The replica model type.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property ModelType As esriReplicaModelType
[C#] public esriReplicaModelType ModelType {get; set;}
HRESULT get_ModelType(
esriReplicaModelType ModelType
HRESULT put_ModelType(
esriReplicaModelType* ModelType
[C++] Parameters ModelType [in]
ModelType is a parameter of type esriReplicaModelType ModelType [out, retval]
ModelType is a parameter of type esriReplicaModelType*
This property returns the ModelType for existng replicas and allows you to set the type when creating a replica. Only one way replicas can have a type of either esriModelTypeSimple or esriModelTypeFullGeodatabase. Two way and check-out replicas always have a esriModelTypeFullGeodatabase model type.
The ModelType defines whether to output the data as simple datasets (esriModelTypeSimple) or as they are defined in the parent replica geodatabase (esriModelTypeFullGeodatabase). For example, when creating a replica from data with complex types such as a topologies or a geometric networks, a full model type includes the topolgies and geometric networks while the simple model does not.
By default this property is set to esriModelTypeFullGeodatabase.