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IGlobeDeployment Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > ArcGlobe > ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcGlobe > Interfaces > IG > IGlobeDeployment Interface
ArcGIS Developer Help

IGlobeDeployment Interface

Provides access to the Globe deployment.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires 3D Analyst Extension.


Name Description
Method AddLayer Adds a layer to be deployed.
Read/write property DefaultCacheLocation The default location for setting/copying the caches.
Method Deploy Perform the deployment operations.
Read/write property Document The deployed document.
Method GetCacheOp The operation to be performed with the cache of a layer.
Method GetCacheOpByIndex The operation to be performed with the cache of a layer by index.
Method GetCachePath The deployment cache for a layer.
Method GetCachePathByIndex The deployment cache path of a layer by index.
Method GetLayer Gets a layer by index.
Method GetTablePath Get each of the absolute and local cache paths accumulated.
Read-only property LayerCount The number of layers to be deployed.
Read-only property LocalPath The local path corresponding to the given absolute path.
Read-only property PathTableCount The number of different cache paths accumulated.
Method PutCacheOp The operation to be performed with the cache.
Method PutCachePath The deployment cache for a layer.
Method PutTablePath Set an entry in the path table.
Method RemoveAllLayers Removes all layers from the deployment list.
Method RemoveLayer Removes a layer from the deployment list.
Read/write property SaveDocumentName The full name of the new document to be saved.
Read/write property SaveNewDocument Indicates whether a new document will be saved as opposed to modifying the current one.
Read-only property Summary The text summary describing the deployment configuration.
Read/write property UseLocalPaths Indicates whether to use internal local paths for data caches, given by the path table.

Classes that implement IGlobeDeployment

Classes Description
GlobeDeployment The ArcGlobe deployment object.