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IFeatureLayer.FeatureClass Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Carto > ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto > Interfaces > IF > IFeatureLayer Interface > IFeatureLayer.FeatureClass Property
ArcGIS Developer Help

IFeatureLayer.FeatureClass Property

The layer's feature class.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property FeatureClass As IFeatureClass
public IFeatureClass FeatureClass {get; set;}
HRESULT get_FeatureClass(
  IFeatureClass** fclass
HRESULT putref_FeatureClass(
  IFeatureClass* fclass
fclass [out, retval]

fclass is a parameter of type IFeatureClass** fclass [in]
fclass is a parameter of type IFeatureClass*

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The FeatureClass data source for the layer.

See Also

IFeatureLayer Interface

.NET Samples

Create camera flyby from path Buffer snap agent Buffer snap agent Cut polygons without selection edit task Edit event listener Managing snap agents Custom reshape polyline edit task Editing using a custom form Custom vertex editing commands 3D dynamic element tracking Executing geoprocessing tools in the background Multivariate renderer Add a traversal result to the map ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Engine application Points along line construction tool Simple point plug-in data source Retrieve a color ramp from the SymbologyControl Retrieve a color ramp from the SymbologyControl Change layer rendering using the SymbologyControl Adding a real-time feed to ArcMap