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Finds the destination corresponding to the given network location.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function FindDestinationIndex ( _ ByVal Location As INALocation, _ ByVal curbApproach As esriNACurbApproachType _ ) As Integer
[C#] public int FindDestinationIndex ( INALocation Location, esriNACurbApproachType curbApproach );
HRESULT FindDestinationIndex(
INALocation* Location,
esriNACurbApproachType curbApproach
[C++] Parameters Location [in]
Location is a parameter of type INALocation* curbApproach [in]
curbApproach is a parameter of type esriNACurbApproachType
Given a network location and curb approach, this method returns the internal index of a matching destination location. The internal index values range from 0 through INAODCostMatrix.DestinationCount - 1. There may be more than one matching destination location, in which case an arbitrary index value is returned.
If a matching destination index cannot be determined, the integer value -1 is returned.