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IAppROT.Count Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Framework > ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework > Interfaces > IA > IAppROT Interface > IAppROT.Count Property
ArcGIS Developer Help

IAppROT.Count Property

The count of application references within the running object table.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer
public int Count {get;}

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


The following example uses AppROT's Count property to determine if any applications are already running. You would get m_app from the hook in ICommand::OnCreate().

IAppROT appRot = new AppROTClass();
if (appRot.Count > 0)
  for (int i = 0; i < appRot.Count; i++)
    if (appRot.get_Item(i) is IMxApplication)
      System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ArcMap is running.");
    else if (appRot.get_Item(i) is IGxApplication)
      System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ArcCatalog is running.");
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim appRot As IAppROT = New AppROTClass()
If appRot.Count > 0 Then
 Dim i As Integer = 0
 While i < appRot.Count
  If TypeOf appRot.get_Item(i) Is IMxApplication Then
   System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ArcMap is running.")
  ElseIf TypeOf appRot.get_Item(i) Is IGxApplication Then
   System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ArcCatalog is running.")
  End If
  System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i),i - 1)
 End While
End If

See Also

IAppROT Interface