The ArcGIS License Manager options file requires that internal feature names be used when a feature applicable options file keyword is used to control license usage. Listed below are the common feature name to internal feature name mappings. For any feature names not listed below, the internal feature name can be found by double-clicking the applicable feature in the License Server Administrator Availability view. At the foot of the pop-up will be displayed an Internal Feature Name.
ArcGIS Desktop
Common Feature Name | Internal Feature Name |
Desktop Advanced | ARC/INFO |
Desktop Standard | Editor |
Desktop Basic | Viewer |
3D Analyst Desktop | TIN |
Spatial Analyst Desktop | Grid |
Network Analyst Desktop | Network |
Geostatistical Analyst | GeoStats |
Data Interoperability Desktop | Interop |
Data Reviewer | DataReViewer |
Publisher | Publisher |
Schematics Desktop | Schematics |
Business Analyst Basic | Business |
Business Analyst Standard | BusinessPrem |
Tracking Analyst Desktop | Tracking |
Aviation Charting | Aeronautical |
Aviation Airports | AeronauticalB |
Maritime Charting | Nautical |
Maritime Bathymetry | NauticalB |
Defense Mapping | Defense |
Esri Roads and Highways | Highways |
Full Motion Video Desktop | Video |
Production Mapping | Foundation |
Workflow Manager | JTX |
Location Referencing Desktop | LocRefDesktop |
LocateXT Desktop | LocateXT |
StreetMap Premium North America | smpNAmerica |
StreetMap Premium Europe | smpEurope |
StreetMap Premium Middle East & Africa | smpMidEAfrica |
StreetMap Premium Asia Pacific | smpAsiaPacific |
StreetMap Premium Latin America | smpLAmerica |
StreetMap Premium Japan | smpJapan |
ArcGIS Engine
Common Feature Name | Internal Feature Name |
ArcGIS Engine | StandardEngine |
3D Analyst Engine | 3DEngine |
Geodatabase Update | GDBEdit |
Data Interoperability Engine | InteropEngine |
Schematics Engine | SchematicEngine |
Spatial Analyst Engine | SpatialEngine |
Tracking Analyst Engine | TrackingEngine |
Network Analyst Engine | NetworkEngine |
ArcGIS Pro
Common Feature Name | Internal Feature Name |
ArcGIS Pro Advanced | desktopAdvP |
ArcGIS Pro Standard | desktopStdP |
ArcGIS Pro Basic | desktopBasicP |
3D Analyst Pro | 3DAnalystP |
Aviation Airports Pro | airportsP |
Aviation Charting Pro | aviationP |
Business Analyst Pro | businessStdP |
Data Reviewer Pro | dataReviewerP |
Data Interoperability Pro | dataInteropP |
Defense Mapping Pro | defenseP |
Geostatistical Analyst Pro | geostatAnalystP |
Image Analyst Pro | imageAnalystP |
Indoors Pro | indoorsP |
Location Referencing Pro | locRefP |
LocateXT Pro | locateXTP |
Maritime Bathymetry Pro | bathymetryP |
Maritime Charting Pro | maritimeP |
Network Analyst Pro | networkAnalystP |
Production Mapping Pro | productionMapP |
Publisher Pro | publisherP |
Reality Pro | realityP |
Spatial Analyst Pro | spatialAnalystP |
Workflow Manager Pro | workflowMgrP |
StreetMap Premium North America Pro | smpNAmericaP |
StreetMap Premium Europe Pro | smpEuropeP |
StreetMap Premium Middle East & Africa Pro | smpMidEAfricaP |
StreetMap Premium Asia Pacific Pro | smpAsiaPacificP |
StreetMap Premium Latin America Pro | smpLAmericaP |
StreetMap Premium Japan Pro | smpJapanP |
ArcGIS CityEngine
Common Feature Name | Internal Feature Name |
CityEngine Advanced | CityEngAdv |