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Find the geometries in the target raster.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Sub Vectorize ( _ ByVal useSelection As Boolean, _ ByVal extent As IEnvelope, _ ByVal callbackGeom As INotifyGeometryFound, _ ByVal cancel As ITrackCancel, _ ByVal stepProgressor As IStepProgressor _ )
[C#] public void Vectorize ( bool useSelection, IEnvelope extent, INotifyGeometryFound callbackGeom, ITrackCancel cancel, IStepProgressor stepProgressor );
This method is called by the Generate Features command and the Generate Features Inside Area tool.
The following code shows an example of this method in C#.
//You can get app from ICommand :: OnCreate() hook parameter
public void Vectorize(IApplication app)
if (app != null)
IVectorization vectorization = app.FindExtensionByName("ESRI ArcScan Tools") as IVectorization;
IMxDocument mxDoc = app.Document as IMxDocument;
INotifyGeometryFound notifyGeom = new FoundGeom();
vectorization.Vectorize(false, mxDoc.ActiveView.Extent, notifyGeom, null, null);
Also create a new class (FoundGeom) with the following code. This provides the callback mechanism for the returned geometry.
public class FoundGeom : INotifyGeometryFound
public FoundGeom()
#region INotifyGeometryFound Members
void INotifyGeometryFound.AddGeometry(IGeometry shape, double LineWidth)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Found geometry type " + shape.GeometryType);