Name |
Description |
Abbreviation |
The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component. |
Alias |
The alias of this spatial reference component. |
AngularUnitCode |
The angular unit code. |
AngularUnitName |
The angular unit name. |
Azimuth |
The azimuth of a projected coordinate system. |
CentralMeridian |
The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. |
CentralMeridianInDegrees |
The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system in degrees. |
CentralParallel |
The central parallel (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system. |
Classification |
The classification of a map projection. |
Create |
Create the spatial reference using the currently set properties. |
CreateFromFile |
Create the spatial reference from a projection file. |
DatumCode |
The datum code. |
DatumName |
The datum name. |
Domain |
The extent of the X/Y domain. |
FactoryCode |
The factory code of the spatial reference. |
FalseEasting |
The false easting (X0) of a projected coordinate system. |
FalseNorthing |
The false northing (Y0) of a projected coordinate system. |
FalseOriginAndUnits |
The false origin and units. |
Flattening |
The flattening ratio of this spheroid. |
GCSCode |
The geographic coordinate system code. |
GCSName |
The geographic coordinate system name. |
HasMPrecision |
Indicates whether or not m-value precision information has been defined. |
HasXYPrecision |
Indicates whether or not (x,y) precision information has been defined. |
HasZPrecision |
Indicates whether or not z-value precision information has been defined. |
IsHighPrecision |
The HighPrecision property. |
LatitudeOf1st |
The latitude of the first point (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. |
LatitudeOf2nd |
The latitude of the second point (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. |
LinearUnitCode |
The linear unit code. |
LinearUnitName |
The linear unit name. |
Longitude |
The longitude value of this prime meridian. |
Longitude |
The longitude value of this prime meridian. |
LongitudeOf1st |
The longitude of the first point (Lambda 1) of a projected coordinate system. |
LongitudeOf2nd |
The longitude of the second point (Lambda 2) of a projected coordinate system. |
LongitudeOfOrigin |
The longitude of origin (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. |
MDomain |
The extent of the measure domain. |
MFalseOriginAndUnits |
The measure false origin and units. |
MResolution |
The MResolution property. |
MTolerance |
The MTolerance property. |
Name |
The name of this spatial reference component. |
PCSCode |
The projected coordinate system code. |
PCSName |
The projected coordinate system name. |
PrimeMeridianCode |
The prime meridian code. |
PrimeMeridianName |
The prime meridian name. |
ProjectionCode |
The projection code. |
ProjectionName |
The projection name. |
RadiansPerUnit |
The radians per angular unit. |
Remarks |
The comment string of this spatial reference component. |
ScaleFactor |
The scale factor (K0) of a projected coordinate system. |
SemiMajorAxis |
The semi-major axis length of this spheroid. |
SemiMinorAxis |
The semi-minor axis length of this spheroid. |
SetDomain |
Get the domain extent. |
SetFalseOriginAndUnits |
Get the false origin and units. |
SetMDomain |
Get the measure domain extent. |
SetMFalseOriginAndUnits |
Get the measure false origin and units. |
SetZDomain |
Get the Z domain extent. |
SetZFalseOriginAndUnits |
Get the Z false origin and units. |
SpatialReference |
The spatial reference object. |
SpheroidCode |
The spheroid code. |
SpheroidName |
The spheroid name. |
StandardParallel1 |
The first parallel (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. |
StandardParallel2 |
The second parallel (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. |
Type |
The type of the spatial reference. |
Usage |
The usage notes of a projected coordinate system. |
XYResolution |
The XYResolution property. |
XYTolerance |
The XYTolerance property. |
ZDomain |
The extent of the Z domain. |
ZFalseOriginAndUnits |
The Z false origin and units. |
ZResolution |
The ZResolution property. |
ZTolerance |
The ZTolerance property. |