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IEdgeSnapTransformationMethod.Smooth Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > EditorExt > ESRI.ArcGIS.EditorExt > Interfaces > IE > IEdgeSnapTransformationMethod Interface > IEdgeSnapTransformationMethod.Smooth Property
ArcGIS Developer Help

IEdgeSnapTransformationMethod.Smooth Property

Indicates if polylines will be smoothed.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property Smooth As Boolean
public bool Smooth {get; set;}

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


If this property is True the polyline will be smoothed (using a rubber sheeting transformation) during the edge snap, moving all vertices. If False only the end vertex of the polyline will move from the link source point to the link destination point.

See Also

IEdgeSnapTransformationMethod Interface