Name |
Description |
Abbreviation |
The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component. |
Alias |
The alias of this spatial reference component. |
Azimuth |
The azimuth of a projected coordinate system. |
CentralMeridian |
The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. |
CentralParallel |
The central parallel (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system. |
Changed |
Notify this object that some of its parts have changed (parameter values, z unit, etc.). |
CoordinateUnit |
The linear unit of a projected coordinate system. |
FactoryCode |
The factory code of the spatial reference. |
FalseEasting |
The false easting (X0) of a projected coordinate system. |
FalseNorthing |
The false northing (Y0) of a projected coordinate system. |
Forward |
Projects points from geographic to planar coordinates. |
GeographicCoordinateSystem |
The geographic coordinate system of a projected coordinate system. |
GetCentralLongitude |
Returns CentralLongitude of the projected coordinate system. Always defined, unlike CentralMeridian or LongitudeOfCenter. |
GetDomain |
Get the domain extent. |
GetFalseOriginAndUnits |
Get the false origin and units. |
GetGCSParams |
Returns 180 degrees and horizon delta in proper GCS units. |
GetHorizon |
Returns the standard horizon polygon, its envelope, and whether it is inclusive or exclusive; the horizon polygon may be 0. |
GetMDomain |
Get the measure domain extent. |
GetMFalseOriginAndUnits |
Get the measure false origin and units. |
GetNorthPole |
Returns north pole in projected coordinates, or an empty point if north pole is outside the PCS horizon. |
GetNorthPoleGeometry |
Returns type of north pole geometry. |
GetNorthPoleLocation |
Returns type of location of north pole with respect to PCS horizon. |
GetParameters |
Gets the map projection parameters of a projected coordinate system. The array size needs to be esriSR_MaxParameterCountPrivate. |
GetPCSHorizon |
Returns PCS horizon polygon, its envelope and whether it is inclusive or exclusive; the horizon polygon may be 0. |
GetShiftedHorizon |
Returns the horizon polygon, shifted once or twice, west/east of standard horizon for a negative/positive shift. |
GetSouthPole |
Returns south pole in projected coordinates, or an empty point if south pole is outside the PCS horizon. |
GetSouthPoleGeometry |
Returns type of south pole geometry. |
GetSouthPoleLocation |
Returns type of location of south pole with respect to PCS horizon. |
GetZDomain |
Get the Z domain extent. |
GetZFalseOriginAndUnits |
Get the Z false origin and units. |
HasMPrecision |
Returns true when m-value precision information has been defined. |
HasXYPrecision |
Returns true when (x,y) precision information has been defined. |
HasZPrecision |
Returns true when z-value precision information has been defined. |
Height |
The height above the sphere in projected coordinate system units. |
Horizon |
The mathematical limits of a projected coordinate system. |
HorizonCount |
The number of shapes that describe the limits of a ProjCS. |
Inverse |
Projects points from planar to geographic coordinates. |
InverseWithShift |
Projects points from planar to geographic coordinates. Deals with geographic coordinates in ranges other than +-180. |
IsEqualNoNames |
Compares two projected coordinate systems for equality but ignores their names. |
IsHorizonConvexHull |
Returns true if PCS horizon is convex. |
IsHorizonEdgeDuplicated |
Returns true if some edges of PCS horizon project inversely to identical lines. |
IsHorizonEntireWorld |
Returns true if PCS horizon contains the entire world. |
IsPrecisionEqual |
Returns TRUE when the precision information for the two spatial references is the same. |
LatitudeOf1st |
The latitude of the first point (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. |
LatitudeOf2nd |
The latitude of the second point (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. |
LatitudeOfCenter |
The latitude of center (Phi C) of a projected coordinate system. |
LatitudeOfOrigin |
The latitude of the origin (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system. |
LongitudeOf1st |
The longitude of the first point (Lambda 1) of a projected coordinate system. |
LongitudeOf2nd |
The longitude of the second point (Lambda 2) of a projected coordinate system. |
LongitudeOfCenter |
The longitude of center (Lam C) of a projected coordinate system. |
LongitudeOfOrigin |
The longitude of origin (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system. |
Name |
The name of this spatial reference component. |
PrecisionExImpl |
An opaque reference to the precision information (including z/m awareness) implementation for this spatial reference. |
PrecisionImpl |
An opaque reference to the precision information implementation for this spatial reference. |
Projection |
The map projection of a projected coordinate system. |
PseudoStandardParallel1 |
The latitude on an oblique spheroid that defines the oblique cone for a Krovak projected coordinate system. |
PutLinearAndAngularUnits |
Modify linear unit of projected coordinates and angular unit of associated geographic coordinates. |
Remarks |
The comment string of this spatial reference component. |
Rotation |
The rotation value used to change the axis directions in a Krovak projected coordinate system. |
ScaleFactor |
The scale factor (K0) of a projected coordinate system. |
SetDomain |
Set the xy domain extent. |
SetFalseOriginAndUnits |
Set the false origin and units. |
SetMDomain |
Set the measure domain extent. |
SetMFalseOriginAndUnits |
Set the measure false origin and units. |
SetZDomain |
Set the z domain extent. |
SetZFalseOriginAndUnits |
Set the Z false origin and units. |
SpatialReferenceImpl |
SpatialReferenceImpl. |
StandardParallel1 |
The first parallel (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system. |
StandardParallel2 |
The second parallel (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system. |
Usage |
The usage notes of a projected coordinate system. |
XScaleFactor |
The X axis scale value used to flip the axis direction in a Krovak projected coordinate system. |
YScaleFactor |
The Y axis scale value used to flip the axis direction in a Krovak projected coordinate system. |
ZCoordinateUnit |
The unit for the Z coordinate. |