Determines the type and seed that will be used to create random numbers between 0 and 1 for all tools that utilize random numbers, for example, CreateRandomRaster, CreateRandomPoints, and the ArcGIS.Rand() function.
Returned from the randomGenerator environment.
Descripción general del método
Método | Explicación |
exportToString () | Exports the object to its string representation. |
loadFromString (string) | Restore the object using its string representation. The exportToString method can be used to create a string representation. |
exportToString ()
Valor de retorno
Tipo de datos | Explicación |
String | The string representation of the object. |
loadFromString (string)
Parámetro | Explicación | Tipo de datos |
string | The string representation of the object. | String |
Muestra de código
RandomNumberGenerator example
Demonstrate how to create a random number generator object.
import arcpy
# Cannot create RandomNumberGenerator object directly,
# but is returned from CreateRandomValueGenerator function.
# CreateRandomValueGenerator takes 2 arguments, seed and distribution
# method. The distribution method options are ACM599,
# The gen variable is a randomNumberGenerator object that is assigned
# to the randomGenerator environments setting.
arcpy.env.randomGenerator = arcpy.CreateRandomValueGenerator(20, "STANDARD_C")
# Calculate a random number using the arcgis.rand() function
result = arcpy.CalculateValue_management("arcgis.rand('normal 0.0 10.0')")
# Get the value from the result object and print it to the Python window.
val = float(result.getOutput(0))