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Indicates if transform is applied to symbols and other parts of element. False = only apply transform to geometry.
[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property AutoTransform As Boolean
public bool AutoTransform {get; set;}
HRESULT get_AutoTransform(
Boolean* AutoTransform
HRESULT put_AutoTransform(
VARIANT_BOOL AutoTransform
[C++] Parameters AutoTransform [out, retval]
AutoTransform is a parameter of type bool* AutoTransform [in]
AutoTransform is a parameter of type bool
AutoTransform is a boolean values that indicates whether internal setings should be transformed along with the elements's geometry, when a transform is applied via ITransform2D. For instance, if I have a point element and I rotate it around a central location (the anchor point of the rotation being different from the point element iself), then the AutoTransform property is used to determine whether the orientation of the symbol associated to the element should also be rotated by the same amount.