu PageLayout_ElementContextMenu none {BD43551C-5313-11D2-87B8-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Zoom Whole Page LayoutTools_ZoomWholePage Page Layout {C22579D3-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu Zoom to the full extent of the map layout.Shortcut: Press INSERT while in layout view.
Command Zoom To Selected Elements PageLayout_ZoomToSelectedGraphics Page Layout {5D3E617C-13B6-4C7F-AB10-423DE02A2411}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu Zoom to the currently selected text, graphic(s)s or map element(s).
Command Cut Edit_Cut Edit {A33D9406-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu Cut the selected element(s).
Command Copy Edit_Copy Edit {A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu Copy the selected element(s).
Command Delete Edit_Clear Edit {16CD71E5-98C3-11D1-873B-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu Delete the selected element(s).
Command Convert To Graphics PageLayout_ConvertToGraphics Page Layout {AF7FEE3F-D814-11D3-9305-00600802E603}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu Convert the selected elements to simple graphics
Command Group PageLayout_Group Page Layout {4B96A443-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu Group the selected elements.
Command Ungroup LayoutTools_Ungroup Page Layout {4B96A444-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu Ungroup the selected element(s).
Menu Graphic Operations PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu none {CC0DCD29-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu none
Command Union PageLayout_GeometryElementUnion Page Layout {CC0DCD2B-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Combine the selected graphics into a single polygon.
Command Intersect PageLayout_GeometryElementIntersect Page Layout {CC0DCD2E-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Create a single intersected polygon from the selected graphics.
Command Remove Overlap PageLayout_GeometryElementSymmetricDifference Page Layout {CC0DCD2D-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Create a single polygon from the nonoverlapping areas of two graphics.
Menu Order PageLayout_OrderMenu none {CF3A35E2-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu none
Command Bring to Front PageLayout_BringToFront Page Layout {92D490B2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) to the front.
Command Send to Back PageLayout_SendToBack Page Layout {92D490B3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Send the selected element(s) to the back.
Command Bring Forward PageLayout_BringForward Page Layout {92D490B4-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) forward.
Menu Nudge PageLayout_NudgeMenu none {CF3A35DF-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu none
Command Nudge Left PageLayout_NudgeLeft Page Layout {92D490AE-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) left.
Command Nudge Right PageLayout_NudgeRight Page Layout {92D490AF-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) right.
Command Nudge Up PageLayout_NudgeUp Page Layout {92D490B0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) up.
Menu Align PageLayout_AlignMenu none {CF3A35E0-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu none
Command Align to Margins PageLayout_AlignToMargins Page Layout {92D4909E-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Toggle whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.Disabled in data view. In data view all alignment is relative to the extent of the selected elements.
Command Align Left PageLayout_AlignLeft Page Layout {92D4909F-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the left.
Command Align Center PageLayout_AlignCenter Page Layout {92D490A0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right PageLayout_AlignRight Page Layout {92D490A1-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the right.
Command Align Top PageLayout_AlignTop Page Layout {92D490A2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center PageLayout_AlignMiddle Page Layout {92D490A3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the vertical center.
Menu Distribute PageLayout_DistributeMenu none {CF3A35E5-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu none
Command Distribute Horizontally PageLayout_DistributeHorizontally Page Layout {92D490A5-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
Command Distribute Vertically PageLayout_DistributeVertically Page Layout {92D490A6-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
Command Make Same Size PageLayout_MakeSameSize Page Layout {92D490A7-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height and width.
Command Make Same Width PageLayout_MakeSameWidth Page Layout {92D490A8-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same width.
Command Make Same Height PageLayout_MakeSameHeight Page Layout {92D490A9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height.
Command Fit to Margins PageLayout_FitToMargin Page Layout {B7E9C434-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same size as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Command Fit Width to Margins PageLayout_FitToMarginWidth Page Layout {B7E9C435-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same width as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Menu Rotate or Flip PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu none {CF3A35E1-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementContextMenu none
Command Rotate Right PageLayout_RotateLeft Page Layout {92D490AA-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Rotate Left PageLayout_RotateRight Page Layout {92D490AB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counter-clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Flip Horizontally PageLayout_FlipHorizontal Page Layout {92D490AC-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Flip the selected graphic(s) horizontally.Disabled for text, marker symbols and objects on the map layout.
Toolbar TIN Editing TinEditing_Menu none {BDA798DA-FE93-4955-B3BD-A8E61E03CEB1}
none none none
Command Start Editing TIN 3DAnalyst_StartEditingTin 3D Analyst {53E4D5C2-6C1E-4752-8A48-30815A37BBA3}
none TinEditing_Menu Start a TIN editing session; click Stop Editing TIN to terminate.
Command Stop Editing TIN 3DAnalyst_StopEditingTin 3D Analyst {B1ADA9FF-C5EA-4A84-B418-611FC79AD1D6}
none TinEditing_Menu Stop a TIN editing session.
Command Save 3DAnalyst_SaveTinEdits 3D Analyst {9A40470C-BE3B-4A10-8C3D-F68F7436DCDB}
none TinEditing_Menu Save edits to disk.
Command Save As 3DAnalyst_SaveTinAs 3D Analyst {43AC29CC-008E-4C42-84B7-3BCBB2D45B64}
none TinEditing_Menu Save the edited TIN to a new locaton on disk.
Command Undo Since Last Save 3DAnalyst_UndoTinEdits 3D Analyst {8BB22EFB-AEAA-46F5-8BA9-E575FED82B13}
none TinEditing_Menu Undo all edits performed on the current TIN since it was last saved.
Command Set to Constrained Delaunay 3DAnalyst_SetConstrained 3D Analyst {3209A1E5-1BB7-411B-A5EF-4BCF2BE24242}
none TinEditing_Menu A constrained Delaunay triangulation method follows Delaunay rules everywhere except along breaklines. You can set the edit session to enforce constrained Delaunay triangulations at one time for the edit session. To remove this option, stop the edit session and start another edit session.
Toolbar Raster Cleanup ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu none {BEC0D42D-3690-4372-845F-A620398979E6}
none none none
Command Start Cleanup ArcScan_StartCleanup ArcScan {304D5758-8AAC-4053-912F-1BA6249EF8CF}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Start a raster cleanup session to prepare rasters for vectorization. You must be in an edit session and meet all the requirements for using ArcScan such as having a vector layer and having a raster layer symbolized in two colors. Use the Raster Painting toolbar to perform simple edits in your raster layer. Rasters in ArcSDE cannot be edited with the Raster Cleanup tools.
Command Stop Cleanup ArcScan_StopCleanup ArcScan {CC8C4E6F-29AC-4527-B5DE-62E302CE429B}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Stop the raster cleanup session when you are finished preparing the raster for vectorization. You can save your raster edits or discard them.
Command Raster Painting Toolbar ArcScan_CleanupToolbar ArcScan {8DBF6146-9057-40EA-82D7-58587933E0D9}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Open the Raster Painting toolbar.
Command Erase Selected Cells ArcScan_EraseSelectionCommand ArcScan {B37F474D-C4A4-4102-A798-E8BF61DB353B}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Erase selected cells by filling them with the current background color. This is often used to remove noise (such as text) after selecting raster features through the Select Connected Cells dialog box. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Fill Selected Cells ArcScan_FillSelectionCommand ArcScan {84CD46C4-6AF8-43F2-BAAF-0CD9B3C9DA6A}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Fill the selected cells with the foreground color. This is often used to fill holes after selecting raster cells with the Select Connected Cells dialog box. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Erosion ArcScan_MorphologicalCommand ArcScan {14AFF506-E6AF-4868-ABA4-1E4BAD14B024}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Decrease the thickness of all raster features in the raster layer. Features may be erased if this value is set too high. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Dilation ArcScan_MorphologicalCommand ArcScan {18C9C9EB-FBAA-4D52-9252-837FF784196D}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Increase the thickness of all raster features in the raster layer. This can give better definition to thin raster features before vectorization. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Opening ArcScan_MorphologicalCommand ArcScan {1A1D4B7E-FD01-4703-B4E0-BB711338BCE6}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Erode (decrease) and immediately dilate (increase) raster features. This is useful for removing features you do not want to capture, such as thin grid lines. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Closing ArcScan_MorphologicalCommand ArcScan {1B37AE4C-6580-43A4-AC63-4960E0F2377E}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Dilate (increase) and immediately erode (decrease) raster features. This is useful for smoothing rough linear features in the raster and filling in small gaps between raster foreground objects. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Command Save ArcScan_SaveCleanup ArcScan {413DCCA0-7619-4BAD-86D8-4FC3A0A31E18}
none ArcScan_RasterCleanupMenu Save all raster cleanup operations since the last save. Once you save, you can no longer undo previous raster cleanup operations. Disabled if you have not started a raster cleanup session by clicking Raster Cleanup > Start Cleanup on the ArcScan toolbar.
Context menu Feature Layer Context Menu FeatureLayerContext_Menu none {BF643199-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Remove layer from data frame
Command Open Attribute Table Layer_Table Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
4 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Open this layer's attribute table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click layer name OR CTRL + T.
Menu Joins and Relates FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none {DBCF2084-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FeatureLayerContext_Menu none
Command Join Layer_ContextJoinData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
9 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Join data to this layer or standalone table based on a common attribute, spatial location or existing relationship class.
Menu Remove Join(s) FeatureLayerRemoveJoin_Menu none {DBCF2085-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none
Command Relate Layer_ContextRelate Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
14 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Associate data in a table to this layer or standalone table via a relationship. Unlike a join, a relate does not append the associated data to the layer or standalone table.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none FeatureLayerContext_Menu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Use Symbol Levels Layer_ContextSymbolLevels Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
18 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Draw selected layer in symbol level drawing mode.
Menu Selection FeatureLayerSelection_Menu none {2CB757F9-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none FeatureLayerContext_Menu none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Make unselected features selected
Command Select All Query_SelectAll Selection {54EBEEE5-DC82-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Selects all the features in this layer
Command Make This The Only Selectable Layer Layer_MakeThisTheOnlySelectableLayer Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
17 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Makes all feature layers non-selectable except for this one
Command Copy Records For Selected Features Layer_CopySelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
1 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Copies the attributes of selected features to the clipboard
Command Annotate Selected Features Layer_AnnotateFeatures Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
13 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Add labels for the selected features into feature-linked annotation layer.
Command Create Layer From Selected Features Layer_CreateSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
2 FeatureLayerSelection_Menu Create a new layer containing the selected features
Command Label Features Layer_LabelFeatures Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
5 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Label the layer's features
Menu Edit Features FeatureLayerEditMenu none {9B9AAA42-6D60-4B8A-989E-D567CFED1F33}
none FeatureLayerContext_Menu none
Command Start Editing LayerStartEditingCommand_Command Advanced Edit Tools {1D0BF475-C2D8-44BF-A736-EC1AD3E86B95}
none FeatureLayerEditMenu Start an edit session on the workspace containing this layer. For example, if you right-click a layer from a geodatabase and start editing it, you are able to edit all the other layers from that same geodatabase.
Command Define New Types Of Features NewFeatureTypeCommand Advanced Edit Tools {CCD6B2B6-057F-4DA6-953F-7328BDA4B622}
none FeatureLayerEditMenu Add new symbol categories and feature templates so you can create features that are not currently defined in your symbology. This command is enabled only for layers symbolized by unique values on one or two fields or by representations. To add a subtype or representation rule, you must stop editing.
Command Convert Labels to Annotation Layer_ConvertLabels Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
6 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Converts labels currently drawn on this data frame into annotation
Command Convert Features to Graphics Query_FeaturesToGraphics Selection {D9DEAFD9-C29B-11D2-9F31-00C04F6BC78E}
none FeatureLayerContext_Menu Converts features from a layer into graphics
Command Convert Symbology to Representation Representation_ConvertToRepresentation Representation {BFA29021-A73C-4FBA-B87F-75916D94DF77}
none FeatureLayerContext_Menu Creates a new representation in this layer's data source based on layer's symbology. Requires a Standard or an Advanced license and is disabled with a Basic license.
Menu Data FeatureLayerData_Menu none {2CB757F7-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none FeatureLayerContext_Menu none
Command Repair Data Source Layer_ContextDataSource Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
7 FeatureLayerData_Menu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Command Export Data Layer_ContextExportData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
8 FeatureLayerData_Menu Save this layer's data as a shapefile or geodatabase feature class
Command Export To CAD Layer_ExportCAD Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
19 FeatureLayerData_Menu Export this layer to a CAD file. Disabled if the layer represents an annotation feature class or dimension feature class.
Command Make Permanent Layer_MakePermanent Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
15 FeatureLayerData_Menu Makes a temporary layer created by a geoprocessing operation permanent
Command View Item Description Layer_ContextViewMetadata Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
21 FeatureLayerData_Menu View the item description of the selected layer or table's data source.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 FeatureLayerContext_Menu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none FeatureLayerContext_Menu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Context menu Network Analyst Window Table Category Context Menu NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu none {C3B6FBEA-A8A4-425A-BFAA-B8EEE2E47221}
none none none
Command Cut NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {5DC72115-A44C-4CA0-AE41-2159C6749C0A}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu Cut network locations
Command Copy NACopyLocation Command Network Analyst {D5B8E479-C69F-4208-81D0-9F5F13E0485E}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu Copy network locations
Command Paste NACutLocation Command Network Analyst {C602B356-F476-4B0C-A437-28DA34D085BB}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu Paste network locations
Command Delete NADeleteLocation Command Network Analyst {CE4289D1-F467-4AAB-AD9C-E8D518EF24C0}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu Delete Selected Network Locations
Command Delete All NADeleteAllLocation Command Network Analyst {65CE6C3B-DD3F-4A50-9D1B-18842FA2ADDC}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu Delete All Network Objects
Command Open Workspace_ChangeVersion Data Frames {7D931EB1-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
3 NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu Open this table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click table name OR CTRL + T.
Command Export Table_Export Data Frames {7D931EB1-D31F-11D2-9F40-00C04F6BC78E}
4 NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu Export records from this table to a new table.
Command { NAWindow Category Commands } { NAX_CATEGORY_CONTEXT_MULTI_ITEM_MESSAGE } {90F4F1A0-2369-4178-9F5A-C8AAFB0C52DF}
none NetworkAnalystWindow_Table_Category_ContextMenu none
Toolbar Add Data AddData_Menu none {C401F530-2CA4-41C6-B608-00A9FCDDE968}
none none none
Command Add Data File_AddData File {E1F29C6B-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none AddData_Menu Add new data to the map’s active data frame.Tip: You can also drag data into your map from the Catalog window.
Command Add Basemap ESRI_BaseMap_BasemapCommand ArcGIS Online {76B26001-63CF-4CAC-A7E0-91CEE8686FAC}
none AddData_Menu Choose a basemap from ArcGIS Online. These basemaps are map services that require an Internet connection for them to draw in your map.
Command Add Data From ArcGIS Online ESRI_MapCenter_MapCenterButton ArcGIS Online {DD82F2F1-B277-513D-5788-F89E518B126C}
none AddData_Menu Add data from ArcGIS Online into your map. The dialog that appears only shows data which can be added into your map as a layer. Sign in to ArcGIS Online to see data you've uploaded and data in groups you belong to.
Command Add XY Data Tools_AddXYData Tools {55425B75-2CE4-4909-B40A-CFE50FAD1896}
none AddData_Menu Adds a new map layer based on XY events from a table.
Menu Geocoding Geocode_Menu none {0EE3DF3A-8361-4435-9BD8-A3249563FC27}
none AddData_Menu none
Command Geocode Addresses GeocodeAddresses_Command Geocoding {5495175F-1C83-11D4-9F7D-00C04F8ED1C4}
none Geocode_Menu Geocode a table of addresses.
Menu Review/Rematch Addresses Mx_RematchAddressesMenu none {DADF1866-415E-49CD-B80F-B14FBFD2E5C8}
none Geocode_Menu none
Command Add Route Events Lr_AddRouteEvents Linear Referencing {6E6364B6-9ED5-4C0C-BEF1-F489F20597BE}
none AddData_Menu Adds a new map layer based on route events from a table.
Toolbar Reports Reports_Menu none {C545B528-4216-4A5A-B7E5-4FC17DA4C3C9}
none none none
Command Create Report ReportWriter_CreateReportCommand Reports {CDC6F22A-7DD1-490F-8FDE-4357C621BBDF}
none Reports_Menu Create a report for a table or layer in your map. You can add the report to your map or export it in various formats.
Command Load Report ReportWriter_LoadReportCommand Reports {089ACA9C-4A55-411C-89B2-F84DA0FA96B3}
none Reports_Menu Load an existing report from a Report Layout File (.rlf) which can then be modified, or a Report Definition File (.rdf) which can only be viewed.
Context menu Topology Layer Context Menu TopologyLayerContextMenu none {C5615A8E-40FE-49D1-A403-B386AF88F6F2}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 TopologyLayerContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 TopologyLayerContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Group Layer_Group Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
11 TopologyLayerContextMenu Create a new group containing the currently selected layers
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 TopologyLayerContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 TopologyLayerContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none TopologyLayerContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Menu Data TopologyLayerData_Menu none {015CDDFC-07C4-4F16-8957-F6AD90848868}
none TopologyLayerContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source Layer_ContextDataSource Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
7 TopologyLayerData_Menu Locate the layer's data source manually when ArcMap can't find it
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 TopologyLayerContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Context menu GeoStat Layer Context Menu GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu none {C6E5087A-990E-11D2-AAD8-00C04FA375FB}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Compare C&ompare... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
9 GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu Compare the cross-validation results of two geostatistical layers.
Command Validation/Prediction V&alidation/Prediction... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
8 GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu Perform prediction and validation
Menu Data GeostatisticalAnalyst_ExportSubContextMenu none {7EF17160-D720-11D2-8CD7-00C04F5B951E}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu none
Command Repair Data Source(s) &Repair Data Source(s)... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
4 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ExportSubContextMenu Locate the layer data source(s) manually
Command Export To Raster Export To &Raster... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
5 GeostatisticalAnalyst_ExportSubContextMenu Export this layer to raster.
Command Save As Layer File Layer_ContextSaveToFile Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
8 GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu Save this layer as a file (saves the layer definition not the data)
Command Create Layer Package Layer_ContextPackage Layer {3988B500-B18B-4408-8CF8-2E0F9BB696F9}
none GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu Create a layer package from this layer and data.
Command Method Properties Mðod Properties... {9EE606C0-25C7-11D3-8D20-00C04F5B87B2}
7 GeostatisticalAnalyst_LayerContextMenu Review or modify the geostatistical method used to generate this geostatistical layer
Toolbar Annotation Edit Menu Editor_AnnoEditToolMenu none {C733CDE4-FC42-4DC5-B5C4-A777EA3512BC}
none none none
Command Rotate Mode Editor_AnnoRotate Advanced Edit Tools {86652171-1AD4-4482-9F32-5341FEFAC137}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMenu Rotate selected annotation interactively or by an angular measurement. Press A to rotate by a specific value. Right-click or press R to exit rotate mode.
Command Edit Baseline Sketch Editor_AnnoBaselineEdit Advanced Edit Tools {73BD3A85-C957-4B5C-A397-7C897C6B689A}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMenu Edit the baseline of a selected curved annotation feature. The vertices change the shape of the baseline and the Bézier handle control points change the curvature.
Command Follow Feature Mode Editor_AnnoFollowFeature Advanced Edit Tools {4B683081-6DFB-44AD-8849-DF0E4A9996D4}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMenu Drag the selected annotation so you can place it relative to the edge of a line or polygon feature. Annotation linked to lines is automatically in follow feature mode. For other annotation, first establish an association with a feature using Follow This Feature.
Command Follow This Feature Editor_AnnoChooseFeature Advanced Edit Tools {D9CEEA03-CBEC-489D-8D54-4A97150D3489}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMenu Set the line or polygon feature that the selected annotation feature follows. For feature-linked annotation, this can be used to place annotation relative to a different feature without overriding the existing relationship.
Menu Follow Editor_AnnoEditToolFollowMenu none {922AD76B-CD1C-4894-ABE1-650F2646EF59}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMenu none
Command Zoom to Feature Editor_AnnoZoomFollowFeature Advanced Edit Tools {1F4062D4-E04A-46BB-8F99-CA457C75DF9E}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolFollowMenu Zoom to the feature the selected annotation follows.
Command Pan to Feature Editor_AnnoPanFollowFeature Advanced Edit Tools {90B19784-681C-4A80-B535-D5BC436BFB14}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolFollowMenu Pan to the feature the selected annotation follows.
Command Flash Feature Editor_AnnoFlashFollowFeature Advanced Edit Tools {6C6ED106-45CB-4A4D-8889-BA4DCE69B910}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolFollowMenu Flash the feature the annotation follows.
Menu Curvature Editor_AnnoEditToolMakeMenu none {CFC3D5C6-199D-4D4D-8D5B-C4F05B892E54}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMenu none
Command Horizontal Editor_AnnoHorizontal Advanced Edit Tools {768D86F6-75C2-46A4-8026-9ED7B2513B70}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMakeMenu Make the annotation horizontal.
Command Straight Editor_AnnoStraight Advanced Edit Tools {DE92A6DE-462E-4C34-B66F-E7739F517471}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMakeMenu Make the annotation straight.
Command Delete Editor_AnnoClearSubFeatureEdit Advanced Edit Tools {0707624F-C55A-4C5B-BFA8-6013E32404E9}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMenu Delete selected words or parts of multipart annotation features.
Toolbar Geodatabase History HistoryToolbar none {C7F3D11D-4724-4226-BF94-71DA47EB11AA}
none none none
Command Geodatabase History Viewer HistoryViewer Geodatabase History {383727C4-D8AD-4E69-9305-C93883B21135}
none HistoryToolbar Open the Geodatabase History Viewer window to view different moments in time of a historical version.
Command Add Historical Archive HistoryAddArchiveCommand Geodatabase History {045F884E-FFAF-4016-BFE2-D64DBEC71F9F}
none HistoryToolbar Add the archive of selected tables or layers to the map as a new layer or table.
Context menu Map Server Sublayer Context Menu MapServerSublayer_ContextMenu none {C8EC264A-CB6D-4C0F-9E40-F5068CA2B98D}
none none none
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 MapServerSublayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 MapServerSublayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Command Show Labels Layer_MapServerSublayerLabels Layer {92C2ED17-BBD2-448C-B9F2-5362BF1F0A61}
none MapServerSublayer_ContextMenu Toggles the display of labels for the layer
Context menu Route Location Menu Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu none {C90E2E91-6B57-4286-AD8D-321A1CE1D7E9}
none none none
Command Flash Route EventFinder_FlashRoute {A5027384-67F3-4F7F-A4AC-C707A65A8B67}
none Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu
Command Flash Route Location EventFinder_FlashEvent {31E4E64E-B5E3-46C3-9773-4FF889528A95}
none Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu
Command Zoom to Route EventFinder_ZoomToRoute {25547E8D-A5BF-4938-8932-4B8A54CC683A}
none Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu
Command Zoom to Route Location EventFinder_ZoomToEvent {4DE63DE9-F1FE-4D68-9C54-C9C8367583B1}
none Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu
Command Draw Route Location EventFinder_DrawEvent {ADB4A686-4898-4BC9-9349-8381311A3BF6}
none Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu
Command Label Route Location EventFinder_LabelEvent {026597BB-1012-4CA5-9483-31EF2B434CFF}
none Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu
Command Identify Route EventFinder_IdentifyRoute {CC36BA82-F83E-43E5-9BA4-3349D38E0E83}
none Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu
Command Add as Network Analysis Object Layer_AddNetworkAnalysisObjectCM {5A56350E-2F09-4236-8E28-02774B14E43E}
none Location_RouteEventFindContextMenu Add as Networ&k Analysis Object
Toolbar Network Analyst Network Analyst none {C967BD39-1118-42EE-AAAB-B31642C89C3E}
none none none
Menu Network Analyst NetworkSolvers_Menu none {388AC978-AB0B-48A3-A905-86FC44A3A341}
none Network Analyst none
Command { Create Standard NALayer Commands } { NAX_NEW_NALAYER_MULTI_ITEM } {301857E8-C2F9-4CEB-83ED-F5AF5402D6D2}
none NetworkSolvers_Menu none
Command { Create Custom NALayer Commands } { NAX_NEW_CUSTOM_NALAYER_MULTI_ITEM } {59CF176D-49E4-4F43-B998-86516DAE831B}
none NetworkSolvers_Menu none
Command Network Analyst window NetworkAnalystWindowCommand Network Analyst {601FDC37-D541-42F9-A11F-DD5CEA6315DD}
none Network Analyst Open the Network Analyst window. This window enables you to manage the contents of network analysis layers, such as the stops, routes, and barriers in a route layer.
Command Create Network Location NAEditLocation Tool Network Analyst {C7877BC8-BD63-473F-A6AC-08D806152400}
none Network Analyst Add network locations (stops, barriers, facilities, and so on) to the active network analysis class. Tip: Hold down the 1 or 2 key to display a dot on the nearest eligible location of the network. If you are using street addresses, the 2 key also displays the nearest address in the Network Analyst window.
Command Select/Move Network Locations NAEditLocation Tool Network Analyst {B59C0FAC-49CD-4F5F-92CB-C6B6A7D8D473}
none Network Analyst Select network locations. Once items are selected, you can also move them with this tool. Tip: You can only select and move objects from the active network analysis class. For instance, Stops must be active in the Network Analyst window before you can select and move a stop.Shortcut: Once an object is selected, hold down CTRL and click to move the object to the current location of the cursor.
Command Solve NASolve Command Network Analyst {F0FD65E0-4BBF-41E5-9190-B6F3C0DCE364}
none Network Analyst Run the current analysis.
Command Directions NetworkAnalyst_DirectionsWindow Network Analyst {DD10DF2A-B919-4B49-9A57-C0215FD2C8D6}
none Network Analyst Open directions for the selected route. If no route is selected, directions for all of the routes are opened.Disabled if your active network analysis layer is not a route, closest facility, or vehicle routing problem layer.
Command Network Dataset Layer List NetworkLayers List Network Analyst {1A3352FA-C7C9-4BA4-B7C4-17FA40EDADA1}
none Network Analyst Choose the network dataset to use as your active network dataset. The active network dataset is used when creating new network analysis layers. It also specifies the network dataset to use with the Network Identify tool and the Build command. This control shows you all the layers in your map representing network datasets.
Command Network Identify Network Identify Tool Network Analyst {83DF2383-2B01-47C5-98CE-CF6F73DA9A27}
none Network Analyst Identify network elements in the active network dataset. Use this tool to interrogate network attributes and connectivity of network elements.Shortcut: You can also identify a network element by right-clicking it when using the Create Network Location tool or Select/Move Network Location tool.
Context menu Table column context menu. Find_TableContextMenuColumn none {CA7AA207-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
none none none
Command Sort Ascending Table_SortAscending {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
1 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Sort the values in this field in ascending order (A - Z) (1 - 9).
Command Sort Descending Table_SortDescending {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
2 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Sort the values in this field in descending order (Z - A) (9 -1).
Command Advanced Sorting Table_SortDialog {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
12 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Sort this table on up to four fields.
Command Summarize Table_Summarize {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
3 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Create a summary table grouped by the values in this field. The dialog that appears lets you choose whether all the records will be summarized or just the selected records.
Command Statistics Table_Statistics {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
4 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Generates a report of statistics for the selected values in this numeric field. This command is disabled if this field is not numeric. If any of the records in the table are currently selected, statistics will only be generated for the selected records.
Command Field Calculator Table_CalculateValues {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
5 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Populate or update the values of this field by specifying a calculation expression. If any of the records in the table are currently selected, only the values of the selected records will be calculated.
Command Calculate Geometry Table_Calculate {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
6 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Populate or update the values of this field to be geometric values derived from the features that the table represents, such as area, perimeter, length, etc. The dialog that appears lets you choose whether all the records will be calculated or just the selected records. This command is disabled if the table is not the attribute table of a feature class or shapefile.
Command Turn Field Off Table_TurnFieldOff {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
11 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Turns this field off so it is not shown here or in any other dialogs.
Command Freeze/Unfreeze Column Table_FreezeColumns {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
7 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Keep this field visible when scrolling the table left or right.
Command Delete Field Table_DeleteField {CA7AA208-D108-11D2-9F25-00C04F6BC886}
8 Find_TableContextMenuColumn Permanently deletes this field from the table. This command is disabled if you are currently editing this table or editing data that resides in the same geodatabase or folder. It is also disabled if write access can't be established to the geodatabase or folder the data resides in.
Context menu Graphic Operations PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu none {CC0DCD29-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none none none
Command Union PageLayout_GeometryElementUnion Page Layout {CC0DCD2B-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Combine the selected graphics into a single polygon.
Command Intersect PageLayout_GeometryElementIntersect Page Layout {CC0DCD2E-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Create a single intersected polygon from the selected graphics.
Command Remove Overlap PageLayout_GeometryElementSymmetricDifference Page Layout {CC0DCD2D-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Create a single polygon from the nonoverlapping areas of two graphics.
Context menu Related Tables Find_TableContextMenuRelationships none {CCB7FFA2-11F7-11D3-9F5A-00C04F6BC886}
none none none
Toolbar Drawing PageLayout_DrawingMenu none {CF3A35DE-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command New Annotation Group Map_NewGraphicsLayer Data Frames {BC58C7A0-C68E-11D2-9F32-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Create a new annotation group in which to store text and graphics.
Menu Active Annotation Target PageLayout_ActiveGraphicsLayersMenu none {BC58C79F-C68E-11D2-9F32-00C04F6BC6A5}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Overflow Annotation Window_OverFlowLabels View {444EDA0F-4778-4BD3-9F47-5762ADA07F87}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Open Overflow Annotation window. Right-click on the label in the window to access the overflow handling commands.
Command Group PageLayout_Group Page Layout {4B96A443-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Group the selected elements.
Command Ungroup LayoutTools_Ungroup Page Layout {4B96A444-FA41-11D0-83AF-080009B996CC}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Ungroup the selected element(s).
Menu Graphic Operations PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu none {CC0DCD29-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Union PageLayout_GeometryElementUnion Page Layout {CC0DCD2B-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Combine the selected graphics into a single polygon.
Command Intersect PageLayout_GeometryElementIntersect Page Layout {CC0DCD2E-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Create a single intersected polygon from the selected graphics.
Command Remove Overlap PageLayout_GeometryElementSymmetricDifference Page Layout {CC0DCD2D-DE5E-11D3-9FF8-00C04F6BC8DD}
none PageLayout_GeometryElementContextMenu Create a single polygon from the nonoverlapping areas of two graphics.
Menu Order PageLayout_OrderMenu none {CF3A35E2-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Bring to Front PageLayout_BringToFront Page Layout {92D490B2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) to the front.
Command Send to Back PageLayout_SendToBack Page Layout {92D490B3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Send the selected element(s) to the back.
Command Bring Forward PageLayout_BringForward Page Layout {92D490B4-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) forward.
Menu Nudge PageLayout_NudgeMenu none {CF3A35DF-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Nudge Left PageLayout_NudgeLeft Page Layout {92D490AE-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) left.
Command Nudge Right PageLayout_NudgeRight Page Layout {92D490AF-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) right.
Command Nudge Up PageLayout_NudgeUp Page Layout {92D490B0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) up.
Menu Align PageLayout_AlignMenu none {CF3A35E0-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Align to Margins PageLayout_AlignToMargins Page Layout {92D4909E-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Toggle whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.Disabled in data view. In data view all alignment is relative to the extent of the selected elements.
Command Align Left PageLayout_AlignLeft Page Layout {92D4909F-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the left.
Command Align Center PageLayout_AlignCenter Page Layout {92D490A0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right PageLayout_AlignRight Page Layout {92D490A1-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the right.
Command Align Top PageLayout_AlignTop Page Layout {92D490A2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center PageLayout_AlignMiddle Page Layout {92D490A3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the vertical center.
Menu Distribute PageLayout_DistributeMenu none {CF3A35E5-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Distribute Horizontally PageLayout_DistributeHorizontally Page Layout {92D490A5-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
Command Distribute Vertically PageLayout_DistributeVertically Page Layout {92D490A6-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
Command Make Same Size PageLayout_MakeSameSize Page Layout {92D490A7-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height and width.
Command Make Same Width PageLayout_MakeSameWidth Page Layout {92D490A8-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same width.
Command Make Same Height PageLayout_MakeSameHeight Page Layout {92D490A9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height.
Command Fit to Margins PageLayout_FitToMargin Page Layout {B7E9C434-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same size as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Command Fit Width to Margins PageLayout_FitToMarginWidth Page Layout {B7E9C435-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same width as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Menu Rotate or Flip PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu none {CF3A35E1-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu none
Command Rotate Right PageLayout_RotateLeft Page Layout {92D490AA-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Rotate Left PageLayout_RotateRight Page Layout {92D490AB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counter-clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Flip Horizontally PageLayout_FlipHorizontal Page Layout {92D490AC-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Flip the selected graphic(s) horizontally.Disabled for text, marker symbols and objects on the map layout.
Command Convert Graphics To Features Map_ConvertGraphicsToFeatures Data Frames {CF539DBA-3533-4CE9-92CE-65248A30E60D}
none PageLayout_DrawingMenu Convert point, line, polygon or text graphics into features in a new shapefile or feature class.Disabled in layout view.
Toolbar Nudge PageLayout_NudgeMenu none {CF3A35DF-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Nudge Left PageLayout_NudgeLeft Page Layout {92D490AE-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) left.
Command Nudge Right PageLayout_NudgeRight Page Layout {92D490AF-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) right.
Command Nudge Up PageLayout_NudgeUp Page Layout {92D490B0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_NudgeMenu Move the selected element(s) up.
Toolbar Align PageLayout_AlignMenu none {CF3A35E0-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Align to Margins PageLayout_AlignToMargins Page Layout {92D4909E-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Toggle whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.Disabled in data view. In data view all alignment is relative to the extent of the selected elements.
Command Align Left PageLayout_AlignLeft Page Layout {92D4909F-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the left.
Command Align Center PageLayout_AlignCenter Page Layout {92D490A0-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the horizontal center.
Command Align Right PageLayout_AlignRight Page Layout {92D490A1-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the right.
Command Align Top PageLayout_AlignTop Page Layout {92D490A2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the top.
Command Align Vertical Center PageLayout_AlignMiddle Page Layout {92D490A3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_AlignMenu Align the selected element(s) to the vertical center.
Toolbar Rotate or Flip PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu none {CF3A35E1-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Rotate Right PageLayout_RotateLeft Page Layout {92D490AA-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Rotate Left PageLayout_RotateRight Page Layout {92D490AB-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Rotate the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counter-clockwise.Disabled for objects on the map layout. You can rotate a north arrow through its properties.
Command Flip Horizontally PageLayout_FlipHorizontal Page Layout {92D490AC-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_RotateOrFlipMenu Flip the selected graphic(s) horizontally.Disabled for text, marker symbols and objects on the map layout.
Toolbar Order PageLayout_OrderMenu none {CF3A35E2-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Bring to Front PageLayout_BringToFront Page Layout {92D490B2-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) to the front.
Command Send to Back PageLayout_SendToBack Page Layout {92D490B3-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Send the selected element(s) to the back.
Command Bring Forward PageLayout_BringForward Page Layout {92D490B4-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_OrderMenu Bring the selected element(s) forward.
Toolbar Element PageLayout_ElementMenu none {CF3A35E4-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Data Frame PageLayout_NewMap Page Layout {C22579D5-BC17-11D0-8667-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementMenu Create a new, empty data frame in the map. A data frame represents a geographic location and contains layers of data.
Command Legend PageLayout_NewLegend Page Layout {99D21D79-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementMenu Insert a legend in Layout view.
Command North Arrow PageLayout_NewNorthArrow Page Layout {99D21D7A-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementMenu Insert a north arrow in Layout view
Command Scale Bar PageLayout_NewScaleBar Page Layout {99D21D77-B475-11D1-8753-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_ElementMenu Insert a scale bar in Layout view.
Toolbar Distribute PageLayout_DistributeMenu none {CF3A35E5-EB3C-11D1-8782-0000F8751720}
none none none
Command Distribute Horizontally PageLayout_DistributeHorizontally Page Layout {92D490A5-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
Command Distribute Vertically PageLayout_DistributeVertically Page Layout {92D490A6-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Distribute the selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
Command Make Same Size PageLayout_MakeSameSize Page Layout {92D490A7-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height and width.
Command Make Same Width PageLayout_MakeSameWidth Page Layout {92D490A8-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same width.
Command Make Same Height PageLayout_MakeSameHeight Page Layout {92D490A9-DF9D-11D1-8779-0000F8751720}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected elements the same height.
Command Fit to Margins PageLayout_FitToMargin Page Layout {B7E9C434-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same size as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Command Fit Width to Margins PageLayout_FitToMarginWidth Page Layout {B7E9C435-4288-4AA1-A613-8861723B8130}
none PageLayout_DistributeMenu Make the selected element(s) the same width as the printer margin.Disabled in data view.
Toolbar Curvature Editor_AnnoEditToolMakeMenu none {CFC3D5C6-199D-4D4D-8D5B-C4F05B892E54}
none none none
Command Horizontal Editor_AnnoHorizontal Advanced Edit Tools {768D86F6-75C2-46A4-8026-9ED7B2513B70}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMakeMenu Make the annotation horizontal.
Command Straight Editor_AnnoStraight Advanced Edit Tools {DE92A6DE-462E-4C34-B66F-E7739F517471}
none Editor_AnnoEditToolMakeMenu Make the annotation straight.
Context menu Boundary Layer Tools BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu none {D186BF66-9C21-4D8A-92C4-1BF6212931C5}
none none none
Command Open Attribute Table Layer_Table Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
4 BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu Open this layer's attribute table. Shortcut: CTRL + double-click layer name OR CTRL + T.
Menu Joins and Relates FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none {DBCF2084-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Join Layer_ContextJoinData Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
9 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Join data to this layer or standalone table based on a common attribute, spatial location or existing relationship class.
Menu Remove Join(s) FeatureLayerRemoveJoin_Menu none {DBCF2085-FC21-11D3-A0B3-00C04F6BC626}
none FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu none
Command Relate Layer_ContextRelate Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
14 FeatureLayerJoinRelate_Menu Associate data in a table to this layer or standalone table via a relationship. Unlike a join, a relate does not append the associated data to the layer or standalone table.
Command Zoom To Layer Layer_ContextZoomTo Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
7 BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to the extent of the selected layer
Command Zoom To Make Visible Layer_ContextZoomToMakeVisible Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
22 BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu Zoom to a scale at which this layer is visible
Menu Visible Scale Range Layer_ScaleMenu none {2CB757F8-D42A-11D2-AAFF-000000000000}
none BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Set Minimum Scale Layer_MinimumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
5 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom out beyond current scale
Command Set Maximum Scale Layer_MaximumScale Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
6 Layer_ScaleMenu Layer won't be drawn if you zoom in beyond current scale
Command Use Symbol Levels Layer_ContextSymbolLevels Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
18 BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu Draw selected layer in symbol level drawing mode.
Menu Selection BoundaryLayerSelection_SubMenu none {9C9D1F13-3488-4A1F-B2E9-5D8AF1FA8284}
none BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu none
Command Zoom To Selected Features Layer_ZoomToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
11 BoundaryLayerSelection_SubMenu Zoom to the selected features in this layer
Command Pan To Selected Features Layer_PanToSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
16 BoundaryLayerSelection_SubMenu Pans to the location of the selected feature(s)
Command Clear Selected Features Layer_ClearSelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
12 BoundaryLayerSelection_SubMenu Unselect the currently selected features in this layer
Command Switch Selection Query_SwitchSelection Selection {E1F29C73-4E6B-11D2-AE2C-080009EC732A}
none BoundaryLayerSelection_SubMenu Make unselected features selected
Command Select All Query_SelectAll Selection {54EBEEE5-DC82-11D1-AA7F-00C04FA37860}
none BoundaryLayerSelection_SubMenu Selects all the features in this layer
Command Make This The Only Selectable Layer Layer_MakeThisTheOnlySelectableLayer Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
17 BoundaryLayerSelection_SubMenu Makes all feature layers non-selectable except for this one
Command Copy Records For Selected Features Layer_CopySelection Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
1 BoundaryLayerSelection_SubMenu Copies the attributes of selected features to the clipboard
Command Label Features Layer_LabelFeatures Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
5 BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu Label the layer's features
Command Convert Labels to Annotation Layer_ConvertLabels Layer {BF64319A-9062-11D2-AE71-080009EC732A}
6 BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu Converts labels currently drawn on this data frame into annotation
Command Convert Features to Graphics Query_FeaturesToGraphics Selection {D9DEAFD9-C29B-11D2-9F31-00C04F6BC78E}
none BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu Converts features from a layer into graphics
Command Export Data &Export Data... Mosaic {EC613EFD-B7BA-47BC-87C8-41CBE0926953}
none BoundaryLayer_ContextMenu Opens the Copy Features geoprocessing tool. This tool exports the footprints of the dataset to a feature class.
Context menu Schematic Layer Context menu SchematicLayer_ContextMenu none {D261B086-27E4-4657-AECE-4ED8A1DFAB85}
none none none
Command Copy Layer_Copy Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
10 SchematicLayer_ContextMenu Copy layer to clipboard
Command Remove Layer_Remove Layer {18DF94D9-0F8A-11D2-94B1-080009EEBECB}
3 SchematicLayer_ContextMenu Remove layer from data frame
Command Save Diagram Edits ControlToolsSchematic_SaveEdits Schematics {B8ECAE3F-0308-4897-8F55-94CD978C7A80}
none SchematicLayer_ContextMenu Save all edits made in the active schematic diagram since the last save. Disabled for diagrams generated with a Schematics version prior to ArcGIS 10, diagrams for which you have no write rights, or diagrams that were already edited by another user at the editing session opening.
Command Update Diagram Schematic_UpdateDiagram Schematics {0C2D8293-D8D5-463C-9969-0B09C7688959}
none SchematicLayer_ContextMenu Update the active schematic diagram.
Command Change Reference Version Schematic_