IServerObjectManager2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
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ArcGIS Developer Help

IServerObjectManager2 Interface

Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager for server object extensions.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.




Name Description
Method CreateServerContext Gets a reference to a server context. The server context can be based on a specified server object configuration, or can be an empty server context if no server object configuration is specified.
Read-only property FolderInfo Properties associated with a server configuration folder.
Method GetConfigurationInfo Gets the ServerObjectConfigurationInfo for the specified Name and TypeName.
Method GetConfigurationInfos An enumerator over all the GIS server's ServerObjectConfigurationInfos.
Method GetConfigurationInfosEx An enumerator over all the ArcGIS server's ServerObjectExtensionInfos in a given folder.
Method GetConfigurationStatus Get the configuration status for a server object configuration with the specified Name and TypeName.
Method GetExtensionTypeInfos An enumerator over all the ArcGIS server's ServerObjectExtensionTypeInfos.
Method GetFolders An array of folder names in the server configuration folder.
Method GetServerDirectoryInfos An enumerator over all the GIS server's ServerDirectoryInfos.
Method GetTypeInfos An enumerator over all the GIS server's ServerObjectTypeInfos.
Read-only property SystemInfo The properties of the underlying system hardware and software.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IServerObjectManager Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager.

Classes that implement IServerObjectManager2

Classes Description
ServerObjectManager The ServerObjectManager object which creates ServerContext, ServerObjectConfigurationInfo and ServerObjectTypeInfo objects.


IServerObjectManager2 provides a method to retrieve an enumeration of server object extension types through IExtensionTypeInfos.  The IServerObjectExtensionTypeInfo interface provides the name and description of a server object extension type.

IServerObjectManager2 also provides access to properties of the GIS server's sytem configuration, such as it operating sytem type.

This interface can be obtained by a query interface with IServerObjectManager.