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IRasterFunctionArguments Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > DataSourcesRaster > ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster > Interfaces > IR > IRasterFunctionArguments Interface
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IRasterFunctionArguments Interface

Provides access to members that control raster function arguments.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read-only property FileList The list of all files associated with the arguments.
Method GetValue Gets a named argument value.
Read-only property Names The list of all argument names.
Method PutValue Puts a named argument value.
Method Remove Removes a named argument value.
Method RemoveAll Removes all argument values.
Method Resolve Resolves function variables using a row and set of properties.
Method Update Updates function variables using a row and set of properties.
Read-only property Values The list of all arguments.

Classes that implement IRasterFunctionArguments

Classes Description
ArgStatisticsFunctionArguments A class for a function raster dataset.
ArithmeticFunctionArguments A class for colormap raster function arguments.
BandArithmeticFunctionArguments A class for Band Arithmetic raster function arguments.
CachedRasterFunctionArguments The cached raster function arguments.
ClassifyFunctionArguments A class for classify raster function arguments.
ClipFunctionArguments The class for a raster clipping function arguments.
ColormapFunctionArguments A class for colormap raster function arguments.
ColorspaceConversionFunctionArguments The class for raster colorspace conversion arguments.
CompositeBandFunctionArguments A class for a band composition raster function arguments.
ConditionalFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) A class for local conditional function arguments.
ConstantFunctionArguments The arguments for the constant raster function.
ContrastBrightnessFunctionArguments The Contrast/Brighntess arguments.
ConvolutionFunctionArguments A class for convolution raster function arguments.
CurvatureFunctionArguments Curvature function arguments.
DownsampleFunctionArguments A class for downsample raster function arguments.
ExcludedAreaFunctionArguments The arguments for the ExcludedArea raster function.
ExtractBandFunctionArguments A class for band extraction/selection raster function arguments.
FootprintFunctionArguments The arguments for the Footprint raster function.
GeometricFunctionArguments A class for raster geometric function arguments.
GrayscaleFunctionArguments The greyscale conversion function arguments.
HillshadeFunctionArguments The Hillshade function arguments.
InterpolateIrregularDataFunctionArguments A class for the InterpolateIrregularData function arguments.
LasDatasetToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The LasDatasetToRasterFunction arguments.
LasToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The LasToRasterFunction arguments.
LocalFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) A class for local function arguments.
MaskFunctionArguments The raster mask function arguments.
MathFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) A class for math function arguments.
MergeRastersFunctionArguments A class for tiled raster function arguments.
MLClassifyFunctionArguments (esriGeoAnalyst) The ML classification function arguments.
MosaicFunctionArguments A class for raster mosaic function arguments.
MosaicRastersFunctionArguments A class for mosaicrasters function arguments.
MultidimensionalFilterFunctionArguments A class for multidimensional filter function arguments.
MultidimensionalRasterFunctionArguments A class for multidimensional raster function arguments.
NDVIFunctionArguments A class for NDVI raster function arguments.
PanSharpenGramSchmidtFunctionArguments Pan Sharpen Gram Schmidt function arguments.
PansharpeningFunctionArguments A class for sharpening raster function arguments.
PyramidFunctionArguments A class for a Pyramid raster function arguments.
PythonAdapterFunctionArguments A class for an python adaptor raster function arguments.
RadarCalibrationFunctionArguments A class for radiometric calibration function arguments.
RandomFunctionArguments The arguments for the random raster function.
RasterFunctionTemplateArguments A class for template function arguments.
RasterInfoFunctionArguments The raster info function arguments.
RasterItemFunctionArguments A class for raster item function arguments.
RasterizeFeatureClassFunctionArguments A class for RasterizeFeatureClass raster function arguments.
RecastFunctionArguments A class for a function invocation function arguments.
ReflectanceFunctionArguments A class for Apparent Reflectance raster function arguments.
RegionGrowFunctionArguments A class for a RegionGrow raster function arguments.
RemapFunctionArguments A class for remap raster function arguments.
RemoveHazeFunctionArguments A class for remove haze function arguments.
RenderedRasterFunctionArguments A class for rendered raster function arguments.
ReprojectFunctionArguments The Reproject function arguments.
ResampleFunctionArguments A class for resampling function arguments.
S1RadiometricCalibrationFunctionArguments A class for Sentinel-1 radiometric calibration function arguments.
SAIFunctionArguments The Slope-Aspect Index (SAI) function arguments.
SegmentToIndexFunctionArguments A class for SegmentToIndex raster function arguments.
ShadedReliefFunctionArguments The Shaded Relief function arguments.
SlopeFunctionArguments The Slope function arguments.
SpeckleFunctionArguments A class for speckle raster function arguments.
SpectralConversionFunctionArguments The spectral conversion function arguments.
StatisticsFunctionArguments A class for statistics raster function arguments.
StatisticsHistogramFunctionArguments A class for statistics and histogram raster function arguments.
StretchFunctionArguments A class for stretch raster function arguments.
SwathFunctionArguments A class for the swath function arguments.
TableFunctionArguments A class for table raster function arguments.
TerrainToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) The TerrainToRasterFunction arguments.
ThresholdFunctionArguments A class for binary thresholding function arguments.
TransposeBitsFunctionArguments A class for a function raster dataset.
TrendFunctionArguments The Trend function arguments.
UnitConversionFunctionArguments A class for Unit Conversion raster function arguments.
WeightedOverlayFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) The weighted overlay function arguments.
WeightedSumFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) The weighted sum function arguments.

.NET Samples

Create a custom raster function Create a custom raster function Create a custom raster function Create an NDVI custom raster function Create an NDVI custom raster function