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ITerrainAsciiDataImporter Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GeodatabaseExtensions > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabaseExtensions > Interfaces > IT > ITerrainAsciiDataImporter Interface
ArcGIS Developer Help

ITerrainAsciiDataImporter Interface

Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data in ASCII format. Note: the ITerrainAsciiDataImporter interface has been superseded by ITerrainAsciiDataImporter2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The ITerrainAsciiDataImporter interface is inherited from ITerrainDataImporter and adds its ASCII specific member used to specify the file format of the ASCII files that will be processed.


Name Description
Method AddFile Include a specific file to be loaded upon Import.
Method AddFolder Include a folder, and potentially subfolders, to be loaded upon import.
Read/write property FileFormat The format of the data to be imported.
Method GetDataExtent The XYZ extent of data contained in files/folders to be added.
Method GetPointCount The number of points in the files/folders to be added.
Method Import Loads the specified data, based on the current properties, into the target feature class.
Read-only property MaxShapePointCount The maximum number of points loaded into individual multipoint shapes.
Method OverwriteMaxShapePointCount Changes the default maximum number of points loaded into individual multipoint shapes.
Method SetEmpty Clears all properties.
Method SetSourceDataSpatialReference Set source data's spatial reference.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITerrainDataImporter Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data.

Classes that implement ITerrainAsciiDataImporter

Classes Description
TerrainAsciiDataImporter Esri Terrain ASCII Data Importer object.