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You may be interested in predicting a value for a specific location or multiple locations but not the entire surface. For example, you may be concerned about the level of radiation at a particular house, the elevation at a proposed lookout tower, or the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) level at a swimming area.
The easiest way to look for prediction values for a few individual locations is to use MapTips. However, if you want to save the specific location predictions to an output layer for additional analysis, it is best to use the steps outlined below.
- Right-click the geostatistical layer in the ArcMap table of contents that was created using observed data and click Validation/Prediction.
- In the GA Layer To Points tool use the Point observation locations to choose locations for which you want to obtain predictions.
- Select the appropriate attribute in the Field to validate on.
- Specify the output feature class.
- Click OK.
- Right-click the prediction layer and click Open Attribute Table to display the results.
The predicted values at the specified locations will be displayed in the table.