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IWCSServiceDescription2 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GISClient > ESRI.ArcGIS.GISClient > Interfaces > IW > IWCSServiceDescription2 Interface
ArcGIS Developer Help

IWCSServiceDescription2 Interface

Provides access to members give access to WCS2ServiceDescription information.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read-only property Abstract Abstract of WCS Service.
Read-only property AccessConstrains Constrains to access to this WCS Service.
Read-only property BaseURL Base url for given capability and request method.
Read-only property CoverageDescriptionByIndex WCS coverage information at the given index.
Read-only property CoverageDescriptionByName CoverageDescription by name.
Read-only property CoverageDescriptionCount WCS coverage count.
Read-only property CoverageRequestUrl The URL to download the coverage from.
Read-only property CRS Available CRS at the given index.
Read-only property CRSCount Supported CRS count.
Read-only property DefaultInterpolation The default interpolation.
Read-only property ExceptionFormat Supported exception at the given index.
Read-only property ExceptionFormatCount Supported exception format count.
Method FireWCSException Notifies listeners about a valid exception from the WCS Service.
Method FireWCSRequest Notifies listeners about the URL request made to this WCS Service.
Read-only property ImageFormat Available format at the given index.
Read-only property ImageFormatCount Supported formats count.
Read-only property Interpolation Available interpolation at the given index.
Read-only property InterpolationCount Supported interpolation count.
Read-only property Keyword Available keyword at the given index.
Read-only property KeywordCount Available keyword count.
Read-only property NativeCRS The native CRS or the first CRS if the native CRS is not given.
Read-only property NativeImageFormat The native format or the first format if the native format is not given.
Read-only property SupportedVersion Supported version at the given index.
Read-only property SupportedVersionsCount Supported versions count.
Read-only property Title Title of WCS Service.
Read-only property Version Default version of WCS Service.
Read-only property WCSName Name of WCS Service.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IWCSServiceDescription Provides access to members give access to WCSServiceDescription information.

Classes that implement IWCSServiceDescription2

Classes Description
WCSConnection The Connection for WCS.