Creates one or more grids and graticules layers from multiple selected areas of interest (AOIs) with the Esri Defense Mapping Make Defense Grids and Graticules tool. A grids and graticules layer is a group layer composed of point, line, polygon, and annotation feature classes. Masking and symbology are applied to the layers within the group layer to create feature-based cartographic effects for high-end map products.
This tool supports the creation of single, dual, and zipper zone grids. Zone type is automatically determined by the selected features within the input area of interest. This tool automatically determines which grid template .xml is used in grid generation.
This tool creates one grids and graticules layer per selected feature in the Input Area of Interest.
You can create new or edit existing grid templates using the Grids and Graticules Designer in the Esri Production Mapping or Esri Defense Mapping solutions.
Encontrará las plantillas de cuadrícula en el directorio <ArcGIS installation directory>\GridTemplates\DefenseMapping.
The Reference Scale parameter is used when creating grids and graticules layer features. Reference scale can be set within the Grid Template (XML) file or read from the current ArcGIS environment.
BatchDefenseGrids_defense (in_aoi_features, grid_type, template, in_workspace, in_dataset, grid_field, reference_scale, mask_margin)
Parámetro | Explicación | Tipo de datos |
in_aoi_features | The polygon feature layer that contains one or more selected features. A grids and graticules layer is created for each selected feature. | Layer |
grid_type | Indicates the type of Defense Mapping cartographic product that will include a grid. This tool uses the in_aoi_features extent and the grid_type to populate the template parameter with an appropriate grid .xml file. If grid_type is set to NONE, the template parameter will not autopopulate. Set grid_type to NONE to manually select a template .xml file.
| String |
template | XML file that stores a cartographic specification's graphic properties for each grid layer. These properties define the features and elements that compose a grids and graticules layer. | File |
in_workspace | Workspace used in conjunction with the input Feature Dataset. | Workspace |
in_dataset | The feature dataset that will store the grids and graticules layer feature classes. This tool will create the feature dataset if it does not exist. The feature dataset name is appended to all feature classes. Existing feature classes will be overwritten if you reexecute the tool with the same input parameters. | String |
grid_field | The in_aoi_layer field whose values are used to name each grids and graticules layer. These values are also used to name the ANO_Masks feature classes created in in_dataset. | Field |
reference_scale | The scale at which the grids and graticules layer features are created and should be viewed. If this parameter is not set, the tool will use the reference scale set in the Grid Template (XML) file. If reference scale in the Grid Template (XML) file is defined as Use Environment, the parameter value is derived in the following order:
| Double |
mask_margin | The amount of space that exists between the side of the annotation and the edge of the mask polygon feature. The units can be defined in page or map units. The default value is 0.2 millimeters. This creates a mask that is 0.2 millimeters, in page units, from the edge of any part of the grid annotation. | Linear unit |
Muestra de código
BatchDefenseGrids example (Python window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the BatchDefenseGrids tool.
# set the gp environment
# make sure there's a grids.gdb
if arcpy.Exists("c:/data/grids.gdb")==False:
# Local variables for all tools
aoiFc="C:/Program Files (x86)/ArcGIS/EsriDefenseMapping/Desktop10.2/ReferenceData/MapIndex.mdb/MapIndex/TLM100_Index"
nrnFeatures="NRN in ('V695X1662','V695X1364')"
gridXml="C:/Program Files (x86)/ArcGIS/Desktop10.2/GridTemplates/DefenseMapping/TLM100_Single.xml"
maskMargin="50 Meters"
# create a feature layer from the AOI feature class if it doesn't exist
if arcpy.Exists(aoiLayer)==False:
# select some features
# if there are selected features
desc = arcpy.Describe("TLM100_Index")
if len(desc.FIDSet.split(";")) > 0:
# execute the tool
arcpy.BatchDefenseGrids_defense(aoiLayer, gridType, gridXml, gridsWorkspace, gridsDataset, gridField, referenceScale, maskMargin)
print "No features selected - did not execute BatchDefenseGrids"
Información sobre licencias
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Requiere Defense Mapping