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INetworkTrafficConfiguration2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
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INetworkTrafficConfiguration2 Interface

Provides access to the network traffic configuration.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Name Description
Read-only property DayOfWeekNameGroups The weekday names for each day (in groups of 7) used for part of the Streets-Profiles table daily profile ID field names.
Read-only property DefaultFirstTimeSliceStartTime The default start time of the first time slice.
Read-only property DefaultLastTimeSliceFinishTime The default finish time of the last time slice.
Read-only property DynamicTrafficTMCFullNames The candidate TMC field names in the Streets-TMC table.
Read-only property JoinTableProfileIDFieldBaseNames The candidate base names forming part of each Streets-Profiles table daily profile ID field name.
Read-only property TimeSliceBaseNames The candidate base names for the travel time factor field names in the profiles table.
Read-only property TimeSliceBaseSpeedFactorNames The candidate base names for the speed factor field names in the profiles table.
Read-only property TrafficBaseFullNames The candidate full names in the specified unit for the base field name in the Streets-Profiles table.
Read-only property TrafficBaseSpeedBaseNames The candidate base names for the base speed field name in the Streets-Profiles table.
Read-only property TrafficBaseTravelTimeBaseNames The candidate base names for the base travel time field name in the Streets-Profiles table.
Read-only property TrafficSpeedUnitNames The candidate speed unit names for the speed unit of the base speed field in the Streets-Profiles table.
Read-only property TrafficTimeUnitNames The candidate time unit names for the time unit of the base travel time field in the Streets-Profiles table.
Read-only property WeekdayFallbackTemplateAttributeNames The preferred weekday fallback template travel time attribute names used by the network edge traffic evaluator.
Read-only property WeekendFallbackTemplateAttributeNames The preferred weekend fallback template travel time attribute names used by the network edge traffic evaluator.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
INetworkTrafficConfiguration Provides access to the network traffic configuration.

Classes that implement INetworkTrafficConfiguration2

Classes Description
NetworkConfiguration Provides Network Configuration Information.