The shape that determines which features are replicated.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property QueryGeometry As IGeometry
[C#] public IGeometry QueryGeometry {get; set;}
HRESULT get_QueryGeometry(
IGeometry* QueryGeometry
HRESULT putref_QueryGeometry(
IGeometry** QueryGeometry
[C++] Parameters QueryGeometry [in]
QueryGeometry is a parameter of type IGeometry* QueryGeometry [out, retval]
QueryGeometry is a parameter of type IGeometry**
This property returns the shape that is used to determine which features are to be replicated. The SpatialRelation property returns how this shape is applied as a filter. For example, if the Geometry is a polygon and the SpatialRelation is esriSpatialRelIntersects, any features that intersect the polygon are replicated.
If a geometry is not used for the replica, nothing is returned.
By default, the geometry is applied to all datasets in the replica description during replication.