Starting with ArcGIS 10.4 License Manager and newer (including ArcGIS License Manager 2024.0), ArcGIS Pro can be authorized for use by either concurrent use licensing or by connecting to an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal, which requires an ArcGIS License Manager configuration. The same ArcGIS License Manager that manages concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS for Engine, and ArcGIS CityEngine licenses will also manage ArcGIS Pro concurrent use, and ArcGIS Pro or Premium App named user licenses through an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal.
All functionality for authorization and configuration of ArcGIS License Manager for ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Engine, and ArcGIS CityEngine concurrent use, apply also to ArcGIS Pro concurrent use and remain unchanged with ArcGIS License Manager 2024.0.
For information on installing and authorizing ArcGIS License Manager, please refer to the License Manager Installation and Startup topic. For authorizing ArcGIS Pro concurrent use licenses, please refer to the information contained in the License Manager Installation and Startup. For setting up ArcGIS Pro application to run as either concurrent use, or named user, refer to the Set up section of the ArcGIS Pro help documentation.
Instructions for creating an ArcGIS Pro named user license file, authorizing named user license files on the License Manager, or exporting a portal configuration file from License Manager can be found in the Configure License Manager for use with ArcGIS Enterprise Portal topic.
Useful information and best practices for configuring the ArcGIS License Manager for use with an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal can be found within the Useful Information and Best Practices topic.
Details for administering ArcGIS Pro named user entitlements in an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal can be found in the Manage Licenses section of the ArcGIS Enterprise help documentation.
Information for managing portals and licenses in the ArcGIS Pro software can be found in the Set up sections of the ArcGIS Pro Help.
For Premium Apps that require a named user license via an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal, the process for setting up and configuring the License Manager to work with the portal is the same as the process for ArcGIS Pro named user. Please refer to the relevant document for the applicable Premium App for more information.