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When a geodatabase is created using the Geodatabase Builder tool, the topology is not created. This is because the rules cannot be defined in the Excel file on which the geodatabase is based. Instead, the topology can be imported from an XML file that is included with Defense Mapping using the Import Topology command.
If changes are made to the topology rules, the Import Topology command can also be used to update the topology that is currently in the geodatabase.
- Inicie ArcCatalog.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Defense Mapping.
- Navigate to the dataset in which you want to import the topology in the Catalog tree window.
- On the Defense Mapping toolbar, click Defense Mapping > Import Topology.
The Import Topology dialog box appears.
- Click the ellipsis (...) next to the Topology XML File text box.
The Open topology XML document dialog box appears.
- Navigate to the XML file that contains the topology you want to load.
The Defense Mapping topology files are installed in the <Installation location>\Program Files\ESRIDefenseMapping\Desktop10.2.1\[Product Name]\Schema\TopoRules directory.
- Click Open.
The Import Topology dialog box appears.
- Click OK.
The Import Topology progress window appears.
- Click OK to close the window when the process is complete.